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VA :Loud Frequency 2 (USTA Rec / June 2005)

guy cohen
IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  417
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Posted : Jun 11, 2005 15:23
Hi All !

A new compilation from U.S.T.A. Records!
The second part in the series compiled, by Assaf Miara a.k.a Dj Mid.
Loud frequency 2 is a full-on trance compilation containing a verity of styles from different young artists, each with his unique sound and his personal touch.

1. Digital Tribe - Kilimanjaro (06:54)
The comp start with a blaster full on tune from new artist - Digital Tribe (Sholmi Dahan). Groovy bass line with many games and effects...just like good full on track need to be...good work here !

2. Indra - Hypnotist (07:05)
Another young artist who discover by Dj Mid...I talk about Oshri Krispin from Israel.
The track start with cheezy melodi for 40 seconds and than the groovy kick start to rock. A melodic tune...perfect for the morning time. I'm sure we will hear a lot of good music on the future from this young guy.

3. Miditec - Mystical sound (06:43)
The third track come from Miki Bibas (ex Beat Hackers). Miki with his solo project keep the excllent sound he know to produce. Smashing full-on tune with crazy brakes and Miki's touch all over.

4. Cosmic Station - Xpend you (08:10)
This track come from Portugal...amazing tune ! it's a bit diffrent than the first more deep and powerfull..the kick don't stop for a second just dig and dig. I'm sure this track has special influence in the dance floor...keep it up !

5. Optokoppler - Fly high (08:34)
We get to my favorite track from this compilation. This excllent project never disappoint me...the debut album of Olli and Tim is killer. Their track here is more soft with a lot of melodies and playings all over. People keep your eyes on this project !!

6. Liquid Space - Going crazy (09:48)
Funky start with crazy groove ! it's not easy to connect for this tune but after you listen it from the start till the end, you must play it again...very delightful. The brake on 03:15 is awesome...I really like give you good feeling.
Another prommising project !

7. Zodiac - Sticky fingers (07:35)
Nice sampel in the begining with some guitars on. After 3 minutes of intensive bass line, enter a beatifull melodi that change the atmosphere of the track for more relaxing and comfortable.

8. Goasia - Hypernova (06:24)
As the project name says...pure goa tune with the one rule of the goa genre - there are no rules excllent work here.

I like this comp. more then the first part - this one is more varied and intersting with diffrent styles in. Assaf did here a good job and I feel he just going up and up with his compilations.
Sampels of Loud Frequency 2 you can find here :

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  40
Posts :  166
Posted : Jun 12, 2005 23:44
one of the BAD compilations i ever heard!
the miditec track and zodiac .. hehe what the hell?


Started Topics :  6
Posts :  136
Posted : Jun 13, 2005 00:54
I'm only waiting for Goasia track, don't care about the rest :)           [ cuBe ] :: •

Started Topics :  5
Posts :  88
Posted : Jun 13, 2005 03:28
this compilation is very bad, all the tracks sound so amatur. the all production sounds very bad!!
didnt like anything from this cd.

U.S.T.A is the worst israeli lable.


Started Topics :  4
Posts :  56
Posted : Jun 13, 2005 13:34

On 2005-06-12 23:44, _Psycho-Kiler_ wrote:
one of the BAD compilations i ever heard!
the miditec track and zodiac .. hehe what the hell?


totaly agrree....looks like there is no red lines on usta

Started Topics :  26
Posts :  168
Posted : Jun 13, 2005 17:10
nice compilation i think its good one people here showed what they know to do best regards to usta records good luck in the future !!! Miki (Miditec)
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  76
Posts :  2014
Posted : Jun 13, 2005 17:29
Amateurish and clocking in at about 60 minutes (come on people, fill those damn 80 minutes) this is not really worth your time with so many good compilations out there at the moment.           "Subconscious unravels at the point of death, and all time it has known erupts into a moment. As death extinguishes us, so we become it."

[Esoteric: Subconscious Dissolution Into The Continuum]
Cosmic Station

Started Topics :  82
Posts :  1235
Posted : Jun 13, 2005 17:36
hey Assaf whats up?
ITs agreat album indeed
lots of good feelings. The tracks are great.
miditec, optokkopler and goasia are my favorites.
well done usta.
really hope that this one sells even more then the older brother and will be huge success like the previows..
keep rooking
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  10
Posts :  107
Posted : Jun 13, 2005 17:50
plz guys...give us a break
miditec & cosmic station why dont you write a review about this cd that u 2 are involve in....

sorry but this v/a is lam....& ur tracks too.


Started Topics :  1
Posts :  46
Posted : Jun 13, 2005 18:12
whats a great group as optokoppler doing at such a lame label?

Started Topics :  26
Posts :  168
Posted : Jun 13, 2005 21:08
i want to tell u the true i am not really intersting to know what people that not make music think about this compilation when i will listen to your tracks(if they are exsist)guys i will let u know exactly if its good also and not post ugly massages about that and plz people give some respect to artists and to the music boom!!!

Started Topics :  5
Posts :  88
Posted : Jun 13, 2005 21:21
sorry miditec but this v/a is totaly bad.
even your track is far from the sound & production of beat hackers materials...

dont take it personal but when you release bad music dont expect any compliments...

Voice Project

Started Topics :  6
Posts :  96
Posted : Jun 13, 2005 21:49

On 2005-06-13 21:08, Miditec wrote:
i want to tell u the true i am not really intersting to know what people that not make music think about this compilation when i will listen to your tracks(if they are exsist)guys i will let u know exactly if its good also and not post ugly massages about that and plz people give some respect to artists and to the music boom!!!

sorry but your track is far from being OK...
& pepole dont need to do music for review other artists music.
looks like you cant handle the truth that your music sucks.


Started Topics :  26
Posts :  168
Posted : Jun 13, 2005 23:20
first able this track is old and i think is good production wait till u listen to my album that coming out soon and voice project we know that u hate me very much and u can save ur comments to yourself stop to tell about me ugly stuff plz grow up man i know that u like guy and u are friend of guy peled but u dont need to tell to me stuff like this i think that beat hackers music was good and now its very sucks and sound cheap for the last time soo plz dont let me to tell all the people who r u really "voice project".
Freedom Fighters
Freedom Fighters

Started Topics :  35
Posts :  162
Posted : Jun 14, 2005 01:21

On 2005-06-13 23:20, Miditec wrote:
first able this track is old and i think is good production wait till u listen to my album that coming out soon and voice project we know that u hate me very much and u can save ur comments to yourself stop to tell about me ugly stuff plz grow up man i know that u like guy and u are friend of guy peled but u dont need to tell to me stuff like this i think that beat hackers music was good and now its very sucks and sound cheap for the last time soo plz dont let me to tell all the people who r u really "voice project".

Tell us miki we want to know who is the Voice Project .. oh

affecnce bro.. but i think u have massive talent...and u can do better then this

          Freedom Fighters @ Utopia Records. - Music & Profile.
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