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Vegetal - Free Thinkers are Dangerous

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 2, 2006 06:26
lol, its so sad to see this, it looks like an mtv forum here. This music, this world the psyscene has created just went down for all of your attitudes and negligence.

the album in my opinion is great, new ideas, change!, different styles and originality, improves an artist, ofcourse youll never get every ones head nodging and smiling, there will always be people disacording your opinion and telling you differently. But its different to make an opinion than criticize someones work when u have no idea how much effort or soul and time he has given to it.

This music,yes its party music, we love to party man, but sorry i dont go to every psyparty and waste myself, maybe you do man, whoever u are, but ive been to partys, ive listened to music, SOBER, maybe tokin some of those up but im sorry, this aint just any kind of TRANCE music, this is PSYTRANCE, this is a differnet side of music, music has been pushed down and changed its roots, that psy has taken it back, makin it what it was all about, EXPRESSION!. expressin our FREE minds trough sounds and creativity,we are free!!.
And if i want i can put whatever the fuck i want in my tracks, i can adore the devil, i can worship god, whatever man, its my mind my ideas my world. So people can listen to it, and have a good time, and thats it!, maybe some of them will agree with me and that someone will be the reason ive made that track. for a CHANGE!, so go criticize someone whos really doin something BAD, and leave this music BE!, no judgmentes! no nothing! we all have our own style, so vegetal, keep that good work man, very good work really.

"we are all the same, but at the same time, we are all different"
simple for some people, very difficult for others, who are you?

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Posts :  172
Posted : Sep 3, 2006 17:07
What a shame

I come here to read reviews and have to sort out through all this mindless dribble.

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Posted : Sep 7, 2006 23:01
jejeje Im started to thing of all guys here are afraid of the diferent...           UGLY BEFORE!
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posts :  2014
Posted : Sep 8, 2006 14:51

On 2006-09-07 23:01, DAHAKA wrote:
jejeje Im started to thing of all guys here are afraid of the diferent...

Dude, I make experimental electronics myself, so why should I be afraid of different things? Please be careful who you address with these sorts of accusations. And I never said I disliked the music, just the ideas behind it. But you're partially right because I really don't like the music offered here either. Oh well...
          "Subconscious unravels at the point of death, and all time it has known erupts into a moment. As death extinguishes us, so we become it."

[Esoteric: Subconscious Dissolution Into The Continuum]

Started Topics :  19
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Posted : Sep 8, 2006 16:36
Acidhive: Good idea to edit your post
          Demand recognition for the Armenian genocide 1915

Started Topics :  5
Posts :  16
Posted : Sep 8, 2006 23:29
so many ppl are so ignorant-its amazing
i never heard an album in trance scene with so much reality in it-no samples with "mushroom is good" or "happytime-lets dance"--its a fucking piece of reality and i think vegetal wants to open the eyes to some lost trancers who think that all is nice and flowerpower full on killer-look in the world and you see in which world we are living-wars everywhere-and its not getting better-its getting worse day by day-so why some of you freaks have problems if trance artist put some massage in their art?come on-its the reality and we (if we want or not) are part of it!
i am proud about this album!

tons of respect and full support

Started Topics :  313
Posts :  8648
Posted : Sep 9, 2006 00:36

On 2006-09-08 23:29, bonzo wrote:
so many ppl are so ignorant-its amazing
i never heard an album in trance scene with so much reality in it-no samples with "mushroom is good" or "happytime-lets dance"--its a fucking piece of reality and i think vegetal wants to open the eyes to some lost trancers who think that all is nice and flowerpower full on killer-look in the world and you see in which world we are living-wars everywhere-and its not getting better-its getting worse day by day-so why some of you freaks have problems if trance artist put some massage in their art?come on-its the reality and we (if we want or not) are part of it!
i am proud about this album!

tons of respect and full support

The truth? And who exactly decides what is truth and how does one acquires it?           Everyone in the world is doing something without me

Started Topics :  19
Posts :  1055
Posted : Sep 9, 2006 00:40

The truth? And who exactly decides what is truth and how does one acquires it?

I turn to Psydana, she will show me how deep the rabbit-hole will go

Maybe psydana is the equal to "Dana international"
          Demand recognition for the Armenian genocide 1915

Started Topics :  19
Posts :  1055
Posted : Sep 9, 2006 00:52
Beside the irony, the "truth" that is not incorporated and made to generate huge amounts of $$.

Look here pavel i´ve never claimed that i sit on the ultimate truth, i give you my point of view, period.           Demand recognition for the Armenian genocide 1915

Started Topics :  313
Posts :  8648
Posted : Sep 9, 2006 02:50

On 2006-09-09 00:52, vegetal wrote:

Look here pavel i´ve never claimed that i sit on the ultimate truth, i give you my point of view, period.

True, true.           Everyone in the world is doing something without me
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  76
Posts :  2014
Posted : Sep 9, 2006 15:21

On 2006-09-08 23:29, bonzo wrote:
so many ppl are so ignorant-its amazing
i never heard an album in trance scene with so much reality in it-no samples with "mushroom is good" or "happytime-lets dance"--its a fucking piece of reality and i think vegetal wants to open the eyes to some lost trancers who think that all is nice and flowerpower full on killer-look in the world and you see in which world we are living-wars everywhere-and its not getting better-its getting worse day by day-so why some of you freaks have problems if trance artist put some massage in their art?come on-its the reality and we (if we want or not) are part of it!
i am proud about this album!

tons of respect and full support

Well, I think we have metal for that. At least, I tend to think so.           "Subconscious unravels at the point of death, and all time it has known erupts into a moment. As death extinguishes us, so we become it."

[Esoteric: Subconscious Dissolution Into The Continuum]
Dennis the menace
DevilsDennis Sparris McHilton

Started Topics :  128
Posts :  2899
Posted : Sep 10, 2006 01:14

On 2006-09-09 15:21, Acidhive wrote:
Well, I think we have metal for that. At least, I tend to think so.

ooh gosh...

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  180
Posted : Sep 11, 2006 20:28

On 2006-09-08 14:51, Acidhive wrote:

On 2006-09-07 23:01, DAHAKA wrote:
jejeje Im started to thing of all guys here are afraid of the diferent...

Dude, I make experimental electronics myself, so why should I be afraid of different things? Please be careful who you address with these sorts of accusations. And I never said I disliked the music, just the ideas behind it. But you're partially right because I really don't like the music offered here either. Oh well...

Jejejejeje oh man... Im not attacking you; but a music without ideas is nothing; this cd is not irrelevant (like a tons of cd´s) thats why a lot of ppl here just dont like it, is not only for the music or the ideas its only because is diferent. I hope dont offend you with this comment... Im only thellin´ the truth (just like vegetal jejeje)           UGLY BEFORE!
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  113
Posts :  1785
Posted : Sep 18, 2006 02:46
many of the samples are Jello Biafra, singer for the Dead Kennedys as well as releasing a ton of spoken word.

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Posts :  5
Posted : Sep 18, 2006 13:22
this is a really great album!!!
for me one of the highlights of the year.
i like the music, it's inovative in psytrance genre as well as it brings up some stuff from the back of my head, something i was enjoying when i was younger (that's the rock'n'roll baby!)
i highly appreciate the message of the album. that's something, that makes it reaaly special, makes it go furthure into my mind, there should be more albums like this deffinitely.
it reminds me of artists like ghreg on earth (sound) or kemic-al (concept).
somebody could be critical (as i was at the beginning) about production quality, but i thing it is suitable for the genre. it's not a classic dancefloor album (there are plenty of those...), there is something for your body, something for your mind ... as it should be in psytrance.
big respect to you, vegetal, keep rockin!!!!!
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