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Prometheus - Corridor Of Mirrors (Twisted Records @ Feb. 07)

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  142
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Posted : Mar 11, 2007 15:30
Prometheus – Corridor Of Mirrors

Cover: +

Artist: Prometheus (UK)
Title: Corridor Of Mirrors
Format: CD (jewel case)
Label: Twisted Records (UK)
Cat. #: TWSCD31
Distribution: Twisted
Date: February 2007

Track listing:

01. 08’50” Arcadia Magik
02. 06’50” One Cell Short Of A Brain
03. 07’36” Drug Sock
04. 08’19” The Logic Of Polyphonic
05. 08’07” 9th (The Man Who Swam Through A Speaker)
06. 07’37” Soma
07. 07’54” Oz
08. 08’46” Cherry Pie

.m3u-playlist: (all tracks!)


The ample and ambitious successor: The Echo Chamber Sessions.

London’s leading trance export Twisted Records is out with their 31st release, Corridor Of Mirrors which is the second album from Hallucinogen-apprentice Prometheus (Benji Vaughan). Virtually everything that Benji has had his paws on has been ace – from the early Process collaborations to the epic Younger Brother album. From the gargantuan first Prometheus album Robot.O.Chan to the many stand-out compilation tracks on Twisted and TIP.World. Crystal Skulls material in particular.

Benji is a subliminal producer of both progressive, full-on and downbeat and I regard him as one of the most pivotal post-2000 UK trance personas. So yeah, I’m a huge fan and I’ve been a happy camper ever since this second album was released. Now let’s find out if it meets the expectations.

Let me take you thru the tracks…

#01: Arcadia Magik
The album opens with a blast… An epic story told with only the best tools trance has to offer. The mesmerizing intro soon turns into an uplifting melody-driven piece of epic trance. More layers are added and several more subtle trance FX are sprinkled into the mix. The melancholy synths strike a notable contrast to the lush, pounding rhythm section. Those two key elements keep battling it out - building to a frenzy and eventually the track reaches higher levels of pure bliss. This is a textbook example of perfect *trance* and this is why I’ll never ever grow tired of it. What an amazing opening track.

#02: One Cell Short Of A Brain
And here’s a classic party choon. This lovely piece of arpeggio-rich psytrance encapsulates post-2000 UK-trance. Flaring synths, clean-cut percussion, huge melodic pads and tons of raw, unfiltered, ‘aving-it-large mentality… This is all about having fun the old-school way and dancing like no-one is watching… Screw conformity, this shit it ripe and is up to par with both Eat Static and Posford’s seminal dancefloor antics… Another addition to the triumphant resurrection of full-on! =)

#03: Drug Sock
“Dark glasses, white trousers, […] black socks, lilac shirt and multicoloured beetle boots and black socks… Not beetle boots!” Shortly after we’ve come to terms with the (seemingly weird) dresscode the bass is dropped and the trance quest continues. This time we’re digging deeper into the underground and the psychedelic undertones starts being more predominant… I love how this track is totally wobbly – it bounces up and down and back and forth constantly challenging the listeners… I can already picture how the trancefloors are gonna look like a giant human wave when this bombshell hits them… Hands-in-the-air material for sure. Lovely!

#04: The Logic Of Polyphonic
“By stretching the imagination and the […] you go from symmetric to asymmetric. The way from symmetric towards asymmetric…It’s the eternal logic of the polyphonic…” Time to up the ante, raise the bar, unleash the aciiiiiiiiid and marvel at the wonder that is chord progression. Now this is, quite literally, the dog’s bollocks. This is crisp, über-tight, insanely full-on psychedelic trance when it’s best… Propane-injected, pure-bred, in-your-face dancefloor napalm for darkened clubs and moonlight-lit dancefloors… Words really don’t do it justice. It the best track yet – and that’s saying a lot on such a marvellous album.

#05: 9th (The Man Who Swam Through A Speaker)
The oddball track off the album. Both the trippy title, the classical music-samples and the general freestyle feel here indicates that this is the kind of trance Benji produces when he’s been sipping on grandpa’s old cough medicine. That’s right; this is the kind of electronica that goes down extremely well with magic monkey juice… The psychedelic factor still plays an important role and this track is bound to gain fans among twisted dancers and tripped-out sofa trancers alike. I’m digging it, though it doesn’t leave me quite as breathless as the previous track. It’s still very a fantastic track though – totally unique and easily the most versatile thus far.

#06: Soma
“Soma is not really a plant. Poetry is not really language. Soma is poetry. The origin of poetry is soma!” Soma is an ambiguous title. It’s the drug without after-effects - or the intoxicating Iranian drink. It’s the cell body of an axon (deriving from the Greek word for body). It’s the Indian name for the moon AND it’s a botanical hallucinogen. To put it short, soma is poetry! I’d like to think that Benji takes a little bit of inspiration from all the above-mentioned definitions. Anyway, this track seems Ben turn the BPM count down a notch or two, leaving us with effervescent, bubbling psytrance… The flawless synth work is still very much the focal point and this track would work great as a transition tool going from full-on night trance to progressive morning trance. Very tasty!

#07: Oz
Oz is a very nice, tightly-knit hybrid of carefree trance with cascading melodies + deep and totally sexy morning trance… With a progressive structure and a few surprising twists Benji shows us once again just how versatile his production talent is. Multi-climactic morning trance with stamina, staying power and enough potency to crack tons of smiles. More uplifting than Viagra and more addictive than crack. Another very fine track.

#08: Cherry Pie
“There’s nothing quite like cherry pie baked by my Aunt Daisy…” The closing track is a piece of pie! And by pie, I mean a mouth-watering, subliminally tasty dessert rounded off with whipped cream. This a cornucopia of freshly squeezed Prometheus goodies in the form of lush, uplifting, twirling trance music with a pinch of psychedelia. A playful, easy-going nature is riddled throughout this lovely little track which will go down very well with a couple of beers and a spliff on a sunny afternoon. Its slicker than your average!

Believe the hype!

As you’ve probably already guessed by now this album totally lived up to my expectations – and even exceeded them. This is right up to par with the Holy Trinity: Prometheus’ Robot.O.Chan (Twisted Records/2004), Ott’s Blumenkraft (Twisted Records/2003) and the Younger Brother album A Flock Of Bleeps (Twisted Records/2003) – to put it in layman’s terms, it’s an instant classic!

Benji is such a versatile, deeply talented producer – and his output is as eclectic as it is rewarding. His talent spans several genres, but the subsequent basic framework of high-quality psytrance is always the common denominator. Ben does it best. The flashy, futuristic artwork by legendary Calx is proper eye candy and meets the high standard we’re used to from Twisted Records. My only gripe is that the album only runs for 64 minutes, but with music of such quality I’m willing to let that one slide. It’s the old quality over quantity thing.

All in all, this is an amazing album – there’s nothing even close to a mediocre track here and I’m positive several of these tunes will become proper trancefloor anthems in years to come. It’s *that* good. Comes highly recommended from me as this is one enchanted piece of plastic. A musical investment opportunity that few people can afford to miss. Trust me on this – you need this one! Enjoy!

Favourites: 1(!!), 2(!!), 3(!), 4(!!!), 5(!), 6, 7(!), 8 < -- Yeah, that’s all of them!


External links:
Twisted Records:
Saiko Sounds:
          On really romantic evenings of self, I go salsa dancing with my confusion...

Started Topics :  1
Posts :  53
Posted : Mar 12, 2007 15:27
great music! 3rd track rocks

Started Topics :  9
Posts :  436
Posted : Mar 14, 2007 18:22
Mui Bueno!

one constant in life is change *_~
guy cohen
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Mar 18, 2007 09:31
DeathPosture ,
Your review is really nice - excellent description.
Pete Sideburner

Started Topics :  4
Posts :  67
Posted : Mar 18, 2007 18:29
Well, I knew and respected Prometheus' music since my early psy days. His collaboration with Process in 1997 "Clarity From Deep Fag" still is one of my all time favorite psy-tunes. It sounds like the groove tries to thwart you while it still makes you wanna dance your ass of. But it thwarts and thwarts. Then strange, mighty sounds kick in, like god himself is mucking out his appartment and you are a little bug, hiding under his bed. And then, finally, a total blaster melody kicks in, which is such a releave to all that thwarting before. Just great! I had to wait five years until I finally heared it on a big soundsystem in Samothraki. What a moment that was...

Anyway, Robot-O-Chan did have some vacuous tracks on it, but it was a bliss, especially the Insane Computer. The latest album disappointed me a little. It is a great production and real good music, but it isn't at all what I expected. It lacks a little euphoria, if you ask me. Except for the 9th Man it is more for listening at home than for dancefloors. But maybe it'll still grow on me. Good music sometimes takes a while...

Stomp well then.
          I love humanity but I hate people.

Started Topics :  16
Posts :  52
Posted : Mar 23, 2007 14:28
hello ...prometheus here...check out
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  13
Posts :  222
Posted : Mar 24, 2007 02:29
listened to this album pretty much nonstop for a week or so...
not going to review it track by track
i'll just say
well actually im kinda speechless about it
maybe its cuz im so overwhelmed
its like i have a deep connection with benji's music
and i can see im not the only one
so it makes me wonder
about the nature of music itself
and that's not something i can say about many albums
what im trying to say is
some albums make u go all crazy dancin' and stuff
some make u go wooww about musical complexity
some make u fell relaxed/extasic/euphoric
but this one
its got something bigger about it uknow...
like . . . .i feel...
that this is whats right for me,
this is what i like to do uknow,
in a timeless kinda way....................
well i hope i managed to make my feelings about this album clear through these words...
*off to bed*
long live the psychedelica!!!
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  31
Posts :  236
Posted : Mar 28, 2007 18:26
We get a live set from both Prometheus AND Younger Brother here in Seattle in June! Oh lucky day!!! This album gets better with every listen.

LIVE Prometheus!!!!!
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  35
Posts :  531
Posted : Mar 28, 2007 19:11
twisted is twisted....           Music is the only language that come very close to silence (OSHO)
Lucas Aly
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  22
Posts :  658
Posted : Mar 28, 2007 23:20
In 2003/2004, psytrance was suffering (seem endless) from a lack of creativity and inovation with an excess of junk productions... and there was, Robot-o-chan, toguether we some other productions ( saving our ears and our knees from bad music.

Once more, with very inovative tracks and some others that rewind us to the old times of psychedelia, Benji give us a new gift.
Ppl here praise you, cause we know how to divide, the good ppl, from the bad ones. You are a person "well-seen" on psyscene and very loved. All the best to you and sucess on the album salings... hope we can have you in Brazil asap for a live performance.


          we are one.
hoffman angels

Started Topics :  9
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Posted : Mar 30, 2007 03:18
what an album,great stuff.10/10
IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  301
Posts :  3605
Posted : Mar 30, 2007 10:44

On 2007-03-30 03:18, hoffman angels wrote:
what an album,great stuff.10/10


True psy Trance!           -=The Meaning Of Life Is To Give Life A Meaning=

Started Topics :  313
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Posted : Mar 31, 2007 23:53
Borat would say: Great Success           Everyone in the world is doing something without me
Splinter / Kode Six

Started Topics :  61
Posts :  578
Posted : Apr 1, 2007 09:32
naw he would say ''i would very much like to make sexy time to prometheus,but not with force!!''           SPLINTER

Started Topics :  111
Posts :  2849
Posted : Apr 1, 2007 21:53
Yes, very nice album            Signature
Trance Forum » » Forum  Music Reviews - Prometheus - Corridor Of Mirrors (Twisted Records @ Feb. 07)
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