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Started Topics :  91
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Posted : Jan 2, 2014 22:57
andy pledger x0xb0x:

"I've always been a believer in musical repetition to draw in the listener and make the music hypnotic. Another thing I believe in is repetition." Alan Parsons
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jan 3, 2014 04:51
Mmmm thanks. Including postage works out to be $993AUD. That's more than half for a Nordlead 2x new... It's cheaper than the acidlabs modular version though hmmm. Is he really the best? For pure acid sounds?           Cuntus Maximus.

Started Topics :  91
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Posted : Jan 3, 2014 10:09
Well built xox is closer to the original than any Acidlabs stuff. That said the Acidlab clones are very good For what they are..Somewhat harder sounding, less bubbly, but cut verywell and make nice Acid. 
"I've always been a believer in musical repetition to draw in the listener and make the music hypnotic. Another thing I believe in is repetition." Alan Parsons
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 3, 2014 19:33
Future Retro Revolution?
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jan 3, 2014 23:25
Hey Sento

You seem to ask questions then ignore everything said & stick to you're original decision. Do so online research, look up reviews & try them in store.
It's what we all do.

          Cuntus Maximus.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 4, 2014 01:53

On 2014-01-03 23:25, OzMike wrote:
Hey Sento

You seem to ask questions then ignore everything said & stick to you're original decision. Do so online research, look up reviews & try them in store.
It's what we all do.

My friend, not all of us live in a place where we have the luxury of having a shop with all these synths in it...
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  148
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Posted : Jan 4, 2014 04:12
Youtube. Vimeo. Clearwater. Muffwiggler. Gearslutz. Soundonsound.

All places where you find much more professional reviews & demos (audio & physical).

You do realize that most ppl on here work in the box and so only a few of us has actualy hardware synths? Plus I don't think many on here have the decades of pro experience that you will find on other sites.

I'm just saying that it's good to expand beyond this site. When I recently bought my Sub Phatty is was after a moth of dedicated research. I then went in store during a sale & got to try it compared to most other synths around that price.

Modular wise? I have no shop so it's all base on youtube/vimeo & the opinion of the only major distributor here in australia who is either a $400 flight away or a 3 day drive. But I check the sites above as I find they have mub more reliable opinions.

I do respect the ppl on here but it's nowhere near the level of said sites.

That is all.

          Cuntus Maximus.
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  26
Posts :  88
Posted : Jan 4, 2014 12:53
What makes u think I haven t been on those sites...
....I just wanted the opinions of the guys here too..
Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
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Posted : Jan 5, 2014 17:00
You can't go wrong with a SubPhatty.
There is no analog synth on the market that is below a grand and offers the features and most importantly, the sound (although that is subjective).

Even if you do end up getting more expensive/"better" synths in the future you will always use it.

If I did not have a Slim Phatty and a Minitaur, I would have one as well, but I am just waiting for the rack version, which I don't mind waiting for since the two Moogs I have I happily use day in/day out in tunes.

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Posted : Jan 6, 2014 13:46
The sub phatty is an absolute beast! you can use it for extremely smooth sounds, and you can let the fucker scream like there is no tomorrow... mine is screaming these days... just use some pitch amount on the lfo, in conjunction with Multidrive, eq amount and the frequency knob... hehehehe           Upavas - Here And Now (Sangoma Rec.) new EP out Oct.29th, get it here:
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  148
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Posted : Jan 6, 2014 14:27
Yeah love my Sub Phatty. I can easily spend 6-8 hours posing on it without doing anything else musically lol.

I think though when my Dark Energy II & now X0XB0X arrive the Sub Phatty will sit quiet for a while. Next is to find a good drum machine. Still deciding to cancel my order for the Machine Drum & go modular hmmm.           Cuntus Maximus.
Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
Posts :  5292
Posted : Jan 6, 2014 16:12

On 2014-01-06 13:46, Upavas wrote:
The sub phatty is an absolute beast! you can use it for extremely smooth sounds, and you can let the fucker scream like there is no tomorrow... mine is screaming these days... just use some pitch amount on the lfo, in conjunction with Multidrive, eq amount and the frequency knob... hehehehe

Yeah talked to Amos about whether its possible to implement VCO note Sync on the Slim/Little Phatty, but its a no go. The Sub Phatty sounds just like the Slim Phatty (when no overdrive is engaged) + it has a load of extra features. Would love having that sound with note sync and the extra features of course.
But no space for a synth with keyboard, so fingers crossed a rack version of the SubP will be few years!

Started Topics :  150
Posts :  3315
Posted : Jan 8, 2014 08:36

On 2014-01-06 16:12, Nectarios wrote:

On 2014-01-06 13:46, Upavas wrote:
The sub phatty is an absolute beast! you can use it for extremely smooth sounds, and you can let the fucker scream like there is no tomorrow... mine is screaming these days... just use some pitch amount on the lfo, in conjunction with Multidrive, eq amount and the frequency knob... hehehehe

Yeah talked to Amos about whether its possible to implement VCO note Sync on the Slim/Little Phatty, but its a no go. The Sub Phatty sounds just like the Slim Phatty (when no overdrive is engaged) + it has a load of extra features. Would love having that sound with note sync and the extra features of course.
But no space for a synth with keyboard, so fingers crossed a rack version of the SubP will be few years!


At the same time the subphatty has the certain warmth only a moog can offer. +extremely addictive!!!           Upavas - Here And Now (Sangoma Rec.) new EP out Oct.29th, get it here:
IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  267
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Posted : Jan 8, 2014 22:08

On 2014-01-08 08:36, Upavas wrote:

On 2014-01-06 16:12, Nectarios wrote:

On 2014-01-06 13:46, Upavas wrote:
The sub phatty is an absolute beast! you can use it for extremely smooth sounds, and you can let the fucker scream like there is no tomorrow... mine is screaming these days... just use some pitch amount on the lfo, in conjunction with Multidrive, eq amount and the frequency knob... hehehehe

Yeah talked to Amos about whether its possible to implement VCO note Sync on the Slim/Little Phatty, but its a no go. The Sub Phatty sounds just like the Slim Phatty (when no overdrive is engaged) + it has a load of extra features. Would love having that sound with note sync and the extra features of course.
But no space for a synth with keyboard, so fingers crossed a rack version of the SubP will be few years!


At the same time the subphatty has the certain warmth only a moog can offer. +extremely addictive!!!

+1 on the addictive part!
Since I got my Slim Phatty I suffer from arpeggio-titus, just playing chords and little melodies for hours and hours

Started Topics :  150
Posts :  3315
Posted : Jan 9, 2014 01:13
Hahahahaha           Upavas - Here And Now (Sangoma Rec.) new EP out Oct.29th, get it here:
Trance Forum » » Forum  Equipment - Analog??
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