Purpose of life
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Feb 23, 2009 10:10
You may not believe in a purpose but you try to discover the God inside you and that's exactly what i am trying to find also!
But i disagree with you when you say that we are free to do whatever we want and we can just obey ourselves because we are Gods anyway.
God exists inside us only when we let a room for him.
A clean a healthy room.
A noble room.
A room full of love (as i said my God is the God of love).
Otherwise God can't live inside us and we will never find him.
All i want to say is that as long as we live the story never ends and we can't claim that we are already winners.
It is not so simple.
We have to do things to prove our selves if we are worthy as a God's vehicle, everyday.
Yes we are sure capable to reach God but we must be worthy of it to happen.
Maybe sometimes we come very close to God , to the truth, to the self awareness but it doesn't mean that we have conquered them because we have slightly felt them or slightly saw them...
It doesn't end like this...
It is not so easy.
  ---RealPsyLifeForRealPsyPeople--- |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Feb 24, 2009 13:46
to evolve as a good human being is all tat matters .
**treat ur mind like a bad neighbourhood - dont go thr alone** |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Feb 24, 2009 16:14
pURPOSE of life is to live by the right way and follow some basic principles and the cosmic laws of universae,that things taught from masters and gurus like Jesus,Budhha,Krishna...because those enlighted spiritual beings came from the kingdom of god,and gave instructions on how are we gonna save our souls and liberate from the bondages of material existance,just to became spirit...
Just to return back to the source,the source of creation of cosmos,thi9s source it is the same fundamental substance that created everything,and it is the same for all,the basic common part of all living beings,the god inside us,our inner being that is connected with god our higher self.
By living spiritual life and exploring the depths of our soul,the secrets of our hidden self,and eliminate the ego,this negative part of our self that forces us to reborn again and agai...
So we ne3ed to learn how to repect all living beings,that means we need to have love for all and compasion.
The goal is to be a complete human being that have created the spiritual inner bodies,the vehicle to liberation,to became a s[iritual being ready to live on a higher plane of existance on the spiritual worlds....
Life on earth is a preperation for the next stage of life on a nother plannet,a different cosmic area,life is a big school,and we need to be good students to pass the exams,and so then pass to the next level of life,this is the evolution of the soul...and goes veeery high..
We are gonna build the world of the new era,the golden age,so we need to prepare for this...we need to make the ethair of our spirit gold,yes change our lunar atoms and make them solar,if we really wanna reach the highest goal to be able reach the sun...
In the end we are gonna became a star that shines light in the universe,yes a real sun with our own gallaxy of stars,a God,yes the universe have unlimited space for every soul who wants to reach God,and became god,became a solar system....
After the End,a new Begining startS.. |
psycoactive psybeing
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Feb 25, 2009 08:57
The first duty of a seeker is to be a complete human being, pure and truthful both internally and externally. An impure mind will always be restless, what is mind? bundle of thoughts, thoughts r formed by the influence of our surrondings and the food we eat.
Hence it is very important to have a pure satvic diet and also keep company of noble and positive people.
The purpose of life is to firtsly as i said is being a true human being as being true to ones own self helps in totality.
Creation is infinite and its source is formless, nameless, spotless and cant be comprehended by mind. One has to transcend the regions of body and mind to tune to that eternal source, or supermost consciousness or energy or God or the supermost element, which is the source of every living being and it pervades in all.
The thing is that the self or the life current or the consciouness when enters the mortal creation from its source, it gets connected with the mind, ego and the llusion of creation, and involves itself with the mayhem of creation, experiencing it wid the help of 10 sense organs, 5 in the physical n 5 in the mental region. |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Feb 25, 2009 10:16
you know in existencialist philosophy, you ARE while you do what you like/mean/love... and...
And you DONT ARE while you are inactive, juts procratinating around.
For me thats the struggle to fight to become ME, TO BE.
  "The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures." |
psycoactive psybeing
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Feb 25, 2009 11:46
the true self shines, when all the dirt of attachments, cravings, selfishness, negativety and illusions are washed away from the subconscious mind. Whatever we think, do or plan to do, remains subtly or its impression subtly imprints itself in the subconscious.
These latent impression gains momentum when the time is right and gives birth to destiny or material manifestations. Your mind gives power to those unfulfilled desires and wants to manifest. Thoughts have great powers, use them wisely.
In the end you dont have to BE, you already ARE.
Its known as EFFERTLESS EFFORT. Wait for your time, your time shall come. It all depends on the intensity of ur devotion. Nature is their to give and only give, when one comes in harmony wid nature,it blesses wid immesurable and eternal gifts.
Love n Light, Arise and be Awake |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Feb 25, 2009 12:27
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Mar 8, 2009 18:35
Spreading goodness and inspiring confidence in others , which can be very tough of course because of the indestructible ego. Those who have achieved it have arrived.
  missing plug-in |
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Posted : Mar 9, 2009 20:07
"Life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness. How do you know this is the experience you need? Because this is the experience you are having at this moment"
  >>>Are you present now? |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Mar 9, 2009 23:22
On 2009-02-23 10:10, Jedi_knight wrote:
God exists inside us only when we let a room for him.
A clean a healthy room.
A noble room.
A room full of love (as i said my God is the God of love).
Otherwise God can't live inside us and we will never find him.
All i want to say is that as long as we live the story never ends and we can't claim that we are already winners.
It is not so simple.
We have to do things to prove our selves if we are worthy as a God's vehicle, everyday.
Yes we are sure capable to reach God but we must be worthy of it to happen.
Maybe sometimes we come very close to God , to the truth, to the self awareness but it doesn't mean that we have conquered them because we have slightly felt them or slightly saw them...
It doesn't end like this...
It is not so easy.
WOW, very nice words!
dealing with this world on a daily basis is a tough task. the archons are waiting for and know your weakness's. so the closer you get the more you have watch out. or you could do like many monks and break away from the world/reality.. but is that conquering anything.. ?
its a tough tough battle but we cant forget that God has so much much more compassion than we could ever imagine!
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IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Mar 10, 2009 08:42
life is what you make of it, there is no pre set purpose except to carry on the species. you make your own purpose and live your life accordingly
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Posted : Mar 17, 2009 19:58
On 2009-03-10 08:42, ohmshantiohm wrote:
life is what you make of it, there is no pre set purpose except to carry on the species. you make your own purpose and live your life accordingly
But I still think the purpose of this "existence" is to reach the next level, if you will....beyond human existence. |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Mar 18, 2009 09:06
Maybe the purpose of life is to dance. To loose yourself in that dance, digging it 100% from the bottom of your heart without any reserves, totally trusting and fullfilled in joy and love.
You know to be able to celebrate lifes every moment in a positive vibration like love and aligned with what is good for all, as one with everything. But this life is full of challenges because you have to pay bills, work for money, and you get many excuses to become tangled in less important things like fussing and fighting and obssesing on superficial aspects like material wealth. The thing is society really pushes you to be in a certain way. So if you want to discover your more true path and what resonates with your heart you sometimes have to walk against the current, but I think that the path of the heart is what we should be betting on.
Life is a mysteri but the heart feels right. |
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Posted : Mar 18, 2009 13:24
Maybe we're just a way for god, nature or whatever to express itself.. and our purpose is to make stuff, create culture, like wonderful psytrance
  In search of the perfect psyktrans. |
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Posted : Mar 25, 2009 20:58
The words of my guru:
The only purpose in life is to strenghten the sublime power of human will and channel it to fulfill the divine plan, get to know God.
  Peace, Love, Light and Harmony |