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Purpose of life

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 11, 2009 15:48
We're definitely another breed because part of our mind has the ability to live and more importantly understand separate realities.

We as humans have evolved beyond the order... we go beyond the physical, etheric (aura) body, and even the astral (dream) body.

Whats left? The ability to understand. The ability to put yourself in the midst of what is happening... and that is an essence of Ego.

Take Freud who simply broke it into 3 levels: Id, Ego & the Super-Ego.

I don't agree with the concept of destroying the ego. It's damaging. It takes years of thought to understand the ego and destroying it at an early age can have serious repercussions. One of our purposes is to understand it, to come to terms with it, to embrace it, to love it and then to leave it if you're seeking purpose... Destroy it ? Why ?

The only way to deal with it is to start with the Super-Ego and understand that first. We all strive for perfection in some way so we need to understand why and how we plan to do that. I feel that when we're totally connected with our inner child we're rid of the super-ego.

Then comes ego. I in the world I live in. The main reason most ascetics choose to leave the world is not because they're destroying ego but are just leaving it behind. Ego is our human reality that we create when we live in it.

IF if if if we chose to let go of the world then we're obviously seeking to let go of it all... including Id. Thats the hard bit. No sex, no water, no food... none of that... and thats what Buddha basically did. If we do get there we're supposed to reach enlightenment. What happens to your Ego when you've reached enlightenment. Only that person would know right? Living in Shangri-La they say?

But destroying the ego if you're not willing to follow through to the next step is a lost cause. Best we can do is to try and understand it, test its limits and keep it directed in the way we think is best. The fact that we're all here on this forum is a matter of exercising Ego in the first place. Hey here I am... listen to what I have to say!

Purpose of an ego conscious human is to understand. You can do it by understanding the planet, the people around you, embracing it and exercising love or you can doing it by leaving it all behind and going up the mountain... but at the end of the day we're all coming down baby. So did Buddha because he probably realized that Shangri-La is where we've always been living.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 20, 2009 22:52
Well, how can we now be sure to know, what`s the purpose of life? In no way, IMO. So, I do not think about it.
Alecu Babaleku
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 29, 2009 10:45

experiment happiness on earth
          carpe diem

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Posted : May 29, 2009 15:26
I think when you look back dat you havent to regret too much.So I prefer to smile a lot or to expirience positiv things.
Like women ,musics,parties,mystics and magics ,psycedelics and other sweet tings.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 28, 2009 17:57
dear Yidam ,
very insightful thoughts! thanks for sharing it in a short form:). lots of energy inside.

i agree with you.

But destroying the ego if you're not willing to follow through to the next step is a lost cause. Best we can do is to try and understand it, test its limits and keep it directed in the way we think is best. The fact that we're all here on this forum is a matter of exercising Ego in the first place. Hey here I am... listen to what I have to say!

right. this is also the reason why i am not so keen on reading about killing the ego in spiritual forums. it sounds too paradoxal too me. if we had no ego, none of us would be here now, discusssing and seeking the answers. showing a position or whatever. the more you deal with society, the more ego you will have. because you have to take a position in this society, and this position is always narrow minded to the fact that the world we have constructed is not the only one.

the purpose of life -- i am still looking for the slightest answer. still no answer. today i woke up and something so incredible happened. i live in a small street, which is even one way so there is not many people often here. i woke up today and see 200 people with trucks and professional filming equipment. the most famous artist of the country was in front of my window ( 4th etage) on a special platform in the air. they were filming a real film right in front of my nose. it was so strange experience, that it was almost transzendental. so i realized. the purpose of life. somehow. it is to visualize a dream and to let the dreams happen. to follow the signs. nothing is on accident. to follow the signs and to have mor magical moments that are " accident" but perfectly embedded in your present life. and everything has a meaning.

the purpose of life is to find the meaning.

p.s. i am not analysing the words of Yidam but just talking on myself
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
Posts :  1931
Posted : Jun 29, 2009 21:40
btw yidam, beautiful set you shared. thank you a lot. i cant miss to tell you that in connection to the topic of the thread. beautiful music. it is all about the synchronicity, as you stated with the mixed sample. i am listening to this set in the last two days without stop. it is exactly the same time when i meet you here.

so the purpose of life is exactly these small synchonicities that are everywhere on our way

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Posted : Jul 31, 2009 13:58
The purpose as a species is to survive and pass those genes on.

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Posted : Aug 1, 2009 09:12
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Aug 3, 2009 14:58
hmm, maybe the sense of life (in a spirtual optimistic way) is to get control over the creation of negativities in the own mind, like: anger, hatred, craving and so on. All those negativities are hurting ourself in first place. If everybody would work on reducing those negativities of the mind, each one would be more satisfied, more happy and in addition to that also there would be less mental hurting from person to person. Vipassana meditation is a good technique for achieving this goal (see separate topic in that sub-forum)
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 5, 2009 16:04
the answer is "42"           to use your head you have to go out of your mind
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Aug 5, 2009 16:22 what you have on hand and move on           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
Posts :  1931
Posted : Aug 8, 2009 12:37
i want to have a child before i move on with my life. i believe it is very important because i have too bad emotions every 28 days, it is unbearable. someone wants to tell me something who is not on earht yet..

but i dont want to have a man.

does anyone here have an interest to give me his precious product:))

no i am very serious. contact me if you do. i dont need to know you - i just need a prove for an intelligence beyond the average and in the ideal case 15 yaers older than me.

not joking. contact me through my website if anyone is interested to do this.
i will take care 100 percent for that after that. no need of financial or any other help as well.

contact me in the next two years if you are interested. )))

god bye to you fro now.

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
Posts :  1931
Posted : Aug 8, 2009 13:06
( and i can even pay for an especially good dna. i would prefer it to be from this scene cause i ve spent my whole life with it but i will not wait too long with this pathetic scene. with 30 i will have to look somewhere else. so last call here in isratrance)
i prefer a much older one because the child is supposed to be more intelligent with an older father according to statistics.
whatever - contact me if you wanna spread your dna. i dont even need to see you. may be just your astro sign with detailed data of birth.

i need to experiment with some things that i cant experiment now in order to protect my organism. need to have this purpose of life behind me.
IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  241
Posts :  2848
Posted : Aug 8, 2009 19:58
so u want to procreate and u want a intellectual creation...the problem with that will be u are already raising an expectation...and when the expectation does not match up to your standards ur setting up a stage for conflict...well albert einstein children did not turn out anything like him...nor did the children of Gandhi...the substance does not gurantee intellect.. a child of a poor farmer with bad genes could take over an entire country..gene pool and designer babies and dna and stuff will simply create an expectation of an illusion that intelligent is better and ingnorance is bad...which practically doesnt mean much...statistics dont mean much when you are dealing with 3billion or more galaxies and trillions of stars           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
Posts :  1931
Posted : Aug 9, 2009 00:23
hm, yes, now another 1000 questions rise into my head. you are right....
i dont know too. i come to this pathetic ideas every time i come to visit the country where my mother lives:)))

and btw i am still not ready , i guess. i would know it, if i was. but on the other hand , what if we all ( i adress "we" as all people from this forum as more intelligent than the average person on earth) dont reproduce our genes, what will happen then? the earth will be full of idiots. it is already full of idiots. the idiots reproduce their genes faster than we do. most of us actually dont.

and as we are in the spiritual forum, i guess most of you here know about the genofond of the human race - the people that are staying in samadhi state for 100 of years in order to keep the vibration higher and in order to wake up in case we have a global apocalypse.

i dont really know if it is essential to reproduce. i havent felt this need till this year. any may be it is really the purpose of life in a stage of life. but i seem to have so many other goals before that.

hm. i dont know either. i came this year for the first time to this idea. that i actually dont have time for children at all but feel a sort of a need though. well whatever, i gave up being so "open" and honest in forums because i noticed that every time you do so, the beasts and energy vampires come immediately after you.

but still, i would like to have this product from a representative of this scene. if at all. and may be really not so old, they are on different brain wave, the elder. and i just need the product, nothing more. i promise to respect the one who gave it to me too.
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