Vegetal - Free Thinkers are Dangerous
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jun 22, 2006 00:21
On 2006-06-21 21:57, ZeRo wrote:
I think its terrible that the global counter culture that psytrance could become is greatly inhibited by the abuse of substances just like in the 60's. But is this a good reason for not attempting to take this music to the next level.
Listen to yourself. A global counter culture? Trance against Bush or something like that? Take your ideas somewhere else please mate. That is exactly where I don't want to see psytrance heading, thank you very much. Anyone else with me here, or am I the only one? Trance should be partymusic. It always has been and it shouldn't change. We always had punk/metal for the world messages and that was fine because the music lends itself more to that kind of thing. Trance is partying, forgetting misery for a while, dreaming... Damn, where are those hippies when you need 'em??
  "Subconscious unravels at the point of death, and all time it has known erupts into a moment. As death extinguishes us, so we become it."
[Esoteric: Subconscious Dissolution Into The Continuum] |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jun 22, 2006 00:31
Those damn hippies were putting flowers in the guns of American soldiers going to Vietnam in the 60's and marching for civil rights and against nuclear weapons. If you want to escape from the real world, go right ahead. If psychedelic trance provides that for you then great. If people want to listen to or produce music with a message, then that's up to them surely. Live and let live
  Turn On, Tune In, Trance Out!!! |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jun 22, 2006 00:44
There are plenty of labels and artists out there who already embrace the mentality that you seem to be after... and there have been so for many years. I personally think it's very nice to psy a need breed emerging with more, hmm, substance (for lack of a better term) to their music. With all of the different directions psy is heading, one more (the "message" trance) cannot hurt. So, as full_lotus said, live and let live. It's all up to the individual to make the decision for themselves, after all, yes.
  Are you connected to yourself? |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jun 22, 2006 01:15
On 2006-06-22 00:21, Acidhive wrote:
On 2006-06-21 21:57, ZeRo wrote:
I think its terrible that the global counter culture that psytrance could become is greatly inhibited by the abuse of substances just like in the 60's. But is this a good reason for not attempting to take this music to the next level.
Listen to yourself. A global counter culture? Trance against Bush or something like that? Take your ideas somewhere else please mate. That is exactly where I don't want to see psytrance heading, thank you very much. Anyone else with me here, or am I the only one? Trance should be partymusic. It always has been and it shouldn't change. We always had punk/metal for the world messages and that was fine because the music lends itself more to that kind of thing. Trance is partying, forgetting misery for a while, dreaming... Damn, where are those hippies when you need 'em??
psy trance is extacly a counter culture. Normally i agree with your words Acidhive, but this time everyone else seems to be in right. A producer is free to do whatever he wants mate, that's why music is in some small degree art... and if he wants to record himself belching for 35 minutes to call it "The Jihaad of the West" he is free to so and you are free to listen to it or not. I understand what you say about psy trance not being suited for political messeges, but once again it is up to the belifs of the artist, if we had barriers for our music, it wouln't have gotten this far...
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IsraTrance Team
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Posted : Jun 22, 2006 02:28
I'd still love to know what is said in the samples, so I can have my own conclusions. Please someone help.
Maybe mr. vegetable?
...Be gentle with the earth...
...Dance like nobody's watching...
...I don't mind not going to Heaven, as long as they've got Coffee in Hell... |
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Posted : Jun 22, 2006 15:21
On 2006-06-22 02:28, full_on wrote:
I'd still love to know what is said in the samples, so I can have my own conclusions. Please someone help.
Maybe mr. vegetable?
Well im not a vegetable yet , but you never know, since we do live in a scene where Quote:
| On 2006-06-21 15:34, acidhive wrote:
a scene where most people are bombed out on drugs |
| So i might be in danger here of needing constant observation 24/7 from a nurse with a methadon syringe
But anyhow Full on have you listened to the samples at saikosounds yet? no luck there?
  Demand recognition for the Armenian genocide 1915 |
IsraTrance Senior Member
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Posted : Jun 22, 2006 16:08
just a short comment on the situation: I don’t mind "political” albums like this and Acidance Records latest releases at all. BUT, I have too agree on Acidhive on one thing (though in the end of this he will again disagree with me) Psychedelic Trance isn't supposed to be a political fight (Even how nice and correct it sounds) Psychedelic trance is supposed to be an escape from our reality, too the “true" reality. It's about connecting too the cosmic energies (oh my that sounded cheesy). A few albums like this here and there is a positive thing, and it shows that "we" care about the world situation. We do care and we do have a wish to change the world situation. .. well, we live in 2006, and the world is a bigger kinder garden now then ever before. .. Can’t we let punk/rock and other music genres worry about this?
Believe in your self, be your own leader, God and inspiration.
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jun 22, 2006 16:15
Well...i have not heard the album yet but i think that the discussion here is interesting.
To put it on general terms: is it psytrance just party music good only to enjoy or is it something more?
i do believe that if we define this music as psychedelic/trance we also have to recognize its deeper value as a tool for a better understanding of ourself and therefor what is around us, including the patterns that ourtime societies try to impose upon us.
Do we take psychedelic stuff (if we do) just to amuse ourself or to try to go deeper inside our mind/soul ? Whatever we do without being aware of it it isn't right and as human s we do carry a responsability for our own life and for others. This means for me to get to know ourself in order to grow and in this way psytrance music can be a tool to achive a higher knowledge or a better understanding of our fears and strenghts.........
Psytrance music is therefor "politic" coz will make us think and look deep so we can choose what to focus on.
Vegetal decided with his album to focus at the "world situation"............respect for that, someother artist would focus on interiority and this can also be revolutionary as well coz any revolution must start inside ourself.
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jun 22, 2006 22:06
On 2006-06-22 00:21, Acidhive wrote:
On 2006-06-21 21:57, ZeRo wrote:
I think its terrible that the global counter culture that psytrance could become is greatly inhibited by the abuse of substances just like in the 60's. But is this a good reason for not attempting to take this music to the next level.
Listen to yourself. A global counter culture? Trance against Bush or something like that? Take your ideas somewhere else please mate. That is exactly where I don't want to see psytrance heading, thank you very much. Anyone else with me here, or am I the only one? Trance should be partymusic. It always has been and it shouldn't change. We always had punk/metal for the world messages and that was fine because the music lends itself more to that kind of thing. Trance is partying, forgetting misery for a while, dreaming... Damn, where are those hippies when you need 'em??
There will always be completely unpolitical and dreamy trance. Also if I remember correctly you don't attend psy parties, so there's no risk of you being accidentally exposed to 'non-party' music. So what's the problem?
Nice album!
  Row row row your boats gently down the stream; merrily merrily merrily merrily life is but a dream. |
IsraTrance Team
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Posted : Jun 23, 2006 00:13
Hey, Vegetal, I'm sorry to have called you "Vegetable". I was just kidding.
Yes, I listened to the samples, I'm the worldwide official sample listenner, but they are incomplete, my english listening sucks and I have Repetitive Effort LEsion on both hands, so if you could help it would be very appreciated, I'll upload the samples to my sample database:
If you know some of your samples, please post them to help other people understand what we are talking about. What I got:
2 - "This is america ............ rich, governing bush..."
some scream about "a way to be free..."
3 - "Code RED! We got a Code RED!!!
I got serious problems here!"
"Five per cent of the people of the world live in the United States but we consume 40 percent of the resources of the world. We have become used to thinking that we have a right to all that we have no matter what damage we do to the Earth or to other people. We have become detached and disconnected from reality."
4 . "God damn war... We have violent Islamic fundamentalist phanatics and on one side we have violent fundamentalist Christian phanatics..."
5 - most of them googled: "Why do people go out there and try to protest or try to do something? That isn't mindless violence, the mindlessness is sitting there doing dope and watching MTV and then you go and get a job and just schlep along. To me, that's violence."
"Imagine a world where corporations choose leaders, put them in power, then have them rewrite laws to increase profits. Imagine a world where corporations start wars to create and increase demand for their products. Imagine a world where the news media, owned by these corporations, that only tells the public what they want them to know. Imagine a president who sells out his people and their environment to boost the wealth of a few. Unbelievable? It should be."
"Why did we do that, when no weapons of mass destruction were found, and not a single Al Quaed guy"
"We went to find nuclear weapons, we murder to free the people of Iraq, yes, thats the reason we bombed the place and send one hundred and fifty thousand troops to invade..."
...Be gentle with the earth...
...Dance like nobody's watching...
...I don't mind not going to Heaven, as long as they've got Coffee in Hell... |
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Posted : Jun 23, 2006 04:54
Good it would like to congratulate for its album... I adored excellent work... I wait one day to appreciate its live...
success...!! |
*neon nymph*
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jun 23, 2006 09:41
Sorry, have not heard the album, but here's my two paisa on the rest of the debate:
Psytrance is "supposed to be for..." / "psytrance is not supposed to be for..."- Who decides this?
I wanted to make a album which represented my thought on society , and my inspiration.
What's wrong with that? Really. All things creative are inspired by something or the other, and your inner beliefs will reflect in your work at the end of the day. Does not an artist (of any kind) have the freedom to create what he wants more than what you want to see/ hear/ feel/ smell/ taste perhaps? You may want to use the music to escape from the 'real world', an artist may want to use his music to give you a reality check. You are, of course, free to disagree with an artist or the statement that he makes with his creation(s), but fair to extend him/her the same freedom as well, no?  I can only please one person per day. Today's not your day. Tomorrrow isn't looking good either. |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jun 23, 2006 12:17
On 2006-06-23 09:41, *neon nymph* wrote:
Sorry, have not heard the album, but here's my two paisa on the rest of the debate:
Psytrance is "supposed to be for..." / "psytrance is not supposed to be for..."- Who decides this?
I wanted to make a album which represented my thought on society , and my inspiration.
What's wrong with that? Really. All things creative are inspired by something or the other, and your inner beliefs will reflect in your work at the end of the day. Does not an artist (of any kind) have the freedom to create what he wants more than what you want to see/ hear/ feel/ smell/ taste perhaps? You may want to use the music to escape from the 'real world', an artist may want to use his music to give you a reality check. You are, of course, free to disagree with an artist or the statement that he makes with his creation(s), but fair to extend him/her the same freedom as well, no?
Yep, but I just think it's pointless. People already listen to other music for their world-awareness, at least that's my experience. I have a lot of friends, and some of them listen psytrance too and they agree with me when I say that this is partymusic. They also agree that they're not interested in world improvement in this music. One friend even went as far as saying: "I don't want those messages, they sound like they're forcing me to change my perspective of the world while that is already set to a certain viewpoint, and I'll be the judge if it changes or not." Ofcourse Vegetal is free to to as he pleases, I just figure it's not very satisfying to be putting forth all of those messages in this scene. Most of the people don't pay attention to the messages in the music anyway. It's almost something like going to a party for homosexuals and explaining to them the benefits of heterosexuality. No one at that party is waiting for that either. I'm sorry, but I just feel that way. Trance is great music and has always (to me) been about the music and nothing more. And isn't it great to have a genre like that? Let other musicstyles care about world-awareness. And for the last time: (nobody answered that yet) tell me, who goes to a party to be told that the world is fucked and you should change it?
  "Subconscious unravels at the point of death, and all time it has known erupts into a moment. As death extinguishes us, so we become it."
[Esoteric: Subconscious Dissolution Into The Continuum] |
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Posted : Jun 23, 2006 13:37
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Posted : Jun 23, 2006 13:38
| It's almost something like going to a party for homosexuals and explaining to them the benefits of heterosexuality. No one at that party is waiting for that either. |
Ok that has got to be the worst comparison ever!
So you mean that you can choose if you want to be homo, bi, or hetero.
The difference here is that we as persons have a choice if we want to drink coca cola, eat mcdonalds, drive a gas guzzling SUV even thou we know that its not good either for the enviroment or for ourselfs.
Im promoting solidarity and awareness. Im not telling you what to think or what to belive, All im saying is that don´t belive in all that you hear, question everything!
  Demand recognition for the Armenian genocide 1915 |