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Suomi Psy rox !! ... but ...

Ron Lyner
Ron Lyner

Started Topics :  21
Posts :  685
Posted : Sep 8, 2007 01:04
bad sound, too fast and too much NOISE !
its like the "darkpsy" shit

sorry for posting this but i cant control myself 
You wanna dance?!...I know a´s called stick and CUT!!
Tsabeat/Sattel Battle

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Posted : Sep 8, 2007 04:44

On 2007-09-07 20:45, Chambao wrote:
Sattel battle man...
Parvati? SUOMI?? are you insane?


its true around 2000-2003 most intresting psy is out from finland and denmark (like EvsY album , texas , squaremeat , haltya , lemon slide , anything by parvati rec. from the other side)

sorry if u cant read correct or u are some patriot on suomi but there was/is also good music outside the borders of helsinky
and with this i can easy mention in same breath oldschool australian artists that sound not any less better in the times im talking about.. like nick taylor odd harmonic olie olsen and many more , stuff that i regulr used to dj along suomi sound (if u insist on morning sound , because exept Pelinpala Nbr some Outolintu and EvsY i never found much great nightime music in suomi , wich is why i mention dennish sound from the first place , as they are masters of acid night)

about oroginal post , im standing in my opinion that suomi has broken the boundries from underground "secret" music , and now is known as an other sub genre of psytrance.
thanx to the finish artists that travel all around the world , dj's that play their tunesin other countries , internet , rumors , its out there! and its good like that .. who wants to keep it secret got mentality of 4 years old. specialy when we talk about tunes coming from free sharing sites or realesed cd's

IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Sep 8, 2007 06:22
woah, chillout.
second of all, there is great music outside the boarders of helsinki, but there wasnt any releases of suomi psytrance on parvati records.
thats what i said.
cant read correctly?           Love is Life

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IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 8, 2007 07:58
I think with good labels pushing this music out there, like Faerie Dragon's No Tone Unstirred - a perfect example, we will be hearing more and more good quality releases of the suomi sound that can't be ignored by DJs wishing to take the dancefloor somewhere new and exciting.

If I'm going to continue with psytrance it will most definitely be with the artists that continue to create psychedelic soundscapes and I'm finding it more and more in suomi, especially the older artists who are both perfecting what they know and exploring new areas (EvsY and Squaremeat for example).

Somebody posted this on another thread. I want to experience this:

Inactive User

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Posted : Sep 8, 2007 08:49
Ron Lyner = cokehead

Suomi is roxxxx !!!

Ron Lyner
Ron Lyner

Started Topics :  21
Posts :  685
Posted : Sep 8, 2007 18:12
You wanna dance?!...I know a´s called stick and CUT!!

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Posts :  133
Posted : Sep 8, 2007 19:34

On 2007-09-05 17:14, Outolintu wrote:

On 2007-09-05 08:33, Pavel wrote:
Somebody said it right some years ago:
Monkeys on keyboards

we're all monkeys with keyboards. so what's the commotion?
i m a monkee too!back in the finnish forests!its been a looooong time...was no human then around to complain....

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 10, 2007 13:14
first of all - sure there is quality suomi psy - as there are some expirienced and mature artists over there, anyways, in any genere that exists on the planet - there are some shitty artists and some quality artists,

so imo its a matter of taste ofcaurse - but y isnt it popular then?
i'll tell ya - the sounds are very diffrent, the melodies are somtimes childish (its a good thing imo), and not all of the suomi artists cares about quality sound, but there are exeptions ofcaurse.

so i say - its about time for sound improvement as the suomi scene is growing everyday worldwide, & ppl are used to good sound - u gotta give it to them.

suomi psy for ever
          The reality is a result of acidless blood

listen 2 my music at myspace :
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Posted : Nov 11, 2007 06:52
exogenic !
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 11, 2007 11:01

On 2007-09-08 08:49, mk47 wrote:

Suomi is roxxxx !!!

yea Suomi IS roxxx....

and now its popular, we got a thread..           We were born naked & grow up to become wicked.

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Posted : Nov 11, 2007 11:12
Yes Suomi rocks... Have been intrigued by it since I got the TF - Petoman's Peflett album back in 00-01... and that is still my favorite But it surely seems like the "general out-put standard" has been improving the last couple of years!

And who does it better than Antiscarp!?? For me the best suomi label, and finally they have started to release physical stuff too, but there are so much good stuff in their free mp3 catalog too

Have anybody heard the Igor Swamp album they just released? The samples sounds really nice!

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Posted : Nov 11, 2007 14:57

On 2007-09-05 14:59, Zoolog wrote:
Yeah more suomi from the distant land of a 1000 lakes.... We need this to ressurect our psychedelic past - what could be a better way than alot of suomi on next years festival line-ups ?

i quess nothing?b00m 2006 should have it on and next years also.not all the bands but even one little band from finland would be great spice for the dancefloor.should try

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Posts :  133
Posted : Nov 11, 2007 14:58

On 2007-09-05 20:26, LigaLize wrote:
some1 heard quality suomi ??
it's they make 2 track's a week

i have! 2 tracks a week so they must have talent
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 11, 2007 16:36
spügedelik is really the most psychedelic subgenre of psytrance, no doubt about it...
so the question why it isn't more popular has me stumped too....

i think you guys just need some good dj's to promote this music....and also good partypromoters who give playtime to these dj's at night....not in the morning.....

the music should also be a little bit more dj-friendly, although a lot has improved in the last 2 years, now you can already do good beatmixing for like 1 minute and a half, when it used to be like 40 seconds....

here in belgium spugedelik is quite popular....i get lots of bookings for playing suomi sets, the demand here is rising... but it wasn't easy to get to this point, in the beginning i played this kind of music i got reactions from people that it wasn't psychedelic trance i was playing. i even had to organise some parties myself to open the eyes of our crowd
          Ain-Soph (Trancebum Productions / Freakdance Records)

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  38
Posted : Nov 11, 2007 18:41
Maybe one of reasons that suomi isn't really that popular (or known) amongst regular psy-party-go'ers could be that it just doesn't fit the normal "be cool" (serious if u will) sound that is usually played at parties or festivals... I mean there just doesn't seem to be room for the more weird happy suomi feel if thats how u wanna run the show (as seems to be the case by a lot of the promoters)... really sad Everything has be cool or hard... Where has all the fun gone to?

well just a thought... I really hope to hear some more suomi at psy-gatherings in the future, cus its needed!!!
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