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Reformed Psy Generation

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  27
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Posted : Feb 1, 2009 00:48
saxxx ek bimaaari hai...!
          <~< "the best things in life aren't things" - art buchwald >~>
psycoactive psybeing
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  15
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Posted : Feb 3, 2009 10:22
@Headytail- Nice pic of amrish puri, great actor and entertainer, May his soul rest in Peace. Hows Dubai, i heard things r sad there as far as business and jobs r concerned.

@toogood4u- My dear friend you will not understand what i mean to say, who tells you to stop having sex, you can never do that, specially you coz you dont think about the life beyond sex, sex is meant to procreate noble children and not fulfill lustful desires, its a sacred act.

And moreover this discipline is meant for people who sincerely desire to walk the path of sprituality and not mere mortals with mortal desires of flesh and body. There are chosen few who walk this path, and even fewer who reach the destination.

A mind with impure thoughts can never be tranquil, or stable which is a basic step towards sprituality, that is why say being a noble human is important, sprituality comes later.

A child in kinder cant understand the theories of Universities. LOL
psycoactive psybeing
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posts :  318
Posted : Feb 24, 2009 09:47
Successful people are always looking for oppurtunities to help others. Unsuccessful people are always asking, whats in it for me?
Help ever hurt never.
Cosmic Oneness
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 26, 2010 06:29

The use of plant based psychedelics to attain altered states of consciousness has been known to man for as long as ... it's anyone's guess. Our psychedelic history which remains unknown to most who have settled for the easy answer, Drugs, ... with little or no awareness of mind altering substances and the fact that they have been known to the ancients as 'Food of the Gods', ingested to awaken the divine presence within ... Plant based psychedelics have in fact been the catalyst in human evolution and continue to nourish the soul's need for wholeness.

There are some of us who have had the courage and curiosity to venture into the unknown and they are the ones that have come back to tell us about their magical experiences in the realms of the metaphysical. Everything changes once we make the unknown, known !

Ancient medicine men or Shamans have always known the power of attaining altered states of consciousness to heal, have visionary experiences, see the future, astral travel and time travel to other worlds and commune with divine entities, nature spirits ... transdimensional non physical beings of light !

Here is the foreword from the book "The Ecstatic Adventure : Reports of Chemical Explorations of the Inner World" by Alan Watts followed the introduction by Ralph Metzner ...

MANY ARE DOUBTLESS hoping that the current surge of interest in consciousness-changing chemicals will prove to be a passing fad. If so, it will only be through the discovery of simpler and more enduring ways of altering man's perception of his own existence. For it is increasingly clear to those who study ecology, sociology, biology, and even physics, that the individual organism is not what it usually feels itself to be: a bag of skin stretched around bones, muscles, and other organs as the temporary vehicle of a distinct and particular self or ego.

The sensation of oneself as a separate center of consciousness and will, confronting an external world in which one is an alien and an intelligent fluke, is quite clearly a hallucination. It bears no resemblance to man, or any other organism, described in the above-named sciences, all of which see beings, events and things as processes which, however clearly distinguishable, are inseparable from the processes which surround them and constitute their environment.

This is simply because one can hardly begin to describe the process, the behavior pattern, of an organism without at the same time including some description of the behavior patterns of its environment. The scientist is therefore bound to recognize that what he is describing is not a solitary organism but a vast and theoretically limitless field of relationships which he calls (rather clumsily) the organism-environment. This is not a merely deterministic situation in which the organism responds like a puppet to environmental influences. It is rather that they are two aspects, or poles, of a single process: they transact mutually, almost like the left and right sides of a moving snake.

If this situation were to become an actual perception or sensation, it would be obvious that the usual identification of oneself as an independent ego is a social institution rather than a physical reality, having therefore the same kind of reality status as a minute or a verbal definition. The individual would perceive his physical existence more clearly and cease to hallucinate his ego as a natural entity. Instead, he would find himself in a state of consciousness closely resembling the common form of mystical experience known as "cosmic consciousness."

          " All is One "

When we change the way we see things, the things we see begin to change ... In Lak'ech Ala K'in ...

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  21
Posted : Feb 10, 2010 17:43
woooow! very very useful post.
Lesser Soul
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 21, 2010 20:29
Woowiee feels good to peek in after a while ....           Being, a bundle of minute, unique particulars in which, by some unspeakable and yet self-evident paradox, was to be seen the divine source of all existence.
IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  241
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Posted : Feb 22, 2010 16:30
reformed psydeees become photographers, party organizers, run labels or sell psy gear etc...the non-reformed still pay to enter parties and have to walkaway from the venue because the club rules apply to them..they pay full price, dance the longest but they don't know "in-crowd" nor do they know the organizers, but the organizers recognize them as they have been hitting the scene for a real long time but because they are not into socializing and schmoosing they have to pay the price , sometimes they get acknowledged and get introduced but they party only to go crazy ...the real non reformed psy heads just go for any psy gig they can find they dont care who the dj or the artist is, as long as its psychedelic trance they go...they dont care about the megabranding or unknowns. a totally non-reformed one is the one that doesnt care about those around them..
          When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  27
Posts :  2304
Posted : Feb 26, 2010 21:20
heloo psycoactive...
yup m ok! dubai ..yep bad scene from what i hear..moved 2 towwonto last year.           <~< "the best things in life aren't things" - art buchwald >~>
Cosmic Oneness
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  30
Posts :  711
Posted : Mar 2, 2010 05:04

          " All is One "

When we change the way we see things, the things we see begin to change ... In Lak'ech Ala K'in ...
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  40
Posts :  759
Posted : Mar 2, 2010 14:49
there is nothing like reformed....its just time           _____________________________________________
&#2384;Distorted Thinking&#2384;
I hate SKAZI..but cant help it..its in the name
Trance Forum  Forum  India - Reformed Psy Generation
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