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Trance Forum » » Forum  North America - WORLDBRIDGE VI : AUGUST 5 - 7th 2011 CHEROKEE FARMS, GA
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Started Topics :  26
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Posted : Aug 12, 2011 08:24

Thank you, everyone. My time here in the Southeast is done (for now) and I couldn't be happier to have finished it off IN STYLE with all of you.

I love you all.           Quantum Frog / Anomalistic

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Posted : Aug 12, 2011 17:09
I can't even express in words the impact you had on the south while you were able to be here with us Cooper!! Thanks for everything, it was an honor!

datavore for life! lol

have fun at grad school mr thesis!            WARNING: The Reality Master General has determined that Mr. Vomit may significantly alter your reality. Usage of the knowledge provided by Mr. Vomit may be perceived as dangerous and subversive by those in authority.

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Posted : Aug 12, 2011 17:16

On 2011-08-12 05:17, the dog of tears wrote:
Yes! This event was incredible!
I had a ridiculous amount of fun playing. People were not only receptive but completely into it. No on had any BS to talk to me after! An open minded audience to say the least!!!!

Whrikk played an epic 3.5 hours of forest hoe-down. Axis Mundi had me spinning in vulture circles, honing in on the prey. I've never been so happy to NOT see the sun come out all day Saturday-- the cloud cover provided us with very moderate temperatures for this time of year in the South.

I was quite impressed at the sheer amount of live sets at this party. Kids With Scissors played a beautiful late night minimal improvised dark-trance set. Even the DJ's brought out laptops to mash up and process their sets through.

Datavore is a hilarious, almost anthemic representation of */*/ !TRAUMATRANCE! ** and people seem to really love it. these people like the fastest, craziest, most intense music at the hottest and sunniest time of day! never experienced any thing like it. other regional trance scenes could take inspiration from the sheer amount of stamina and open-mindedness this crowd has.

i have to give big thanks to Cinder Dave and his wonder wife Mrs. Wheezy for bringing me out and putting me up for nearly a week. I had a great time eating fried chicken and hanging out with the kids, even got to start a tune with Whrikk. i flew out yesterday and was in transit for nearly 9 hours! now i'm home and still glowing from a totally epic psy-trance experience.


Dude you rocked it TWICE! TWEECE EVEN! It was so good to have you here man. From the crazy hamburgers at Vortex, to the Signature ritualized Cracker Barrel Sundaze Lunch! Thanks for the analog synthesis lessons...and for letting Whrikk and I make some fun patches!

Can't wait to hear that finished tune....Datavore also started a tune with him Thursday and we're about 6.5 minutes in to that bad boy! He flies out this afternoon.

Whrikk gave my 4 year old a Korg Monotron FM Synth. Right after that, the Dog of Tears starting his Synthesis 101 class, which i caught on video. I'll post that up to youtube at some point also.

I'm still processing...i owe Brian Aldridge a phone call this evening to give personal thanks. It's so hard to put in to text how amazing the event was.

Hot - check
Nuts - check
Positive - CHHEEECK
vibe - CHEEECCCCK!!!            WARNING: The Reality Master General has determined that Mr. Vomit may significantly alter your reality. Usage of the knowledge provided by Mr. Vomit may be perceived as dangerous and subversive by those in authority.

Started Topics :  36
Posts :  2094
Posted : Aug 12, 2011 17:18
Special thank you to : PYITTTTE!!!!! Your deco set the place OFF dude. THanks for always coming through and making the place look crazy! Without you, i'd have nothing to stare at other than the artist for 30 hours lol

You rock on many levels brother            WARNING: The Reality Master General has determined that Mr. Vomit may significantly alter your reality. Usage of the knowledge provided by Mr. Vomit may be perceived as dangerous and subversive by those in authority.
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  35
Posts :  438
Posted : Aug 12, 2011 20:25
Thanks Cinder for the nice videos! Gave me a few minutes of nice smiles over here! Where did you put the stage? Doesn't look like it was near the pavilion at all?

Looks like a rockin time and dog of tears totally summed up world bridge as a whole and how much I love it! No judgement and "these people like the fastest, craziest, most intense music at the hottest and sunniest time of day! never experienced any thing like it. other regional trance scenes could take inspiration from the sheer amount of stamina and open-mindedness this crowd has."

It's really great to be with people who have the same musical tastes as I do - which are fairly specific and World Bridge sums it all up!

Glad you all had a great weekend and psyvibes were sent your way!

Started Topics :  36
Posts :  2094
Posted : Aug 12, 2011 20:29
I had you in mind when taking the videos and pictures in the first place!! Thanks!!            WARNING: The Reality Master General has determined that Mr. Vomit may significantly alter your reality. Usage of the knowledge provided by Mr. Vomit may be perceived as dangerous and subversive by those in authority.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posts :  370
Posted : Aug 14, 2011 01:58
I loooooooooooooove you all! Loved the music. I think I loved everything I heard.. I mean I couldn't even sleep because I wanted to catch it all. So even when i was sleeping I was still hearing it. I could name off everyone who played but that would take a while. BUT CinderVomit and Datavore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That was some fun and crazy stuff.
Thanks to everyone who made it out this year. It was really nice connecting with you all. I wish I hadn't set up camp so far away but next time that will not happen!

Kelly and crew did a great job on the holddeco. The portal was awesome sauce. Whoever was in charge of bringing the spring water THANK YOU. That was a blessing.

The altar looked absolutely beautiful. So big thanks to everyone who contributed to that. Im glad that I got to bring out the plants and utilize them for clearing and holding space.

Looking forward to seeing the family again sometime in the near future. Much love and blessings to you all!           Jessica

Atrium Obscurum Add me on facebook at

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Posted : Aug 14, 2011 05:47

On 2011-08-12 20:25, Danrennt98 wrote:
Thanks Cinder for the nice videos! Gave me a few minutes of nice smiles over here! Where did you put the stage? Doesn't look like it was near the pavilion at all?

Looks like a rockin time and dog of tears totally summed up world bridge as a whole and how much I love it! No judgement and "these people like the fastest, craziest, most intense music at the hottest and sunniest time of day! never experienced any thing like it. other regional trance scenes could take inspiration from the sheer amount of stamina and open-mindedness this crowd has."

It's really great to be with people who have the same musical tastes as I do - which are fairly specific and World Bridge sums it all up!

Glad you all had a great weekend and psyvibes were sent your way!

not sure what you mean by the pavilion. it was beside the concrete picnic area where it was last year with the sinks and stuff.

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Posts :  98
Posted : Aug 14, 2011 21:35
he probably was thinking about the stage at deerfields where WB used to be.

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Posted : Aug 18, 2011 04:54
ohhh I betcha you are right.
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  35
Posts :  438
Posted : Aug 19, 2011 18:14
Yea, that's what I was talking about. I only attended the first 3 World Bridges and having the party in that stage was fun.. like dancing on an out door deck and you get some shelter from the rain.. All of my favorite memories from WB are in that pavilion! lol

But it was crazy when Primordial Ooze was just starting their set (the last of the festival), that the sound system got struck by lightning twice! In the same place! Their music was so good that even psychedelic lightning wanted to dance with us! haha

Started Topics :  36
Posts :  2094
Posted : Aug 19, 2011 21:05
dude it POURED during their set!

that's where gil has been the last couple experiences also

not sure if i met you before you left, but i hope to see you next year            WARNING: The Reality Master General has determined that Mr. Vomit may significantly alter your reality. Usage of the knowledge provided by Mr. Vomit may be perceived as dangerous and subversive by those in authority.

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Posted : Aug 20, 2011 01:42
you crazy kids and your rave music! 
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  35
Posts :  438
Posted : Aug 20, 2011 15:42
If you know Dimitri and Lexi (both from NJ, NYC), I was travelling with them and Sahil. We rolled up [to World Bridge 1] all the way into the apple orchard at night in a taxi. - everyone was laughing that that was truly a New York thing to do. And the daring taxi went over that foot bridge next to the apple orchard. LOL

But I love darkpsy and I'm sure I met you briefly down by where the party throwers were camped at the 3rd one. I really enjoy your music, and World Bridge is so daring to only play nighttime music all the time. I love NYC but most of their parties are mostly full-on or progressive djs with a 2-3 hour spot for darkpsy. So it's truly refreshing to have the BPMs increase to 180 at 9 am, and to know that everyone there sharing the same music with me, since I don't really have many friends that like psy in the US.

My commitment to the Peace Corps is 24 - 27 months, I'm through 12 1/2 months so I might be able to leave Uganda after July 23, 2012 in order to complete my service.

Thanks for the updates! I appreciate it more than you could know! I miss hamburgers lol!!


P.S. Some people get mad when it's called dark psy, but I don't know what else to call it. I personally like the name.
the dog of tears
the dog of tears

Started Topics :  9
Posts :  399
Posted : Aug 25, 2011 21:57
Dan will you please bring us some killer Ugandan coffee beans? Unroasted preferred.
Trance Forum » » Forum  North America - WORLDBRIDGE VI : AUGUST 5 - 7th 2011 CHEROKEE FARMS, GA
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