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Vegetal - Free Thinkers are Dangerous


Started Topics :  19
Posts :  1055
Posted : Aug 25, 2006 15:35
Well, this wasn't a very nice thing to say to someone who criticized your work

Now listen here mr.Acidhive if you just would pay some attention to the post and maybe just maybe pick up a history book and actually read it you would probably understand , but now you are the one who makes a total ass of yourself.
This has nothing to do with criticizing the music, this is about the guy who indirectly denies the first holocaust carried out in the 1900 and inspired Hitler to carry out his plans for genocide on Jews, gypsies and many more.
So this is beyond the music, actually it has nothing to do with the music, capiche.

For your sake ill give you a link here so you can at least get some perspective here
Yeah and your welcome!
You're just making yourself look stupid here since you're an artist man. You shouldn't even be here

How exactly do i make myself a fool here?
And why shouldnŽt I be here, should i rather sit here and read all the posts and wait for someone to back me up? I donŽt need that, i stand for my oppinions in life, doesnŽt state im perfect, doesnŽt state i wonŽt change.
And if i have a chance to discuss and clear out questions concerning my album, WHY shouldnŽt i take it? Because im a superstar rockstar? DonŽt think so, havenŽt caught the colombian flu yet like some other artists. So i donŽt really see the issue here , maybe you can clear it out for me.

And I never told people to NOT buy your album, capiche?

Have i ever claimed you DID say that?

The more you go up against people that don't like what you're doing, the more you lose credibility.

Whata hell are you talking about?
This is a discussion forum, i discussing im not going up against people in a ring here with boxing gloves to make a point.

          Demand recognition for the Armenian genocide 1915

Started Topics :  313
Posts :  8648
Posted : Aug 25, 2006 15:42
Grow up buddy, if i'd be offended every time somebody told me my music suck i'd hang myself a long time ago.
Your music sucks, and covering it with political messages is lame. In my eyes it's not different than gaining attention by putting semi naked dancers in hip hop videos. Sorry buddy but no "hip political messages that are supposed to make you cool" will cover the big musical nothing that your album is. Believe me, i've been working on my music for 8 years, i still suck, i still work hard to improve myself and there's no chance in the world i'd do a cheap trick like that. I'd rather find pics of some girl on the internet, call myself PsyDana and will try to get a record deal.
          Everyone in the world is doing something without me

Started Topics :  19
Posts :  1055
Posted : Aug 27, 2006 20:33
Offended? naa not really.

Btw Pavel if you would have spent just half the time you spend at isratrance and make music instead youŽd be a Psydana a long time ago           Demand recognition for the Armenian genocide 1915
Dennis the menace
DevilsDennis Sparris McHilton

Started Topics :  128
Posts :  2899
Posted : Aug 27, 2006 20:37

Btw Pavel if you would have spent just half the time you spend at isratrance and make music instead youŽd be a Psydana a long time ago

quote of the year!

Pavel: consider yourself as OWNED!
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  63
Posts :  384
Posted : Aug 28, 2006 07:43
I agree with acidhive on all his points, I really don't think some one-dimensional political song titles and random RAGE!! samples give a song 'deep political meaning'. But eh, I'm against musicians with no idea how the real world works trying to force their confused political views on others through their music in general (not saying you are vegetal, just a general comment). Btw, for all the 'be your own leader and believe in yourself and the world will be perfect!'. Get real.

Ps: Dennis the menace, I really don't think vegetal needs your little one-man fanclub to cheer him on after half the posts he makes against people.
Dennis the menace
DevilsDennis Sparris McHilton

Started Topics :  128
Posts :  2899
Posted : Aug 28, 2006 14:10

Ps: Dennis the menace, I really don't think vegetal needs your little one-man fanclub to cheer him on after half the posts he makes against people.

and i dont give a fuck what you think or not

if you don't like his music then dont fuckin listen to it... is it really that hard to understand?
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  76
Posts :  2014
Posted : Aug 28, 2006 15:56

On 2006-08-27 20:37, Dennis the menace wrote:

Btw Pavel if you would have spent just half the time you spend at isratrance and make music instead youŽd be a Psydana a long time ago

quote of the year!

Pavel: consider yourself as OWNED!

Childish behaviour calls for childish behaviour, so here goes: Brains were not be expected from the likes of people like you. Dennis the Menace under Devils Mind Records, hah, and you expect yourself to be taken seriously? Dennis the Menace. Devils Mind Records. Think about it, let it sink in. Dennis the Menace... hahaha Mr. Wilson!!!
Also, Devils Mind Records, jeez.. a well thought out name seeing as dark psytrance is about as hellish as your grandma's sewingkit.

What goes around comes around people... if you want to be treated as a kid, sure... I'll do that. Who am I to deny you that pleasure?           "Subconscious unravels at the point of death, and all time it has known erupts into a moment. As death extinguishes us, so we become it."

[Esoteric: Subconscious Dissolution Into The Continuum]
Dennis the menace
DevilsDennis Sparris McHilton

Started Topics :  128
Posts :  2899
Posted : Aug 28, 2006 16:36

On 2006-08-28 15:56, Acidhive wrote:

On 2006-08-27 20:37, Dennis the menace wrote:

Btw Pavel if you would have spent just half the time you spend at isratrance and make music instead youŽd be a Psydana a long time ago

quote of the year!

Pavel: consider yourself as OWNED!

Childish behaviour calls for childish behaviour, so here goes: Brains were not be expected from the likes of people like you. Dennis the Menace under Devils Mind Records, hah, and you expect yourself to be taken seriously? Dennis the Menace. Devils Mind Records. Think about it, let it sink in. Dennis the Menace... hahaha Mr. Wilson!!!
Also, Devils Mind Records, jeez.. a well thought out name seeing as dark psytrance is about as hellish as your grandma's sewingkit.

What goes around comes around people... if you want to be treated as a kid, sure... I'll do that. Who am I to deny you that pleasure?

yeah who are u to deny me pleasure....
please blow me
IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  236
Posts :  6106
Posted : Aug 28, 2006 19:23

On 2006-08-28 15:56, Acidhive wrote:
What goes around comes around people... if you want to be treated as a kid, sure... I'll do that. Who am I to deny you that pleasure?

Has it returned to you yet Acidhive?

Started Topics :  111
Posts :  1748
Posted : Aug 29, 2006 04:17
Disclaimer: I have not heard the alubm, and I can therefore not give any opinions on the music itself.

But, regarding the samples: even tough I believe that dont believe that psytrance is reserved for "free thinkers", I do believe that alot of the people who listens to it really are. And even tough I myself am not really fond of samples like this in the music, I think it is a nice way of implementing views and meanings in the music. Psychedelic actually is "free thinking", and the music is actually built up from free thinkers hoping to change the world in some way, and it still is. How else would you explain big gatherings as the Boom for example? Psytrance is, atleast in my humble opinion, something _more_ than just partymusic. Mainly, I'd say it is trip-friendly music, and tripping really is a very important part of psytrance, or actually, an essence. This music is built upon psychedelia, like it or not. (Just to mention, I think it is ridicilous that its not allowed to discuss the usage of psychedelics on these forums boards, it is a paradox out of proportions imo)

Ever noticed how the psytrance community is, compared to other music-cultures, heavily dominated by vegetarians and people with strong opinions about how living their lives in a peaceful and harmonious way? So, to me to say that these samples arent relevant to psytrance is a big mistake. If it suits your personal taste in music, is your choice.
Silent Horror

Started Topics :  67
Posts :  1983
Posted : Aug 29, 2006 05:47
gr8 music - Dancefloor friendly or not - is a story in itself.. which makes it different.. which is important-for me-
same music - same tunes- same ideology - boring - music will(it shud) evolve no matter wat genre,, vegetal - uve donea gr8 job.. best wishes for all ur work in future..
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  63
Posts :  1252
Posted : Aug 29, 2006 14:52
I like a lot some of the ideas there are in this album(musically speaking) but not always the entire song structure....

I think is not so dancefloor oriented and is not so homelistening oriented neither...

I like people putting messages in their music even if music is not the best way to try to change people minds, media are a better way, shame we can't have control on them...

If trance music were just a music for dancefloors, for people who wanted to go there to forget the reality an so on, trance people were just loosers who goes to partys and do drugs and don't think about their problems and the reality.... Even if I see every month more people going to partys just to do it drug and fun, I believe there are also a lots of people who go to partys and listen to trance because wan't to experiment new mind states, because wants to meet others interesting people like that, because they want to share their experiences and things....

When I organised a big party with friends and new friends, I liked some times to have discussion on the world politics and so on....

I don't want to fall in a distorted mind state and not thinking anymore and then being a vegetable( no allusion ) for the rest of the week going to work or even not and waiting for the next party.... This is lame, this looser, this is trying to escape reality by using drugs and going to partys because there you find drugs and others people using them....

Those are just some things I thought by reading this thread....

Started Topics :  313
Posts :  8648
Posted : Aug 31, 2006 02:58

On 2006-08-27 20:33, vegetal wrote:
Offended? naa not really.

Btw Pavel if you would have spent just half the time you spend at isratrance and make music instead youŽd be a Psydana a long time ago

          Everyone in the world is doing something without me
*neon nymph*
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  13
Posts :  870
Posted : Aug 31, 2006 08:13
Ok your arguments are no longer going in any particularly relevant direction. Please redirect/ stop altogether or I will be compelled to lock this thread as well. Back to reviews. Thank you for your understanding.           I can only please one person per day. Today's not your day. Tomorrrow isn't looking good either.
Zimon Post Forced

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  157
Posted : Aug 31, 2006 15:54
Vegetal - Free Thinkers are Dangerous

Production : 1/5
Composition: 1/5
Sound design: 1/5
Originality: 1/5

Total: 4/20

IMO, of course...
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