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Posted : Oct 23, 2012 20:14
Hi Guys , Im New Here And I Wanna Ask Afew Things About Making a Bassline In Full On Psychedelic And Im Currently Working on 145 bpm .. So i was wondering : 1- Does The Bpm Effect The Bassline Sound
2- Do I Have To Eq My Bassline Or Is It Optional
3- i know that Drawing The Bassline Is In 1/16th , Is There Another Quantize say like 1/32 .... or Is It Standard To Be 1/16 .
Forgive Me Everyone If Anybody Finds My Questions silly But Im Still Kinda New To Producing And Dont Know All Tricks And Stuff , And I Do Read Alot Of Topics .
If Anyone Can Help I Would Really Appreciate It .
Have A Good Day All
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Oct 23, 2012 20:28
yes the bpm affects the bass. the frequencies need time to develop. the higher the bpm the shorter the notes become (in time), thus allowing for less time for the lower frequencies to fully develop
you do not *have* to eq your bass. but you definitely can. i like to do a cut around 30hz and sometimes a notch around 500hz, but you definitely want it sounding as good as possible with no EQ.
i find that using full 1/16th notes for bass is kind of hard. i run into issues when tightening up the release of the synth so that the notes do note bleed into one another
i use 1/32 or so, and this is to allow room for release on the synth
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Oct 23, 2012 20:39
what you mean with if the bpm effect the baseline??.
The bpm is the master tempo, so the baseline will run in the bpm u set.
for sure you should eq ure baseline, but every base u make will need its individual eq´ing. In the begining it can be hard to hear what is needed to filter out, but with time it comes.
Make a notch in a eq with a low q, boost it, and sweep trough the freq spectra too more easily find the freq u need to filter out.
1/16 is standard. If you do it in 1/32 it be double speed making very fast notes. Experiment around, there arent any rules which are set in stone, it can be cool with combination of both longer and shorter notes, i never go below 1/16 notes tho.
It takes a while to get a fat baseline, understanding what a fat base consist of making it easier too create it.
How i do my baselines:
Take any synth, put a saw. amp envelope on fu┤l sustain, litlle release not too make it clip.
then put a low pass filter.assign the cutoff too the mod env, tweak the modulation envelope with a bit of decay, little bit release and some sustain.
Thats the basics, after that you can play with distortion, compress it if required.
I sidechain my base to my kick too make it glue better.
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Posted : Oct 23, 2012 21:12
On 2012-10-23 20:39, Grevinsky wrote:
what you mean with if the bpm effect the baseline??.
The bpm is the master tempo, so the baseline will run in the bpm u set.
for sure you should eq ure baseline, but every base u make will need its individual eq´ing. In the begining it can be hard to hear what is needed to filter out, but with time it comes.
Make a notch in a eq with a low q, boost it, and sweep trough the freq spectra too more easily find the freq u need to filter out.
1/16 is standard. If you do it in 1/32 it be double speed making very fast notes. Experiment around, there arent any rules which are set in stone, it can be cool with combination of both longer and shorter notes, i never go below 1/16 notes tho.
It takes a while to get a fat baseline, understanding what a fat base consist of making it easier too create it.
How i do my baselines:
Take any synth, put a saw. amp envelope on fu┤l sustain, litlle release not too make it clip.
then put a low pass filter.assign the cutoff too the mod env, tweak the modulation envelope with a bit of decay, little bit release and some sustain.
Thats the basics, after that you can play with distortion, compress it if required.
I sidechain my base to my kick too make it glue better.
but as i said before, a good baseline comes with time so u just have to work with it.
good luck!
Thnx Bro
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Posted : Oct 23, 2012 21:13
On 2012-10-23 20:28, soospicey wrote:
yes the bpm affects the bass. the frequencies need time to develop. the higher the bpm the shorter the notes become (in time), thus allowing for less time for the lower frequencies to fully develop
you do not *have* to eq your bass. but you definitely can. i like to do a cut around 30hz and sometimes a notch around 500hz, but you definitely want it sounding as good as possible with no EQ.
i find that using full 1/16th notes for bass is kind of hard. i run into issues when tightening up the release of the synth so that the notes do note bleed into one another
i use 1/32 or so, and this is to allow room for release on the synth
also this is all dependent on what kind of bass you are trying to achieve
Thnx Man Didnt Expect u Guys To Reply That Quick
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Oct 23, 2012 21:15
On 2012-10-23 20:39, Grevinsky wrote:
1/16 is standard. If you do it in 1/32 it be double speed making very fast notes. Experiment around, there arent any rules which are set in stone, it can be cool with combination of both longer and shorter notes, i never go below 1/16 notes tho.
let me clarify... i use notes that are 1/32 in length, but still on the 1/16th grid
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Posted : Oct 25, 2012 09:03
On 2012-10-24 23:58, Boo wrote:
how to make a fast bassline using vb1?
iv'e tried putting on quadrafuzz, eq, c4, and another eq
this is the result....
how can i make it sound better?
Better? change the source
Faster, draw shorter notes, put shorter kick
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Oct 26, 2012 11:52
thanks m8! ima try it
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Mar 5, 2013 23:12
tip ....turn off VCA clicks on AudioRealisms Bassline2 - i was so happy after i did that -if u wana run a bassline smoothly anyways
Ancient Alien
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Mar 14, 2013 16:04
Wich are the best Octaves for a Goabassline
like the typical acid goa bassline
or new school goa like this
i guess this filteria song is on C1 or C2 max, not talking about OSC detune (it have chorus here right?)
im using in my track the bassline in C1 and i think it got strong low groove but is to dirty and "dark"