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The Mother of all SOUNDCARDS thread

Supa Tu Zill
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 7, 2012 20:32

On 2012-08-07 19:59, Login wrote:

In order to firewire to work properly you need that the cip used is a Texas instrument's one, there is no laptop in the market with one. In desktop is more common to see TI chips but it's not 100% sure.

This was something i've never heard before, checked my firewire and i have: LSI/Agere Revision 8. Well i guess this is the problem for my latency...           Jonesy
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 4, 2012 21:47
hi guys,

i have some questions.

im about to buy a new usb soundcard around 200€ for my small homestudio.
i read many reviews and the new roland ua-55 quad capture seems to get very good reviews.

the thing is that i also want to be able to do live sets eventually in the future and im not very experienced in live setups.

one review said that the ua-55 doesnt have unbalanced connections, therefore its bad for dj-equiptment. i dont really get that. why is that bad? in addition to that is has no PLL jitter reduction. do i really need that for live sets?

my second choice would probably be the focusrite scarlet 8i6 but it needs extra powersupply which i dont like that much especially when being mobile with a laptop.

hope somehow can answer me

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 8, 2012 12:39
I've always used PCI or PCIe cards if possible, seem more reliable, and never a problem.

I started with an Echo Mia from 2000-2009, then an Echo Audiofire 12 (which whilst being firewire was also very reliable, but would sometimes freak out) from 2009-2011.

Last year I switched to an RME HDSPe AES with external Crookwood converters, and couldn't be happier! It's the most reliable and best sounding system I have ever had. The drivers and bundled software with the RME (TotalMix and DigiCheck) are just phenomenal.  : :
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 8, 2012 22:16

On 2012-08-07 20:32, Supa Tu Zill wrote:

On 2012-08-07 19:59, Login wrote:

In order to firewire to work properly you need that the cip used is a Texas instrument's one, there is no laptop in the market with one. In desktop is more common to see TI chips but it's not 100% sure.

This was something i've never heard before, checked my firewire and i have: LSI/Agere Revision 8. Well i guess this is the problem for my latency...

dunno but agere work good in macbook pro just to say not only ti ships are ok for audio
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 8, 2012 22:34

On 2012-09-08 12:39, Babaluma wrote:
I've always used PCI or PCIe cards if possible, seem more reliable, and never a problem.

I started with an Echo Mia from 2000-2009, then an Echo Audiofire 12 (which whilst being firewire was also very reliable, but would sometimes freak out) from 2009-2011.

Last year I switched to an RME HDSPe AES with external Crookwood converters, and couldn't be happier! It's the most reliable and best sounding system I have ever had. The drivers and bundled software with the RME (TotalMix and DigiCheck) are just phenomenal.

do you use the rme as master clock? if you tried it i would be intrested in your finding , in my experience it sucked
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  18
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Posted : Sep 9, 2012 10:45
Nope, everything (PC via RME and both the DACs) is synced to the Crookwood ADCs internal clock via AES. I haven't tried syncing it all via WordClock yet, some people apparently say they can hear a difference.

That's the first time I've heard that RME clocks are bad though, I thought they had a very high reputation, what with their proprietary anti-jitter "SteadyClock" technology etc. : :
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 9, 2012 19:08
to me the few times i tried it sound better clocked by something else, even the own rme converters sounded better with a other clock . with such thing really critical test need to be done that i didn t do, so something to take with a grain of salt.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 9, 2012 19:18
I have yet to try WordClock, apparently it can sound better to some people, but Crispin from Crookwood said he couldn't tell the difference between AES and WordClock sync. I'll try it at some stage, just to see, need to get a WordClock cable first!

Never tried an external clock for my previous interfaces, or the current setup. I just know what I have now sounds better than anything I have heard before!

Yeah, really need to do some careul tests comparing clocks, I guess. Have heard many people say it's always better to use internal clocks, if they are of a high enough standard. Not excatly sure why.

Never heard RME converters (my HDSPe AES is just an interface, with no conversion), apart from projects I receive for mastering from some clients who use them. They usually sound good to me!  : :
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  162
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Posted : Sep 9, 2012 19:23

On 2012-09-09 19:18, Babaluma wrote:

Yeah, really need to do some careul tests comparing clocks, I guess. Have heard many people say it's always better to use internal clocks, if they are of a high enough standard. Not excatly sure why.

yes with highend converter , maybe to get less jitter i don't know .
i think dan lavry have some paper on this on his site, not sure
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  29
Posts :  186
Posted : Sep 10, 2012 22:18
small update on my side. i bought the roland ua-55 quad capture and im more than satisfied for a price of 200€. 6ms latency is no problem, everything looks solid and the control program offers compressors for each input signal. using it for 3 days now and im very happy with it.

also i like the output volume knob very much           :O!
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 10, 2012 22:33
how about clocking with that one XD

only 6759€ XD XD          -------......-------...-..-..-..-.-.-.-.-
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 10, 2012 23:19
joel hamilton's been using that clock and is very happy with the results.  : :
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  87
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Posted : Sep 11, 2012 01:13
i bet he is^^           -------......-------...-..-..-..-.-.-.-.-
RaDioAcTiVe AcIdHeAd

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  443
Posted : Nov 30, 2012 08:01
hi all what is the best audio interface within the budget of arnd 550$ or around Rs 30,000 (Focusrite/Motu/Apogee/Echo/NI/personas/digidesign ???????)
Focusrite Scarlet 18i6, Focusrite Sapphire pro 14/24, Apogee duet 2, Echo Audiofire4/8, Motu Track 16 etc etc...
Or any other good ones?
Motu Track 16 looks sleek n interesting with many features and I/O... anybody has any reviews on it and sound quality?
suggestions/reviews will be much appreciated
thank in advance

Started Topics :  1
Posts :  23
Posted : Dec 3, 2012 02:19
Hi everybody !

People need a fast advice. Which one is the "best" soundcard for y'all.

Focusrite Saffire

Presonus Firestudio Mobile

I am undecided on buying and i need help quickly.
It is to produce electronic music. I work with Studio One and I have a UAD2-Solo card.
What's the best choice for my studio. I hope that will help me this Christmas
Hugs to all
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