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Very good article

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 25, 2007 17:28

On 2007-10-25 15:54, huda-g wrote:
eny way,the ppl hed voted with their feet
old school,new school and all the rest and hed the time of their life!!


but did this experience have any "added value"(lazy translation) for them, or was it just another crazy weekend, one of many to be forgotten in a year or so?

only way to know is look back on our time 10 years from now, see if trance had a major impact on young people like it used to, or was just a temporary phase on their way to "burganut"
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 25, 2007 18:23
es much es i see all the old school ppl from
the past are more or less "burganim" this days

and the question u shuld ask is when they
come to this party or that party do they get the
good optien to be free to fly with music and
connect to some cind of vibe wich is uniq to
this place...

eny way.. i think their is no place to comper
the past and the present,from the simple reason
that music and vibe are dinamic and changes their
color in time.. u cen folow it or u cen stuk in a past phaze its a CHOISE!

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 25, 2007 19:07
i guess you're right..
luckily there is plenty of good music released these days(plenty of shit as well but who cares )

so i guess its all about choosing to enjoy what u can

cuz the only right way is the way *you* feel is right


IsraTrance Team

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Posted : Oct 26, 2007 14:45

On 2007-10-23 20:27, shahar wrote:
And don't talk to me about Moksha, it was a great commercial party, with great music, and I had loads of fun, but that's all that it was- a day and a half between fences. It wasn't a festival, and there wasn't even the autonomous feel of a party with that high rise building close on the background.

Why not talking about moksha?do you think that if it was 3 days in some other location only 2000 ppl whould have come?i dont think so...

It's very easy to blame the crowd for not showing up but what you wrote shahar prove that most ppl wont drive 4 hours into the desert for a 3-4 days of g** house or retarted full on parades but when a master mind as simon posford arrive 5000 ppl without huge topics on isratrance nor a radio promotion come to dig in a bigger karahana than all 3 other "festivals" all together.

As weird as it may sounds it seems as most psytrancers want to hear psychedelic trance when they are going out to party...

So i must say thats make me happy cause no matter how much those subgeners fucked up this scene in the last few yesrs PSYTRANCE STILL RULES!!!          Always agressive never progressive.

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Posted : Oct 26, 2007 14:58
Oran is blunt but quite correct. Moksha had a killer line up with some classic acts, a few of the best temporary acts and in a very cool place (albeit a closed one). You give people a diverse line up and they come. The aforementioned festivals proposed very focused line ups that for me personally and for many people i know don't justify the hassle. If next year Moksha will (Beezrat Ha Shem) organise a 3 days event with a few top artists from the past and a few top artists from today with their usual diversity they will bring the same amounts or hopefully more than that. As easy as that.
          Everyone in the world is doing something without me
IsraTrance Team

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Posted : Oct 30, 2007 21:01

On 2007-10-26 14:45, Oran wrote:

Why not talking about moksha?do you think that if it was 3 days in some other location only 2000 ppl whould have come?i dont think so...

I don't know how many people would have come, but I still believe they would have lost money, yes. For reasons I already stated.


It's very easy to blame the crowd for not showing up

Blame? Where did you see me blaming anyone for anything, Oran? I specifically wrote that I don't judge anyone and for sure don't blame anyone- I just described a situation that exists- facts. As does the article I think. Please read again.


but what you wrote shahar prove that most ppl wont drive 4 hours into the desert for a 3-4 days of g** house or retarted full on parades but when a master mind as simon posford arrive 5000 ppl without huge topics on isratrance nor a radio promotion come to dig in a bigger karahana than all 3 other "festivals" all together.

As weird as it may sounds it seems as most psytrancers want to hear psychedelic trance when they are going out to party...

So i must say thats make me happy cause no matter how much those subgeners fucked up this scene in the last few yesrs PSYTRANCE STILL RULES!!!

A bit patronizing of you, no? Even pretentious. Did someone appoint you, or anyone else, to be the pope of psytrance?
I never wrote about the music in my post, even though I believe it is one of the main reasons why things have changed so much. I suggest diversity and quality. Not genre definitions as you suggest.

Give me diversity and I take it with joy (as does Moksha)- as long as the music makes me dance and takes my mind places I'll be happy, weather you define it as house, full on, techno, progressive or psytrance. Just open your mind. I don't need musical chains of any kind, thank you, not even ones called Simon Posford. And yes, Hallucinogen rules (even though it's old music), but that doesn't mean that Yuli or Magit didn't play a hell of a psychedelic trance set (that people will define as minimal techno) at TAZ, or that Dimitry didn't play a great psychedelic trance set that started with Bodzin at 120bpm and finished with 145bpms full on 3.5 hours later at the Holy Rave.

Diversity please, and no definitions. And good DJs- Give me a break of 10 live show of one hour one after the other. I want good DJs with long sets- DJs that can tell a story, that can deliver quality, that know good music- let them play 5 hours- and believe me- they'll find diversity- they'll be looking for good music all over- In your house, full on, progessive, techno, break beat, you name it. And then you'll have good musical experiences and the big crowds will come with them.           ---------------------------------------------
"Be the change you want to see in the world!"
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Aldous Huxley

IsraTrance Team

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Posted : Oct 30, 2007 22:00
You wrote the reasons which you belive were what makes not enough ppl showing up to those festival = orgenizers lose money and i wrote my...

But the fact is shahar and i know its hard to admit it is that those fetivals were just not interesting enough or as Pavel put it "don't justify the hassle".

Belive me if moksha got my lazy ass out of the house they sure made something special...


On 2007-10-30 21:01, shahar wrote:
Just open your mind.

You dont see me around online on lately ha? im on the other hand online a lot on so please spare me the open your mind lecture, on the same scale when im going to a psytrance party i want to hear psytrance and not that open minded music of yours...           Always agressive never progressive.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 31, 2007 00:16
hallucinogen live? common man the man is gifted alright but its the same live with same music from way back to 97 or whatever.
it was cool then..
and its cool now, but mostly cuz it has posford written all over it

i mean seriously its not like we ever heard a younger brother live here in israel

personally, as a party-goer, i rather dance to new, innovative music then try to recreate a vibe long gone
with some old school tunes

so give me a break..hakol yachasey tzibur

appreciate the effort though. big respect for bringing him here

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Posted : Oct 31, 2007 02:32
I would agree with Shahar, that Oran's statements are patronizing and pretentious. I actually don't want to go into the core of the debate but to make a point to Oran - so those 2000 ppl that were digging like there is no tomorrow for 3 days and nights are not to be counted as "cool" ppl like you.. Since they were dancing to Gay House. But wait... I played my GAY house on Moksha party too, and ppl liked it pretty much hehe maybe those were even the same ppl that were flying to Simon Posford, who knows..

Pretentious and Patronizing indeed           A man with a "master plan" is often a woman

Started Topics :  40
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Posted : Oct 31, 2007 02:36
Oh and how could I forget, Ian from XDream also DJ-ed that GAY house before the XDream Live set... Ooops... Gays everywhere... Oran run and hide, so you wont get the disease...           A man with a "master plan" is often a woman
IsraTrance Team

Started Topics :  155
Posts :  2035
Posted : Oct 31, 2007 07:46

On 2007-10-30 22:00, Oran wrote:

You dont see me around online on lately ha? im on the other hand online a lot on so please spare me the open your mind lecture, on the same scale when im going to a psytrance party i want to hear psytrance and not that open minded music of yours...

Your post is an example of another major change that happened to the Israeli trance community (and not just the Israeli one). Once this was all about new music, new experience, new people, new rules (no rules), breaking boundaries (musical and not), fusing differences (musical or not), looking for something different (musical or not), looking to expand your mind (musically or not), it was about the adventure (to connect to another very interesting thread here: ). It was about accepting and not expecting.

Today people go to a trance event with an idea of what they want in their mind- what they want to hear, who they want to meet, how far they want to go and when they want to be back. They have a formula. The music has a formula. And different groups of people have different formulas, of course. And so, they can't dance together anymore. A shame, and also boring for me. I don't want to meet with the same people and dance to the same music every time- boring. Mostly I'm amazed that people are taking what they call mind expanding substances, and then get pissed when the music doesn't sound like what they expected it to sound. When it's out of the box. For heavens' sake, why take a chance on your mind to stay in a box? Wanna stay in a box? Stay extra hours in the office...

Listen to old trance compilations. Trance Mix 1 or 2. Every single track is in a different "style", different bpm, different sounds. Different. Never bothered me. Not than and not now. You talk about Simon- listen to his music in it's context, compare it with other stuff that came out in his time- he was the complete opposite of what you're talking about. He always went out of the box, he always sounded different.

Think about it... open your mind, you know...

(and no, I'm not blaming your or anyone in anything- I'm just observing and commenting).          ---------------------------------------------
"Be the change you want to see in the world!"
M.K. Gandhi

"There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that's your own self."
Aldous Huxley

IsraTrance Team

Started Topics :  155
Posts :  2035
Posted : Oct 31, 2007 07:51

On 2007-10-31 00:16, ori_k wrote:
hallucinogen live? common man the man is gifted alright but its the same live with same music from way back to 97 or whatever.

That's actually not true Ori. I heard Simon play live Hallucinogen quite a few times over the years- and it was never the same set. He always changed his live, refreshed its sound, and made new live versions.           ---------------------------------------------
"Be the change you want to see in the world!"
M.K. Gandhi

"There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that's your own self."
Aldous Huxley

IsraTrance Team

Started Topics :  17
Posts :  1362
Posted : Oct 31, 2007 11:03
Whatever...bottom line is:


On 2007-10-23 20:27, shahar wrote:
The truth is that all the festivals made this year in Israel lost money big time.

I guess theres just not enough openminded ppl round here ha?

and shahar with all your nice talking i enjoy reading about "open your your mind" whats left here at the end of the day is just clubs music @ nature..

Yuli, im not going to get into it with you since once again you use your talent to put words into my mouth,and i dont want to end up with those "ill punch your nose pm's again...

Dont praise yourself too much though i doubt many of the crowd who was there came espacialy to here you, i for example was home sleeping at the time..

peace.           Always agressive never progressive.
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  44
Posts :  391
Posted : Oct 31, 2007 11:28

On 2007-10-31 02:36, Yuli wrote:
Oh and how could I forget, Ian from XDream also DJ-ed that GAY house before the XDream Live set... Ooops... Gays everywhere... Oran run and hide, so you wont get the disease...

           "Instead of all the energy and effort directed at the war to end drugs,
how about a little attention to drugs which would end war?"
Albert Hofmann...

Started Topics :  40
Posts :  1660
Posted : Oct 31, 2007 11:41

On 2007-10-31 11:03, Oran wrote:

Dont praise yourself too much though i many of the crowd who was there came espacialy to here you, i for example was home sleeping at the time.


My friend hehe I am pretty much aware I wasn't the headliner on that event, and don't really care how many ppl came to hear me, but it seemed to me while I played that 1 or 2 ppl even enjoyed themselves a little tiny bit. Enjoyed some Gay Ugly Sub Genre of the true psychedelic music. Some of those ppl even were your friends. Becomes scary no?..          A man with a "master plan" is often a woman
Trance Forum » » Forum  Israel - Very good article
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