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u-he DIVA public Beta

Demoniac Insomniac

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Posted : Nov 21, 2011 04:45

On 2011-11-21 03:01, PoM wrote:
if i have time i will make a special one just for fun and upload it if i get good result, diva moog bass meet thermionic culture , problem is that all our softsynth leads will sound so thin in contrast to a huge bass like this

btw diva really make me want to get some hardware with how much cpu it takes...,i love the moog in it so i ll probably get a phatty ,to me it sound even better than diva from what i have heard of it but offcourse i will get diva too ,having that sound as a plugin and so much possibilty is just amazing...

think what u-he can do in the futur in plugins..they can make the best standalone filters (maybe they do already with zebra fx version but it will get better..) they can bring new emulation into diva or make some other best analog sounding plugins... they can bring that code slowly into zebra ..make a ace v2 (that would be amazing as it really feel it need a update after playing with diva,specially the osc to me...)smell good

or imo they should go dsp,offer a dsp platerform with real power and not a joke like uad, to make the best analog sounding plugins

Nice idea, also would be nice to finaly have some decent modular synth since g2 is not anymore produced, and with the power of todays computers, dsp is not needed anymore           VA - Spiritual Science out now!
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 23, 2011 20:33
now i used it more i m not sure to really enjoy the fm... and the envelop are good but not super snappy, i guess the minimoog is more snapier from the kicks i had coming from i couldnt make a decent kick out of diva yet but maybe it s technic used i haven t tried much... but so far zebra envelops have more snap to me.
the highs can get a bit digital/harsh too in some case ..

but great plug ,love it !
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 27, 2011 03:47
the osc retrigger will find its way into a digital osc only sadly..this will be added in the next big feature update..           -------......-------...-..-..-..-.-.-.-.-
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 27, 2011 20:27
you know what is funny guy? the esm osc tha is mroe than 10 years old can sound like the moog diva saw when lowering just a little the diva filter... emagic guys are brillant, esm and es1 are some of few plugins that i always find better than the competition at sounding hardwarish, now they get a bit old but for years not much plugins were close imo
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Nov 28, 2011 15:01

On 2011-11-27 03:47, Zork wrote:
the osc retrigger will find its way into a digital osc only sadly..this will be added in the next big feature update..

Ok, then it's bye bye Diva!
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 28, 2011 16:39
yeah it s bad news...i will still get it probably.

if it get implemented in the juno dco it could work for bass ...but still bad news i would like to use the moog emulated oscs..
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 29, 2011 03:46
it's a nice synth but ACE terminates it IMO. 

Started Topics :  91
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Posted : Dec 8, 2011 08:33
so, lets say i want to make myself a lil christmas present and think of either ace or diva.

what would you guys recommend. i am not looking for a cpu friendly bread and butter synth but a maximum quality "use and bounce" soundmonster with "the" sound to it. which synth has the better filters and the more mojo and "real" balls?

i know i should demo them both and i will! but i donŽt find the time to do that right now so i thought iŽll pop that question here and see what you think ;-) 
"I've always been a believer in musical repetition to draw in the listener and make the music hypnotic. Another thing I believe in is repetition." Alan Parsons
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 8, 2011 10:14
neither are CPU friendly

ACE will eat your computer.            If you want to make an apple pie from must first invent the universe
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 8, 2011 13:37
diva sound closer to s the synth to get now not ace.. more mojo and more real balls like you say. why you would buy a 2 years old synth when diva have/will have the last improvment in codes uhe made..but at that price you could get bot but by using diva you really feel ace need improvments though.. imo

what is great about ace is the semi modularity..ace with the moog diva osc and more smooth/liquid filters with no feedback delay like they did on diva would be amazing
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 8, 2011 15:31
cannot agree with you PoM. To me diva is rather a very light version and not even comparable to the beast ACE Sound not bad - but that's all - a lot of synths sound not bad.
Diva is a synth that you dont really need to read any manual, nothing that new whereas ACE has complex ciruit and things that are fresh & unique - where you have to read the manual at first step to understand it.However.. About sound it is even much more dramatic - ACE kills your cpu and it has a good reason why. For me it is the only one synth that really sounds 'analog' and vivid. 
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 8, 2011 15:55
wow no way mate! ace have a nice architecture with his semi modularity but sound nothing like good analog synths i like in many/most cases. diva is way better at sounding closer to some good analog sound imo but after it s about taste. ace architecture with diva moog code i m sure you would love it but not your cpu..

diva try to emulate some famous synths that why it use a similar architecture to these synths not ace that is inspired by semi modular synths (and it brings new things to you cause you re not familiar with semi modular).for cpu wait for unisson or try to make a pad, even right now a simple patch with long release kill my cpu...
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 8, 2011 16:27
well you re right theese are not comparable synth ... too different but we will probably see a update of ace, or a version 2 with their improvment in code/analog emulation they did with diva, if current cpus can handle it
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 8, 2011 16:56

On 2011-12-08 15:55, PoM wrote:
wow no way mate! ace have a nice architecture with his semi modularity but sound nothing like good analog synths i like in many/most cases. diva is way better at sounding closer to some good analog sound imo but after it s about taste. ace architecture with diva moog code i m sure you would love it but not your cpu..

diva try to emulate some famous synths that why it use a similar architecture to these synths not ace that is inspired by semi modular synths (and it brings new things to you cause you re not familiar with semi modular).for cpu wait for unisson or try to make a pad, even right now a simple patch with long release kill my cpu...


those guys made tons of measurments directly compared to the original synths wich are in pleasentful good condition..there is no synth at the moment wich you can compare regarding the sound of these legendary synths..diva is the one wich comes closest..
Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
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Posted : Dec 8, 2011 17:07
Either way, its good to finally see someone make something that sounds very good, without compromises.
Computers now days are fast enough and I would rather have an absolutely killer sounding synth and record its output (like I would with a hardware synth), than having another soft synth that sounds like all the other soft synths, and be able to run lots of instances of it.

Peace out.  
Trance Forum » » Forum  Music Software - u-he DIVA public Beta
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