Suomi Psy rox !! ... but ...
Tsabeat/Sattel Battle
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Posted : Sep 6, 2007 00:27
not evry loop in fruity loops is something peaple want to listen to ... so 1% is enough as long we talk on exogenic realeses
suomi is great music with great sound quality (check out exogenic realeses not mp3 for free) im pritty sure kiwa/haltya have the quality many many would only dream of...
and most important , how can one say its not popular when kirna is about to have a set after simon posford ? and haltya played before x-dream , or texas being the main show in night where shiva chandra and azax syndrom are on... infront of over 3000 peaple (in isreal thats HUGE).. not to mention there is dozens of suomi oriented parties last few years... production based on the weird psy coming from finland. its more rare actualy them to find "german" production or "italian".. seems to me like mor then i could dream of back in 2002..
this topic is so true , only 4 years late
its 2007 , suomi psy rox! big time! |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Sep 6, 2007 00:59
On 2007-09-05 22:24, Chambao wrote:
i think Suomi is more unpopular than other genres of psy, because of sound quality.
Suomi focuses on psy music, crazy stuff in the song, shifting melodies etc., while fullon and such focuses more on the sound quality.
Personally I think the sound quality of suomi-style trance has really improved in the last two years or so. Even the free stuff is getting better and better.
Toxic Anger Syndrome
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Posted : Sep 6, 2007 03:03
I just LOVE our great finnish neighbours that I personally thinks deliver more then any other genre... altho itīs more "underground" wich I like in a way... when things starts to "blow up" thereīs alot of wannabes that think they can manage to do the same thing and it just turns out to be a copy of another copy in the end...
And I havenīt heard any difference in soundquality? Just beqause youre from Suomi/Finland, does that mean the quality is worse? Donīt understand that argue at all...??
And to make a track in 1-3 days... how hard is that if you really got an "flow" and know everything youré going to put in the track? You can do that with all kind of psy music... no prob at all...
And lol... how hard is it to make Full On?? Itīs the same fucking shit twice in the tracks... just that itīs "peaking" a little more in the second half of the track and has 2 more sounds added or so... and then you got that "classic" stop (boring and lack of ideas imo) with an upbuild of all shit that takes 30sec-1min before the track kicks in again... Fucking "copy and paste" tracks...
Soumi music is tha shit without any doubt in my ears... itīs almost the only style I listen to in psy... that and the artist Pondscum wich I donīt count as "Suomistyle" Hehehe...
//J |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Sep 6, 2007 05:23
On 2007-09-06 00:27, tsabeat wrote:
not evry loop in fruity loops is something peaple want to listen to ... so 1% is enough as long we talk on exogenic realeses
suomi is great music with great sound quality (check out exogenic realeses not mp3 for free) im pritty sure kiwa/haltya have the quality many many would only dream of...
and most important , how can one say its not popular when kirna is about to have a set after simon posford ? and haltya played before x-dream , or texas being the main show in night where shiva chandra and azax syndrom are on... infront of over 3000 peaple (in isreal thats HUGE).. not to mention there is dozens of suomi oriented parties last few years... production based on the weird psy coming from finland. its more rare actualy them to find "german" production or "italian".. seems to me like mor then i could dream of back in 2002..
this topic is so true , only 4 years late
its 2007 , suomi psy rox! big time!
I dont actually agree with you.
first of all, we were talking about SUOMI music, not all the artists from finland.
Kiwa does make Suomi psy.
and Suomi isnt really popular.
it is in israel, because israelis had enough of that same repetitive fullon, over and over again, and so many Hafirot from dark, so they looked for trance elsewhere.
just as the hippies did in the 60`s.
Texas also played in the soulclipse, with shpongle playing there, that doesnt make them popular. (though they have great great music, which shows you that popularity does not dictate quality)
and to TAS: talking bad about a style of music, and actually saying Fullon is CRAP, that is just a low blow to every fullon artist out there.
no music is easy, music is art, and art is hard.
no matter how much you copy and paste, that's still your art, and saying a genre in general just sucks, now that is just low.
and btw, not only exogenic tracks have god quality, have you ever heard any AVP track?
the dude has insane music, and great quality.
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Posted : Sep 6, 2007 07:51
Suomi sounds IMO is like pushing the enevelope further, rather than just sticking to certain formulas that have been prevailing in the psy genres.
Another fact that i came across after speaking to some artists engaged in making this music is that many of these freaks have been well versed with electronic music right since their childhood, its not like one day they woke up and decided to get their hands on music production.
Many of them have been playing with hardware since early age , been indulged in the Demo scene...etc
Yeah i was surprised after hearing AVP 1.5 yrs back, it happen that this guy had posted his demo tracks on some forum, there were not much replies to this thread, but i made it a point to give a listen to the demos and i was blown after hearing his work. |
Toxic Anger Syndrome
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Posted : Sep 6, 2007 08:44
Donīt I have the right to express my feelings about an certain style? If I think something is crap and I donīt like it... then I say so. Just beacause Full On is a part of the Psy scene it doesnīt mean I have to respect that kind of music or that I have to like it.
I donīt like much music in this scene as I wrote, lack of ideas and ppl copying eachothers cozīthey "know" ppl like this or that kinda style... and that sickens me... I like artists that does their own thing, and donīt give a fuck about what ppl think about their music. That is art for me... art is not copying things that already exists...
Iīm fed up with Full On cozīitīs almost the only music they play at parties here in Sweden.. and I have stopped going to parties cozīof this... I hear the same fucking tracks over and over again... same basslines, same breaks, same upbuildings and the same sounds...
If you have heard that music enough, you can already know whatīs going to happen before it even happens in the track... and I think that is BORING... I donīt wanna know whatīs going to happen "around the corner"... I want to be surprised!
But hey.... I havenīt listened to Full On since the summer 2004 and got so totally fed up with it (was almost the only genre played at the parties as I said) so I decieded to try and make my own "music" that didnīt sound like that... and I hope I managed to do that also.... atleast it gives me "pleasure" listening to my own shit... and thatīs the main reason why Iīm making "music"...
...and maybe Full On artists has been better the last years? Maybe foolish of me judging all the artists in this genre as it sounded... so sorry if any1 got offended... but I still have my opinions about it and I think it is one of the worse genres in electronic music... I donīt like it at all... I rather set up my old Nintendo 8-bit console and listen to the music in the games from the 80īs then go back and listen to Full On
But if you are an artist... you should know if anyone, that all ppl donīt like what youīre doing... we all have different tastes in everything... or atleast most things... and I think that is a good thing... And feel free to say whatever you ant about my "music"... I wonīt cry or beeing upset if you donīt like it... actually, I donīt care... If I was thinking all the time "will ppl like this or not" then I wouldnīt follow my heart and soul... I would become an sellout in my own eyes... and thatīs not the right way to make music.... thatīs just commercialism....
And no... donīt think I have heard AVP... atleast Iīm not familiar to the name... maybe if I heard a track I would recognize it... but as I also mentioned before... I donīt listen much to electronic music anylonger... 6-12 hours a day making your own shit is enough of "Uhn tiss Uhn tiss Uhn tiss"
Well... enough of my shit chat... I think I have made my point here...
//J |
psionic nomad
IsraTrance Senior Member
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Posted : Sep 6, 2007 10:11
it's all about you,me and ofcourse suomi
  * I said "mom mom, I have found my spiritual enlightenment" and she said" there's another thing you have to find: A JOB" :>* |
Run Lola
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Sep 6, 2007 10:34
viva suomisound..
support the Finnish music
and exhile Pavel for making fun of this music.
I agree with Magox, that it is sometimes an aquired taste. First time i heard it i was thinking what kind of music is that! but once u really LISTEN to it, it flips you off. and guess what! most of it is free |
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Posted : Sep 6, 2007 16:26
Well I tried to open a discussion in finnish psy forum some time ago about this sound quality thing, but the feedback from some artists like Tim Thick, Huopatossu Mononen and Mullet Mohawk was so fuckin angry that it kinda told me why things are how they are. How are they then?
One problem is that when you talk about this quality thing to suomi fundamentalists, some think that taking care of some basic eqīing is always taking away smthg from the "soul" of the music. Well, I donīt think that way, but I donīt wonder why smbdy might. Because most of the music made with "perfect" quality is very very boring.
Then what also should be seen, is that for example Kiwa or Highpersonic donīt have anything to do with "suomi"- trance. Just ask from these guys. Or listen to the tracks if you have your ears and brain in the same place, also called your head.
The fact that music is made in Finland doesnīt mean that itīs all the same "style". Whatīs the news?
Many laptop artists make tracks with running-while-pissing - sorta mentality, without thinking the tracks at all after making them for a while. Just moving fwd all the time.
But, some of the artists make 10-20 tracks a year with working and thinking about the tracks all the time. Sometimes it`s good, sometimes not
Exogenic used to be an innovative label, but how does it look like now? Next party with Atmos, HPW etc... And listen to some recent releases, where`s the "suomi"? But on the other hand, I donīt wonder their policy at all, although Texas Faggott and Haltya cdīs have been sold out and reprinted and have not given bad figures to them. Pete the Konemetsä organizer is working there nowadays, and his taste is more into commercial trance than any "monkeys on keyboards" -stuff Itīs great to have broad scale in music releasing anyway with all the sub labels nowadays.
Giving tracks for free has helped the music to be listenable in many places, but also it has created certain kind of a "give and go" -mentality, which means that some times never change and many slices of this pizza is amateurish.
The pioneers Pepe Squaremeat and Pasi Faggott are working as construction workers, to make their living, isnīt that great? Timo-the-guru has his lung fucked up.
Tommi Haltya is the only one from our scene who is making some kind of living with this music. BUT, that is because of a "normal" trance- sideproject and the willingness to play dj-sets which include "normal" trance and other music which the bigger audiences also accept. Not that he wouldnīt be a client of social office, like myself and Yojalka. But thatīs is of course our own stupidity, because we just want to make this music with no compromises. Although, when you try to make as good dance music as possible, u have to make some, of course. Like Posford said, 4/4 music always puts some limits into your work if u want it to work as well as possible at the floor.
Most of the Suomi- players agree playing with ridiculously low prices, when at the same time Suomi is one of the most expensive countries in EU. What is the logic here? The low appreciation of own doings? Many times itīs just the small events which donīt allow reasonable fees. And, when you are young, you are just happy that someone wants you to play somewhere even though your sleeping place is 50 meters from the PA, ganja is really bad, and the overall boringness and local lack of proper english lefts you "no other" choices than to drink. A lot.
And, a BIG reason why things stay underground (not saying that in many places good things are happening and have happened) is that the Suomi- fans sometimes want to feel themselves special and donīt want the music to be in too many people`s minds. Because that would make them feel less special. So to say, it is in crowdīs interest to stay small, not necessarily in all artists.
One thing that we could do better (except HPW, Kiwa, Haltya, Squaremeat etc.) is to mix and perform better in stage.
The fact, anyway, without being too patriotic (Iīve never been too much, but this music makes me , is that if you have been listening to some interesting psy in the 2000īs itīs more probably from Finland than anywhere else.
So, some people here are satisfied with just doing this as a hobby, but who take this more seriously are in situation thinking, what to do better, to make this effect our every day life more.
Letīs see what happens! |
Tsabeat/Sattel Battle
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Posted : Sep 6, 2007 20:24
well dont wonder if artist that refuse to use eq dont get paid like artist that do... its pritty obvious why.
when u hear shity sound quality (on cd or in the party) rather then shiny briliant producion , u feel how much the artist wanted u to enjoy... most finish artist dont give a fuck on the listener , therefor its like a circle.
"taking away the soul" is the most dumm idea i heard on equlizer... its more logic (admit it) to say it might take some CPU from the laptop which is far far from being good cpu for top quality production..
i dont hear peaple think pink floyed dont have soul in the music cause they used eq ??
(does elixiria army looking for me now?)
hey are you actualy complaining for your gigs??
nobody force you or anyone else to agree. very simple..
u can reject international offers sometimes when u can make better income at home without the flights and all the boring stuff u have to go throu..
dont make me start to feel sorry for you hehe, all other dj stories full with great peaple they meet , good expiriences , beautifull womens spoil them , the fun of travel as work... and poor suomi style dj just get bad weed ? come on now.. i know personly alot of artist from finland had the greatest times in israel japan moscow australia brazil and much more...
its true around 2000-2003 most intresting psy is out from finland and denmark (like EvsY album , texas , squaremeat , haltya , lemon slide , anything by parvati rec. from the pther side) , but its not magic of the place or anything like this.. like not israeli music is astrix clone , alot of old school suomi was rubish .. no names so nobody insulted. |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Sep 6, 2007 20:39
huopi's pikakelaus (the retrogoa one) is perfect, one of my favs, Suomi is defenitely one of the most advanced styles in the psychedelic world 100% limitless
and i have to agree with Basilisk, i realised improvments there too    PSYKS |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Sep 6, 2007 21:13
On 2007-09-06 08:44, TAS wrote:
Donīt I have the right to express my feelings about an certain style? If I think something is crap and I donīt like it... then I say so. Just beacause Full On is a part of the Psy scene it doesnīt mean I have to respect that kind of music or that I have to like it.
I donīt like much music in this scene as I wrote, lack of ideas and ppl copying eachothers cozīthey "know" ppl like this or that kinda style... and that sickens me... I like artists that does their own thing, and donīt give a fuck about what ppl think about their music. That is art for me... art is not copying things that already exists...
Iīm fed up with Full On cozīitīs almost the only music they play at parties here in Sweden.. and I have stopped going to parties cozīof this... I hear the same fucking tracks over and over again... same basslines, same breaks, same upbuildings and the same sounds...
If you have heard that music enough, you can already know whatīs going to happen before it even happens in the track... and I think that is BORING... I donīt wanna know whatīs going to happen "around the corner"... I want to be surprised!
But hey.... I havenīt listened to Full On since the summer 2004 and got so totally fed up with it (was almost the only genre played at the parties as I said) so I decieded to try and make my own "music" that didnīt sound like that... and I hope I managed to do that also.... atleast it gives me "pleasure" listening to my own shit... and thatīs the main reason why Iīm making "music"...
...and maybe Full On artists has been better the last years? Maybe foolish of me judging all the artists in this genre as it sounded... so sorry if any1 got offended... but I still have my opinions about it and I think it is one of the worse genres in electronic music... I donīt like it at all... I rather set up my old Nintendo 8-bit console and listen to the music in the games from the 80īs then go back and listen to Full On
But if you are an artist... you should know if anyone, that all ppl donīt like what youīre doing... we all have different tastes in everything... or atleast most things... and I think that is a good thing... And feel free to say whatever you ant about my "music"... I wonīt cry or beeing upset if you donīt like it... actually, I donīt care... If I was thinking all the time "will ppl like this or not" then I wouldnīt follow my heart and soul... I would become an sellout in my own eyes... and thatīs not the right way to make music.... thatīs just commercialism....
And no... donīt think I have heard AVP... atleast Iīm not familiar to the name... maybe if I heard a track I would recognize it... but as I also mentioned before... I donīt listen much to electronic music anylonger... 6-12 hours a day making your own shit is enough of "Uhn tiss Uhn tiss Uhn tiss"
Well... enough of my shit chat... I think I have made my point here...
Well, then i think i misjudged you, because i Completely agree with what you said.
Fullon has been repetitive over the years, and i know what u mean by: knowing what will happen before it happens. (that fuckin melodramatic stop is just annoying after a while)
but you cant judge the genre as a whole, because there are fullon artists who dont even follow fullon standards.
and, cmon, making music is NOT easy, no matter what you do, and im sure you agree with me.
but overall, i completely get what ur saying
and Eraser:
i know what you're saying about people wanting to keep it underground.
and its a shame people keep that info for themselves, instead of spreading that great music around.
but i think suomi is realy spreading.
im in brasil right now, and there are plenty of suomi loving people over here. (especially after that haltya gig in Universo Paralello)
Japan, Israel, Australia... suomi is getting pretty popular. if the sceners want it or not.
but for suomi artists, is that a good thing or bad?
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Posted : Sep 7, 2007 08:27
I ' mhappy about this thread as I was thinking to post one about "suomi" trance these days.
First of all, I think night and suomi trance are the cream of psychedelia in general together with ambient.
Well, one of the reasons I got into trance was the album "Fusion vs. Confusion" by exogenic if i'm not mistaken!
Woaow! It was so "in the point" of psychedelic.
And even today this music still is.
Another great album was the "round 1" by eraser vs. Yojalca.
But: I think this style makes me very enthusiastic in the beginning but then doesn't put me in a state of trance, like night underground can. ( or i'm wrong?)
You know what I mean? It's really great to listen to it any time of the day and get some good music vibes but up to that point.
However, I must confess I haven't ever experienced this music in a party or festival, which is really "unfair" to say the least.
i mean these people have been bringing something fresh to the table for so many years now.
And you know what i think at the end of the day?
Experiencing music like this in a party must be something totally unique and different from the parties we have more or less got used to. (i'm not talking about scandinavia-i know many parties take place there).
and then sometimes i feel "suomi" trance is just a bit too twisted for my taste, like there is no clear voyage or "goal", it' s just veery open-minded.
...while other times, I see it as the onle true representative of a psychedelic experience , which should be the point in music in my opinion. I imagine it as a mushy-style atmosphere universe...(forest..?)
I'm still going back to "suomi", when i'm bored with everything else.
Please: More psychedelic music like this in parties!
1. Loopus in Fabula
2. Eraser vs. Yogalca
Have a nice day!
Rattamahata with fluoro-stick
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Posted : Sep 7, 2007 09:57
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Sep 7, 2007 20:45