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Vegetal - Free Thinkers are Dangerous

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 6, 2006 13:31
Artists: Vegetal
Title: Free thinkers are dangerous
Label: Wirikuta
Catalog: WKTCD005
Format: CD
Released: 2006


01. Ultramilitance
02. Bare Knuckles of hate
03. No Gods No Leaders No Problem
04. Nothing in this world worth having comes easy
05. Brown Shirt Bush
06. What Goes Around Comes Around
07. Free Thinkers are Dangerous
08. Become the Media
09. Global Intifada
10. Pledge of Defiance

Vegetal isn't like most other psytrance producers. He's a man with opinons, and where other trancers keep quiet he's not afraid to voice his somewhat hard-hitting message in his music. The tracktitles reveal some of the themes you can excpect to encounter on you politically charged trip through vegetals sonic universe. Musically my expectations for this album were mediocre before digging in. I'm not really familiar with Vegetals previous work, but what I've heard from peacespect(which he is a member of) has mostly been positive....Let hit the barricades and check out the tracks!

01. Ultramilitance
The opening of the first track sounds pretty much like any other "darkish" psy these days. It soon becomes clear, though that vegetal is serious about his agressive theme. Ultramilitance is a hard-hitting, raw-edged piece of mayhem where the three key elements are 1)energy 2)energy and 3) energy. It should also be pointed out that it's pretty varied and to my suprise (and delight) also somewhat melodic. I especially enjoyed the last 2-3 minutes when the sound shifts somewhat to a more fluid direction. Very nice opening!

02: Bare knuckles of hate
This tracktitle leaves little to the imagination, and as it suggests this, as the previous track is pretty hard-hitting stuff. Even so, you can still hear that all the energy and mayhem is resting upon a clear musical fundament. This isn't just random clutters of sound placed on top of eachother. The melodies involved might not be the most complex and multilayered out there, but they give some harmonic background for the more noisy parts of the music. As for the samples - well, you can agree or disagree politically - but for me they ceirtanly give vegetals music an extra edge. Another Solid track!

03: No Gods No Leaders No Problem
This track opens in a very gloomy fashion with US president George W. Bush Jr. (if I'm not wrong here) talking about the media and corporate America. After this rather nicely excecuted intro I have mixed feelings about this track. I mean I barely can't listen to the first four minutes of it. For me it's to monotonus and somewhat dull. It should also be pointed out that I have nothing against guitars - I enjoy my Rock and my Roll as much as I enjoy my Psy and my trance, but here I found them sort of...well....out of place. Then something happens however, and there is a rather nice mid-section of the track that for me stands out. A female voice starts singing and the mood is more relaxed. Towards the end we get more of the monotonus stuff that bothered me before. For me this is one of the weaker tracks here, but might enjoy this

04: Nothing in this world woth having comes easy
As for this tracktitle - I couldnt agree more! Here Vegetal is back in a more playfull mood. While this is still really agressive it's more varied. There is an awfull lot of work put in to the rythmic sections of the track and in additions to this there are som beautiful and harmonic melodies moving to and through. There are also some guitars involved here and though a tad harsh for my general taste they fit well with the expression here. At the moment this is perhaps the track I enjoy most from this album. Oh...and the use of samples here?? Brilliant!

05: Brown Shirt Bush
So if you haven't figured it out by now you haven't been paying much attention while listening to the first few tracks, bu Vegetal really doesn't seem to enjoy the US president very much... Can't really disagree with him on that point now can we. As for this track, this is again one of those tracks that contain all those elements that so far has proved so enjoyable. Really clever use of samples, hard hitting and stomping trance, nice melodies, a rainbow of changing sounds and effects and some really nice breaks every now and then. Nicely done!

06: What Goes Around Comes Around
Oh, this is a track I have some issues with! hehe..I mean - it's great (To some extent) - and it's not the samples I mind either. The issue involved is Turkey and Armenia, and I really don't know my history well enogh to comment upon it. Back to the actual track. My main issue here is that in the start of this track there seem to be som great ideas. Som softer, dark ambien sounds blend with the bassdrum and a few othe atmospheric elements and together it all sound really nice. The problem though is that instad of building further on this, most of the track is constructed around a horrible Gabber-style melody. Every now and then those ambient scapes are brought back, but it's just so frustrating when they're taken away. Nice ideas - but I'd like to see them differently put together.

07: Free thinkers are dangerous
Opening almost as some Euro-style dancetrack that is quickly distorted in to the by now familiar vegetal-sound the albums title track howls at you like there is no tomorrow. This is a really atmospheric, almost epic piece of of wonderful trance-music. Perhaps the most "uplifting" track on the album with it's long synth-sweeps compined with warious political speaches. There are so many elements and so much change involved here that this ceirtanly isn't boring stuff. Is it psychedelic you ask? I'd say yes, sir - give it a try! One of the best tracks here!

08: Become the media
"Become the media" picks up where "free thinkers...." stopped. Plenty of melody accompanies the more raw stuff. What hits me, and this actually goes for most of the album and not only this track, is that I'm really suprised by how catchy and accessible some of this music is. Perhaps this is part of some strategy to get more people hooked to his own personal message(he has infact become the media...). I for one really enjoy this blend of hard and soft sounds. Anothe solid track.

09: Global Intifada
The opening of this track, as has been the case with so many others on this album is laced in a really atmospheric mood and with samples. Unfotunately I don't lnow arabic(?) so I have no idea what the guy actually says. The tracktitle should give some hints, though... The melodies here also seem to be inspired by arabian music. They wotk pretty well, even though they perhaps sound a tad "thin" compared to the roaring guitars and massive sound of the rest of the track. Not my favourite track on the album, but none the less a good track.

10: Pledge of defiance
We finsh the album with a "pledge of defiance to the flag of the United states of captivity"... I love the samples involved here, and there is a ceirten sadness or melancholi in the melodies that i find really appealing. Sadly this last track displays a tad to little of what vegetal has proven capable of throughout the album. For me it's to monotonus and to much "just energy" without that little extra spice that has really made this the journey that it has been. No favourite of mine, but who really cares about that now....

Final Remarks:
Needless to say you won't enjoy this album if you are a conservative republican living in the south of Texas. The samples on this album aren't of the kind we're used to hearing in psytrance. There is no references to either LSD, Mushrooms or Spliffs here. Vegetal has a point to get across and in my opinion he manages to do so just fine.

The reason I bought this album was actually all the talk I'd been hearing about the samples and how vegetals music had "corrupted the true essence of psytrance" with politics. After having the album for quite some time, though - I really think there is alot more to this album that just the samples. I'm especially thinking about the combination of really raw, punk-like aggression and energy and softer, more melodic installments. I don't like everything on the record, there are two or three tracks that really doesn't do anything for me. That being said - this album is recomended. Really!

Tomas (Psychedelic Mustache)

Get it here:

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 15, 2006 00:33

On 2006-07-06 13:31, Psychedelic_Mustache wrote:

06: What Goes Around Comes Around
Oh, this is a track I have some issues with!

I have some issues with this one also but mine is from a historical perspective. I'd say before putting all those samples about the so called "genocide" dig up some objective history texts. Free thinking and all but Vegetal seems to have been affected by the Armenian lobby who's trying to spread their word. Theres 2 sides of the coin in this issue bro, dont let nationalism blind you.
Peace           `Bottomless wonders spring from simple rules, which are repeated without end` Mandelbrot
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posts :  2014
Posted : Aug 15, 2006 11:34

On 2006-08-15 00:33, -Abatwa- wrote:

On 2006-07-06 13:31, Psychedelic_Mustache wrote:

06: What Goes Around Comes Around
Oh, this is a track I have some issues with!

I have some issues with this one also but mine is from a historical perspective. I'd say before putting all those samples about the so called "genocide" dig up some objective history texts. Free thinking and all but Vegetal seems to have been affected by the Armenian lobby who's trying to spread their word. Theres 2 sides of the coin in this issue bro, dont let nationalism blind you.

I already stated that his way of thinking is HIS way of thinking and not necessarily well thought out. But hey, if you say anything negative HE will come and bash you himself, so better watch it.           "Subconscious unravels at the point of death, and all time it has known erupts into a moment. As death extinguishes us, so we become it."

[Esoteric: Subconscious Dissolution Into The Continuum]

Started Topics :  313
Posts :  8648
Posted : Aug 15, 2006 18:17
Well this 5 page discussion ignited my curiousity.
Not everyday i hear about a psy trance CD that carries some sort of a message, so I've downloaded it, started to listen and spotted some obvious Skazi influences (guitars, kick+hat combinations but unfortunatelly no reversed kicks...)
To sum things up cause i don't want to waste any more time on this sonic torture:
Total lack of any coherent structure or buildup, fast BPM, lots of screams and noises. Samples that i just ignored, cause they are as relevant to the music as my pudel's farts over a Mozart recording.
I couldn't care less for political views of some guy in Sweden, but the music doesn't have any message. It's hollow, messy and gave me a headache almost as strong as the last Ka Sol album did.
I can only feel sorry for people that will be tripping in a party and hearing this nightmare music. One way ticket to the asylum.
Give me Paranormal Attack over that any day.          Everyone in the world is doing something without me
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Aug 15, 2006 19:53
Paranormal attack over vegetal ?? I really hope you are joking coz the 'music ' in itself is not that bad           missing plug-in
IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  236
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Posted : Aug 15, 2006 20:27
This should be fun =) And thank you Pavel, thank you for not bashing God Aka Psykovsky. hm, I cant DL, I don’t got cash to buy the album. Oh well. .. Btw. Haven’t heard the album, but Pavels line: can only feel sorry for people that will be tripping in a party and hearing this nightmare music. One way ticket to the asylum. .. is true enough. Why in earth would I want to trip to samples of Bush and other political messages? But I haven’t heard the album, so I won’t judge. .. I'm tempted to say Pavel (lets pretend I've heard the album and that I love it), as someone else told you once. You just don't get it. *smile*

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  180
Posted : Aug 15, 2006 20:36
I think... the cause for you dont understeand this album is because the most of you dont are american ppl, (I mean America is all the continent), and the problems we have its not the same problems that you see in your country; like the migration or the traffic, or the discrimination; this album and Vegetal try to open our eyes to the real world. And I love it.           UGLY BEFORE!

Started Topics :  313
Posts :  8648
Posted : Aug 15, 2006 20:43

On 2006-08-15 20:36, DAHAKA wrote:
I think... the cause for you dont understeand this album is because the most of you dont are american ppl, (I mean America is all the continent), and the problems we have its not the same problems that you see in your country; like the migration or the traffic, or the discrimination; this album and Vegetal try to open our eyes to the real world. And I love it.

LOL, right. Exactly.           Everyone in the world is doing something without me
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  76
Posts :  2014
Posted : Aug 16, 2006 00:28

On 2006-08-15 20:36, DAHAKA wrote:
I think... the cause for you dont understeand this album is because the most of you dont are american ppl, (I mean America is all the continent), and the problems we have its not the same problems that you see in your country; like the migration or the traffic, or the discrimination; this album and Vegetal try to open our eyes to the real world. And I love it.

Whatever...           "Subconscious unravels at the point of death, and all time it has known erupts into a moment. As death extinguishes us, so we become it."

[Esoteric: Subconscious Dissolution Into The Continuum]
((( MOKKSHH )))
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  37
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Posted : Aug 16, 2006 20:09
LiFe Is A TriP.....It HaS BeGuN
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  76
Posts :  2014
Posted : Aug 17, 2006 11:39

On 2006-08-15 18:17, Pavel wrote:
Samples that i just ignored, cause they are as relevant to the music as my pudel's farts over a Mozart recording.

This is exactly what I've been telling people here, but until now everybody thought I was mistaken. It makes one wonder if those people have even heard the album or if they were just hitching a ride on a famous bandwagon.           "Subconscious unravels at the point of death, and all time it has known erupts into a moment. As death extinguishes us, so we become it."

[Esoteric: Subconscious Dissolution Into The Continuum]

Started Topics :  3
Posts :  82
Posted : Aug 17, 2006 13:33

On 2006-08-15 20:36, DAHAKA wrote:
I think... the cause for you dont understeand this album is because the most of you dont are american ppl, (I mean America is all the continent), and the problems we have its not the same problems that you see in your country; like the migration or the traffic, or the discrimination; this album and Vegetal try to open our eyes to the real world. And I love it.

Is the trafficsituation in America one of the issues on this album?
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  30
Posts :  371
Posted : Aug 17, 2006 14:44
I liked the music and thought the samples added to it. Although some are too lengthy in my opinon.

This is a false debate, what are we trying to do, convince other people of the righteousness of our tastes?           Row row row your boats gently down the stream; merrily merrily merrily merrily life is but a dream.

Started Topics :  19
Posts :  1055
Posted : Aug 25, 2006 12:08

On 2006-08-15 00:33, -Abatwa- wrote:

On 2006-07-06 13:31, Psychedelic_Mustache wrote:

06: What Goes Around Comes Around
Oh, this is a track I have some issues with!

I have some issues with this one also but mine is from a historical perspective. I'd say before putting all those samples about the so called "genocide" dig up some objective history texts. Free thinking and all but Vegetal seems to have been affected by the Armenian lobby who's trying to spread their word. Theres 2 sides of the coin in this issue bro, dont let nationalism blind you.

Based on your post i would guess your either from turkey or has sympathy for the turkish government.
Let me ask you this what is the other side of your coin?
That it never took place? All the eyewitness testimonys, photos taken and all the people who became refuges including my fathers parents.
I want to see you tell them, all the survivors and thoose who lost their loved ones during this time that it didn´t take place.
This incident is totaly eradicated from the history books in turkey.
Their government are liers nothing else.
Let me tell you this, nationalism is not my issue here, maybe you should ask yourself the very same question.

Maybe you deny the holocaust carried out by the nazis to, since a coin has to sides.


I already stated that his way of thinking is HIS way of thinking and not necessarily well thought out. But hey, if you say anything negative HE will come and bash you himself, so better watch it.

Well its my album i stand by it and this is a forum right!
Im not the one bashing here, please show me where i have clearly bashing someone for speaking their mind.
Sorry the only one bashing here is you and pavel,

To Pavel: FTW
          Demand recognition for the Armenian genocide 1915
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  76
Posts :  2014
Posted : Aug 25, 2006 12:27

On 2006-08-25 12:08, vegetal wrote:
Maybe you deny the holocaust carried out by the nazis to, since a coin has to sides.

Well, this wasn't a very nice thing to say to someone who criticized your work. And I'm not bashing you either. I'm just saying that the stuff you want to achieve doesn't work in psytrance and apparently, judging by Pavel's post, I'm not the only one. That's not bashing you, that's just my point of view. And I never told people to NOT buy your album, capiche? You're just making yourself look stupid here since you're an artist man. You shouldn't even be here. The more you go up against people that don't like what you're doing, the more you lose credibility. And hey, I'm a free thinker. You're supposed to encourage that. Or do you really take that "Free thinkers are dangerous" thing literally?           "Subconscious unravels at the point of death, and all time it has known erupts into a moment. As death extinguishes us, so we become it."

[Esoteric: Subconscious Dissolution Into The Continuum]
Trance Forum » » Forum  Music Reviews - Vegetal - Free Thinkers are Dangerous
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