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Psy Trance Production Gear

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Aug 29, 2016 14:31
the future retro xs is good for psy and at the price it cost you get a lot imo ;it s acid it s sequelchy perfect for goa and forest sounds
(audiorate fxs , acid leads , syncro leads , fm leads ect.. , you can coover a lot with the 2 osc + sub , all can fm others,pulse widht mod, filter fm , ring ,noise, snappy envelops, one 2 pole multi filter..)
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Aug 29, 2016 21:50
I consider to get some hardware modular but cannot decide what should come as first steps. What would you recommend to begin with lets say 500 Euros? (.. I guess I will stick to the usual Eurorack system for beginners.) Probably its just the case .. or is more possible?.. or is it really better to save more cash ? I like some make some noise modules from seeing and hearing, but that cost all an arm and leg. Or is it better to buy some Virus A on ebay for that cash? Cheeerz 
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Aug 30, 2016 17:03

On 2016-08-29 21:50, TimeTraveller wrote:
I consider to get some hardware modular but cannot decide what should come as first steps. What would you recommend to begin with lets say 500 Euros? (.. I guess I will stick to the usual Eurorack system for beginners.) Probably its just the case .. or is more possible?.. or is it really better to save more cash ? I like some make some noise modules from seeing and hearing, but that cost all an arm and leg. Or is it better to buy some Virus A on ebay for that cash? Cheeerz

maybe this one for € 399 

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Posts :  1151
Posted : Aug 30, 2016 18:48

On 2016-08-30 17:03, vipal wrote:
maybe this one for € 399

Looks very very yummy           Super Banana Sauce
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Aug 31, 2016 02:47
Really interesting. Cheers for this advice! Hard to believe so much for so little money but need to check this more..
The price is nice for sure

Do you guys think this would be a better choice than a used Virus?.. I want a modular but a nice synth like Virus or maybe something similar would be 100% fun too.
I'd love to have a Virus TI as well, but I know that its price is over my budget for sure, but I guess each Virus is still a synth that can make psychedelic sounds.

It somehow confuses me that the link to the synth that Vipal posted offers so much and you can get this all for 399 € .

Is it hardwired or does it allow you to use some cables ? sorry for maybe lame questions, I have very little time or tbh no time to check anything right now. Next time that I can really get into checking it more will be in more or less 2 weeks again. Maybe later. Than I have proper Internet access again. I'd be glad to hear more suggestions or advice. Greats and happy tweaking! 
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  123
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Posted : Aug 31, 2016 11:11

auf deutsch:

Specially For People Who Like To Start With A Complete
Analog Modular Synthesizer System And Professionell Synthesizer User

Its Is A Incredible Full Analog Modular Synthesizer That Adds Raw Vintage Analog Sound, Patching And Extensive Interconnectivity To Any Electronic Synthesizer Or Modular System.

for the first time since two years it gives me GAS again.

samples on soundcloud sound very modular in the right way, percussive, sharp. a steal for 400 euro.

if you consider a virus, check prices for 2nd hand snow. same like TI just smaller cpu which would never be a problem for me since i dont use big cpu eating patches. i would not go for classic B or C anymore. On screen editing and presetmanagement is really cool.

Virus is bread and butter synth but not exceptional in sound. Filter is nice though, very responsive. Some people say its just a VST, that is not my opinion. I use a TI for many years now on usb, its build like a tank. I had never issues with the usb but there are horror reports from others. there are lots of very well designed patches easily available.


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Posted : Aug 31, 2016 13:31
I don't have a virus, but from what I've seen its a nightmare of hidden layers that allow you to build up a patch. For this 400€, and a WYSIWYG interface (please let me know if I'm wrong, and there are hidden stuff in the minisizer ), I could spend too much time fiddling with this thing.

But a virus will store presets, this wont so you'll need to manually set your sound, EVERYTIME And to recall a certain sound, you need to set it up again.

Plus, it seems the Minisizer is just a Synth with VCO+VCF+VCA (+ mixer and modulation patch bay), so you'll need to add your distortion/compressors/EQs/FX afterwards (and distortion is really paramount for the tone and making the filter seem alive). The virus has a bunch of these built in - so more of an all-in-one solution.

Another subject is note in: a virus and similar have arpeggiators, step sequencers, etc. The Minisizer doesnt. You may get a desktop virus, that also will require an external keyboard / step sequencer, but I dont expect any note-manipulations from the Minisizer.

So, it's a first step into modular stuff if you want to go through that road (a long and expensive road ), for an 100% analogue approach (OK, it has MIDI in, that's already good); but something like a virus should have a better integration into any existing DAW and digital setup, than having to mix the domains of pure analogue with digital.
          Super Banana Sauce
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  162
Posts :  8087
Posted : Aug 31, 2016 15:23

On 2016-08-29 21:50, TimeTraveller wrote:
I consider to get some hardware modular but cannot decide what should come as first steps. What would you recommend to begin with lets say 500 Euros? (.. I guess I will stick to the usual Eurorack system for beginners.) Probably its just the case .. or is more possible?.. or is it really better to save more cash ? I like some make some noise modules from seeing and hearing, but that cost all an arm and leg. Or is it better to buy some Virus A on ebay for that cash? Cheeerz

you could buy something to expand with euro rack modules later like make noize or kilpatrick semi modular and if you don t want to spend much money you could stick wwith it wihtout expanding or going plugins like reaktor 6 aalto insteed of thinking about hardware modular.
if you can buy modules regulary till you get 6u or 9u definelety go modular.. but if you buy one module once or twice a year and begin with almost nothing i don t see much the point of buying a case and starting from scratch
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 2, 2016 02:02
Doepfer. It's a great way to learn synthesis. The modules are well built & very easy to use. Other brands such as Make Noise take a bit longer to really learn, very "arty" faceplates etc.           Cuntus Maximus.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 3, 2016 13:59
Need to analyse minisizer more, I mean how it sounds. Otherwise it could be fun to start with. Not start to learn modular synthesis. I have no questions about understanding. Recently I've developed a passion of building tracks only in bazille. Kicks hats squelches pads etc. No prób with that. I just try to improve all of course. I can post examples if anyone s interested. Nothing special lots to improve but no serious problems of understanding me thinks.90 % of all my time I spend on Bazille. With start I mean a first analog modular gear. There is so many on the market.. virus ti is something I feel I need too. Thank you for all your input fellows 
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posts :  1681
Posted : Sep 4, 2016 06:50

Looks like we'll soon have 303's & 909's available again soon           Cuntus Maximus.
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  80
Posts :  3207
Posted : Sep 16, 2016 13:37
I'm on the way to buy Virus B for 400 € from a pro studio (good condition). Does anyone if it comes with that one plug in aswell? ..and since its pretty old, if it works with Winows 10, if you need to register for a software upgrade etc? sorry for lots of questions of that kind. I'm a bit lost with it here. Maybe someone could shed some light on this.
ps.. next time I begin modular.

..and hey guys what do you think about the new TB03??? It is really interesting I think: Probably a chance to get it "still" cheap, don't you think? 
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  80
Posts :  3207
Posted : Sep 16, 2016 19:10
no more questions. I'm so in love with that one °° Condition is like brand new. 
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  148
Posts :  1681
Posted : Sep 17, 2016 05:55
My mate works at a store the sells Roland gear. He said after having a look under the hood of their demo TB-03 go the TT-303 or an x0x.           Cuntus Maximus.
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