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Psykovsky - Tanetsveta

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 6, 2010 06:11:30
Artist: Psykovsky
Album: Tanetsveta
Label: Tantrumm Records ( )

1.Skrve Snaemy (VS Bhavataar & The Bharat Nuts , Silent Horror)
2.Burning Bridges (VS Bhavataar & The Bharat Nuts , Polyphonia)
3.M Muh Seeng Wuh (VS Silent Horror)
4.Unanga Raga
5.Bar Maleo (VS Kin Dza Dza , Select Project)
6.Lovei Swhat (VS Andrew Heater , Lob Zany N , Paraphysis , Select Project)
7.Tanetsveta (VS Fractal Gauchos , Kashyyyk)

1.Aura Leta (VS Bhavataar & The Bharat Nuts)
2.Mother Toddler (VS Fuzulu , Spiral)
3.Moydo Dyr (Osom)
4.Suddenly (VS Ghreg On Earth , Manifest)
5.R.U. Happy (VS Audiopathik)
6.Bezdne Vselennoy
7.Iskry Sveteal (VS Bhavataar & The Bharat Nuts)

Track1: Starts in a brain twisting sinistry that goes along the track making this one very in... if u like it, u really like it. The voices/musics used in this piece makes u think.. from 3.35 its all good, i love the work from here on, the loops, the traditional instruments, the breaks... nice music to begin/end with. I think the peak for this 1 goes from 5.10 to the end. Really psychedelic.

Track2: LOOOVE the starting piano, just amazing.. Clearly u notice the polyphonia touch in the bass and some whistles and some other stuff.. Really obscure, goes into the depths this one. The music, imo, doesn't have a peak. Its all one big feeling. Its not that energetic and i think its not suppose to. The darkness in it makes it up.

Track3: BIG intro with around 5 minutes. Heavy psychadelia on this 1, really heavy. Makes you down your head. I think this 1 is tipically psykovsky, the synth, the FX, the loops, the arpegis, the atmospheres, everything. Awesome how Delays are worked here. Biggest track, but not the best imo. Its angry as hell.

Track4: Follow up song. Starts with some crazy jungle drops or whatever, pretty cool, love them. Again he maintains sinistry and paranoia to the max... @ 2.18 sounds industrial, wich is not bad at all. First solo track and the first to give u that crazy psykovsky feeling. Listen @ 3.15 so u know what im talking about then into paranoia again... Peak of the music @ 10.30 imo, it pushes u up!! but the releases u again ahah, heavy aswell.

Track5: End is the most heavy part on all album imo. Starts well and the KB its something out of this world. Heavy breakbeat work and effects explored are very cool. Destroys everthing this 1.

Track6: Namnamnamnamnam!! Great intro. I kinda don't like the "no love, no love, no more" music.. i don't really like all songs on this music... sound kinda gay(can make u laugh, if in the mood).. but the rest elements are powerfull. 1.58 -> 2.20 energy!!!!! Then hold on tight!! Bpm change makes this massive! I start to think that the musics integrated here are to contradict the music concept lol. Still this rocks minds.

Track7: From beginning to 2.12 its the dance peak there, so much energy, so much sounds coming and going, breaks, countertempo, just wonderfull.. From here on it sounds like a holy creature is coming down from the skys to bless us as dance with us all. @ 4.35->6.50 huge pause, maybe to big... its all heavenly in this music. This is good to mix since kickbass get absent a lot of times...

Track1: Tanetsveta sister this 1. From start to 4.22 all good, like the 1 before. Then untill around 9.30, the heavenly creature and his brothers speaks his language as u dance to it ahah. From there on, its the resting time, when u build up energy again.. or not, since u take with tons of quantizing and tons of sounds..

Track2: I personnaly like this 1 a lot, it maintains a concept, and follows it, and developts it. Atmosphere created @ 2.00 is amazing, slow and inteligent. Harmonics used on this music are cool and well though.. Such as all other elements. The end is like "waaaaa...aaaaaah" xDD u just fly. But damn, he really knows how to touch ur deepest braincells... nother great piece this 1.

Track3: OSOM MASTERPIECE! Must i say anything else? ahah great appliance of epic stuff, really epic ahah. Track devided in 2 parts imo, the first its all inspiration(until around 2-3 minutes).. the 2nd its just an amazing outstanding imaginative sound work with a very innovative trance music making method.. it has progression and everything works fine.

Track4: lol. and all of a sudden...

Track5: This is the best imo, the best track of both albums. Good from the beggining to the end, rippin minds out, makes u dance like crazy. Masterization on this 1 is different... Never heard nthing like this.. The sounds are alive and with more body then the KB. Psykovsky can make u laugh @4.00 I love those blops blips flips flops plocs around the track.. amazing percurssion.. Crazyness peak @5.40 for sure! Astonishing end.

Track6: Erlkoenig(Debut album) remix, its more energetic. Some people might prefer the original though... i like both.

Track7: Then, in the end, he says "ok, ill let u rest" this is great relaxing trance, maybe not at the beggining but the music gets calmer by the minute. Great choice to end indeed.

Overall: Psykovsky and that's it! I kinda prefer Da Budet to this 1 in some aspects like its less holy and more concrete but this 1 makes u have a unforgetable time @ the dancefloor u'll never forget and u do learn a lot from this, learn to open ur mind and get out of the 4/4 music formation. You kinda need to ear it over and over for some times to know this masterpieace well, u won't get all info at first round, thats for sure.

Previews and if u want to buy:

PS- First review, hope it was good and not too spoily.
          I want a spare brain.... or 2.
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  55
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Posted : Dec 6, 2010 11:54
Great Album and some really Great Tunes.

Fav R.U. Happy (VS Audiopathik)           Mushrooms make you do crazy stuff. Look at Mario he jumps on animal heads and fights with dragons.
Silent Horror

Started Topics :  67
Posts :  1983
Posted : Dec 6, 2010 21:54

Track3: I think this 1 is tipically psykovsky, the synth, the FX, the loops, the arpegis, the atmospheres, everything.

The composition is his, but the sounds.. no. not all .           ------------------------------
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  49
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Posted : Dec 7, 2010 00:49

On 2010-12-06 21:54, insane wrote:

Track3: I think this 1 is tipically psykovsky, the synth, the FX, the loops, the arpegis, the atmospheres, everything.

The composition is his, but the sounds.. no. not all .

eheh speaks the artist himself

i need to listen more things from u then eheh P           I want a spare brain.... or 2.

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Posted : Dec 12, 2010 18:40
Very, very, very, very, very, very good album:)
Perma Fry
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  56
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Posted : Dec 18, 2010 07:23
Nice review
This was an awesome release.
Great to see the direction this project is taking..

Want more psykovky
Bezdne Vselennoy !!!!

Hex Osirus
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  14
Posts :  497
Posted : Dec 19, 2010 19:20

On 2010-12-06 21:54, insane wrote:

Track3: I think this 1 is tipically psykovsky, the synth, the FX, the loops, the arpegis, the atmospheres, everything.

The composition is his, but the sounds.. no. not all .

Hey SH would you have any idea where the orchestral sample in this track is taken from? Its been doing my head in for awhile...sounds soo familiar... 

Started Topics :  87
Posts :  703
Posted : Dec 21, 2010 16:18
i think this is my favorite psykovsky album until now

keep it coming vasily!           Psychedelic Trance from Argentina

Megalopsy Travel Blog

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Posted : Dec 21, 2010 23:04
6.Bezdne Vselennoy by far beats the other tunes it is beyond ........ im in a dilemma does this track beats hellove

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Posted : Dec 23, 2010 17:04

Track5: This is the best imo, the best track of both albums. Good from the beggining to the end, rippin minds out, makes u dance like crazy. Masterization on this 1 is different... Never heard nthing like this.. The sounds are alive and with more body then the KB. Psykovsky can make u laugh @4.00 I love those blops blips flips flops plocs around the track.. amazing percurssion.. Crazyness peak @5.40 for sure! Astonishing end.

anyone knows wheres that sample from around 4.00?
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  49
Posts :  559
Posted : Dec 24, 2010 03:27

On 2010-12-23 17:04, munsel wrote:

Track5: This is the best imo, the best track of both albums. Good from the beggining to the end, rippin minds out, makes u dance like crazy. Masterization on this 1 is different... Never heard nthing like this.. The sounds are alive and with more body then the KB. Psykovsky can make u laugh @4.00 I love those blops blips flips flops plocs around the track.. amazing percurssion.. Crazyness peak @5.40 for sure! Astonishing end.

anyone knows wheres that sample from around 4.00?

i would like to believe they were recorded P

cuz they sound like REAAALY clean.           I want a spare brain.... or 2.
Perma Fry
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  56
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Posted : Jan 20, 2011 00:34
Bezdne Vselennoy !!!!
IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  236
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Posted : Jan 22, 2011 15:11
<3 <3 -:;)

e. Only thing that makes me sad is that I still don't own this release! It's a wonderful and magnetic album with a lot of the synchronized depth, organic flowering, ...
beh, it's, the music this person creates is peotic beauty and if you can't like these sounds you are missing out on some inner magic.

Wrong of me to write maybe but still don't like his Da Budet album so much and it annoys me that I own that one and not this especially since I don't have all three releases (and soon a 4th release omg).


On 2010-12-21 16:18, filter wrote:
i think this is my favorite psykovsky album until now

keep it coming vasily!

Ditto and thats without even haven to getten to know the album since one listen on good stereo and rest on youtube for me.

Peace'n high like all niggahpies with much love & respect forever*


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Posts :  147
Posted : Jan 29, 2011 09:39
from where was taked sample for Mother Toddler where one talks about freemoving around the desert?
Baba Yaga
Baba Yaga

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Posted : Feb 1, 2011 12:58
svet est' i bil vsegda... 
Trance Forum » » Forum  Music Reviews - Psykovsky - Tanetsveta

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