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Posted : May 13, 2010 06:07:46
Just curious to see what people like. I don;t want any paying out if it is a nu metal or anything so feel free to be honest
For me it is Slayer.
They were extreme from the start and have never truly given in to fads or changed.
They stick to what they are good at, they influenced the U.S metal scene from thrash to death to black metal even to Fear Factory's cyber metal style.
Tom's vocals suit metal so much, and the punk edge they have has always added a real dirty grimey feel to the tunes.
slayer will be no.1 for me a buy without thinking until they break p (which from what Tom Araya has being saying isn't long off)
I hate you, you hate me, we are all so hap hap happy!
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : May 13, 2010 07:13
The piedestal is shared by Def Leppard and Bon Jovi. They are melodic. They sound sufficiently heavy, yet not overloaded. And they can sing in a normal voice, not rasping. But you said they are not really heavy metal, so this whole post is moot, I guess...
The metal I often have playing in my head sounds more like Megadeth. I do like them but not as much as the No. 1 guys. Don't know why my own music sounds like this.
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Posted : May 13, 2010 07:31
On 2010-05-13 07:13, Maine Coon wrote:
The piedestal is shared by Def Leppard and Bon Jovi. They are melodic. They sound sufficiently heavy, yet not overloaded. And they can sing in a normal voice, not rasping. But you said they are not really heavy metal, so this whole post is moot, I guess...
The metal I often have playing in my head sounds more like Megadeth. I do like them but not as much as the No. 1 guys. Don't know why my own music sounds like this.
Yeah Bon Jovi was awesome live a few years back here... Def Leppard a classic old school metal, like Motley Cure etc.
More hard rock for me I guess I hate you, you hate me, we are all so hap hap happy!
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : May 13, 2010 19:53
you mean no death metal ? So the choice is harder ..there are a few sodom,testament,sepultura.. the list could go on.
really hard to say what for mewhat I find best.And probably of the speed and energy.. there are pices where the voice is gettin on my nerves but music is a blast.
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Posted : May 13, 2010 22:32
They're death, they're prog; they're brutal, and they're soft; psychedelic, and yet both feet on the ground. They're straight-forward, and they're emotional. They use growls, screams, and clean vocals, and Mikael Akerfeldt (singer/guitarist/main songwriter) is amongst my favourite singers in all of those three vocalizing genres. They released death to the bone albums such as "Deliverance", and one completely balladesque album ("Damnation") featuring clean vocals only, without fearing to be dissed by their fans for it. Everything they do is pure solid gold.
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Posted : May 14, 2010 07:05
On 2010-05-13 19:53, TimeTraveller wrote:
you mean no death metal ?
Nah death metal or black or any style of metal is allowed... I came very close to putting Behemoth but seriously Slayer is the only band who's entire catalogue I can put on all day and not get bored of... they just have this style that blows me away from when I first heard them in 1990.
Behemoth from Satanica on have been brilliant and more so each album, but I am afraid, like many big bands like Metallica & Fear Factory, they have hit their peak and to top Evangilion is nigh impossible Even Nergal has said in interviews they will not work on anything new now for at least 2 years coz this album is just way to full on in ana awesome way,
Fear Factory also as Demanufacture had big influence on my music taste in general (introducing me to industrial music and dark ambient( but until Mechanize they kinda never got on top again...
Opeth is ok, but I just get bored after a while... I much prefer the pseudo side project Bloodbath with their almost comic take on Swedish death metal... some very fun horror lyrics and fun over the top guitars but again their third album was a major disappointment mainly as I found the sound comes across a bit weak and tinny to my ears.
I hate you, you hate me, we are all so hap hap happy!
IsraTrance Team
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Posted : May 16, 2010 08:37
First, I have to say that I haven't been following what's going on in the metal world for quite a few years.
My personal historically no. 1 metal band was Iron Maiden. Killers was the first record I got.
I still love Iron Maiden. They aren't amazing innovators, they haven't changed the world of music or the world in general, but they're a fucking good heavy metal band and they bloody rock live!
And here's the proof, one of the best live versions ever played:
My favourite historical metal band, though I discovered them later, are the people who invented heavy metal- Black Sabbath.
Black Sabbath can be so crippingly psychedelic, and their debut album is the best example. Anything there, starting from the scariest cover ever made, is just out of this world. And it was all recorded virtually in one day!
Nobody plays guitar like Tony Iommi, and of course there's no one like Ozzy...
And then of course there's Metallica, who write classical heavy metal for me (classical, not classy). Master of Puppets is their ultimate creation for me, and every note in it is perfect.
I have left out Deep Purple & Led Zeppelin- two of the greatest bands ever (well Zeppelin for me are the greatest band ever), because they're not really Heavy Metal for me.
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Posted : May 17, 2010 03:11
yeah Maiden are classic... but I find that some of their music, especially longer tunes, just go one too much for me... a band I prefer to see live (only twice in my life so far) than listen to on cd... Flight 666 DVD is an awesome docu into what they're really like!
I"m massively hoping they do a world tour next year on the back of their new album n' come to Australia again!!!
I hate you, you hate me, we are all so hap hap happy!
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Posted : May 18, 2010 00:07
Black Sabbath's debut album is one of my earliest childhood memories. Together with Queen, it was the first music I've ever listened to consciously, played by my dad. I remember scrolling through his records, but stopping everytime I came across Black Sabbath. It was so intriguing. Still it would take me months and months of looking at the cover before I asked my dad to play it for me. And that was the beginning of music I don't know how old I was, nor can't my dad recall, but I guess it was around kindergarten time (5-6 years of age).
The funny thing is, a thing that I've been giving lots of thoughts to: I've never listened to any Black Sabbath again since that, nor Queen. I don't own any records by those bands, and I'm not particularly interested in them either. A year or so ago though I heard "Bohemian Rhapsody" played on the piano by some bloke at a german talent show on the TV, and I was strangely touched by it. You know, when you're touched by music that reminds you of certain moments in your life, of certain girls, emotions, whatever. But this was different. I had no idea what it reminded me of...I didn't know why it touched me so much, but still I had watery eyes.
I've never heard anything by Black Sabbath since that, but if I think about it very concentradly, I can recall certain emotions in the music, a feeling which is hard to grasp. Maybe it would be nice to listen to it again, but maybe not...maybe I should treasure this...some memories are better not to be refreshed.
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Posted : May 19, 2010 15:50
Hmmm, hard one. It'd probably be Cynic. Focus is pure brilliance. I've kinda been out of the metal loop in the last couple of years so I'm yet to give their new album a listen.
It used to be Opeth ~6-7yrs ago but my love for them faded. Haven't bothered to listen to anything after Deliverance
Yea... Slayer for president!
They are the reason for todays aggression, speed or basically everything about metal! Dave lombardo was the king of drums.... Kerry Kings leads were so technical at unusual scales!.They totally changed the face of metal and still stay true to their roots...even though an album or two during the later stages weren't upto the mark...
Btw... What happened to Type O Negative ? They still around ? Some may classify them as porn-goth metal... but for sure they made some good songs. Especially the cover of Sabbath on Nativity in Black... Man.... i've heard so much of metal those days, but none gave me such a haunting feeling than that cover... that was mindblowingly awesome!!
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Posted : Jul 9, 2010 04:59
old _!!!SEPULTURA!!!!
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Posted : Jul 9, 2010 13:53
On 2010-07-08 21:20, Braindrop wrote:
Yea... Slayer for president!
They are the reason for todays aggression, speed or basically everything about metal! Dave lombardo was the king of drums.... Kerry Kings leads were so technical at unusual scales!.They totally changed the face of metal and still stay true to their roots...even though an album or two during the later stages weren't upto the mark...
Btw... What happened to Type O Negative ? They still around ? Some may classify them as porn-goth metal... but for sure they made some good songs. Especially the cover of Sabbath on Nativity in Black... Man.... i've heard so much of metal those days, but none gave me such a haunting feeling than that cover... that was mindblowingly awesome!!