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What is music

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 15, 2015 12:12:18

What is music to you ?

          " We are together in this matter you and I, closer to death, yes, closer than i'd like. How do you feel? - There can be no division in our actions, or everything is lost. What affects you affects me. "
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jan 15, 2015 12:13
A way to influence my self in terms of feeling and mode and a way to influence other in the same way!           .
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jan 15, 2015 16:49
an reflection of your emotions and a mirror of your soul what you transform in sound waves to express harmony in yourself and others , NAMASTE

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Posted : Jan 15, 2015 19:51
Ooze from lake of perfect silence...
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jan 15, 2015 22:58
psychedelic music is this :


listen @1.57 that rythm,melodies

Peruvian psychedelic music from the 60ts,there was many bands from the amazonia,andes,coast, like los destellos,los walkers,hijos del sol,vibes!           d(((+_-)))b
"Washuma" means Mescaline
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jan 16, 2015 00:13
thanks for sharing. big like^ keep'em coming. more of psychedelic 'unknown' music

music to me is movement and a proove of soul, spirit or maybe somehow life.

IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jan 19, 2015 11:15
As somebody on reddit put it (or something along the lines of): "art is the decoration of space, music is the decoration of time".
Oni Katsu

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Posted : Jan 19, 2015 21:27
Music is what keeps me up all night and fucks up my education as graphics designer.

I guess girls and music are pretty similar.  

I said I like it dirty, not muddy.

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Posted : Jan 21, 2015 18:04
Something I really like.
Colin OOOD

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Posted : Jan 24, 2015 03:17
Sound that has been organised.           Mastering - ::
OOOD 5th album 'You Think You Are' - :: ::
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Posted : Jan 30, 2015 17:34
Hasn't the question already been answered by modern art? that it's whatever we choose to label as 'art' (music)

So a found article can be placed on a plinth and viewed as art - suggesting it's to do with subjective viewpoint rather than absolute objective criteria that must be met

I went to weekend experimental music festival and it's forever changed how I relate to...the sound of my fan oven cooling down with type clicks and roadworks outside - all of which have their own subtle details and rhythms

I think the organised sound definition (Varese?) is out-dated because it implies that an organiser is required - as if the soundscape of breaking waves and sea-birds is lacking in something or that a chaotic city scape has insufficient editing to become music. There is NO category distinction between sound and music - it is merely a perceptual shift into an awareness that labels the auditory experience as musical

- - -


1. A universal language in the broadest sense - that it picks up on maths and pattern that shape the fabric of the cosmos - and how music is a feature of all human societies. Transcending verbal language we are free to dance & chill in communion, contemplation and liberation.

2. A life-partner that shares experiences and offers nourishment, healing, wisdom, colour, warm loving acceptance, cathartic release and assertive grounded strength with vibrant sweet inspiration.

3. The best way our bit of conscious matter has of hinting at the sheer WOWness of hurtling through the cosmos and sharing moments together.
Colin OOOD

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Posted : Jan 31, 2015 18:06
IMO there is absolutely a category distinction between sound and music. If there were not, we would not have the distinction between the words 'musical' and 'music'. Birdsong may be musical but unless a portion of it is isolated and defined as such by human action or intention, it can not be regarded as music. Without editing, that chaotic cityscape is just a chaotic cityscape; it is only when a specific portion is isolated in such a way that it can be separately identified that it becomes possible to apply the label 'music' to it. Whilst the perceptual shift into an awareness that labels the auditory experience as musical is an important part of the definition, I don't think it is the only part, as I believe that there needs to have been some human interaction with the sound concerned for it to be possible to think of it as music.           Mastering - ::
OOOD 5th album 'You Think You Are' - :: ::
Contact for bookings/mastering -
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jan 31, 2015 19:37
At this point with OOOD here...

If everything is frequence we could of course say:
"Light is frequence and frequence is sound and the frequence of light is music we can not hear, but we can see it"

but further :
"Most light we can not see, we only see the refection of the light with the material"

Ergo :
"Resonance... We only see the material resonance of the frequence of light"...

So... Of course the whole cosmic tribe might be "a frequence-thing", ergo sound, ergo a "kind of music", "musical sound",
but its the musical sound "of the spirit of foundation of creation of live" and its a sphere or a domain of very, "very" minded spirit...
- I do not want to use the three letters now

So if creator use frequence(s) to make a sound to create musical sound to create music its "cosmic" (old greece language),
its creation of life...

And if there is no creation, its maybe chaos (also old greece language) and its maybe "the opposite" of cosmic and the frequences are maybe "thrown together"...

So music is maybe something like "a defined frequence creation" of creators...
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jan 31, 2015 22:06
Addendum (Just for fun in cause of the parts of the hole a sine-wave):

In musical language reflected by etymological greece :

Chaos = Session, intention ergo "sound & auditory experience"

Cosmic = Production, mastering ergo "music experience"

Both are parts of creativity, but at the end :

"Music" is defined... For example on a notepaper...
A "Session" only can be "defined" by an "audio record"...


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Posted : Feb 2, 2015 18:01
The concept that music is different than sound (or noise) is fake because music falls within the scope of the definition of sound (or noise) - broadly some disturbance of the air that our ears can perceive part of.

So if there is any argument it's to do with what noises lie outside the boundary of music and whether that boundary is fuzzy or elastic.

I'd argue that if a person can stretch as far as John Cage - in accepting that sounds previously dismissed as just noise can be part of musical compositions then music expands to embrace all of the sonic world - from our shifted attention to concert hall ambience in 4'33" of 'silence' to the ability to reframe other found sounds as music.

Or how about a techno track that has a train rumble through a break at the middle - if the contention is that this element is not music in isolation then does it follow that no single elements are 'music' - regardless of their sonic complexity or minimal beauty? Why can't there be a one note piano composition?

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