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your thoughts people - Earthcore Reviews

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 30, 2004 05:48
I agree with all of you...the local boys Trolley and Nimbda rrrrrocked and definately kicked all the internationals asses....except mine but the second night was a little above average with GMS playing i guess only what they know how to play...same build up,same sample,same sounds same everything nothing new...Hallucinogen i expected more from and 1200 mics is basically GMS with a flute?????
I loved all the mini skirts as perving is one of my favourate past times and partying with the ozzie nutcakes was alot of fun and we will definatelly be bringing alot more of the local artists over to NZ!
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 30, 2004 06:03
Thanks Nathan for clarifying a little and correctly.
EC is the biggest festival we have down here and comparison of the big overseas festivals is essential. The reality is on last weekend EC doesnt stand up to its international competitors (from what i have seen).

One of the main reasons that EC are non-exculsive psy-trance is because not enough people will come so spiro taps into other genres to make up the numbers - this is fine to increase revenue but ends up taking away from the party. This is not a new problem - EC has been doing this for years and in a big way it has contributed to their success but in doing so EC has forgotten what their original mission statement would have been.
It is necessary to provide feedback and make comparisons. I think my review was was my opinion of what i saw in the time i was there...i gave reasons as to why i thought what i thought and stand by every word.
Sam - clearly you must believe that i have done something to you in a former life...not sure where the animosity comes from but it does exist.

My final word - EC is a MASSIVE organisation who have doing what they do for a while with great success....i think it is about time they give something back to the punters and put that extra bit of effort into the party. i know it is a massive task to run but the difference between shit decor and quality decor is minimal...the difference between laying wires above the dance floor or digging a trench is minimal etc etc BUT the result of going that extra distance is ENORMOUS!!!
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 30, 2004 06:16

On 2004-11-30 06:03, Dave wrote:
Thanks Nathan for clarifying a little and correctly.
EC is the biggest festival we have down here and comparison of the big overseas festivals is essential. The reality is on last weekend EC doesnt stand up to its international competitors (from what i have seen).

One of the main reasons that EC are non-exculsive psy-trance is because not enough people will come so spiro taps into other genres to make up the numbers - this is fine to increase revenue but ends up taking away from the party. This is not a new problem - EC has been doing this for years and in a big way it has contributed to their success but in doing so EC has forgotten what their original mission statement would have been.
It is necessary to provide feedback and make comparisons. I think my review was was my opinion of what i saw in the time i was there...i gave reasons as to why i thought what i thought and stand by every word.
Sam - clearly you must believe that i have done something to you in a former life...not sure where the animosity comes from but it does exist.

My final word - EC is a MASSIVE organisation who have doing what they do for a while with great success....i think it is about time they give something back to the punters and put that extra bit of effort into the party. i know it is a massive task to run but the difference between shit decor and quality decor is minimal...the difference between laying wires above the dance floor or digging a trench is minimal etc etc BUT the result of going that extra distance is ENORMOUS!!!

Werd to that
sam i am
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 30, 2004 06:18
jeez, sorry for not jumping on the Earthcore-is-sold-out bandwagon. Guess I'm just not well travelled enough to understand your worldly viewpoints Nathan, I never said that Dave & the others weren't entitled to their opinions, in fact quite the opposite. I do, however, think it's quite amusing that people think that just because it's not all 'trance people' at a gathering it "ends up taking away from the party."

On 2004-11-30 06:03, Dave wrote:
Sam - clearly you must believe that i have done something to you in a former life...not sure where the animosity comes from but it does exist.

you are paranoid Dave. My experience was different to yours. Sorry for enjoying myself at this party           new Hadal Drop album on the way

if you don't have the last one get in touch
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 30, 2004 06:26
my comment to you was moreso because this is not the first time you have gone after one of my posts -
paranoia - highly unlikely mate!!
I'm glad you had a good time at the party but you having a good time and the organisation and party facts are seperate issues. i have been to many a party that has completely sucked but had a ball coz of who i was with etc etc but that doesnt mean i will say the party was great. conversly i have been to many a party that has been well run with great music but i wasnt in the mood but because my time wasnt so good doesnt mean i will bag the promoters.
My point is that EC dissappointed me on an organisation level.
Sell-out bandwagon - well i've been on that one for a while now!!

non-trancers taking away from the party vibe etc - well when you put that many of them there, probably 50+% of the party people then yes i think they do.

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Posted : Nov 30, 2004 07:02
Hey couch we need to catch up...
sam i am
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 30, 2004 07:47
for me, a party does not have to have less than 50% "non-trancers" for it to have a good vibe "non-trancers" can be nice people too

On 2004-11-30 06:26, Dave wrote:
my comment to you was moreso because this is not the first time you have gone after one of my posts

so by that line of reasoning you must believe that Franny did something to you in a former life?           new Hadal Drop album on the way

if you don't have the last one get in touch
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 30, 2004 09:11
of course non-trancers can be nice people too - 80-90% of my friends are non-trancers. my point was with so many people just off chops and not really handling themselves so well the vibe created was one of a club rather than that which i have become accustomed at TRANCE parties. and a lot of those off chops people were non-trancers. thats all i meant

in regards to franny - my dislike for him comes well and truly from this life!!!

anything else you'd like to have a go at to keep yourself entertained till oztrance gets back online???????
Nomolos(Zenon Rec.)
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 30, 2004 13:29
sam i am and Dave
guys really i dont think u need to even get to half of what is beeing said here..... u see many feel like Dave,i dont think that makes people trigger happy i think it showes there was/is an authentic prob'....
about the people attending....ofcourse NonTrancers can be GREAT people(some times even cooler to be with in a trance party cause they dont bitch and over analize everything like my old sorry ass!)but im sure u can understand and maybe even agree that in a Festi' that has so many "non trancers" the vibe is a bit diffrent....NOW saying that the link to Dave's posts is reletivly easy.....if u make a Festi which is intended for the "wider" audiance and is world known....DO IT FROM THE HART AND ALL THE WAY! u charge a high fee? treat us back! bring kick ass deco! dig little trenches! make it as much as a "Nature Gathering" as possible...DONT FREAKING ANNOUNCE THE GROUPS(LAMEEEEE!)
and u know what,the Trancers there will be happy! and the horrible( ) non trancers will experiance a more authentic gathering....u can "go commercial" in a "psy" way and not....ALL THE WAY!

p.s Sam how much would it coast and what kind of a diffrance would it make to bring Shub Nam Of Inke???? not fair i know its a soft spot
          "....or is it???"
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 30, 2004 15:25
I agree with most of what has been said on here

But re: the announcing the group : big wank, that's the groups 'problem', nothing to do with the organiser. It's a laugh, not a problem imo.. A case of over inflated ego perhaps? Then again, it's informative for some people...

*I agree Spiz should get with the program and make each party original and special. So many great artists to use but they use almost the same locals as last year. Not very fresh imo
*Squeezing everything onto the schedule on Saturday night in a few hours is heavy going, why not spread it over the weekend ?
*Shade, well thankfully there where trees and ravesafe people around to treat those poor dehyrdrated souls.
*Spraying of the hydra dancefloor on Friday night would have been very useful...
*Better warnings about the dangerous river environment and maybe people would have taken better precautions. It's a fairly dangerous environment for off chops people I think..

Had an awesome time with the group of people I was with and bumping into others all over the show. I thought the crowd was really nice in general, I didn't notice too much agro and if I did stayed away from it.

So who's headliners for next year ?
Place your bets :
* Infected Mushroom
* Hallucinogen
* 1200 MICS

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Posts :  59
Posted : Nov 30, 2004 16:42
Well we (Team Optrix) had fun. Our set from 9pm to 1am on the main stage was both enjoyable and satisfying. We did visuals for Bobby Raver and Freq Nasty. The night opened with Pitch Black, who are outstanding - as per normal - then we picked up the video mix... and unleashed a load of fresh new psy visuals direct from Japan.

While in Japan I VJ'd at Vision Quest. I have to say people, Earthcore is a much more satisfying event. Certainly loads better value for money. Vision Quest is only one stage! Not the five you get at Earthcore.

Anyways.. I did find myself board at times, and the 41deg heat on friday day was a killer - certianly know ive had a summer this season. At one point late on Saturday night the music turned so bad, 148bpm. I wanted to turn the sound system off... Was very painfull to listen too. Many people were being sick, and losing their minds during this particular set.

Ohwell, off to bed now. Got to drop Japan VJ at airport in few hours... I so need tee-shirt saying "Airport Boy" ...

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Posted : Dec 1, 2004 02:18
some of my best friends are black one-armed lesbian jews who dont listen to trance

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Posted : Dec 1, 2004 02:24
your point being?
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 1, 2004 02:39
i think it was a joke jase - lighten up mate!!!
Nomolos(Zenon Rec.)
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  48
Posts :  2027
Posted : Dec 1, 2004 02:53

On 2004-12-01 02:18, jizzy wrote:
some of my best friends are black one-armed lesbian jews who dont listen to trance

LMFAOOOOOO!!!!!! dude that makes us practicly related
Cheers.           "....or is it???"
Trance Forum » » Forum  Australia & New Zealand - your thoughts people - Earthcore Reviews
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