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The mother of all MIDI KEYBOARD CONTROLLERS thread


Started Topics :  2
Posts :  152
Posted : Jun 2, 2009 20:36
Hey guys,
I need to choose between these two options.

One is getting a Presonus Firebox as an AI and Novation Remote 25 SL as a Midi Interface/Control Surface for Cubase and Live.

Second is Just getting Tascam FW 1082 as AI and Midi Interface/Control Surface. In this case, I'll be losing the compact keyboard that Remote SL has, but that's no biggy, I can always get one.

The problem is I don't know how well Tascam FW 1082 works with Live. What are the benefits of getting Tascam FW1082 instead of Remote SL? Does anyone own Tascam FW1082 and use it in their live performances?

Thank you.

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Posted : Nov 29, 2013 03:29
i guys does any body can help me to find the vsts maps??
like albino
DJ Shpondra

Started Topics :  8
Posts :  62
Posted : May 3, 2014 11:13
I am using old good Novation 37SL Remote midi controller, i never saw something better than this piece of gear. Except of Roland midi controllers maybe           _________
Nu Dovay!
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posts :  873
Posted : May 3, 2014 14:41
Nektar Panorama P6
in my opinion this is best midi keyboard on the market right now it got best mapping function and great color display which show you all function

key's same like Novation impulse

Novation impulse
semi weighted keyboard with aftertouch
great keyboard who love to play and feel like he played on real piano,

Novation SL other great midi control
Italiano key's 56 knob's
really good midi control for live and home
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  148
Posts :  1681
Posted : May 4, 2014 09:55
I got an Impulse 61 about 9 months ago. It has been nice but recently the knobs have been coming loose & the pads have lost a lot of sensitivity which is frustrating.

I spent yesterday at a store trying out quite a few & next week am buying the M-Audio Axiom AIR 61 key. It's absolutely beautiful even if it's very large. It's built like a tank & plays like a dream. They've fixed up their mapping software as well so IMO is on par with Novation.           Cuntus Maximus.
DJ Shpondra

Started Topics :  8
Posts :  62
Posted : May 4, 2014 10:33
Damn this Nektar is sexiest one i found on ebay, the problem is it's Reason best friend. Still this gear looks promising UFO           _________
Nu Dovay!

Started Topics :  147
Posts :  1441
Posted : May 5, 2014 20:09
Also looking at getting the Nektar panorama P4. Definitely the best keyboard controller on the market right now but a little pricey at $500. It's fully integrated with Cubase & Reason. 
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  80
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Posted : May 5, 2014 21:01
I have a roland edirol pcr 500 quite nice thing lots of knobs slider faders etc a bunch of inputs etc I guess one of the most offering midi keyboards around.

Still I tend to use the small white oxygen the very most .. often even just tha piano roll does that job , and 2 knobs for automating from wherever device do all I need.

IsraTrance Junior Member
Started Topics :  10
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Posted : May 8, 2014 15:25
Remote SL mk 2 here. Key action is very good, similar to the Virus or Waldorf's with fatar keys and nice after touch...

it's got the endless encoders with leds that I don't like to much compared to the other ones. automap software is very easy to use and works flawlessly for me, all it takes is some editing of the "standard" mapping of instruments and other stuff you want to control, then you save as default and it's done for good. usually edit the number of points for a given knob, to get the kind of sensibility I want from them - don't like to have to turn a knob many times to move the filter half ways, for example, so I make it respond as I want.

pads suck big time, though. and there's not nearly enough space to use them properly anyways... X/Y pad sucks even more, faders respond fine but feel a bit plastic, though they hang in there just fine.

now the plus with this is its implementation of midi. it's got more options then is usually expected to find on a controller, two midi ports, fully configurable... this is the part I feel it's got the edge over other controllers out there...

roland's keys are very cool to, also have one of those.
Goa Travellers
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  11
Posts :  24
Posted : Sep 15, 2014 14:14
I like the Arturia Keylab master keyboards           -Goa Travellers

Drifting through the galaxy...
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  148
Posts :  1681
Posted : Sep 17, 2014 07:54
Have had the Akai Pro MPK49 MK2 for almost a month now. It's my first midi keyboard as I've used Ableton Push until now. It's ok, I'm no keyboardist but it's fine for doing melodies and controlling software. I cannot stand the pads. Really have to bang on them. I'll keep it for a while but can see myself selling it to fund an MS-20 mini & a cheaper Novation midi controller instead.

Plus this Akai thing is massive. Takes up way too much space for what it does.           Cuntus Maximus.
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  87
Posts :  2822
Posted : Sep 17, 2014 20:59

On 2014-05-05 21:01, TimeTraveller wrote:
I have a roland edirol pcr 500 quite nice thing lots of knobs slider faders etc a bunch of inputs etc I guess one of the most offering midi keyboards around.

Still I tend to use the small white oxygen the very most .. often even just tha piano roll does that job , and 2 knobs for automating from wherever device do all I need.

not available anymore, but i got the next version of it: Cakewalk A-300 Pro

there is also A-500 Pro and 900 if i`m right, very nice ones for sure..           -------......-------...-..-..-..-.-.-.-.-
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