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What happened to the israeli trance

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 5, 2007 01:29
hahahhehe i guess.. your trip mann do whatever you like!

booom on ya chico
Inactive User

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Posted : Oct 5, 2007 01:49
Thank You man, thank you....           Sea>Israel>Ben-Gurion>Tel-Aviv>Ramat-Goa>Marom Neve
is this pure reality could we be led?
25500 NIS for 1 hour DJ set
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IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 5, 2007 02:01
Those topics with music Taste discussions,become very boring and they dont have any sense, it's checked up           Dance is - As a matter of fact, socially admissible public analogue of the sexual act :)
Inactive User

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Posted : Oct 5, 2007 02:10
Legalize it and I will advertise it )))))))))))))))           Sea>Israel>Ben-Gurion>Tel-Aviv>Ramat-Goa>Marom Neve
is this pure reality could we be led?
25500 NIS for 1 hour DJ set
30500 NIS for 45-50 minutes of Live~

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Posts :  68
Posted : Oct 24, 2007 17:33
Maybe you all just jaded and what you used to like is now old and boreing to you.I couid throw a party and have all newbies on the dance floor and drop some old GOA they would love it.How long can you do some thing before it all become old news to you and Boering?
Cosmic Oneness
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 30, 2007 12:04
I really don't know what you are talking about, Israeli Trance has always been FULL ON man !!! There is a lot of music being dished out all over the world and it's time to look beyond your confines and feel this global vibration which speaks one language, the language of ENERGY !

If it's boring switch to some Floyd man !

          " All is One "

When we change the way we see things, the things we see begin to change ... In Lak'ech Ala K'in ...
DJ Shpondra

Started Topics :  8
Posts :  62
Posted : Mar 23, 2014 15:24
Ze skhora alef alef! Pzozoth!           _________
Nu Dovay!
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : May 31, 2014 22:42

On 2014-03-23 15:24, DJ Shpondra wrote:
Ze skhora alef alef! Pzozoth!

Isra is so much better than facebook .. anyway .. I see somebody was comparing Posford to Picasso a few years ago and I wonder if the person still feels the same about Posford. Cos I feel a bit odd about him. A few degrees of separation etc. and after learning Ableton I have to ask, 1) How do you know his music is original (it sounds pretty bad to me) and 2) How do you know it's his at all? He could've lifted it wholesale. From Gil to Vaughn, including Raja Ram, whom I rather knew, etc. that whole clique has been accused of corruption so many times. There are others, who imo sound much better, and are much friendlier (to me at least), and seem physically healthier.

As far as Picasso, I always say, were it not for him, 5 others with a better personality could have produced 5x more comparable work, and we would be better off. Cuz people with a bad personality tend to keep off other, much nicer, people of comparable talent. And their cohorts know this. That is why such hooligans (frankly) are still famous. Meanwhile the rest of us spend hours fighting off brain drain.

See, dear munchkins, there are people with a twisted psyche who are still good at a bunch of things; and then you have the really unbearable criminals, who run around spreading AIDS, stealing music, poisoning people, playing bad sets on purpose, ETC. When we are differentiating between these two sorts, then we can have a proper discussion of who in Israeli trance sux .. who is OK .. and who is awesome.

Sounds good ??
Trance Forum  Forum  Israel - What happened to the israeli trance
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