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Vegetal - Free Thinkers are Dangerous

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 16, 2006 12:16

On 2006-06-15 20:51, psytones wrote:
moniker .. Nice, I just learned a new term. I thank you. To the answer: May God have pitty on your soul

I don't believe in God so there's no problem really, thank you very much.
          "Subconscious unravels at the point of death, and all time it has known erupts into a moment. As death extinguishes us, so we become it."

[Esoteric: Subconscious Dissolution Into The Continuum]

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Posted : Jun 21, 2006 14:11

On 2006-06-15 18:26, Acidhive wrote:
Hehehe, and again the Bush reference. Really, for people who think they're so smart they can see all the flaws in the world they still act quite dumb. As if Bush is the problem.

Just because i happened to name a track "brown shirt bush" you think you´ve understood the whole concept, just by looking at the tracklist. I say bravo, you are reallly something, i take for granted that you haven´t even listened to the previews on saikosound so you might just swinging wildly here. And NO! Bush is not the only problem, bush is just one of many problems in the world, he is just a puppet that stands infront and takes the blame for what corporate interest want. But i do think that that man is a fundamental christian and just as dangerous as terrorists, No! btw he is a terrorist! Since he got into power the stability in the world has gone to the worse, can you at least agrre on that one i hope!

And btw who has said anything about being smart? you might define smart as "you know what is going on in the world" but i think it is something that everybody should be aware of in someway, not just spend their time working and watching realityshows that just dulls your brain.

I mean, if we take this step to be politically aware then what's next? Do we kick people that think differently? Take the anti-Bush thing, I don't agree with that at all. What're you gonna do about that? Can't I listen to psytrance anymore?

Well for me you can have any point of view we are not in stalins sovietunion yet. but the day the government passes a "rave act" just like the one they have in parts of US now maybe then you´ll realise that you what kind of world we live in.


Oh yes, and if we start to be so 'world-aware' then please put some thought into it. A title like 'No Gods No Leaders No Problem' might work on a 14 year old, but it sounds to me like short-end thinking. Someone who stands behind this is not seeing the big picture at all. And I hope most of you have enough sense so I don't have to explain this to you.

Plesase put some thought behind it? i don´t know how you define a track title that has some thought behind it. Maybe you can give me some examples. The album took me about one year to create, please put some effort and listen to it, instead of focusing on the tracktitles.

Someone who stands behind this is not seeing the big picture at all

Im not seeing the picture?
I´d say that you are the one who is not seeing the picture here, you´ve not mentioned a single comment on the music here, you´ve just looked at the tracktitles and from that you paint your picture of the whole album.
Who is the one that doesn´t see the whole picture here??
          Demand recognition for the Armenian genocide 1915

Started Topics :  19
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Posted : Jun 21, 2006 14:44
And one more thing
I mean, if we take this step to be politically aware then what's next? Do we kick people that think differently? Take the anti-Bush thing, I don't agree with that at all. What're you gonna do about that? Can't I listen to psytrance anymore?

Kick people who thinks diffrently,interesting point indeed! As far as i can see that is what you´ve been doing since your first post here, bashing on the titles, because you don´t agree with them. So maybe i shouldn´t do psytrance anymore?           Demand recognition for the Armenian genocide 1915
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 21, 2006 15:31

On 2006-06-21 14:44, vegetal wrote:
And one more thing
I mean, if we take this step to be politically aware then what's next? Do we kick people that think differently? Take the anti-Bush thing, I don't agree with that at all. What're you gonna do about that? Can't I listen to psytrance anymore?

Kick people who thinks diffrently,interesting point indeed! As far as i can see that is what you´ve been doing since your first post here, bashing on the titles, because you don´t agree with them. So maybe i shouldn´t do psytrance anymore?

Look, I'm not going to get into this too deep, but let me just state that if you read my post correctly, you would have seen that I don't think your music is bad. And why should you stop making psytrance? You can add any kind of message in your music that you want, but in my opinion it's not going to matter. Tell me honestly, who is going to stand on the dancefloor (where this music is going to be played) and suddenly come up to you and say: "There's thought behind this man, I agree." Do you really think that, in a scene where most people are bombed out on drugs, they care about messages in music? Please, most people don't even understand the moviesampling some artists use. Also, please tell me, what is the use of adding political awareness in partymusic? This music has always been devoid of it, so why should it change now?

And one more thing: you're getting all worked up about me, but don't forget I'm just one person. What am I to you? You don't know me at all. Does it bug you to know I won't be buying the album? And once again, if you read correctly I said that your album is pretty good if you like the style. So, I'm not agreeing with your political statements, but not condemning your album either. In fact, one could even say I'm encouraging people to check it out if they like the style.

And about the titles: Explain to me what you mean with No Gods No Leaders No Problem? Oblige me, please.

If I offended you, I'm sorry. I just spoke my mind.
          "Subconscious unravels at the point of death, and all time it has known erupts into a moment. As death extinguishes us, so we become it."

[Esoteric: Subconscious Dissolution Into The Continuum]

Started Topics :  19
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Posted : Jun 21, 2006 17:00
You can add any kind of message in your music that you want, but in my opinion it's not going to matter. Tell me honestly, who is going to stand on the dancefloor (where this music is going to be played) and suddenly come up to you and say: "There's thought behind this man, I agree." Do you really think that, in a scene where most people are bombed out on drugs, they care about messages in music?

To begin with, you dodge my questions better than agent Smith.
Second of all, when i did this album i didn´t even have a thought of making a album made purely for the dancefloor. I wanted to make a album which represented my thought on society , and my inspiraiton and i think i managed to pull that one off based on the feedback i´ve received, not only from psy-heads but also from regular people who barely have heard the term psytrance. But for your information there has been many times when people have come up to me after a gig and given me creds because of the samples, so apparently people do listen to them and they aren´t totally doped up as the people that attends the party you go to.

And one more thing: you're getting all worked up about me, but don't forget I'm just one person.

Well your the one who criticize my work here so isn´t it pretty obvious that i reply to it?? and no i don´t know you, should i really have to do that to face your arguments.

Does it bug you to know I won't be buying the album?

ROFL, couldn´t care less
Also, please tell me, what is the use of adding political awareness in partymusic? This music has always been devoid of it, so why should it change now?

Well if i can make 1 person realize whats going on in the world i´ve succeded. Its all about spreading seeds.
And im feed up with sitting and watching the world deteriate into a pool of shit. Maybe its to late i don´t know yet, but at least im not giving up with a fight, how cliche´ it might sound i don´t care thats my point of view. There is also this poem i would like to quote: When you fight for something you know that you could loose, but if you don´t then you´ve already lost.


And about the titles: Explain to me what you mean with No Gods No Leaders No Problem? Oblige me, please.

We can begin with that religion and power are the 2 biggest cause for wars. Just look at history. Religion in its purest form is something good, it calls for solidarity between people, the problem is when the leaders on top the pyramid starts to exploit their positions and starting to tell the lower class what to do how to think and how to react, thats when it becomes dangerous.
And war is created, the leaders accompanied by the media starts pouring out propaganda and lies to justify their dirty war just to gain a piece of land, money or just to kill what they call non-belivers because they aren´t bowing to the same god.
So that was a short explanation on the titel.

          Demand recognition for the Armenian genocide 1915
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 21, 2006 18:04
Yup, totally. But the title of that song suggests that without gods & leaders there would be no problem, and that's shortminded thinking. Basically what would occur when that happens is anarchy. I'd like to see how you think about that. Without leaders or gods people have nothing left to believe in, and then all comes tumbling down. And sure, there are 'strong' people out there who can fend for themselves, even without leader and gods. But let's not forget the world isn't just filled up with those kind of people. But hey, all the kudos to you for trying to bring your message across.           "Subconscious unravels at the point of death, and all time it has known erupts into a moment. As death extinguishes us, so we become it."

[Esoteric: Subconscious Dissolution Into The Continuum]

Started Topics :  19
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Posted : Jun 21, 2006 18:21
I wouldn´t call it shortminded at all, Just look at a book you read the title of it and then you read the content to get the picture right.

And yes i do think that it would be less problems with less corrupt leaders, and less religious bullshit, Stop forming life after fairytells and paying attention to your current situation and make it better for yourself and your loved ones.

Without leaders or gods people have nothing left to believe in

How about start believing in yourself!

          Demand recognition for the Armenian genocide 1915

Started Topics :  19
Posts :  1055
Posted : Jun 21, 2006 19:39
Just out of my curious mind, you said earlier,

But I for one won't buy it because I can't stand beside something I don't believe in (ie the message behind this all).

What do your belive in?           Demand recognition for the Armenian genocide 1915
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Jun 21, 2006 19:41
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 21, 2006 20:34

On 2006-06-21 19:39, vegetal wrote:
Just out of my curious mind, you said earlier,
What do your belive in?

I believe in the power of ROCK!!!!!

          Are you connected to yourself?
Mistress of Evil
Mistress Of Evil Records

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Posted : Jun 21, 2006 20:51

On 2006-06-21 18:04, Acidhive wrote:
Yup, totally. But the title of that song suggests that without gods & leaders there would be no problem, and that's shortminded thinking. Basically what would occur when that happens is anarchy. I'd like to see how you think about that. Without leaders or gods people have nothing left to believe in, and then all comes tumbling down. And sure, there are 'strong' people out there who can fend for themselves, even without leader and gods. But let's not forget the world isn't just filled up with those kind of people. But hey, all the kudos to you for trying to bring your message across.

hmmmm, be your own God! Be your own leader!! Believe in yourself my friend, create your own ideals, create your own reality. Believing that you need a God or Leader to tell you how to live your life is shortminded thinking in my opinion.
But anyway, back to the music at hand...
i was pleasantly surprised listening to this album, as i was a bit wary of the guitars in trance thing, but i think Vegetal pulls it off nicely in this album. I also like how the emotional aspects of the tracks really show through his use of melody and synths. I think the percussion is right on as well...
I don't know how i would react to hearing something so politically charged on the dancefloor, but music shouldn't be made just for the dancefloor anyway. I think this is an honest and raw album that carrys an important message.
favorite tracks 2,6,7           Bringing Dreams to Life!
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  76
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Posted : Jun 21, 2006 21:18

On 2006-06-21 20:51, Mistress of Evil wrote:

On 2006-06-21 18:04, Acidhive wrote:
Yup, totally. But the title of that song suggests that without gods & leaders there would be no problem, and that's shortminded thinking. Basically what would occur when that happens is anarchy. I'd like to see how you think about that. Without leaders or gods people have nothing left to believe in, and then all comes tumbling down. And sure, there are 'strong' people out there who can fend for themselves, even without leader and gods. But let's not forget the world isn't just filled up with those kind of people. But hey, all the kudos to you for trying to bring your message across.

hmmmm, be your own God! Be your own leader!! Believe in yourself my friend, create your own ideals, create your own reality. Believing that you need a God or Leader to tell you how to live your life is shortminded thinking in my opinion.
But anyway, back to the music at hand...
i was pleasantly surprised listening to this album, as i was a bit wary of the guitars in trance thing, but i think Vegetal pulls it off nicely in this album. I also like how the emotional aspects of the tracks really show through his use of melody and synths. I think the percussion is right on as well...
I don't know how i would react to hearing something so politically charged on the dancefloor, but music shouldn't be made just for the dancefloor anyway. I think this is an honest and raw album that carrys an important message.
favorite tracks 2,6,7

I didn't say I needed it, but there are countless people out there who wouldn't be able to survive without leaders or role models to give them examples of how they should live. I believe in myself and I don't need anyone to tell me how to live my life. But I'm gonna be frank about this, I don't want to act as a role model either. That whole 'be the change in the world thing' just doesn't fit in my system of beliefs. Everyone for himself is what I stand for. And vegetal, all respect to you as a musician, but you avoid the answer to the question as well as I evaded your points earlier. Believing in yourself isn't the big picture. What will you do with those people who need role models to survive? You people are all so positive, but the world doesn't work that way.           "Subconscious unravels at the point of death, and all time it has known erupts into a moment. As death extinguishes us, so we become it."

[Esoteric: Subconscious Dissolution Into The Continuum]
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 21, 2006 21:57
Believe in yourself?! make yourself into a god?!

Who are you?

If I am not for myself than who is for me? If I am only for myself than who am I?

Music can be and should make a statement dont you think acidhive. Do you like this world that we live in? You can disagree with a stance but if you really think that psytrancers are mostly drug addled zombies than maybe we need more producers like vegetal to rouse the daydreaming mass.

I think its terrible that the global counter culture that psytrance could become is greatly inhibited by the abuse of substances just like in the 60's. But is this a good reason for not attempting to take this music to the next level.           ein chadash tachat hashemesh. there is nothing new under the sun. --kohelet.

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Posted : Jun 21, 2006 21:57
I love the cd and were it stands for 
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 22, 2006 00:13

On 2006-06-21 21:57, ZeRo wrote:
Music can be and should make a statement dont you think acidhive.

Sure, but not psytrance. Don't you think there should be at least one genre of music (trance for instance) that's not so aware of the world, thus offering a sort of escapism? I know what's bad in the world and every now and again it's nice to have music to make you forget don't you agree?? Do I really have to spell that all out? Jesus, what the hell is wrong with you people? Do you need all your music to have a 'message' ?? Do you want to be confronted with the misery in the world at every corner and opportunity? Then watch the news, take a stand with organisations that go for worldimprovement or something. That world aware thing is great, but for me that's never what trance has been about. Trance to me is having fun, enjoying the music, thinking good thoughts, not be aware of the real world. The real world needs to fuck off when I'm listening trance. There, I've said it.           "Subconscious unravels at the point of death, and all time it has known erupts into a moment. As death extinguishes us, so we become it."

[Esoteric: Subconscious Dissolution Into The Continuum]
Trance Forum » » Forum  Music Reviews - Vegetal - Free Thinkers are Dangerous
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