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Ticon - 2AM (Digital Structures)


Started Topics :  313
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Posted : Feb 11, 2008 18:57
1. 1987 (8:25)
2. Zebra Beat (6:57)
3. Models On Cocaine (7:40)
4. Weekend Warriors (6:25)
5. Spitfire (8:10)
6. In The Box (7:08)
7. We're Shining (7:41)
8. 2 Am (7:06)
9. Less Is More (8:17)

The Swedish duo Filip Mårdberg and Fredrik Gilenholt are back with a 4th album on their regular Digital Structures label. It's been over 2 years since their previous hit release "Zero Six After" and the anticipation (by me anyway) was pretty immense. In this period the guys didn't release any new material besides one track under their NDSA alias with Emok in 2006 (Harbour Candy) which was quite a big hit and received a fat remix by Solead.
So is this one any good you ask? The answers right after the commercials...

1987 Starts the album with big epic a-la Jean Michel Jarre feeling all over. This is a track that will light up many sunrises for a few good parties in the near future. Very high on the cheese factor, true, but sounds like it was made with pure intentions. So I'll let it slide, with the knobs all the way right.
Zebra Beat takes into somewhat minimal'ish territory with some corny male chanting in the background "This is in your noise, this in your sound". Sounds a bit like what Ticon would do if Trentemoller was around the block. Fat crunchy tune. Another sure hit.
Models on Cocaine I first heard almost a year ago when the guys performed live in Israel. Already there it sounded like a sure hit. A bit like Beckers' Switch but with Kraftwerk influenced computer vocals. This one I try to listen as less as possible so it won't hunt me too much at parties when the season returns. "Sniffing at the Catwalk"!
Weekend Warriors is this album's heavyweight champion in my opinion. It has some of that "In the dirt" vibe from their previous album with precise circular layer upon layer buildup that just makes deep holes in the dancefloors. In my opinion, and I've heard it only around 50 times so far it's almost as nearly as great as Extrawelt's Soopertrack and that's says plenty. Best track of the album.
Spitfire goes further into the dirty minimal techno regions. Very German sound in this one. Almost D-Nox & Beckers like in the beginning but towards the end it becomes a bit insane with some crazy scratchy sounds. Demented tune.
In the Box is the first letdown of this album. It's downright cheese-fest powered by uber silly female vocals that just don't pass the test. Skip
We're Shining is another vocals heavy tune. Although this time it's almost bearable and the distorted Bass Guitar sounds so fucking great. The climax is going to be probably the biggest hands in the air point of this album but hell it's not that bad.
2 AM, the title track is slow building tribal electro number with deep and subtle melodies. The track has a very special atmosphere that reminds me a bit some old Sasha and Digweed material for some unknown reason. Very nice set filler i guess.
Less is More, the closing number reminds me a lot the first track. Although not nearly as big but has that same positivity charge. A great example of a track with a rolling bassline that just does the job without falling into all sorts of genre cliches. Perfect way to close the album.

All in all the Swedish boys has done it again, for the 4th time. Although this time they let inside what is arguably their worst track ever (in the box) but also some of their best ever. If you loved their previous work and if you love melodic morning sound and don't get rash from words like electro and minimal techno than get this ASAP.
Favorites: 1!!!, 2!!!, 3!, 4!!!!, 5!!!, 8!, 9!!!
Score: 9/10

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IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 11, 2008 19:04
Didnt enjoy this album that much. I suppose ticon have let down their fans who love the psy -prog that they create so much. Its good music mind you but there's almost nothing psychedelic about this album apart from 1987 and weekend warriors. The rest of the album leaves me wondering whether other artists are going to follow in their footsteps to appeal to a wider audience. pray that doesnt happen.           missing plug-in
Inactive User

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Posted : Feb 12, 2008 08:59

there's almost nothing psychedelic about this album apart from 1987

cant get enough of this track ..captured the essence of that era so beautifully .. i don't think this album was meant to be strictly psychedelic , for that u have to look for more inzane drop creation ! .. but this is good music .. haven't given the rest of it a good listen yet but it has full potential to grow on one .. good 1 ticon ..
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 12, 2008 09:04
When i first heard Ticon's music.. was with the
album "Rewind".., that album sounded like nothing i've ever heard.. It blew me away totally.

Now! they have fallen for the minimal/electro wave.. that seems to be popular to produce now.
I Thought it was kinda cool too.. at first, but now I'm sick of it.
I agree with exotic.. totally lack of psy.

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IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 12, 2008 14:24
dont like it... its not original, its just like all the trendy stuff... and models on cocaine is the worst track i have heard in a while! omg! i thought its a joke... but its not... anyways, i know this will find a way to the people... but never win my heart again... rewind, aero rules! 2am sux           VA - Momentum vol.1 - Compiled by PhaseTech
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Feb 12, 2008 14:46

Nice review. Nassrala

gr8 album. Minimal techno electro and prog style.

Models On Cocaine - a hit for sure. i like the parody on the so called ' how the live your life' songs.

In the box - nice one - no need to take it seriously just for fun.

Have a nie day
Accccchmed the dead terrorist
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Koan / Vacuum Stalkers

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Posted : Feb 12, 2008 15:36
In the Box - VERY awesome and serious track.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 13, 2008 08:12
I think they have evolved and exprimented with new sounds, The worst track forme is we're shining.

zebra beat, weekend warriors and spitfire are interesting pices of prog with minimal sounds.

Models and in the box are very prgo house good tracks but not interesting.

1987 is the track that takes you back to your childhood, its magical, it could be the soundtrack of ET, the recently produced Tranformers, back to the future, the goonies, etc. I love it its cheesy but its for kids, for the kids that live inside of us and for that i love ticon.

less is more is also cool with good ala Jarre synths.

but like everybody here i think there is no much psychodelia here. They re leaving behind psy, so good luck for ticon in this new sounds territories, theyre very talented and will have succes producing funnny and quality musica, at least they dont need to copy themselves every new album.
Neogen / Overlap

Started Topics :  29
Posts :  281
Posted : Feb 13, 2008 11:00
only liked first and last track.
It's not what i expected to hear from this album.
It has great production,but music isn't so good.           Planet Ben Records
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 13, 2008 18:01
I think its a great album. All producers evolve and explore new things and this is one direction.. still I think they have their unique sound and ideas.

I really dig and "Less is more" which makes me think of the old smash-hit "Hale Bop" by Der Dritte Raum.           ------------~~---------~~--------------

Started Topics :  8
Posts :  122
Posted : Feb 13, 2008 19:45
one of a kind !

I love the new album . refreshing , intresting, evolving ...for me thay allways give a new twist\tuch that influences me to get back to work in the studio .

no spesial track that i like in the album , i love it all and pavel said it all i have nothing to add but go get this cd and have fun .

cheers guy's , thanks for giving us grait music to listen and dance to it 
rumble pack / motion drive
Rumble Pack

Started Topics :  23
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Posted : Feb 14, 2008 10:32
its not as complete as the last album, imho of course. but track 1 and 9 are timeless peaces of art. Like bakke mentiont "less is more" reminded me alot on "hale bop", but it has its own story...great stuff.

Im not so fan of the elctroish stuff tough...but thats just a matter of taste. 

Started Topics :  112
Posts :  877
Posted : Feb 14, 2008 14:46
there are very few trance artists that i can say im a FAN of. Ticon are in the head of this very select group. Ive been with them since their first release (Rattlesnake on Hadshot.... so loong ogo...) and have loved almost every note and beat that came from them. I love the direction their music took and 2AM is the most fun piece of music to hit my case in the last year. Its music that brings a smile to my face every time i hear it and i saw this smile on many other's faces.

my only problem with this album is that its not a Ticon album - this is how i imagined a NDSA album would sound like....

but regardless of this - I luv it


Aerospace – Re Entry EP on

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Posted : Feb 14, 2008 15:03
samantha fox is turning in his grave and the bitch ain t even dead
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  12
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Posted : Feb 14, 2008 15:49
Those Vocals....Arrrgh, those Vocals. As Guy Shanti said, NDSA Material...I've never imagined to hear such pop vocals in a Ticon track.

Trance Forum » » Forum  Music Reviews - Ticon - 2AM (Digital Structures)

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