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Started Topics :  4
Posts :  216
Posted : Sep 6, 2003 22:51
I just arrived from samothraki to athens, after something more than 24 hours travelling! 16 hours train , 5 hours waiting in the train station, and a missed boat in 11:00 at samothraki then waiting till 17:30 ..

The weather was great !
Amazing environment !
Nice Clean Sea !
Lots of heat
some rain in the end..
no enough tech-trance?
good organisation with boat tickets.
Access all areas were there again.
The people were nice & friendly & dancing !
Lots of girls , lots pink advertures
Nice market area..(a bit expensive though)
Nice Sound ! (but i dont think better than previous year)

Lots of Cops..and dogs ...
Lots of Meat , Less vegetarian
Crap Toilets , bad bad bad
Poor Deco!

More info..

Everyone who were in the festival knows about the police crap events so i ll skip this part , for more info visit

Anyway music is what counts

I will agree with John that this year the music was the best from all three festivals.

1 I particularly liked very much Doc's set - dark heavy music, The best greek act ! I want more Doc , where i can find more music , any info ?

2 Christof's amazing wild full on set (not typical israeli stuff), the best full on dj set in the festival!
Althought i missed Mael and people said he played awesome too!

3 i also enjoyed the magical son kite live great performance , great music!

4 Also interested music by Dino Psaras although he played a few bad tracks, but the mix was excellent as always.. The live wasnt so good as the Dj Set..too much funk in his track i missed the old atomic style..

5 X-Dream (my favorite group) i think played just ok , they could play much better but personally i had very good fun while listening , and also loved these german girl vocalist in the end.
Psychomachine once again was played , didnt like the mix with the previous track i prefered to start with these intense 2 minutes intro..
Pacemaker rmx (groupied syndrome) bad rmx i ll say..
the great track Out here we are stoned but sounded bad..
thorazin , no process, Peter's Hoover, Radiohead these were nice played
i think they played a rmx of a track called asprin as well , a couple other tracks that didnt of them was great!
They ended with two vocal industrial techno tracks , the first one had some nice break beat and melodies but the lyrics sucked big time i think.. The second one was better , i think i heard it before somewhere the riff melody.. I love the singer! but i dont want the new album to be with vocals..
6) Tolis Q played some nice techy tracks and some nice proggy stuff.. good set overall !
7) Atmos started very minimalistic but the last 30 minutes of his live were the most beatyfull sounds - patterns from all the groups that played in the festival.

8) George Barker play quite good both times in the main party and the after party.. first time i listened his set , very nice!!! He played mainly progressive psy , one of the best set in the festival !

9) Tube Live was for me the biggest suprise in the festival , the played absolutely brilliant full on music , the best night session in the festival!!! (different israeli sound)

10) Hallucinogen Live was much better than the previous year with much harder kicks and basslines , i dont particularly dance any more with this stuff but this year was top performance!

11) GMS Scored again , made all the people in the main stage to jump around and scream , i didnt particularly like their music a lot , but certainly i was jumping like crazy with my friends , it was fun! like going in a theme park .. Anyway i hated bansis dj set in the end of the festival...
10/10 fun - 7/10 performance&music

12) Edoardo started very good but after 2 hours i got bored..

13) Tristan once again played excellent both live and set , i dont think that there was a person that didnt enjoyed his set, once again the best set in the festival !!!

14) Bamboo Forest started a bit with some softer boring non melodic tunes but in the middle of their set some very morning tracks played that made most people in the stage dance .. i personally didnt dance much because i was completely exhausted by the awesome christof's set!

15) Graham Wood didnt played a lot but liked most of his psy-psy set , nice strange tracks.. he is good!

16)I didnt enjoyed much Frank E and Ian Ion any kind of music and sets , ok maybe saikopod was their best appearance , Emok set was boring most of the times , i Dont like Talamasca so i didnt enjoyed his live, even though the guy gave a nice performance with nice vibes. Alien Project live was just like listening to a cd , and Crunchy punchy was boring for me. Never heard Prometheus before i heard lots good words about his music , but i ll have to say that i am dissapointed , too much experimental noises i guess , not my style anyway.. and Space cat played not well , maybe i was too tired at the time but somehow i couldnt follow his music too noisy sometimes without having nice complexity , some nice tunes some bad , some slow , some fast , not balanced set at all..

I was unable to see the rest djs and performances
lack of sleep , food and sanity..

I never went to chill out area.. so i dont know what happened there.. and i now i need some sleep..bye!



Trash Dealers
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  45
Posts :  393
Posted : Sep 8, 2003 19:07
anyone has pics of the festival??
i realy enjoyed the festival..great music..great place...great girls and vibes.

the only thing i didn´t like was the undercover cops in the dancefloor. but it was easy to notice who they are hehehehehhe...stupid bastards!
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  25
Posts :  256
Posted : Sep 8, 2003 19:47
Fifonite: see gallery section           -=TRusT In TRaNcE=-
Chaka Laka
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  13
Posts :  471
Posted : Sep 10, 2003 05:56
Grrrrreat review Rabbit !! give some more plz ..           Dance is my Trance

Started Topics :  8
Posts :  14
Posted : Sep 12, 2003 00:09
lots of pics at access all areas

The party was incredible (even though the police seem to have done there utmost to make things otherwise.) Does anyone know how many people were arested in total? i heard 300 and judging by how many people i met who had been in jail (my friend and i included) i believe it.

the people were amazing. I made friends with people from every single inhabited continent on this planet. i still have the smile on my face mirrored by almost every one their. the vibes were extatic, the energy powerful, free and warm. and the location... man! it just couldnt get better. dancing in the sea to 140kW sound system under the soothing greek sun i decided that THIS is how things ought to be.

the organisation deffinetly could do with some seriouse improvement. for 130eu entry i do expect toilet paper and not to have to spend 6 hours standing in line in the sun waiting to get in.

the music was great. full on psychadelic through and through. many of the big names were there and together with the full moon festival in germany i feel i have been exposed to the full spectrum of mainstream full on psychadelic goa this year. i geuss my only sugestion as far as the line up is concerned would be to bring in a few more new and upcoming artists. for example there was absolutely no mention of my current absolute favorite inovate young scene: south africa. surprise us! in my opinion discovering a new talent is the only thing more rewarding then reveling in the work of a proven master.

all in all this festival has changed me for the better and left me with a plethora of happy memories, valuable experiences, and new friends.


Started Topics :  7
Posts :  35
Posted : Sep 12, 2003 11:58
Just wondering if anyone has any info about lost items ? I left my mom's camera somewhere in the festival area. Not that the camera counts but the film, nicey nice memories for my retirement days, you see : )
Cam is grey (what a surprise) and there's a small wheel at the back, of which's one position is with a green background. The brand is Canon which is written in the front in upper left corner. Down on the right it says 'prima zoom shot'. If you happen to have the film made into pics you'll see (hopefully) a boy with short blond hair and a japanese girl with dreadlocks among other great arrangements. There's maybe a pic of me in a tree (the boy) with a white hat, a sure identification : )
Please copy this post anywhere to help me find my pics.
+35850 322 6883
Thank You

P.S. The pasta place near the market area & the acidgressive sounds of the daytime rocked big time : ) Plus the yoghurt with honey : ) Plus all the people : P Thank You !

P.P.S. Can you imagine they hadn't any milk in the restaurants in the nearest (?) village ?

P.P.P.S. It doesn't really matter at all. They had a nice sea next to the camp site, you noticed : )
Jason Frog
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  68
Posts :  113
Posted : Sep 12, 2003 17:02
TRiBE of FRoG Decor stolen at Samothraki Dance Festival... Please help..



Started Topics :  0
Posts :  2
Posted : Sep 15, 2003 23:33
A little bit late, but wr still in recovery!!!!

What can we say, aaaaaamazing festival, ggggreat music in both stages.

As we have been in both other sdf in previous years, we believe that this one was the grooviest, and to put everything in order,

1] Blasting-Kicking SOUNDSYSTEM
we can still feel the music energy.

2] The deco by bone was nature and enviroment friendly. In the chill out area, deco was great but a little bit dangerous........

3] Main stage music reviews only for the acts and paz that we listened to. We are sorry we had to sleep so we could not hear all djs and live acts.

orion live was very powerfull, dynamic and energetic all what we needed for the very first morning!!!

martin freeland (man with no name...) the guy had a great conversation with the crowd and really knows his job, to pass his energy all of as.
(huge respect to him),

emok was quite good with his smooth progressive sounds,

dino set was kicking as the second day was starting for as, allthough we really enjoyed his live pa a lot more,

prometheus with his acid sounds dihydrated a lot of people, nice one mate,

out of nowhere george barker kicked the ball away!!! we felt like a teenager in a rock festival (with all respect and no offence), one of the best if not the best set of the sdf,

crunchy punchy under the midday sun was very dynamic with a lot of digital sounds and bpm raging out of control. we really loved their act. keep up the good work guyz,

and as we were ready for some rest and chill out music, alien project set coming from nowere, really forsed us to keep our hand and feet on the air,

eat static was a disapointment as we expected a lot more from them,

frank e set was quiet good allthough we loved him the previous years we cannot say the same for this one,

bamboo forest, we are lost for words, as we were during his live performance. just perfect!!!!!!!

saikopod live was quite good but as we think they sould play in the night not under the hot killing sun,

ATMOS, llllost fffor wwwords fffor ooone mmmore tttime. the guy really knows how to exite the crowd. we hope he ll be around for many years to come. in the end, our hands started hearting from clapping. amazing feeling, i really loved my girlfriend at the end, (i dont know about text though....),

hallucinogen was the classic simon sounds and nothing more, respect allthough we really enjoied his set in the chill out stage better,

kox box were an other dissopointment, as we expected much more of them, sorry guyz no offens but you have spoiled us over the years,

GMS live turned the dancefloor into an arena, everybody was there, we thought that the whole plase whould sink... just one word MASIVE!!! by the way one of the best remixes heard in the sdf was the last track of the set. we danced our harts out in the morning as well as in the evening in the banzi set!!!

tristan took control of the stage and did his magic for over five hours. his live act was not as good as his set allthough we cannot conplain about anything. for one more time one of the best sets of the sdf. respect to the man!!!

to conclude banzi set was the best surprize we could expect for a concluzion (although text does not totally agree with me for this set).

4]Chill out stage reviews as you can understand will be very poor, due to our prelonged presents on the main stage. very sorry to our friend arash (we wish we had more time to listen to all the great acts)

adham vs ishq were great with their underground sounds, nice one,

andrew from interchill was very good with his freestyle sounds,

george, was very well organized, with great selection of tracks and even better mixing, keep up the good work mate.

arash atman was perfect for one more time as he has been the previous years. practice makes perfect, keep up the good work mate. huge respect goes also to you for all the work you have made during the previous year for the chill out stage. everybody should know that the great line up is all your work!!! and we have no attention to lick u.... the truth must be told!

ott, enything we say will be less......... great music (and hairstyle...),

simon was all we expected as we were looking forward for this set, as we had the simon experience the previous years as well, go on twisted man! really loved the concluding very old tracks, it brings up memories.......

neerav fased the exited crowd and really did the best with it for the next three hours, we did not expect it, but were very happily surpized by his performance,

humphrey started out as just a sort break for us, i was left alone (text left to proside his own battle in the main stage.....) with my girlfriend dancing to his freestyle tunes for hours. great music not chill out in any way! by the way humphrey, great dancing skills afterwards in the main stage....

5]In order to conclude, we have to give great respect to the organizers who dispite the problems that they fased, managed to keep the sdf alive!!!! we have only one think to say.

Whenever the next sdf is going to be around, in 2004, in 2005, in 2006, who knows... WE WILL BE THERE LIVE AND KICKING!!!

By the way last but not least we have to ..... the police for their participation in the sdf. we are greeks and we feel that we have to apologize to all the people who traveled from all around the world to come to our country for the way the police treated them.
imagine though that this is the greek reality and we have to live with it all year around. this fact though as everyone can understand does not keep us away from festivals and parties.

what can we say....... they have proved for one more time what are they carrying inside their head. we have to stop now because we cannot keep expresing our self in an civilized manner...........

many kisses 2 everybody, keep the spirit alive
zaf + text


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Posted : Sep 16, 2003 01:40

Started Topics :  296
Posts :  6194
Posted : Sep 16, 2003 13:30
really nice review guys           Toodaloo Motherfuckers!!!!!
Psychedelic Vocalist

Started Topics :  14
Posts :  121
Posted : Jan 5, 2004 00:30
does anyone know anything about the samothraki dvd? is it being made? when and where will it be available?
xxx           In the depth of my soul there is a wordless song.

Started Topics :  4
Posts :  178
Posted : Jan 6, 2004 18:48
Hi Micheru....

the dvd will not be released soon,but as far as i know its on the making....

by the way,
have u been interviewed for this dvd???

Psychedelic Vocalist

Started Topics :  14
Posts :  121
Posted : Jan 11, 2004 19:13
hey there...i had an interview with a very nice crew who had some very interesting ideas about sound and pythagoras! hope you are well and happy xxx           In the depth of my soul there is a wordless song.
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