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So What's good in METAL these days?

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Posted : May 15, 2010 08:16
the new Misery Index will surely blast a lot of people... will order soon

Trailer from the label:

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Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 16, 2010 05:49
A Polish group.
There are no instruments here, other than their voices and microphones!
Isn't this incredible?!

Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 18, 2010 09:22
Something I just discovered: pagan black metal from Ukraine. Apparently, they’ve been around since 1996. Supposedly, they went through a chauvinist (not to say Nazi) phase at some point in their career. But I did not notice any trace of that in this (their latest) album at least. “The Voice of Steel” is the usual epic heavy metal stuff about warriors preparing for a battle etc. “Valkyrie” actually is dedicated to some girl they knew who died; it’s interesting how it morphs into classic rock in the middle and then comes back to black metal. “Ukraine” is basically a love song for the motherland – could be a good national anthem, IMO. I like the folk elements in the music, although they don’t really sound Ukrainian to me. Not Eastern Ukrainian at least. Maybe Gutsul...

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Posted : May 19, 2010 02:51
yeah I'd heard of them but I can;t bring myself to listen to any groups that have ever had direct links to fascist type beliefs... like Burzum for a big name... if you like folk elements in metal check:

and the ever classic stonehenge by Spinal Tap

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Posted : May 19, 2010 04:20
some might enjoy Akercocke's style of progressive blackened death metal... very Opeth like and I must say I enjoy their style a bit more than Opeth...

          I hate you, you hate me, we are all so hap hap happy!
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 19, 2010 05:16

On 2010-05-19 02:51, V3NOM wrote:
I can't bring myself to listen to any groups that have ever had direct links to fascist type beliefs

Yeah, I find it disturbing too. And in this particular case – very, very surprising. Fascism is on the rise in some small cities in the Western Ukraine. But these guys live in a big cosmopolitan Eastern city, where I would least expect this kind of crap...
Anyway, I did not find anything chauvinist in this particular release. Maybe they finally came to their senses.

So, while we are on this subject: where do you draw the line?
Would this clip fall under your definition of “fair use” for heavy metal? Or does it fall on the side of propaganda?

Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 19, 2010 10:17
...And so I looked around for more folkish black metal...
It’s a bit difficult, since half of black metal bands seem to have a Nazi bend. Strange... I wonder why this particular genre fell for it most.

Since you seem to be such a fan of Finnish groups, here is this first. Supposedly, it’s death metal, rather than black. I wouldn’t guess so. Maybe I just don’t quite understand the difference.!v=Xxzmau2FSvk

Some Austrian guys – music is not bad at all, IMHO. Have no idea what the words are.!v=a3eIFhGuep4

Some good stuff from Russia. I don’t particularly care for the whole pagan thing in most of their songs, but this one is more about a personal trial rather than forgotten myths.!v=0akjRFZZM1c

And back to Ukraine.
These are pagan guys too. But this song is not about that. Quite possibly I’d like this song more than you would because of the lyrics (good stuff, you’ll just have to believe me ).!v=LpQ8btjJZtI

Speaking about lyrics: I am not a big fan of the whole Norse theme (unless it’s by a Norse band, of course). What’s up with Ukrainian dudes taking Viking names and singing about Valkyries and stuff?!! Yeah, Eastern Slavs were ruled by Eastern Vikings (Varangians) and probably mixed with them quite a bit. But that was over 1000 years ago! And the Vikings never forced their religion. In fact, they made a point of assimilating themselves into the people they ruled within a couple of generations. So, I can understand when Norwegian or Swedish bands sing about Thor & Co. – can’t quite figure out why Russians or Ukrainians would. It just seems fake to me. Even singing about ancient Slavic gods seems a bit fake (since nobody really knows much about them) – but at least in that case the geography is right.

Anyway, [/rant]

P.S. Embedding did not work for some reason. I could see empty spaces instead of my clips.
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Posted : May 24, 2010 08:18
For those who like a bit of black metal Dark Funeral put out a nice new one

Yeah I know the folk stuff is very limited in it's appeal... it's what I listen to when I want a break mostly from the real hardcore stuff...

As far as fascist/nazi stuff goes... as long as the band embers & lyrics aren't openly supporting such things then I'm not going to judge them, just like if I met a bloke at the pub randomly and had a good general chat, shared a few beers it's cool even if he has views I disagree with inside his head...

Anything that supports racism or the abuse of people less fortunate than us (poor countries, disability etc.) I won't support at all.

For example I like the beats of some old school gangsta rap but the lyrics about gang raping n' murder just turn me off majorly... I saw band in my from overseas a few years a gon' the singer war a pro-nazi t-shirt on stage n' did the Hitler salute... befor the new the stage was overrun n' even security joined in the bashing... tour cancelled

          I hate you, you hate me, we are all so hap hap happy!
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 24, 2010 20:00

On 2010-05-24 08:18, V3NOM wrote:
For those who like a bit of black metal Dark Funeral put out a nice new one

Good stuff – music wise. I certainly could live without the video, though.
BTW, Bill Peters plays them all the time. Remember? Bill Peters?


Yeah I know the folk stuff is very limited in it's appeal... it's what I listen to when I want a break mostly from the real hardcore stuff...

I’d take folkish stuff over “the real hardcore” any day. To me, the problem is not that this music has a very limited appeal. It’s the fact that many of these songs have fanatical lyrics: either about heeding the call of the ancient blood and kicking everybody’s ass or about worshiping some obscure gods even academicians no nothing about. It’s just rare that I can find a song, where both music and words agree with me. The ones I posted are those few. Except for the one about the Slavic skies. I know he had best intentions (as he had for many years now), but the “product” has a feel of state-sponsored propaganda.


Anything that supports racism or the abuse of people less fortunate than us (poor countries, disability etc.) I won't support at all.

A bit off-topic, but I’ll spit it out anyway. I have a problem with Nazism in general. But I have an especially strong feeling about its Ukrainian brand. Because I can not fathom how such a thing can even exist. I can understand those idiots meeting in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. Most of them don’t know better. Their idea of the worst of the WWII is “Saving Private Ryan”. But what about those dudes in Ukraine? We are talking about the country, which lost a quarter (!) of its population, most of whom were civilians. Out of all people lost in the WWII, one fifth was from the Ukraine. There is not a single family in that country that hasn’t been affected by that horror. And it was only 2 generations ago. So, when I see those dudes take Viking names and sing about how their Aryan blood is calling them to the battle, I am simply lost for words. It causes me real physical pain to think about it. On top of that, I just can not understand it intellectually: wtf do these guys have in their heads instead of brains?! Anyway, I better shut up now...

About the “real hardcore”. I never got into it. If we make psy trance analogies, it’s like that machine gun darkpsy – I don’t think it will ever grow on me. Black metal is more like the “proper” darkpsy. Actually, it’s even more like nigh full on: sufficiently melodic, sufficiently dark, with just a touch of cheese to prevent you from taking it too seriously.
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Posted : May 25, 2010 02:31
Funny thing is that those black metal dude's take themselves the most seriously and are much more hardcore in & out of the scene than say Behemoth, Napalm Death etc.

If you like that stuff you must check out Dissection... the first ov the Swedish melodic black metal bands:

They had slight National Socialist beliefs at the start but it all went away quickly & they just became hardcore satanists. They're first two albums were just so melodic and nice for metal... too bad after coming out of prison they released one melodic death metal album then the singer killed himself           I hate you, you hate me, we are all so hap hap happy!
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Posted : May 25, 2010 02:33
I can see what you mean as black metal being proper dark psy n' stuff like later Dimmu Borgir being night full on... I guess technical death metal n' grindcore does seem like the high bpm stuff of Psykovsky & Cosmo etc. but see I also love fast technical stuff in metal so I also enjoy the higher BPM psy           I hate you, you hate me, we are all so hap hap happy!
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 2, 2010 08:42
A one-man band from Germany.
I love this stuff.

You know those movies or shows where somebody ends up in an alternate universe. Every character is recognizable but very different. I think in such an universe this is what Lauge would produce.


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Posted : Jul 8, 2010 21:25
Btw... What happened to Type O Negative ? They still around ? Some may classify them as porn-goth metal... but for sure they made some good songs. Especially the cover of Sabbath on Nativity in Black... Man.... i've heard so much of metal those days, but none gave me such a haunting feeling than that cover... that was mindblowingly awesome!! 
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Posted : Jul 19, 2010 08:04

On 2010-07-08 21:25, Braindrop wrote:
Btw... What happened to Type O Negative ? They still around ? Some may classify them as porn-goth metal... but for sure they made some good songs. Especially the cover of Sabbath on Nativity in Black... Man.... i've heard so much of metal those days, but none gave me such a haunting feeling than that cover... that was mindblowingly awesome!!

Lead singer died earlier this year think he was only like 40 y/o. Supposedly a heart problem.

Band is considering whether to find a new replacement but I doubt they will.

They had some classic tracks, some really dirty stuff with a great black humor twist, saw them live and it was great.

I'd just like to point out that the new Watain - "Lawless Darkness" album is where it is at regarding Black Metal, no need to get the special addition as the bonus cover tracks to me take away from the album & the band statement said it was the labels idea & they had no part in it.

Secondly, Iron Maiden have a new album coming out shortly and I think it will be a gem as always

free mp3 download of the El Dorado track!           I hate you, you hate me, we are all so hap hap happy!
Inactive User

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Posted : Sep 16, 2010 20:59
hey , im almost a year late so not sure if is been mentioned , but endgame .. is pretty fucking nice , still old vibe no squashed audio
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