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TALPA – “The Art Of Being Non (SUNDANCE)

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 31, 2005 03:21
oh, get over these stylistic issues, and just LISTEN. The album is incredible, there's nothing that even comes close. It's probably the only album from last year still likely to get listens 5 or 10 years from now.

and it sounds just fine on a large sound system, trust me - I played it on a 60kW system last year at Burning Man, everybody in the crowd went crazy!

's just another party..

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Posted : Jul 31, 2005 04:25

On 2005-07-31 03:21, DiMiTry wrote:
and it sounds just fine on a large sound system, trust me - I played it on a 60kW system last year at Burning Man, everybody in the crowd went crazy!

Depends more on who your playing after an what type of event your in, but i can garante, that if you would put talpa on after IM, the crowed would laugh pretty hard.
At the same time that would never risk to happend since IM only play between Faggy Corsten & Cosmic Gays these days, oups I mean Ferry Corsten & Cosmic Gate

But i still keep my stand, Talpa on Computer speakers is Ass kickin but on Dynaudio BM6a or Mackie HR824 its is just less asskickin, a lot less ass kickin, a very, very, very lot, less ass kickin.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 31, 2005 04:34
has nothing to do with when i am playing or any of that other bullshit. I am talking about the sound quality, mmkay? and yes, it sounded totally fine going through a high quality mixer.

and yes I'll play Talpa but will never play IM out in public - haven't since 2000 or so, not even BP Empire, thought it was total cheese.. I think Talpa is much superior to anything IM put out since Classical. just an opinion.. don't flame me too much. 's just another party..

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Posted : Jul 31, 2005 07:12
Sergeant Pepper sounds crap as well on large speakers. Do you know anybody who will mention that? No, why?
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IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 31, 2005 11:42

On 2005-07-31 04:34, DiMiTry wrote:
has nothing to do with when i am playing or any of that other bullshit. I am talking about the sound quality, mmkay? and yes, it sounded totally fine going through a high quality mixer.

maybe he meant that comparing the production quality of infected to talpa?
Willy Wonka
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Posted : Jul 31, 2005 15:55
I can add to Dimitri's words simple thing all will sound good on large system, just without reference. I'm sure if you play Ferry Corsten, oh gosh no, you some lower artist before you play Talpa you will see the difference. Clearly Talpa use VSTi, not only VSTi but also make them sound as plastic as they sound without proper any well done effect. His album sounds plastic! mor plastic than any released material for many years! Plastic sound is easier to achive since it is the sound VSTi produce without effect tweaks and proper ears!

Why all this mess, i've heard new Talpa material and seems he not improoving his mixing abilities. So no progress in here!

Surely it depends where you live in and what music you listen to. For USA or Yugoslavia it can be normal sounding but for German or English it would sound plastic as hell! Almost Nintendo cellphones sound!
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 1, 2005 02:25
Goran works in very modest studio, situation in Serbia is not that we could afford serious studio equipment. So, i know that production quallity is not the best, but i fully respect his music, not only his, than and all others that works in similar conditions like Goran. I like to hear good production, and like Ferry Corstein a lot, but mate Ferry's incomes are huge, his sets cost more than 10 000 euros, what are we talking about ... In this music producers from top 10 list must play several times to earn money that Ferry and some more djs earn from one gig ... No money, no big studios, no killer production ...

Willy Wonka
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Posted : Aug 1, 2005 05:38
You right, half of psytrance world are capitalists with huge bank accounts. Russia isn't much better than Serbia i guess, thou somehow Parasense never sound plastic even in end of 90'. I don't like other projects in Russia but all of them not sound plastic. It is not about studio and income dear, it is about ability to hear right!
Ferry Corster using Logic on laptop which he uses between gigs, music mastered in big studio! You know why? because Ferry Corsten worked hard to release his good music long ago and now he eats the fruits of his work!

Talpa or Goran is decreasing mixing skills from release to release, with his start abilities to decrease means " to die" as artist. I don't know for how long ppl would eat this Infected Mushroom/Hallucinogen hybrid done exactly as their music. This is what it's about!

Now let's go further, many American artists sound plastic too, you know why ? They don't have money, no way! They just to lazy to learn as labels are lazy to release good quality material. Then ppl like Dimitri say it sound perfect on PA, so if listeners are deaf why to work hard?

Other story, Do you know Atma? He is Romanian or Bulgarian, not sure. He is way less plastic than Talpa, thou situation in his country is the same! So please no excuses in poorness! I work with same pc and same VSti as Goran but somehow i not that lazy to tweak presets and apply some effects! Just last thing, i do music for fun, Goran does to sell ! So it is his resposibility to produce high quality material!
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 1, 2005 11:38

Depends more on who your playing after an what type of event your in, but i can garante, that if you would put talpa on after IM, the crowed would laugh pretty hard.

well now thats not true, I played after infected & played heaps of talpa & the crowd went absolutely bizerk. I had COUNTLESS people tell me it was better than Infected.

Of course Infected will have better production! They have $100 000 extra studio!!
Willy Wonka
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Posted : Aug 1, 2005 13:31
Dude you shouldn't put new IM stuff, just put Classical Mushroom the CD Talpa copied and let's see what the crowd willl dig more!

Well said, now how about Talpa is the worse sounding CD i've ever heard? There is no CD in whole world with same plastic sounding! Instead to defend your artist go and ask him to make better sound!
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Aug 1, 2005 20:27

On 2005-07-31 15:55, Willy Wonka wrote:

Surely it depends where you live in and what music you listen to. For USA or Yugoslavia it can be normal sounding but for German or English it would sound plastic as hell! Almost Nintendo cellphones sound!

oh? Your European ears hear music better than us second class people?

Quit spreading the hate.

's just another party..

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Posted : Aug 1, 2005 21:02
Infected Mushroom hmmm. Try to hear their Pre Classical Mushroom stuff. Pure Impulse Tracker noise filled tracks. Shiva Shidapu, Shiva Sidpao. Noise, noise and more noise. But. Great, great, great music. Personally, i think that their latest output is nothing but plastic and over polished music.
And btw, Willy Wonka, if your kind was the majority we'd be still stuck with Glam Rock, Progressive Rock and Hair metal. Thank god for Punk, Grunge and Noise.
Curt Cobain and Joey Ramone are flipping in their graves right now.
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Willy Wonka
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Posted : Aug 1, 2005 23:02
Dimitri: it is not about classes, it's about mainstream. American psy producers don't care about quality of sound same as American labels. So if most of music is worse quality it means you can't have proper judge for how it should sound. Of course you will say "who are you that u can judge and me not" I just say my opinion, i don't give a damn if you accept it or not. This is not argue with you, this is what i feel when i listen to Talpa.

Pavel: Rock music, is quite none of my business although most known Nirvana's song mastered without plastic feeling of simple quitar. In opposite Talpa sound like overcompressed Vanguard preset (even worser sounding plugin). Punk and Grunge music is not about ease of mastering but it's about easy of chords progression. All known artists in that genre with all their famous works mastered well. Big labels accepted it so i'm not the one to judge(although i like Pearl Jam and Nirvana sounding and music). Talpa sounds like not natural plastic something which done by default sounding of VSti or hardware (some of it, not everyone put alot of fx on signal as Access). It is the easiest sound to achive with bad leveling. It is like listening to Curt Cobain singing without hearing his voice lows or highs, of to hear hissss when he sings "s".

Infected Mushrooms first album, "The Gathering" been released in 99' and it has much better sound then Talpa's album. I know bit pre IM, Erez Izen's works but you can't compare technology HE had with one that Goran has now. This is just shame he can't sound better with all tools we have these days, which are easy use and easy to get. It is shame on you with mentioning such thing!

Whole point is, i'm not against new way of sounding that's why i don't start agrue about "Dark" which IMHO is the worst sounding music ever done, this is new underground direction which will be developed in future when more talanted/experienced artists and label managers will come. It's about I hear Goran did nothing with his sound and i see label like Sundance release this low quality material only because it's not as all fullon you don't like.

I'm not saying Talpa is shite, it is not true but i think if he can read it and my words will make him think that he has fucking bad sound so he will change his sound and probably will be living legend, thou he make regress with recent releases i hear from him.!.! The thing is you think that all freaky so called "underground" is the best and most creative while it's not! Most of "simple"(without musical background) human think else as any experienced musician will say about Talpa. HE sounds plastic! His synths have no deepness/fatness or whatever you call it in here when this is default sound you get from any synth.

If Talpa was some avarage CD with one page of reviews i wouldn't even be bothered to answer here, thou situation is different so i see my duty to try and open your eyes for something i see, for bad or good!
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Posted : Aug 1, 2005 23:19
sorry i fail to se the "brilliance" in this release. i know not much of a reply but my honest opinion.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Aug 1, 2005 23:28

On 2005-08-01 23:02, Willy Wonka wrote:
Dimitri: it is not about classes, it's about mainstream. American psy producers don't care about quality of sound same as American labels. So if most of music is worse quality it means you can't have proper judge for how it should sound. Of course you will say "who are you that u can judge and me not" I just say my opinion, i don't give a damn if you accept it or not. This is not argue with you, this is what i feel when i listen to Talpa.

wtf? are u for real???

do you think americans listen only or mostly to music that comes out on american labels? all 3 of them?

's just another party..
Trance Forum » » Forum  Music Reviews - TALPA – “The Art Of Being Non (SUNDANCE)
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