The Mother of all BASSLINES thread
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Posted : Jun 27, 2005 20:04
oh... we had a missunderstanding. since english is not my primary language sometimes i loose the point. sorry!
i'm just not used to people "defending" certain techniques. as a producer i'll try almost anything available and i will use anything that's giving me a good sound. even if it's trashing a coke can with hammer and recorded by a desktop pc microphone. i think that nobody cares what producer is using as long as music sounds good. but that's just my point of view. i have no intention to argue... just tryin to share some experience and maybe talk about them with other ppl who produce psytrance. there is no right or wrong, and discoussing about it can make it only better
  "It occurred to me by intuition, and music was the driving force behind that intuition. My discovery was the result of musical perception"
Albert Einstein, speaking about his theory of relativity |
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Posted : Jul 2, 2005 13:18
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Posted : Jul 2, 2005 14:59
i was speaking in metaphorical way and not about bass sound only. but since you ask, i suppose that you could add another layer to your sampler with samples of trashing a coke can and trigger them together with some saw bass. it could sound a bit like Ghreg On Earth with some waves R-bass over it
  "It occurred to me by intuition, and music was the driving force behind that intuition. My discovery was the result of musical perception"
Albert Einstein, speaking about his theory of relativity |
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Posted : Jul 5, 2005 11:27
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Posted : Jul 9, 2005 03:09
Wow... some of these ideas are indeed interesting. I personally do use eq on my bass all the time... I like to remove the odd harmonic from my bassline and I don't like it to collide with my kick. I do shorten the midi note of my kick as well and it hasn't affected the power of my kick drum at all... It did however free up just that little bit of space to give my bassline that much more clarity.
One thing I noticed is paying attention to the root note of your bassline. each note has a fundamental frequency and as such if you know the fundamental frequency you can apply that knowledge accordingly. I use it to have a good clue on where to start my low cut for bass and the general range to put a notch eq in my bass for the odd harmonic.
I make it a point to cut a lot of the low frequencies out of all the other intstruments, even some of my percussion... I don't like things to get in the way of my bassline. I also do the bassline first and write all my leads and such around that bassline or in my case basslines...
The best part about all these suggestions is that you can pick and choose from them and make your own conclusion for what works for you.
  An Eagle may soar, but Weasels don't get sucked into jet engines. |
Lior (AnandaShake)
Ananda Shake
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Posted : Jul 10, 2005 18:18
in my opinion i the best sound for kiler bass line is in cramewere pulsar 2 in the modular 3...i never heard something like this or even close to this sound, but not everybody have the same sound card so in vst's for me all muon tao,junglist,bass station,tritium,tbl & i m sure that i forgot some more but allmost every synth can be modeled to bass line but in this synths its just ready for you to just play with the sound abit till you like it sometimes you even dont need to play with it at!!!!!! |
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Posted : Jul 14, 2005 16:42
bassline synth - there's some possibillitites - my sequencer is orion.
good synths are the wasp, impulse, moogV, rubberduck re-filtered,...
the main gthing is a fat (& bubbly) sound. |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jul 21, 2005 21:00
OK since switching from Reason to VST's earlier this year, I have had to write new patches for basslines. Took me forever but Im pretty happy with my fullon patch that I made with Z3TA+. However for Progressive its not working out. Ive read Muon Tau is highly recommended. Which one do I buy guys? Tau 2 or the Tau Pro for Deep progressive basslines (like Freq, Antix, or even Prog-hOuse basslines)?
Im ready to buy it now just can't decide which to do. |
Neville Bone
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jul 23, 2005 12:18
Audio realism bassline & es2 |
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Posted : Jul 27, 2005 19:03
On 2005-07-21 21:00, john_c wrote:
OK since switching from Reason to VST's earlier this year, I have had to write new patches for basslines. Took me forever but Im pretty happy with my fullon patch that I made with Z3TA+. However for Progressive its not working out. Ive read Muon Tau is highly recommended. Which one do I buy guys? Tau 2 or the Tau Pro for Deep progressive basslines (like Freq, Antix, or even Prog-hOuse basslines)?
Im ready to buy it now just can't decide which to do.
Gmedia Minimonsta is great for deep, fat 'oompah' style basslines (not so great for fast, 1/16th basslines).
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jul 28, 2005 01:26
I am in love with ES-M.
This thread is great though, very refreshing to read what people use for their bass lines!
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Aug 1, 2005 23:26
Well there is a 1.000.000 ways to bild a wild and powerfull bass... xperiment xperiment and xperiment
fuzzikitten: Tau Pro but needs a lot of twisting
  Never let computers to win a game! :)
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Internal System
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Posted : Aug 3, 2005 09:20
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Aug 3, 2005 20:25
Ive been tryin to use Tau Pro and AudioRealism for progressive basslines but its hard. When the cutoff is low, it sounds too "hollow". When the cutoff is higher up, it sounds too acidy, like a 303. Any advice? I tried using QUadraFuzz to give the bass more oomf too but now its sounding very distortive too. Any ideas? |
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Posted : Aug 4, 2005 14:54
On 2005-08-03 20:25, john_c wrote:
Ive been tryin to use Tau Pro and AudioRealism for progressive basslines but its hard. When the cutoff is low, it sounds too "hollow". When the cutoff is higher up, it sounds too acidy, like a 303. Any advice? I tried using QUadraFuzz to give the bass more oomf too but now its sounding very distortive too. Any ideas?
"hollow" is the perfect way to describe them.
I'm sure their good for 16th basslines, but anything slower and both the Tau and the AudioRealism seem to sound flimsy - as you said, hollow. Personally I like the control V-station gives me for the 1/16th basslines.
I'm not sure distortion would help as it tends to add *upper* harmonics and what the Tau and Audiorealism are missing are lower harmonics. I've done a spectral analysis on the Tau and found that it really doesn't have much in the subs range, especially when compared to something like the SH101 samples in Trilogy, which has quite a bit of low-end harmonics.
It might be possible to fake it using a plugin (subdivider comes to mind), but at that point why not use a synth that can generate some nice subs?
I'll say it again, for slower basslines - Minimonsta! Use a single saw or pulse (or maybe a saw and a pulse). Set the filter to around 40-60 Hz, resonance to 0, filter env amount to about 3/4. Filter env decay to around half, filter env attack, sustain, and release to 0. Set amp sustain to max and amp attack, decay, and release to 0.
Now plug in some grooving bassline and tweak the frequency, freq env amount, freq env decay, amp release to get the right feel to it.
When I tweak the minimonsta I can feel the floor (with 2 inches of carpet) vibrate under my toes. |