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The Mother of all KICK DRUMS thread


Started Topics :  3
Posts :  68
Posted : Jan 6, 2013 11:01

On 2013-01-06 06:47, willsanquil wrote:
I would love to be able to make a great kick in LUSH-101 or any other synth for the matter, but everytime I do it doesn't NEARLY stand up to the kick I can get out of bazzism :


I think it is about the quality of the pitch bend that defines how punchy the kick sounds.

I wish someone made a kick synth which had envelopes like Image line synths for shaping the pitch bend:

That would be the best thing ever.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 6, 2013 13:42

On 2013-01-06 06:47, willsanquil wrote:
I would love to be able to make a great kick in LUSH-101 or any other synth for the matter, but everytime I do it doesn't NEARLY stand up to the kick I can get out of bazzism :

For what it is worth (and I really don't want to get into a synth x/y debate) the best single osc kicks I've ever gotten/heard come from LuSH-101, with virtually no need for either compression or EQ. I can only conclude we are therefore either after very different kicks (very possible), or you are not tweaking it right.

Xetni - I don't understand - why not just use the imageline synths to make the kick drum?
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jan 6, 2013 15:35
one word : Metrum , 2 mn to get a perfect psy kick with this as good as it can get . you get flexible envelops, modulation matrix , sine osc ,layers ...)
never tried lush 101 though , i also really like massive as it can sound tick ,clean and polished but it need way mroe time and attention to details than metrum. ultrabeat too but not really needed with metrum for sine pitched kick, metrum is better with more defined attack/top and the envelops beeing more flexible it result in kicks that could make it on a release wihtout any processing.

give it a try guys, u need a usb steinberg stick to demo it.. it s expensive but when it s on sale it worth it if you want to never be tired with kicks for psy tunes again, it s a real time and hassle saver. if i have time soon i will make a psy kick pack with it so you can judge by yourself
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jan 6, 2013 16:22
i was trying more my synth and massive really have that thick mids on kick that i really like.. it remind me something about tr808 or 909.. but i fint it tricky to make it sit well
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Jan 6, 2013 16:30

On 2013-01-06 13:42, Speakafreaka wrote:

On 2013-01-06 06:47, willsanquil wrote:
I would love to be able to make a great kick in LUSH-101 or any other synth for the matter, but everytime I do it doesn't NEARLY stand up to the kick I can get out of bazzism :

For what it is worth (and I really don't want to get into a synth x/y debate) the best single osc kicks I've ever gotten/heard come from LuSH-101, with virtually no need for either compression or EQ. I can only conclude we are therefore either after very different kicks (very possible), or you are not tweaking it right.

Xetni - I don't understand - why not just use the imageline synths to make the kick drum?

Do you infact use an oscillator for the kick sound, or just the filter on max resonance modulated by 1 or 2 envelopes?
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  18
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Posted : Jan 6, 2013 16:38
I use the filter in 101 mode, modulated by both env 1 & 2. Tweaking the cutoff and keytrack parameters is also very important, as it can be tricky to get the sound in the right zone.

I also like to control pitch slightly with velocity for ultra fine tuning.

I set polyphony to 8. The first time a voice is triggered it doesn't sound correctly while the resonance is getting going. Thereafter it's fine.           .

Started Topics :  3
Posts :  68
Posted : Jan 6, 2013 18:15

On 2013-01-06 13:42, Speakafreaka wrote:

Xetni - I don't understand - why not just use the imageline synths to make the kick drum?

I don't doesn't quite sound right. I'll have to experiment more.

I like Bazzism really, the only thing that could improve it is if it had a bit more flexible envelopes.

Started Topics :  9
Posts :  133
Posted : Jan 10, 2013 14:39
I'm using bazzism for quite a while now. I actually like the fact that you can set the frequenzy according to the scale. But the results I get are far away from where I want to be. I actually don't know where to tweek anymore, as the functions of the vst are limited. How important is a good compression etc on the kick? 
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jan 10, 2013 14:49
not really important, it more to change a bit the caractere i will use compression, or get the sound more in your face , or define a bit more the attack... depend the kicks..

imo the kick should sound ok wihtout any processing like every sound but what ever work..
Alien Bug
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 10, 2013 19:04
you need EQ for bazzism. also character compressor, saturator is ok but not neccesary 
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 6, 2013 08:52
What post processing you do on your kick drums?.
I spend alot of time on my bases but the kick i do in 2 minutes and then leave it.
So would be nice to get some idea´s how you guys process your kicks.           .

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Posted : Feb 6, 2013 10:52

On 2013-02-06 08:52, Grevinsky wrote:
What post processing you do on your kick drums?.
I spend alot of time on my bases but the kick i do in 2 minutes and then leave it.
So would be nice to get some idea´s how you guys process your kicks.

Mainly EQing. First, I do some general EQing, so that the attack stays sharp but loses some unwanted frequency edges. Some cutting in the mids to get rid of the hollow sounding freqs. I don't EQ for prefection just here, but for making it sound less like a pitched sine wave and to make the charakter of the kick more audible. Since I'm not a big fan of boosting frquencies I don't cut away too much which leaves me some room to do some further adjustments in terms of cutting when I try to make it fit to the bass. The only boosting I do is around the key frequency of the kick to make it a little more thumpy / punchy. Only when I think it's needed though.

Sometimes adding a little white noise in the beginning of the kick can sound just right and results in the kick bleinging in much better.

For 'modern' offbeat basslines I occasionally use some overdrive on the higher frequencies, making it sound more 'plastic' like. This especially works for kicks with quite short bending times, making them sound a litte less sterile and boring.

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  80
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Posted : Mar 5, 2013 18:00
Anyone uses a bit of reverb on the kickdrum?
How you process for a reverbed kickdrums? I think many do it i.e. Prometheus.
I have a kick channel with a prefader going on to a channel with a reverb with almost only early reflrecitons and predelay of just 2 ms, basicaly very small settings, Than next after it comes an eq with a lowcut at 275 hz and highcut at 1820 hz, all (kickdrum channel and it's reverbed aux channel) goes to a kickdrum group chanel with comp, sounds a bit different and nice togeter but not really what I think of.
Anyone succeeded at kicks with reverb? Share your knowledge of how and why HOw to do this properly?

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  162
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Posted : Mar 5, 2013 19:23
there is lot of kick with reverbs but used slighty in a way it s not really noticeable, just to add a bit of lush ,depth and meat in the mids . try use sidechain gate .

i made a tune with a friend that use some on most of his full on kicks, will check more closely how he set it up but my guess is the verb is very bandpassed to not add mud and sound good with the kick.

the gate also add to the goove but it s very sublte but still sound nice.. he use it in a way that if you dont know it you would not guess there is reverb on the kick when lisetning his tracks but when you bypass it dont sound as good
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  80
Posts :  3207
Posted : Mar 5, 2013 19:39
I did that too, sidechain. From my kickdrum group comp and in sidechain the reverbed aux channel and tbh sounded even better, but left it for now cuz thought that's does not make sense and heard it recently just in phones. .. need to hear it again and experiment more.
Would be nice if you can check the full on kicks with verb from yur friend. I think also for higher bpm kick for my work now so am interestend in any info.
I used also some standard of logic as verb I think goldverb.
Noisegate after verb seems to me also nice idea. thx

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