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Vegetal - Free Thinkers are Dangerous

IsraTrance Team

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Posted : Sep 18, 2006 16:22
my opinion:

some good dancefloor orientated tracks.
in some tracks great psychedelia on it..really got my mind blowing, althought, it seemed to me, some tracks are to repetitive to one anothers,but it can be me.
my fav:nr 7, also the lasts,8, 9 and 10 are very catchy to my ears.           ...
Voice Of Cod / Zuloop

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Posted : Sep 18, 2006 22:58
had a listen to the samples... great concept, putting a political message in there - it's definitely got people talking, (which usually is a good thing)

I think I'm with "Zimon" with his thoughts on production, composition etc, but like i said Vegetal gets some marks back for the force of his ideas IMHO

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Posts :  134
Posted : Sep 21, 2006 11:48
good cd .. like has been said .. the sound is bit raw and not so pro as is the case with most darkpsy these days .
good concept but .. respect !

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Posted : Nov 4, 2006 23:28
free crazy thinkers and makers-RESPECT
Killer work!!!

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Posted : Nov 9, 2006 01:57
Peter is a man ho works whit his hart, mind and guts! I have ben whatching his proggres fore a time now and I can assure you that he is not only a grate human being, he is also an excellent liveact who realy rocks whit the audience!

Keep the good spirit alive BROOOOOUUU           Pacifist[Hypnotica.rec]

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Posted : Nov 9, 2006 12:17

On 2006-11-09 01:57, Pacifist wrote:
Peter is a man ho works whit his hart, mind and guts! I have ben whatching his proggres fore a time now and I can assure you that he is not only a grate human being, he is also an excellent liveact who realy rocks whit the audience!

Keep the good spirit alive BROOOOOUUU

I can only second this shit!
Peter is THE shit!
Keep the spirit alive!
Bring the message to the people!
Look forward, never tend to look backward!

(I heard some stories from when you met Sergei in Russia ) 
High Sai

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Posts :  118
Posted : Nov 12, 2006 08:38
Nice disc..i guess it mus have been banned in te u.s definetly....GUD message 2 every1
nice wrk peter
Toxic Anger Syndrome

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Posts :  268
Posted : Nov 15, 2006 13:30
Keep on spreading political messages in your music. I´m all for that. More propaganda!!

And yeah, Bush is just a puppet in a whole lot bigger game then ppl thinks... I think, and I´m pretty sure that you have alot more knowledge about this things then most other ppl... that´s why you bring it up! Ppl are just to lazy and don´t care what´s happening in the rest of the world... I´m not an Ameican, but their new laws etc is spreading over here and our fucking primeminister or what´s it´s called it´s a fucking member of the "Bilderberg group"... Hope ppl wakes up before the "New World Order" as spread it´s pest all over the globe.... Cause that´s whats about to happening.... And YES, you can reefer that to WWII and the brown shirtet nazis...

take a look at the sites below... think everyone has something to gain from those sites... maybe it open some ppls eyes...


On 2006-06-21 14:11, vegetal wrote:

On 2006-06-15 18:26, Acidhive wrote:
Hehehe, and again the Bush reference. Really, for people who think they're so smart they can see all the flaws in the world they still act quite dumb. As if Bush is the problem.

Just because i happened to name a track "brown shirt bush" you think you´ve understood the whole concept, just by looking at the tracklist. I say bravo, you are reallly something, i take for granted that you haven´t even listened to the previews on saikosound so you might just swinging wildly here. And NO! Bush is not the only problem, bush is just one of many problems in the world, he is just a puppet that stands infront and takes the blame for what corporate interest want. But i do think that that man is a fundamental christian and just as dangerous as terrorists, No! btw he is a terrorist! Since he got into power the stability in the world has gone to the worse, can you at least agrre on that one i hope!

And btw who has said anything about being smart? you might define smart as "you know what is going on in the world" but i think it is something that everybody should be aware of in someway, not just spend their time working and watching realityshows that just dulls your brain.

I mean, if we take this step to be politically aware then what's next? Do we kick people that think differently? Take the anti-Bush thing, I don't agree with that at all. What're you gonna do about that? Can't I listen to psytrance anymore?

Well for me you can have any point of view we are not in stalins sovietunion yet. but the day the government passes a "rave act" just like the one they have in parts of US now maybe then you´ll realise that you what kind of world we live in.


Oh yes, and if we start to be so 'world-aware' then please put some thought into it. A title like 'No Gods No Leaders No Problem' might work on a 14 year old, but it sounds to me like short-end thinking. Someone who stands behind this is not seeing the big picture at all. And I hope most of you have enough sense so I don't have to explain this to you.

Plesase put some thought behind it? i don´t know how you define a track title that has some thought behind it. Maybe you can give me some examples. The album took me about one year to create, please put some effort and listen to it, instead of focusing on the tracktitles.

Someone who stands behind this is not seeing the big picture at all

Im not seeing the picture?
I´d say that you are the one who is not seeing the picture here, you´ve not mentioned a single comment on the music here, you´ve just looked at the tracktitles and from that you paint your picture of the whole album.
Who is the one that doesn´t see the whole picture here??


Started Topics :  111
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Posted : Nov 15, 2006 14:52
I aggree. Lets fight the Illuminati! 
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Nov 15, 2006 16:15
Wouldn’t you say that the buyers of this very powerful album already agrees to the propaganda used?

Started Topics :  111
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Posted : Nov 15, 2006 16:25
Everybody have illusions, just gotta point'em out and work with them =) 
volvox box 2
Infect Insect
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Posts :  235
Posted : Nov 23, 2006 15:37
the illuminati are just a gay cult doing occult phenomenas with the ass chakra, whats the big deal with em? do i need to sing about em ?
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  63
Posts :  2016
Posted : Dec 3, 2006 19:45
Dont Know about others !

BUt this Album is Perfect For me

Tooo Darky Melodies..

To Dance With the vegetal tracks.. means that ur ass iss BIGGG


Fav Track:

Nr.7 (!!!!!!!!)           Hallucinated Neighbour / Silent Existence
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 4, 2006 00:35
Im really glad I got this album. Rockin trance, reminds me of my punker days a bit thats a good thing! ITs great to hear the messages getting out, educating us. Id never heard of an Armenian genocide before this album.

psytones said:

Wouldn’t you say that the buyers of this very powerful album already agrees to the propaganda used?

I imagine, at a party, not everyone there is so politically conscious. And its nice to hear that kind of thing IMO, but like I said I was a punk at one point.

Ive been politically active since '00, not so much in recent years, but I know the thrill of forcing the ignorant to listen when they refuse. Vegetal, to me, captures that feeling. Kinda like a non-communist (? I dont really know, are you?) Rage Against the Machine made into trance. (I admit Rage wasn't ALL communist...) ANyway, its good to see this spirit didnt die!

Keep it rockin Peter!           .
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jan 3, 2008 09:43
Havn't heard the album but the live set kicks ass. Storm the gates.... Guy Fawkes would be proud!

the uniqueness of this sound lies in how it switches back and forth the heavy riffs and the psytrance... cool concept as it works perfectly with the rebellious concept.

had a query though...

are the metal sections of these tracks directly sampled from the originals or created/recreated by the artist?
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