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BOOM 2012, what a shame!!

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  162
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Posted : Apr 21, 2012 19:12
there is a real paradox in psytrance as the commercial part is needed i guess to generate money..but everyone like these parties that are not made for making money

Started Topics :  7
Posts :  143
Posted : Apr 21, 2012 19:44
BOOM Response

Hello everybody

What we can say is that is one more Boom rumour.

That is not true, that is one more campaign against Boom. Unfortunately, once again, in a culture that should be about peace, love, respect and education, there's too many people working on making waves and wars between organizers.

May we remind all those people that, for instance, the Boom and Ozora agreed on dates for 2012.

The exclusivity clause IS NOT TRUE.

The Boom wants to deliver diversity and its program is much more than a psytrance dancefloor.
Artists are free to choose wherever they want to play and we are free to choose who we want to participate at Boom 2012.

If people that are spreading that rumour, what we can ask them is to show the contracts.

In the last decade or so, Boom has been targeted by rumours. It won't affect the Boom those movements to increase antagonism.
Our focus is on delivering diversity and a new world, the experience of a new world.

We will keep on doing the same pathway based on our principles, they are too evident for people to make a negative impact out of it.

Too bad there is so much need for a warfare relationship between people, surely Boom is not advocating that in the last 15 years.

With love and Light
Boom Team -------------------------------------------

Boom Festival

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Posted : Today at 16:41

@ Liberation26

Thanks for raising that subject. We at Boom believe in a whole new approach on communication based on respect, love and education. Our program and our values speak for itself.

Because we believe in the truth and we work for the benefit of a culture, the psychedelic culture and all its diverse tribes from all over the world, we also like to make things clear.

That is why, we are posting here, a glimpse of one email sent to one of the artists that will play at Boom, regarding that issue you are mentioning without solid base:

"We really don't want to sound difficult or exclusivist, our vision is just that we want to give public something special. If they see most of the line up in 2, 3 or 4 festivals, is not good for the overall music culture of the scene.

On the other side, if we are repeating most names, that will also affect the chances of upcoming artists to perform on big festivals, which is not fair as well for all those that try hard and have talent. (...)

Everybody's free to play everywhere of course! ;-)

At the moment, we are not booking artists that will play for other festivals. We've always been friends of the exOzora team, had great connection, agreed on dates for 2012, and we want to keep on going on a positive way with everybody. (...) We've been at Ozora before and always enjoyed it at the fullest!

On that sense, our only resistance is that the 2 biggest festivals don't repeat most names, for the benefit of the scene. It will happen already with some, at least we want to avoid more to happen.

We hope this make things clear. Sincerity and respect are part of our believes, as you can see here.

With Love and Light
Boom Team           
It took me 20 minutes to come up with this signature.

Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 21, 2012 20:35
Dear OzMike. I have indded completely left this scene a while back for a IMO much more vibrant Deep House/Tech House scene. That does not mean I can not have a saying in a forum

My point got nothing to do with "cashing in" as you false assume. Its go to do with I seriously hate organizers or any other music bizz people trying to tie down artists.

In the end it's an individual choice but I personally would tell them to go ...... themselves.

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 22, 2012 02:35
I don't agree at all with this "exclusively brought to you by BOOM Festival" idea, even if this idea is coated with sugar as the Boom org response is. The whole idea behind this exclusivity is: let's get all we can, the others?, drop dead!! Psy scene in Iberia is ours!!

Mr. Margherita said he signed. Of course. But what about lesser known, good acts, who were pushed against the wall with a pen and a contract? Those who defend BOOM have lost the sense of freedom, of music for all. Money is important, but it can't silence one's liberty. Is it old fashioned, to think of liberty, freedom while the reality of money is more concrete? Yes, it is, but it shouldn't be. Principles, the good ones, don't get old. They are not corrupted. I say again, shame on BOOM! For changing that principle. Better stop writing about love, peace and blah-blah-blah, it does not match what you are doing at all. And shame on you, artists and orgs, who are defending Boom! Win the lottery and disappear from the scene
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 22, 2012 05:19
I meant nothing hurtful, though I can understand it may have come that way Beat Agency. And yes you have every right to have a say on this forum as you do on any other, I did not meant to say you didn't and apologise. Lastly, I understand you do not like cashing in an that's your choice, personally I see art as something one spends time on and those that appreciate should pay for it. I know many artists in all forms and understand many do not want this either. I guess it is an artistic way of thinking that to someone from a more capitalist and commercial background as myself struggles to comprehend.

Cheers           Cuntus Maximus.

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Posts :  15
Posted : Apr 22, 2012 08:48

On 2012-04-21 20:35, Beat Agency wrote:
Dear OzMike. I have indded completely left this scene a while back for a IMO much more vibrant Deep House/Tech House scene.

Why you left the scene? is it uncomfortable for you? You have 1666 posts here so you are man experienced in trance. You should stay and advice for young musician who are young and unexperienced and tell them about scene and how to do good music.

Started Topics :  296
Posts :  6194
Posted : Apr 22, 2012 09:44
If Boom is asking for an exclusivity deal concerning Portugal and the surrounding area of Western Spain like couple of artists already mentioned then this sounds 100% logical to me. This is actually what promoters all around the globe (including myself) ask from the artists they work with and 99% of the artists aggree and honour this deal (exclusivity about local area or country for a limited period of time).

The original post is just ridiculus since Boom cant ask any artist to play exlusively for them during the summer and not play for any other festival around Europe since everybody knows that the summer is the most busy time of the season for the artists mainly because of the festivals that take place all around Europe.           Toodaloo Motherfuckers!!!!!
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  49
Posts :  478
Posted : Apr 22, 2012 10:24
why are we concerned with cash and fashion and scene shit?

psytrance is the weird shit that we don't make money on. if it gets out of that vein, it's nothing.
props to Boom. they make bank and spend it on the fest, but at the same time…. i mean…. fuck it….

how many bodies do they deal with? if us small timers had to deal with that many people, we'd do some sell out shit to.

keep it small, keep it pure, otherwise just plan big shit and spend money on big shit. don't plan on making money on pure music shows, just cover costs.           Doof Local
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  54
Posts :  187
Posted : Apr 22, 2012 14:04

On 2012-04-22 09:44, DETOX wrote:
If Boom is asking for an exclusivity deal concerning Portugal and the surrounding area of Western Spain like couple of artists already mentioned then this sounds 100% logical to me. This is actually what promoters all around the globe (including myself) ask from the artists they work with and 99% of the artists aggree and honour this deal (exclusivity about local area or country for a limited period of time).

The original post is just ridiculus since Boom cant ask any artist to play exlusively for them during the summer and not play for any other festival around Europe since everybody knows that the summer is the most busy time of the season for the artists mainly because of the festivals that take place all around Europe.

seems legit to me to....
Master Margherita

Started Topics :  156
Posts :  1442
Posted : Apr 22, 2012 14:22

On 2012-04-22 02:35, goa-ganges wrote:
I don't agree at all with this "exclusively brought to you by BOOM Festival"

you very NAIVE to think Boom brought this upon the scene nice joke i would say

as the parties organisers writing on this post try to explain you ,
to ask the artist to not play for a certain time/area before/after the party is a normal thing ... not new and not unfair ...


On 2012-04-22 02:35, goa-ganges wrote:
But what about lesser known, good acts, who were pushed against the wall with a pen and a contract?

i think playing on Boom is a pretty good promotion for a new artist ...
speaking for myself, Boom have the BEST chillout stage on EARTH ... i played a lot around and nobody beat the chillstage on boom ...
so yes , i give up any booking offer to play on Boom ...

but you can allways give up Boom invitation and go play in some smaller event around , i'm sure you will see pretty fast , this choice is not the best ....


you speaking about good principles ?

you definitely naive ...
if the scene could be honest and not greedy this clause on contracts would not exist ...
Boom is only trying to protect himself from the wild competition ...

an example :
i try personaly to explain to the Sol Fest organisers (60km aways from boom location) , to not do the fest in 2012 ...
but , no , the money investor push SOL guys to do it in 2012 ....
and they start boooking Giuseppe/Parasense and more acts , and they book them after Boom send out the first lineup names (where Giuseppe/Parasense and more acts where included)

do you reckon this is respectful ? or healthy behavior ?

Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
Posts :  5292
Posted : Apr 22, 2012 14:34

On 2012-04-22 14:22, MARGHERITA wrote:

you definitely naive ...
if the scene could be honest and not greedy this clause on contracts would not exist ...
Boom is only trying to protect himself from the wild competition ...

an example :
i try personaly to explain to the Sol Fest organisers (60km aways from boom location) , to not do the fest in 2012 ...
but , no , the money investor push them to do it in 2012 ....
and they start boooking Giuseppe/Parasense and more acts , and they book them after Boom send out the first lineup names ...

do you reckon this is respectful ? or healthy behavior ?

They booked them last year as well tho, and the whole vibe backstage was a "see you next year" vibe.
And Giuseppe and Alex are not up & coming artists, I would assume that they have a stronger negotiating power than smaller artists and should play both festivals.

And Sol Fest has optional transportation from Sol to Boom, setting up a direct bus to take the people there.

That's respectful behavior and is healthy, imo. As far as I know, Sol fest has a contract for 5 years where the festival has to happen as there are investors involved. You can't expect from Kevin and the crew to simply drop whatever it is they are doing.

And if you ask me, the fact that there are two festivals, so close, with organized transportation from one festival to the other, adds to the general interest to that area for a trip from people who want to spend their vacation/party there and hit two festivals, with one trip.

Peace out.
Master Margherita

Started Topics :  156
Posts :  1442
Posted : Apr 22, 2012 14:43
yes all this is true

but , for me is not nice at all ... and the SOL orgs should be aware of this problem ...

but they/SOL dont give a shit ... they do not try to bild a longtherm relationship with the near by Boom ..

that a fucking shame ... instead to have 2 festival in the same area with complementary things and years ...

they go for it , do 2012 , and maybe suicide themself with it ....

a part the money aspect , this is a LACK of AWERENESS ....

they ask me to play Ozora , they ask me to play Sol ,, i sayed no thank you , let do it in 2013 ....
why ? because it do not make sense to fill all festivals all the time and every year with the same names ....

i do lose at least 1k fee from it , and i will need to find this money (for my flat) elsewhere ...

but as an artist i realy want behave with inteligence , i might be the only one around to do it ...

no artist give a shit , they play everywhere anytime ... they suck the system until they can get money from it and then they just change jobs (or go tech-house / joke )...
all the "big stars" are so scared to lose theirs status and get poor , you have no idea ...
Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
Posts :  5292
Posted : Apr 22, 2012 14:59

On 2012-04-22 14:43, MARGHERITA wrote:
yes all this is true

but , for me is not nice at all ... and the SOL orgs should be aware of this problem ...

but they/SOL dont give a shit ... they do not try to bild a longtherm relationship with the near by Boom ..

that a fucking shame ... instead to have 2 festival in the same area with complementary things and years ...

they go for it , do 2012 , and maybe suicide themself with it ....

a part the money aspect , this is a LACK of AWERENESS ....

So you think having two festivals, separated by a week's time is a problem? That's more partying mate. As a punter I would love to have the option to continue partying, instead of having to go home.
Its not like they are happening at the same date and Sol is more like a warm up party when you consider the size of the Boom.
Its not competition.


On 2012-04-22 14:43, MARGHERITA wrote:
they ask me to play Ozora , they ask me to play Sol ,, i sayed no thank you , let do it in 2013 ....

why ? because it do not make sense to fill all festivals all the time and every year with the same names ....

i do lose at least 1k fee from it , and i will need to find this money (for my flat) elsewhere ...

but as an artist i realy want behave with inteligence
off course , i might be the only one around to do it ...

no artist give a shit , they play everywhere anytime ...

So you think that having the big guys play every year at every festival is a bad thing?
There are a lot of people, in different parts of the world that long to hear their favorite artists play. I know I do.
And obviously you'll get similar names in line ups of festivals that go on for days. But having said that, there are festivals with a "theme" that tend more towards one style, which is also good.

Dunno mate, I can't think of providing people with more options, as a bad thing or artists playing many festivals, are basically "not giving a shit".
I am not going to questions artist's real motives, but some of them, just want to play their music out and have a good time...

Master Margherita

Started Topics :  156
Posts :  1442
Posted : Apr 22, 2012 15:07
i tought the PSY scene is about

Expand your consciousness , get the Budha illumination , find the Nirvana

there is no expansion/illumination on this pattern .

only consumerism and ignorance .....

but hei , that the world where we living today ... so why Psytrance scene/fans would be diferents than the awerage world bullshit ...


So you think that having the big guys play every year at every festival is a bad thing?

yes very bad for mind expansion, evolution of yourself and new unexpected experiences , wich make you grown and be maybe better ....
Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
Posts :  5292
Posted : Apr 22, 2012 15:15
Ok. We'll just have to agree to disagree then.
I cannot possibly say that listening to my favorite artist's live set more than once a summer/month/week is bad for mind expansion...its like saying you should not listen to your favorite CD more than once a summer/month/week.

Personally, when I find music I like, I can't get enough of listening/dancing to it.

Peace out.  
Trance Forum » » Forum  Trance - BOOM 2012, what a shame!!
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