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Vegetal - Free Thinkers are Dangerous

Dennis the menace
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Posted : Jun 23, 2006 13:55

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Posted : Jun 23, 2006 14:01
To full on , ill post some of the samples here.

Taken from "Bare knuckles" track
- But hey this is america we don“t prosecute fellons if they are rich or married to a governing bush

-Facing what consumes you, is the only way to be free!!

-And what if this whole god damn war is a faith based initiative? on of the most dangerous parts of it is that not only do we have violent islamaic fundamentalist fanatics on one side , we have violent fundamentalist christian fanatics
- there is more and more science everywhere, that the life of consumerism, is really not a satisfying life.

consumerism =

-There is no western concern for issues of aggression, atrocities, human rights abuses and so on if there is a profit to be made.

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IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 23, 2006 16:51

On 2006-06-23 13:38, vegetal wrote:
It's almost something like going to a party for homosexuals and explaining to them the benefits of heterosexuality. No one at that party is waiting for that either.

Ok that has got to be the worst comparison ever!
So you mean that you can choose if you want to be homo, bi, or hetero.
The difference here is that we as persons have a choice if we want to drink coca cola, eat mcdonalds, drive a gas guzzling SUV even thou we know that its not good either for the enviroment or for ourselfs.
Im promoting solidarity and awareness. Im not telling you what to think or what to belive, All im saying is that don“t belive in all that you hear, question everything!

Hmmm you're right. Not sure about the homo thing though. If I can make up my mind whether to drink coke or 7-up I sure as hell can make up my mind who to fuck. Homosexuality is a choice too. Whether that comes from natural selection or whatever doesn't mean anything. A choice is a choice and you always have one. Live or die. Breathe or suffocate ... It's that simple.
          "Subconscious unravels at the point of death, and all time it has known erupts into a moment. As death extinguishes us, so we become it."

[Esoteric: Subconscious Dissolution Into The Continuum]

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Posted : Jun 23, 2006 20:44
Choices choices... What choice I need to choice???:confused:
IsraTrance Team

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Posted : Jun 23, 2006 21:50
vegetal, thank you for the samples, they are really appreciated!
Respect!           .
...Be gentle with the earth...
...Dance like nobody's watching...
...I don't mind not going to Heaven, as long as they've got Coffee in Hell...
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 24, 2006 02:22
oh, c'mon...
some people likes to talk about political themes, others about death, life, happyness, sadness, depression... and others.
just let it be.
i respect this kind of atitude. innovation and stuff.
for me this is the new-school style/attitude of psytrance.           Obiit - Industrial Ambient

Dead Tree Productions - Obscure Psychedelic Trance Label

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Posted : Jun 24, 2006 12:08

very impressive album by vegetal .
to me it stands for the message it delivers + it has lots of good ideas ....

if it leaves a message leaves for the better things to come ..
afterall its thw world where v live in ...its the place where v hav learnt to do everything ..and there r all kinds of things happening in this age ......


          out now
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 29, 2006 02:47
very good dark psychedelic trance,
what i like the most,
their sounds reminds me a lot of 'rave',
the crawling bit agressive upliftinging sound thrown through huge speakes in a basement where people come together and dance to get released of all the frustations of society...

can't help it that pops up into my mind,

nice imo 

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Posted : Jun 29, 2006 14:33
I really like the whole concept of this album. For some reason I would've really loved not to hear samples of Bush in here. Maybe that's because I've had a OD of him and his patent lines like 'Weapons of mass destruction' and 'Terrorism'. But yeah, like I said, the concept kicked ass and so does the music. Loved those basslines
@Acidhive, I'm a little surprised to see such a reaction from you. I've read most of your reviews and you've praised quite a few movie samples along with some really expressive words. Somewhere in there you said how these samples would matter? Of course they do, not every single person is 'bombed' with drugs at a party. People go to parties all the time, hear a good sample and create topics here asking for identification of that track. I too wouldn't be to keen on hearing Bush's voice in the middle of a track at a party but heck, if Vegetal is saying it's cos he's trying to spread a message, then yeah, that's one good way to go about it. Indeed psytrance has always kept it's distance from politics, but I couldnt even catergorize this album even touching the surface of a huge political debate. Even though there is a message to be heard, it really isn't political. That's what he's really pulled off well with this album.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 29, 2006 15:11

On 2006-06-29 14:33, Bloodclot wrote:
I really like the whole concept of this album. For some reason I would've really loved not to hear samples of Bush in here. Maybe that's because I've had a OD of him and his patent lines like 'Weapons of mass destruction' and 'Terrorism'. But yeah, like I said, the concept kicked ass and so does the music. Loved those basslines
@Acidhive, I'm a little surprised to see such a reaction from you. I've read most of your reviews and you've praised quite a few movie samples along with some really expressive words. Somewhere in there you said how these samples would matter? Of course they do, not every single person is 'bombed' with drugs at a party. People go to parties all the time, hear a good sample and create topics here asking for identification of that track. I too wouldn't be to keen on hearing Bush's voice in the middle of a track at a party but heck, if Vegetal is saying it's cos he's trying to spread a message, then yeah, that's one good way to go about it. Indeed psytrance has always kept it's distance from politics, but I couldnt even catergorize this album even touching the surface of a huge political debate. Even though there is a message to be heard, it really isn't political. That's what he's really pulled off well with this album.

Ok ok... and I may have been a bit too harsh. Vegetal has every right to do what he wants to do, it's just that I gave my honest opinion about it is all.           "Subconscious unravels at the point of death, and all time it has known erupts into a moment. As death extinguishes us, so we become it."

[Esoteric: Subconscious Dissolution Into The Continuum]

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Posted : Jun 29, 2006 16:42
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 30, 2006 04:39
let's all dance together with a smile on our faces while bush sings: "i have the whole world in my hands / i have the whole world..."

vegetal, it's important to make people more aware of what's going on in our planet... 5stars!! can't wait to see you live!!
just one small detail, have in mind that most people in parties don't give a f*ck about the samples.. to them "let's recycle paper" is the same as "shiva told me to smoke hashish" - unfortunetely, this is the way it is. unless you are in a country where the main language is english...

Keep up the attitude!

BOOM           "Fantasy is a part of reality"

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Posted : Jul 5, 2006 11:00
well ill just have to listen to this and see whats up!
looking good. i have no problem with the titles...they are simplistic- what the hell are you supposed to do with 2 or 3 words thats NOT simplistic?
if the politics have nuance and demonstrate a deep grasp of global politics or are sloganeering-jingoism, i just will have to listen and see...
punk rock made even jingoistic rhetoric sound catchy and cool... who knows.... with the right beat...
on the other hand i really dont like talking people in music which is why i listen to trance not lyrical music... but that can be with any kind of samples...
i dont agree with acidhive about the "party music" bit but I am highly cautious about what i subject my brain to when im in an altered state- due to dance or otherwise...
but i've been hearing really good things about this album.... lets check it out and see:)

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Posted : Jul 5, 2006 14:34
Greetings, this is my first Isratrance post, though I've been a member for quite some time now. I feel I must share my point of view after reading this thread on one of the (if not the) most striking releases of this year so far, congratulations mr vegetable (vegetal stands for vegetable in portuguese). First of all the music... raw power straight out of the heart, a strong desire to make a point... to stand out and to convey a message, in my opinion the samples (great slipknot and jello biafra) are very well placed and provide good clues for where the music is trying to take the listener to.

Sorry AcidHive but Psytrance is not only party music, why would we call it mind-expanding ??? This is a good album for the dancefloor and elsewhere, do you think every psytrance release should be only dancefloor oriented ???

"Facing what consumes you is the olny way to be free"
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  76
Posts :  2014
Posted : Jul 5, 2006 15:36

Sorry AcidHive but Psytrance is not only party music, why would we call it mind-expanding ??? This is a good album for the dancefloor and elsewhere, do you think every psytrance release should be only dancefloor oriented ???

We have a different view on trance music so it seems, but let's leave it at that and quit bothering me about it.           "Subconscious unravels at the point of death, and all time it has known erupts into a moment. As death extinguishes us, so we become it."

[Esoteric: Subconscious Dissolution Into The Continuum]
Trance Forum » » Forum  Music Reviews - Vegetal - Free Thinkers are Dangerous
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