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The Mother Of All Spiritual Threads


Started Topics :  6
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Posted : Apr 3, 2008 15:39
"When u have cum 2 know that u were the cause of ur misery, then u know well that the bliss also was caused by u. Then one ceases 2 cause nething. That is wot nirvana is: a cessation of causing nething around u. Then u r, simply - no misery, no bliss. If u can understand, only this is bliss."

So says Osho, the Zen master..           "If Pac-Man had affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in dark rooms, munching pills and listening to repetitive electronic music."
Mad Purple State
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 3, 2008 15:51

On 2008-04-03 15:33, day_tripper wrote:
no no... I'm asking, if God is the effect, then what is the cause?

God is the very cause of every effect in this infinite universe... not just of our cosmos... our cosmos is a tiny little dot in this infinte unlimited universe... that very effect of plurality the very FIRST CAUSE for it is called GOD in religion... or Truth in philosophy... God is not an effect... it is only a cause.

This conclusion you mite not understand, because just like any science, to give you a conclusion, I have to take you through the steps of the equation, and then when I punch the conclusion to you ... my idea is transferred to yours... this subjective science too needs a step method of understanding.

Mad           No great genius has ever existed without some touch of madness...
Cosmic Oneness
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 3, 2008 21:32
No panic ! It's just an experiment we are all a part of and you will be surprised to meet the mad scientists behind this intergalactic cultural exchange !

There is no real definitive but a vast expanse of infinite imagination !

Now you can put the music back on           " All is One "

When we change the way we see things, the things we see begin to change ... In Lak'ech Ala K'in ...
Inactive User

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Posted : Apr 4, 2008 06:55
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 4, 2008 09:37

On 2008-04-03 15:51, Mad Purple State wrote:

On 2008-04-03 15:33, day_tripper wrote:
no no... I'm asking, if God is the effect, then what is the cause?

This conclusion you mite not understand,


Yes, I don't understand... cause only Chuck Norris can count till infinity!

My point here being, neither science nor spirituality can explain God.
          "It's not the fall that kills you; it's the sudden stop at the end." - Douglas Adams
Mad Purple State
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  39
Posts :  1468
Posted : Apr 4, 2008 11:36
^hehe... you have a point there... God cant be explained... but a direct experience is possible, thats what the great seers claim... Only they 'alone' have the right to say yea no nay if this 'cause' is possible to experience and if its true...

This science cant reach... Spiritual guru's claim to have reached there... and they being such divine souls... not living on this planet for one selfish act, They really wouldnt live this life on falsehood...

Over that they have given us their theory and their technology for every man to accomplish and see what they have...

Mad           No great genius has ever existed without some touch of madness...
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Posted : Apr 4, 2008 14:31

My point here being, neither science nor spirituality can explain God.

yes .. coz it`s just a concept .. trace back Hinduism and u go back a few thousands of years .. different people , different thinking .. no science , no technology .. simplicity and morals ruled back them .. so the wise men of the time dreamt up very elaborate stories to keep em interested .. but the whole point is that they was just stories .. to teach them some morals .. be good , don't be bad .. and so on .. theres no monkey god , and shiva didn't behead his son .. find someone with knowledge and theyl tell u that every little earing , necklace , animal near / on a god idol ..whatever .. all has some sorta esoteric meaning .. not literal .. ok now .. ffwd a few thousand years and u can chuck that garbage in the past .. the key now = be good .

and oh yeah .. the drugs will never get u there .. if only it was so easy ..

take care .. memento mori

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Posted : Apr 4, 2008 15:12


was that a jOKe

Mad Purple State
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  39
Posts :  1468
Posted : Apr 4, 2008 17:45

On 2008-04-04 14:31, mk47 wrote:

My point here being, neither science nor spirituality can explain God.

yes .. coz it`s just a concept .. trace back Hinduism and u go back a few thousands of years .. different people , different thinking .. no science , no technology .. simplicity and morals ruled back them .. so the wise men of the time dreamt up very elaborate stories to keep em interested .. but the whole point is that they was just stories .. to teach them some morals .. be good , don't be bad .. and so on .. theres no monkey god , and shiva didn't behead his son .. find someone with knowledge and theyl tell u that every little earing , necklace , animal near / on a god idol ..whatever .. all has some sorta esoteric meaning .. not literal .. ok now .. ffwd a few thousand years and u can chuck that garbage in the past .. the key now = be good .

and oh yeah .. the drugs will never get u there .. if only it was so easy ..

take care .. memento mori

lol... like I said earlier in the page... animal like humans live in this world only for thier utility value... a well developed mind has this higher path of rational thinking...

you're still stuck critizing the rituals, ceremonies and stories... that is not even the center focus of Hinduism...

Critics are people who know their subject and then analyze... please dont talk outta your a$$.

          No great genius has ever existed without some touch of madness...
Inactive User

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Posted : Apr 4, 2008 22:27
im not criticizing .. organized religion is dated but the message is timeless .. was basically my point ..sorry if came out wrong .. look within not outside .. etc ..cheers !
Cosmic Oneness
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  30
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Posted : Apr 4, 2008 22:39
uh .. . No Science No Technology in the ancient times There is more to it ... Keep an open mind and explore possibilities rather than choosing to either agree or not with an ideology or belief system !

It's a big collective !          " All is One "

When we change the way we see things, the things we see begin to change ... In Lak'ech Ala K'in ...
Mad Purple State
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  39
Posts :  1468
Posted : Apr 5, 2008 13:03

On 2008-04-04 22:27, mk47 wrote:
im not criticizing .. organized religion is dated but the message is timeless .. was basically my point ..sorry if came out wrong .. look within not outside .. etc ..cheers !

Yes, I misread your msg... what you posted right now is true...Religion is dated and the messag is timeless but nothing needs to be thrown into the garbage. Those stories can still be valued... But the msg has to be explained and upgraded to fit the present situation of the world.           No great genius has ever existed without some touch of madness...

Started Topics :  5
Posts :  503
Posted : Apr 5, 2008 21:36
Instead of helping those who are spiritually inclined to enhance that and share their experiences, this thread finds itself defending the very idea of spirituality. This thread was created on the presumption that people already agree wit that and wud like a platform here to discuss it together. It might be a waste of time to some, but it shouldnt be for those that come here hoping to fine something useful rite? Either way The Autobiography of a Yogi -now that was the real mother of all spiritual threads.            To FiNd YouRsELf YoU GoTTa LoSe YouRsELf FirSt!
Cosmic Oneness
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  30
Posts :  711
Posted : Apr 6, 2008 04:31
Moving forward ... > Exploring spirituality among extra-terrestrials .. ... . ....           " All is One "

When we change the way we see things, the things we see begin to change ... In Lak'ech Ala K'in ...
Gate crasher

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Posts :  23
Posted : Apr 6, 2008 11:18
I want to call it *

* made EVERYTHING, * stands for supreme, * just exsist, nobody created *, otherwise we would'nt be able to call it *, * is what makes everything work the way it should, like * makes the earth spin around an axsis so that the cow can survive and produce milk for this coffee I'm drinking right now.
please note if you going to read further * does not stand for Astix in this post, (nice music I know, but I don't believe he created the universe). actually nobody knows what * is called, you can call it anything you like, God, The Almighty, The creator ect. or you can be honest and not call * anything.

We are told about * as kids, we name *, and * is made to sound interesting in every possible way,,, we are shown and led to believe that this is something we WIll have to believe, since it's what millions believe in. This is one of the purest stages of spirituality that we ever have, however it's short lived, cause that's what * wants

We eventually reach a point where we feel * does not exsist, * does'nt seem to be logical and * is something that is made up for obvious reasons, we reject the possibility of the existence of *. Based on what we can see and what we experience around us, this * that we were TOLD about just does'nt seem to be around, our reasoning is based mainly on what we WANT to believe and also because of our human instinct to believe in what we discover for ourselves or what can otherwise be proven, or seen or touched. MInd you, instinct is something that is natural , and hence given by *, so that means * wants us to reject belief in it's exsistence?? yes initially, it's just all part of the plan and all meant to be. Everyone needs to find their own answers and they can never be taught or made to believe, and ofcourse, none of us have missed this stage, (with that said, my post here is not an attempt to make anyone believe, and , that's not possible like I just said, it's just about the different stages that most people pass through, in their journey towards there individual enlightenment, )

Next, We grow,,,,,,,,,,, spritually, if i may say, some faster than other, this stage can never be defined, why someone gets their answers faster than others is not something I have the right to comment on. Without being superficial I could say some of us just take more time, and maybe that's part of the plan too. Anyways, this is the phase in which we ask all our questions about the exsistence of *, how, why, when, who ? ????? we mostly ask ourselves these questions and as a matter of fact we don't get an accurate answer to any of them. However we asking questions, or criticising other peoples' belief in *, (with an intent to get an explanation), is a step from disbelief. Our questions and experiences in this stage shape the course of our spirituality for the rest of our lives.

Eventually, We discover *, It happens,,,,,, Humans are a species with the biggest brain, (that's until ofcourse those aliens I read about in the previous post arrive) . So if anyone keeps asking themselves the right questions, they soon learn that there has to be......... something , something like *. But you got to keep asking and and you got to ask yourself.

After that, we Grow further, Some of us will decide that we need to go back and fall back on what our parents taught us, we are willing to now follow and practise what we once felt was unreasonable, this behaviour is justified, we are somehow repenting for doubting and want to make clear to ourselves, through our (once looked at as unresonable) rituals and ceremonys, that we will ask no more questions. We pass this way of life and customs on to our next generation, who then would have something to eventually fall back on. After they discover * for themselves. This has been happening over Centuries, These ceremonies are something that also in our busy lives remind us of *.Some individuals who reach the highest state of spirituality are ones who are in the presence of * at every second, they do not need to be reminded of star, Since they are in constant interactions with *, they don't expect a reply from *, they just believe. They remind everyone else about * .
Not someone like me who is only reminded it's presence, when I'm standing under the stars and gazing at what I was looking at when I asked my last questions. Or ofcourse when I'm in deep shit.

          I thank the forces, that shape our lives,,,,
I'll thank them in dance, under open skies,,,

MInd the Snap . . . .
Trance Forum  Forum  India - The Mother Of All Spiritual Threads
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