Sunrise Travellers
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jun 8, 2012 04:26
On 2012-06-08 03:28, PoM wrote:
in dune in the matrix it need a constant to the osc phase to retriger it (try +50)
Dune is really nice and simple!
Just take the fat saw bass, turn off the effects, turn down little bit the filter cutoff around 40-47% (depends on taste), usual tweaks on filter & amp envelops, in mod matrix const +50 to osc phase and you have a great bass!
...into the wild....
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Posted : Jun 8, 2012 10:21
Never used synapse for bass but going on the last two comments i'll be giving them a try
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jun 8, 2012 13:03
btw there is a version of dune wihtout the fx that come with beat magazine only 5 or 6 euros if i remmeber well, there is a thread at kvr
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jun 8, 2012 14:46
Sunrise Travellers
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jun 8, 2012 22:48
On 2012-04-15 13:43, supergroover wrote:
What are your guys best tips on getting that 1/16th bassline? I want a bassline that also plays on the first note. So on the place of the kick.
I came up with the usual ideas.
- sidechain
- eq
- placing the notes a ms or so to the back
But still I always end up with a kick/ bass combination that sounds crap if the bassnote is also played on the 1st note. Any other ideas? Or do I just need to keep trying
nice tip from atma here
On 2006-04-05 01:04, The_Guardians_Of_Truth wrote:
I always use bass notes over the kick, and i take the "velocity" lower than the rest of the bass notes.
1) I always try to use the same bass note over the kicks.
Example: "if the track key is A minor, i will try to place the A note on every kick (A---A---A---A)
or the corepondent 5'th note: (A---E---A---E)
etc.. to create an equilibrium in the track, because the bassline and the drums are the main structure of a song. If those doesnt fit together, or sound good...nothing will!"
2) Why, i use the bass notes over kick ??? Well, because this will make the kick sound more integrated into the track, more warm. Without this, the kick will sound dry and out of the track, no metter how much compresion or eq you use.
3) about the velocity:
I set the general bass notes to 100%, but when the kick meets the bass i set the velocity to aprox. 20 %, Never more !!!
So a classical 4/4 velocity, bass measure will look like this:
(20% - 100% - 100% - 100%)
REMEMBER ! This is not a rule !!! It all depends of the kick u use, or the feeling you wanna give to the track !!! So, if you have a plastic, dry kick u can use this metode. If your kick is warm and full of all frequences, you can play it alone, without bass note over it.
useful tips for sure...(i like to go back sometimes to old posts and read nice tips, always help me)
...into the wild....
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Posted : Jun 10, 2012 12:59
On 2012-06-04 11:36, Chemica wrote:
Theres no need to be sampling trillian as its sample based already and im pretty sure the envelopes and retriggering of osc's would be quite top notch anyway
Trilian has a little bit lag in fast basslines.. so exporting is the best thing for me!!
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Posted : Jun 13, 2012 11:45
Tried out junglist and dune and yep! Awesome for bass
also play with ADSR little, if you have bassline with fast attack, little decay and sustain and fast release is good to change the things around to get that long sustained bass and little more release time is good, and attack to slowly rise into the everything
also play with ADSR little, if you have bassline with fast attack, little decay and sustain and fast release is good to change the things around to get that long sustained bass and little more release time is good, and attack to slowly rise into the everything