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what is your opinion about "tribute" dj sets???

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 6, 2012 13:59
BTW doing a good tribute or retro set only works as well as he person mixing it like any set, it's not only the music but the mixing.           Cuntus Maximus.

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Posted : Sep 6, 2012 16:02
Beat Agency so i guess you dont have a problem with this "event"......           Toodaloo Motherfuckers!!!!!
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 6, 2012 18:05

On 2012-09-06 16:02, DETOX wrote:
Beat Agency so i guess you dont have a problem with this "event"......

Why would I have anything against it? It is a big thumbs up to the artists who are being honored! I see no problem in a tribute set or party. They play those tribute sets out of love for the artists music and that's all that counts to me. Any artist being the subject of tribute should be proud. I know I would be if someone decided to play a tribute set with my music.

Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 6, 2012 18:08

On 2012-09-06 13:07, Anyer wrote:
for Example..."but what if" i make a set that says "ELYSIUM's MASTER OF THE RAIN FOREST mixed by DJ Nobody" would you agree to it's existance even if it's bad mixed and i made it just to get publicity and more bookings???


I really would not care. That DJ would do it out of love for the music. That's all that counts. Actually I think it's an honor if other artists (pro's or amateurs) like my music enough to make a tribute out of it.

And please enlighten me how you would know that Dj Nobody made it only to get bookings and publicity? How could you tell he's not also doing it because he like the music?

Furthermore then why is it different from any other more known Dj who also makes Dj mixes? Is that not also to get bookings and publicity?

I do Dj mixes and also do it with promotion in mind. That's actually what a DJ mix is all about

Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 6, 2012 18:14

On 2012-09-06 12:33, goaren wrote:
heh sue come to israel james monro plays here at least twice a year, last year there was a big flying rhino label party (green nuns, darshan, slinky wizard, mwnn, george barker, james monro and dick trevor dj sets) where he played from vinyls as he did in ozora 2011, this year theres another flying rhino label party from all those that didnt play last time - and its in 2 weeks

Sheyba was not invited so it's not all the rest of the old FR artists playing in that party.

But Sheyba will play a remixed liveset in Israel on the 26th of october (after Elysium)


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Posted : Sep 6, 2012 19:33
Sorry Kristian but in my humble opinion events like the one i showed you are tottally misleading and show a big lack of respect for the artists "honored".

If the event was fair and a real tribute to the artists mentioned then in the promotional post it would say DJ GEORGE (with big letters) tribute set to Hallucinogen (with smaller letters) and not the opposite.

Not to mention that in the timetable its just mentions the tribute artists names without mentioning the local djs who are actually performing.

And by the way when you want to honor someone and use his name on a promotional poster or internet post FIRST YOU ASK FOR HIS PERMISSION if you really love and respect the artist. Thats the proper way to do things the way i see it.

Anyway thats just me who finds this whole thing a big mistake.           Toodaloo Motherfuckers!!!!!
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 6, 2012 19:46
Detox You have your opinion I have mine.

But I do not see why anyone should ask for permission to use an artist name on a flyer playing a tribute set as long as they clearly state its a tribute set/party. Then you should also ask every single artists permission to use their track-names in a dj mix etc. etc. etc. Your arguments does not make any sense and lets gets fact on the table. As long as it clearly says its a tribute party/set then there no harm in the way its written on the examples you have shown here. Also not a violation legally. 
dick hardman
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 6, 2012 20:31
Come on now, Detox. The name of that party is - C O N N E C T E D . T R I B U T E S . 4 -
How could there be any misleading with a name like that? It should be obvious and clear that the name in bigger letters is the tributed and the smaller letters the tributee.
I agree with you, and as OzMike points out, it is hoped that the DJs are proficient enough to do justice to the music they are presenting.

Incidentally, Kristian, I was listening to Elysium tracks the other day imagining playing a full set of those tunes, including the collabs (you and MOS of course) and remixes. Glad to know you'd be cool with it.

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Posted : Sep 6, 2012 21:06
1) Artists names are registered (as you already know i guess since your artist name is also registered if i am not mistaken) and if an artist doesnt want to have his name appearing somewhere (like a tribute set) he has a legal right to ask for the removal of his name or even sue the people using his name for promotional reasons. EXAMPLE one year ago a local team in Greece was using Yahel's name on a flyer for a tribute set without his permission, Yahel contacted me (since i am working with him in Greece) and asked me to contact my lawyer in order to contact this team and have his name taken down since noone asked for his permission to do so and because this was misleading advertisment.

2) You dont have to ask for an artists permission to perform his tracks in public as long as you pay the appropriate ammount to your countries mechanical rights company. For example in my events the artists i invite to play can play any music they like from any artist they like since me as an organiser pay the appropriate fee to AEPI which is the mechanical rights company in Greece (like ACUM is in Israel and SAGEM is in France for example) where i live and operate. EXAMPLE if i am not mistaken you used to collect money for a lot of years from the mechanical rights company of Greece for the airplay of your Elysium track with the wolves sample in it (Blue Psychobabas was its name or something like that?) isnt that correct? Noone asked your permission to play that track in the radio but they still had to pay money in order to play it since the track was registered.

Are you still claiming that my arguments dont make any sense?           Toodaloo Motherfuckers!!!!!
Remy [POF]
Principles Of Flight

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Posted : Sep 6, 2012 21:17

On 2012-09-06 19:33, DETOX wrote:
Sorry Kristian but in my humble opinion events like the one i showed you are tottally misleading and show a big lack of respect for the artists "honored".

If the event was fair and a real tribute to the artists mentioned then in the promotional post it would say DJ GEORGE (with big letters) tribute set to Hallucinogen (with smaller letters) and not the opposite.

Not to mention that in the timetable its just mentions the tribute artists names without mentioning the local djs who are actually performing.

And by the way when you want to honor someone and use his name on a promotional poster or internet post FIRST YOU ASK FOR HIS PERMISSION if you really love and respect the artist. Thats the proper way to do things the way i see it.

Anyway thats just me who finds this whole thing a big mistake.

i gotta agree with you           On 2011-03-08 23:13, moki wrote:
listening only to free music is like having the free possibility to satisfy yourself with thousends of different free sexual acts.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 6, 2012 21:21
i think it s lame to do this if its for getting more peoples at the event...
personally i would enjoy more oldschool set than tribute and it s not lame , or book the real artist..
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 6, 2012 21:22
99.999 % of all artists names are not registered. And my artist name is not registered. Get your facts straight. Elysium would be impossible to register as its used in 1000's of references and many companies etc. as well is linked to History.

About Yahel. Good for him. Personally I would rather be happy and honored that my music inspire djs or artists.

Regarding your no.2:

In a perfect world every DJ, club etc. would pay the artists every time a DJ play their music. Mechanical rights has nothing to do with an DJ playing an artists music. It has to do with the amount of units being distributed.

But the world is not perfect and maybe you are a Saint (I doubt it though) but lets face the facts. No one pay any of the musicians rights organizations when a DJ play an artists tracks in a party.That is so far fetched Detox and you know it

Your example with Radio stations is a very different thing compared to underground parties in the psytrance scene. And let me give you some inside knowledge you surely lack. None of the small radio stations pay a dime. Whenever I got and still get royalties from being played on radio it comes from big major radio stations.

Instead of assuming things as I see you do many times when you have very little knowledge about the subject I advice you to ask all the "famous" artist you are good friends with and ask them if they would react like Yahel or be happy that there are people out there who love their music enough to play it as a tribute.

Then come back here and share the result


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Posted : Sep 6, 2012 21:43
So you say your artist name is NOT REGISTERED but you say just one paragraph below that SOMEHOW YOU GET ROYALTIES from big radio stations when they play your music. I am very curious to know how is this possible. And by the way you know that its not the ELYSIUM NAME that you register BUT THE ARTIST NAME ALONG WITH THE REAL NAMES OF THE PEOPLE BEHIND IT. These things go together and not seperate.

Legal Clubs and Party Organisations pay mechanical rights on the same basis that cafeterias or even super markets that play music in their establishments pay mechanical rights. It has nothing to do with the units being distributed in terms of cd sales or whatever.

Me as a label owner and party organiser is forced to pay mechanical rights for both of my activities. BEFORE I AM ALLOWED TO PRINT A CD IN MY COUNTRY i am requested to provide the cd printing factory a list with the names of the tracks, the names of the artists and the full real names of the artists. Then the factory provides this list to the mechanical rights company of my country and they send back a response about which artist is registered and which is not and they inform me the ammount of money i have to pay which depends on the length of the track on the cd and the ammount of copies i want to print. The average to release a registered psy trance track in Greece for 2000 copies is around 300 euros per track just to let you know. Also in parties i am forced to pay around 400-500 euros per event no matter if i provide a playlist of the tracks performed or not.

And concerning radio stations it doesnt matter the size of the radio station but it matters about its legal status. An illegal radio station doesnt pay anything since its illegal, any legal radio station is required to pay mechanical rights on a monthly basis no matter its audience or size.

Are you sure i have very little knowledge on the subject? With all the respect it seems that its quiet the opposite.

P.S In 2003 i hosted an anniversary event with Electric Universe and Bamboo Forest where in the back of the flyer i featured photos (just photos not names) of the artists i had invited in the past year. I received phone calls from 3 very very well known names that asked me to take down the photos from the flyer or change and print a new one since they thought the people would be confused and they didnt like the whole idea of their photo being published on a party that they would not perform. Actually its three artists you have worked with and you know very well since both of them are from Scandinavia and one is French. Here is the link of the flyer since i always speak with facts.          Toodaloo Motherfuckers!!!!!
Dennis the menace
DevilsDennis Sparris McHilton

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Posted : Sep 6, 2012 21:44

Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 7, 2012 00:49
There is a BIG difference in OWNING (registered) a artist name and being registered under a artist name with your own name.

In Denmark you register with a organisation named KODA under YOUR OWN NAME and add your releases with them using your "project names" (such as Elysium). You do not own the project names or get a registration Diploma such as the one Dennis The Menace posted above (Way to go to get a Trademark registered in Sweden from an American cartoon - That's some achievement lol).

Detox please dont start with legal clubs paying fees under the mechanical rights law bla. bla. You kind of live in La La land I think as I have never once received any fees from people playing my music in Clubs associated with the psytrance scene. Also never from Greece and I have had a few Hits there being banged over and over again all over Greece! The only money I received from Greece was from national TV and your National radio via KODA (Has nothing to do with mechanical rights).My publishing agency Warner/Chappell (who has nothing to do with collection royalties from radio play or Clubs) collect money from my mechanical rights from record labels and distributors.

Its uptopia to claim artists gets royalties from clubs and you know it Detox. No matter if you claim you know it all

Yes you as a label has to pay mechanical rights but thats got nothing to do with Djs playing music in clubs as you wrote earlier.

You never fail to amuse me with your many stories about who you hoseted etc. I really do not care who you brought or how many events you made. Point is you have a few facts totally wrong no matter how many parties you made and how many CD's you released or how many big name artists you hang around.

And now it's weekend for me and travel time. Have a great weekend.

Trance Forum » » Forum  Trance - what is your opinion about "tribute" dj sets???
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