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Yet another 432hz thread


Started Topics :  40
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Posted : Mar 19, 2014 20:43

On 2014-03-19 18:25, jizy wrote:
m8..its to late to jump on the slag jizy off bandwagon,keep up wiv the times eh...

if u think what i say is horse shit then this style aint ment for u doood...

"In psychology, the psyche is the totality of the human mind"

deal with it , it aint all about you either, mayb noone wanted to waste there time subtitling it.. ever considered that?

as for jizface... your mum loves my jiz all over her face

Very constructive sir.           Super Banana Sauce
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 15, 2014 17:50
Somehow related, not especially to 432Hz: 
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 15, 2014 21:05
Big time off-topic, but I'll bite - just because I am tired of this magic octave stuff.

There is nothing special (let alone magical) about an octave. We say that C3 and C4 "sound the same" just because every book in elementary music theory says so. No, they do not sound the same. On a synth, they will differ at least in pitch. On a natural instrument, like a piano or a violin, they will differ in their timbre as well.

Our senses are, for the most part, logarithmic and not linear. We perceive ratios of frequencies as linear intervals, we perceive ratios in amplitude as linear loudness difference. A quantity (frequency or amplitude) has to be multiplied by a number X for us to perceive Y steps higher (in pitch or loudness). In our mind, multiplication is transformed into addition. In mathematical terms,

log(A*X) = log(A) + log(X)

Now, what base should we choose for the logarithm?
In case of loudness, we just arbitrarily chose base 10 because it's easier for our calculations. Bels were born (then decibels were derived from them).

In case of pitch we need to pick a base that is a natural number (because that's how harmonics are related to the fundamental frequency) and be as small as possible (for best resolution). The answer is number 2. Hence, your magic octave.

I don't know whether Pythagoras himself figured it out this way (by mathematical reasoning) or our brain just intuitively gravitates to this solution. It does not matter. The main thing is that the octave is just a very convenient and mathematically elegant way of dividing the sound spectrum into "similar" chunks.

If you have a trumpet tuned to C3 and you want to accompany it with a flute, it probably makes sense to tune that flute to C4.
Simple practical sense.

If the Earth makes one turn around the Sun in a year, tuning either a trumpet or a flute (or the whole orchestra) to a power of two multiplied by the 1/year frequency does not make any sense.

A vibrating string creates standing waives that are natural multiples of the base frequency. A vibrating column of air creates standing waives that are odd multiples of the base frequency. This is just physics of sound.

Does Earth's movement around the Sun create any standing waives? In what medium? Why are they created? How are their frequencies related to the frequency of 1/year? Do these "overtones" extend all the way into the sound frequencies (and I'd like to know by what mechanism)? And finally, how does acoustics have anything to do with color? Yes, pink noise in your ears corresponds to pink color in your eyes. Now what?

Some dude got stoned off his balls and happened to have a calculator next to his bed. He was apparently not completely f...ed up at the moment, since he could still type "*2" into that calculator and hit "=" a couple dozen of times. The "cosmic octave" was born. Congratulations! Now we all have something to argue over.


About 432: if it makes you feel better about your music do it. If does not - don't do it. That's all. No magic of the powers of 2 involved here.

My hat is off to DH for trying and keeping an open mind about it.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 16, 2014 18:52
hooray someone agrees..and explains

Frequency itself is the magic.. people kno fuk all really, they get there small little minds wrapped up in facebook likes when really they have no clue of it.

i await people to wake up from their mind cubes and false truths til that day i remain miserable

sad thing is ,magic does exists ,but like minded majority ruining it with false ghosts ,ufos and aliens. taking away the real magic that lies behind the viel , therefor any real forgotten magic truth gets ruined in society .. pisses me off

but slightly similarly related,so arrogant to think also we are the only ones,not suggesting that,just this conception and perception of it annoys me...
i derived from the 50's!!!!!!!! sci fi flik shit!

same goes for magic tunnings!! YOU FUKERS OUT THERE ARE RUINING THE REAL MAGIC THAT U AINT AWARE OF!! SO FUCK OFF WITH IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 16, 2014 19:28
ok..abit harsh mayb , but point is if some of you were true Psynauts and "tuned in" you would kno instantly that this sucks balls and that the GODS are fukin laughin at ya , suck balls by a long shot,sucks balls like area 51 ..

But heyo, thats arrogant American cheese for you... pure stilton!
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 16, 2014 19:32
I just try to add value to this thread by contributing gatherd links and infos whether I believe in it or not.
Why troll around ?
Why offending others ?
Just ignore the thread here if you don't like it.
Cant be that hard ?

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  90
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Posted : Apr 16, 2014 19:32
troll... ? na its the truth, far from trolling!
enjoy your fantasies , i got truth to deal with..

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 16, 2014 19:34
lol enjoy *your* truth 
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 16, 2014 20:13
mines not from the imagination....

keep it real eh.. crap like this that stops us movin forward.. al im saying, i hav valid point,im sure others would agree.

my points were not aimed at you, or anyone in it by the way
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 16, 2014 20:21

Lets just use this topic to gather information which match in here.
Be it real or imagined.

What is real ? What is imagined ?
btw the Cosmic Octave 'stuff' is mathematically proven, so there is nothing imagined here.

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  90
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Posted : Apr 16, 2014 20:40
look i aint trooling, i dishing an opinion which i think effects way people think, it detures people away from REAL...

so answer this... a star upon biliions that is 10 times the size of ours smaller or more... their "earth" like planet of existence will be resonating to..........???
let me guess thell mayb have more keys in there musical scale because their star is bigger? 7 colours in spectum?

oyeh wait,let me just get a calculator

your not understanding my point i think, as a whole consciousness aint gunna move forward if people stil believe in area 51. this is very similar

meet me in Peru and il show u, after that wil go to mexico to pick their finest.... then we see whats real...

no offence to u ansolas , its easy to get wound up in whats real and what is not, i am in same boat, hence why im on anti psychotics... the system and society's fault.

my fault for opening doors in a society that stil believes in aliens from area 51 ..

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 16, 2014 20:42
So you want to protect people from being detuned ?
ahh c'mon 
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  90
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Posted : Apr 16, 2014 20:48
yes , because i have to operate in a system where people stil live in a mind cube of nonsense ... they think im mad? but im saying the same thing.. so who is right who is wrong...

Psychedelics are right because of what they teach about you ,religion and the planet.
not once did i bring back info of a told earth resonance of 432....

some "new age" scientists are now suggesting that our star actually orbits one that is 100 times what that frequency?

is our galaxy spiraling inwards or outwards? i believe outwards... if so theres more than just a frequency that is powering it in2 motion let me tel ya

there is only one truth , beyond that,well i dont kno, coz it just gets stranger, we talkin cazillions and cabillions of years b4 any notion of big bangs and goverment paid Hadroncoliders lol that prooves NOTHING

a cure for cancer maybe instead retuning music to a frequency that connects u to mother earth.... im sure she wants that instead .

Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 17, 2014 23:53

On 2014-04-16 20:21, ansolas wrote:

btw the Cosmic Octave 'stuff' is mathematically proven, so there is nothing imagined here.

It was not mathematically proven but rather mathematically constructed. There is a difference.

The fact that you can take an arbitrary frequency (like 1/year, for example) and multiply it by a power of two until you get into the audible range proves nothing. It is just an arbitrary arithmetic exercise and not a proof.

First of all, there is absolutely no physical rationale behind this calculation because Earth rotation around the Sun does not create a standing wave with the frequency 1/year. If it did, what would be the medium for it? Just don't say "space strings", please.

Second, even if Earth were not flying in the vacuum and its movement could create a giant standing wave with the frequency of 1/year in some magical medium - there is no good reason to believe that we could extract its ~billionth harmonic. Natural sounds rarely go beyond ~100th harmonic. In fact, most of a natural sound's energy is concentrated in the first 5-6 harmonics.

Third, even if such a fantastic scenario were possible, there is nothing special about that "note". Some stoned dude decided to use powers of two (octaves). Some other mad hippie will decide to use Pythagorean 3:2 ratio. Yet some other may prefer the Golden Ratio. Hell, why not chose the power of e then? Afterall, it is the base of *natural* logarithms, right?

If you think the latter point if stupid, consider this: let's say your magic note is the one billionth harmonic of the "year wave". An octave above it there will be the two billionth harmonic of the "cosmic fundamental". That means that this octave contains a billion of "natural notes", as opposed to the Western 12 or Arabic 24. This pretty much means that neighboring harmonics are indistinguishable to even the most trained ear. You think the cosmic orgasm occurs when you tune your synth exactly 30 octaves (i.e. a multiple of 2^30=1,073,741,824) above the 1/year frequency? Guess what - you can tune it to the multiple of 1,073,741,825 or 1,073,741,826 or even 1,073,741,850, if you want and still not hear any difference! So, do you still believe it must be exactly 30 octaves?

And finally, even if there existed a magic "aether" that would vibrate at the frequency of 1/year, even if it were possible for these vibrations to produce billions of harmonics, even if it were possible for us to tune our instruments to exactly 1,073,741,824 times 1/year; finally, even if it did have some magical effecct on us or the outside world - what does any of it have to do with color?! Electromagnetic waves are of a totally different nature. They don't produce standing waves, except in lasers. And even if they did, I don't see how those waves would be high harmonics of a sound.

What material is capable of vibrating once a year, 300 times per second and 10^17 times per second at the same time for us to even talk about any of this?..

In summary, no, math proves absolutely nothing in this case. Just because somebody uses powers of two and fancy words like "harmonics", it does not make any of these claims scientific.

That said, "scientific" is one thing and "real" is another. If any of this (nonsense, IMHO) feels real to you - use it. There is no harm to anybody from that. And if you find a tunung (whether it's A=432 Hz or anything else) that makes your tunes sound better than the standard A=440 Hz - all power to you! But let's take it for what it is: our subjective feelings and opinions and let's not pretend there is anything scientific about it.
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  108
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Posted : Apr 18, 2014 01:58 
Trance Forum » » Forum  Production & Music Making - Yet another 432hz thread
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