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what kind of a dj do you prefer?

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jan 29, 2008 20:48
There are very few psychedelic dj's ive heard who have leet mixing skillz coupled with stellar track selection. I can only think of audiobrains (one of the best dj sets ive ever heard) : he started slow from tech house / prog to banging morning (triskell , protoculture , allaby , audialize , zen mechanics , lish , intergalactic , melicia , dynamic etc) to hard twilight soutth afrikan style .. (broken toy , shift etc ) from what i remember ...this was about three/four years back.and since then i havent heard a set like that. there is always that something missing .. all dj's generally spin very clubby music these days or some dark music that doesnt make sense . somehow i feel dj's intentionally dont play the real deal.. I think the real hardcore music remains at home for home listening. Its as if they're scared that the dancefloor might explode or they're thinking something like people shouldnt have too much fun or omg this track is too good to play at a party , the crowd wont be able to handle this so lets give them the commercial crap bullshit . or do dj's see the crowd and play accordingly ?

So getting to the point ..what is it that you like to hear from a dj .. good selection of tunes with ok to average mixing skillz (trainwrecking) or average music mixed well? (since its very difficult to find both things in dj's these )

I would go for a guy playing average tunes with good mixing skillz since bad mixing( no matter how good music the dj might be playing) is a real turn off.
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IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jan 29, 2008 22:45
DJs who dont play for the crowd won't last long in the psy scene.. and that applies to DJs not only in India. For me too, mixing skills always will come first... track selection can be done quite nicely by a DJ who knows his buttons n knobs..

In the DJ category... my all time favorite will be Goa Gill.. I like Freaky_G, CrowNick, Zero-Blade, fungusok.. and a few more...

You should check out this guy Freaky_G's stuff if you like full-on night..!

And our very own... Vishwaatmaaa!!!! His latest set :          Om Trayambakam Yajaamahe
Sugandhim Pushti - vardhanam|
Urva - rukamiva Bandhanan
Mrytor - muksheeya ma - amritaat||
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 30, 2008 00:39
Track selection is always more important than mixing skills in the first place. You can have a DJ throw down 20 well chosen tracks with outros faded with intros and still have a perfect set. Its the story which matters more...

I would much rather have smashing music and mediocre mixing skills than seamless mixing and lousy track - selection. Its so boring to hear mediocre music. Mixing is important but quality mixing is only an added bonus, very few DJs mix perfectly coupled with flawless track selection.

Only cutting edge psychedelia please, no average music

almost_human KROX ( Phantasm Rec .)
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 30, 2008 01:06
Dj is an ARCHITECHT (matrix)           UVV Project / Mandala Project / Crystal noize Project / Cosmic Crew

Be not angry that you cannot make others as you wish them to be, since you cannot make yourself as you wish to be.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 30, 2008 06:59
same answer as mandan           <~< "the best things in life aren't things" - art buchwald >~>
Inactive User

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Posted : Jan 30, 2008 07:34
Addictive Elements
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 30, 2008 08:34
Goa Gils no ways a good dj......his mixing leaves much to be desired.....
i too would opt for a good track selection with aaverage mixing skills......
i wouldnt go just to hear average trax mixed beautifully....i wouldnt be for a party to see how technically sound the dj is.....i wanna hear good music and dance my ass off....
however the kind of dj i would prefer is a dj who is full energy and who transfers it to the dancefloor....wouldnt like to see a dj just stand there and play

          ----- Hippies...they wanna save the earth....but all they ever do is smoke pot ----
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 30, 2008 08:46
I like hot chick djs           "It's not the fall that kills you; it's the sudden stop at the end." - Douglas Adams
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 30, 2008 08:49

On 2008-01-30 00:39, zmandan wrote:
Track selection is always more important than mixing skills in the first place. You can have a DJ throw down 20 well chosen tracks with outros faded with intros and still have a perfect set. Its the story which matters more...

I would much rather have smashing music and mediocre mixing skills than seamless mixing and lousy track - selection. Its so boring to hear mediocre music. Mixing is important but quality mixing is only an added bonus, very few DJs mix perfectly coupled with flawless track selection.

Only cutting edge psychedelia please, no average music


+1           "It's not the fall that kills you; it's the sudden stop at the end." - Douglas Adams
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 30, 2008 08:52
i think both are equally important for a beautiful set...

but if i have to choose, i would go with the good music mixed with average to ok mixing skills...
when i say good music, the track selection and the flow has to be good... there should be the peaks and time to relax and probably share a good moment with your friends.
and when i say average to ok mixing skills, the dj should at least be able to to mix tracks with the outros faded with intros(i guess thats the minimum anyone would expect from a person calling himself a dj).

the best dj i have ever heard has to be Nick Binary of Sonic Beating, closely followed by Fria of Tantrumm Records.

you can download few of Nick Binary's mixes here.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jan 30, 2008 10:07
all of you want a dj with good trackselection and average mixing .. what if at the peak of ama-zing track he wishes to mix a track with the same bpm ,, but eventually ends up trainwrecking?? its happened before and it isnt a good sight (and state) for everyone present . that imo is so much worse than someone who's not playing superfunky killa shit (ok good music) but playing it well.

for eg goa gil fades outros and intros , hardly ever tries to beatmatch (AFAIK). that is fine according to me. a dj trainwrecking fantastic tracks just leaves me with a bad taste in my mouth.
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Posted : Jan 30, 2008 10:51
Isn't mixing da main factor for one to be called a DJ in the first place.
Track selection, use of effects etc. is just something that separates good DJs from the rest...

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Posted : Jan 30, 2008 11:01

On 2008-01-30 08:52, boomshanthi wrote:

and when i say average to ok mixing skills, the dj should at least be able to to mix tracks with the outros faded with intros(i guess thats the minimum anyone would expect from a person calling himself a dj).

Thats not a dj man, thats a juke box
          (Rudraksh / Amaris records)
VA "DEEP FRIED" compiled by Dj Shiva Moon out now on Rudraksh Records!
VA Ahimsa double cd compilation out now!
VA " Fry or Die " under construction!
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 30, 2008 12:50

On 2008-01-30 11:01, sHiVaMoOon wrote:

On 2008-01-30 08:52, boomshanthi wrote:

and when i say average to ok mixing skills, the dj should at least be able to to mix tracks with the outros faded with intros(i guess thats the minimum anyone would expect from a person calling himself a dj).

Thats not a dj man, thats a juke box

haha true man- ROFL.

my 2cents: dj = should be able to mix his selection of trcks(and his selection must be killer if heZ djjjjjjjj )

but some trcks just cant be touched-meaning some trcks u just cannot mix coz they sound 2 good on their own as it izzzz- thts why its called a set- its the djs time to showcase his 'sound' which he wants to bring to the night !

enter the time of CounterCulture !

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Posted : Jan 31, 2008 02:23

On 2008-01-29 20:48, exotic wrote:

...this was about three/four years back.and since then i havent heard a set like that. there is always that something missing .. all dj's generally spin very clubby music these days or some dark music that doesnt make sense . somehow i feel dj's intentionally dont play the real deal..
.... or do dj's see the crowd and play accordingly ?

ahh three four five years ago.. hmmm good old days ehh baba..
when was the last time one saw a dj be a part of the crowd.. moveabout the floor spk with the junta.. know what was circulating around the floor and in the spine of them trancers.... before they start their sets...

no offence to anyone .. but todays Dj`s prefer spending non spinning time away from the floor and the people who make the party... esp if its an indoor gig..
ive seen some chill outside the place .. in the parking for crying out loud

our music goes with the D`z that go around..
now I aint no musician... but this is what I feel...

Trance Forum » » Forum  India - what kind of a dj do you prefer?

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