post penta debate
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Posted : Nov 18, 2004 20:54
this is as off topic as it gets... was just wondering if someone could tell me what the hell (imo) means/stands for... it really gets on my nerves that i dont know... im not exactly down w/ this computer lingo...
oh, and yo people, whatever's happened, has happened... its in the past and now its the present... we gotta focus our energies on the future... NYC is BOOMIN yo!! dont let anyone ruin it for you... i didnt go to this party so i dont have any right to talk, but yall need to chill!!!! simmmmma down now!!
  oO0~ be happy . be hippie ~0Oo |
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Posted : Nov 18, 2004 21:00
in my opinion = IMO
  We are all visitors to this time, this place. We are just passing through. Our purpose here is to observe, to learn, to grow, to love... and then we return home. |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Nov 18, 2004 22:58
I wanted to add my lil grain of sand to this conversation. I like some tracks from penta. He writes powerful music with great soundscapes, absolutely amazing basslines and great innovating melodies. There are artists out there that make other types of trance that innovate, Loopus in Fabula, Onnomon, I truly like Etnoscope... I will not disregard music because it is not coming from a concise style, but music has to inspire me. If it doesn't, I respect the ppl who sat for hour, days, weeks, and months to write it. I was not always like this until I sat down and started to write tracks.
I also have a very peculiar taste. I love trully uplifting hard music, whether it is dark or light, it has to have originality, evolution and loads of creativity. THis is what this music I feel is about, pushing the boundaries of perception through the use of current technology. The result of this psychedelic trance dance experience is a global village built on trust and understanding And I love this part.
So if you do not Penta... it is you. But destructing what has taken all this effort and beautiful intentions to construct I just cannot agree with it. |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Nov 18, 2004 23:24
What a topic! While constructive feedback is great, this seems to be an ugly mess. Penta is a fantastic artist, making some of the most psychedelic dark trance out there. I'd count myself lucky to catch him play live sometime.
One thing I will point out is that hearing an artist play a live set and THEN a DJ set can be a bit much of the same thing sometimes. Sounds like there was a bit of an overdose of the darkness with this party which could have been alleviated with a little break.
NYC is quite the hotbed for conflict these days, isn't it?
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Nov 19, 2004 00:08
hey soset and flavourself.....
go back to paul oakenfold and paul van dyke's parties where u belong... this is psychedelic trance...
penta rules!!!... when you grow youll know what were talking about. |
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Posted : Nov 19, 2004 01:38
ha! 30 or so different people posted on the 'post penta debate'
28 of those 30 love penta !!
this needs to be turned into a penta fanclub, not a debate! |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Nov 19, 2004 02:02
and it's even questionable whether 'soset' even has an issue with penta's music or if he's just being a punk. whats up
I say this thread's done. |
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Posted : Nov 19, 2004 02:05
I would just like to add a little something -
Personally I have never liked Pentas music and got totally bored and frustrated at the last Halloween Penta party in SF. Very monotonous beat and all noise to me. And I should add that I dont really care for dark psy at all! However, that doesnt make Pentas music bad on a universal level but only on a personal level.
Psytrance like any genre, has over a period of time developed a very broad scope.
And everyone will like their own subgenre within it - dark, twisted, morning, groovy whatever...
Unfortunately most parties have a little of everything, so yes you will like some music and dislike some.(For some reason though I hear 90% dark psy in SF)
I would love it if DJ's also would distinguish themselves as dark/morning etc., as in an artists case it is easy to tell what he will play but not for a DJ unless you have already heard them before.
Then you could choose to attend a 'dark psy' party at your own risk!
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Posted : Nov 19, 2004 02:12
I wonder if the sound system was very well tuned for this.
It would also be interesting to see if the folks who seem to take issue with Penta's wonderfully sophisticated works, have been exposed to his recorded material, such as his album Pentafiles:
or various recent compilation releases such as the Mistress of Evil compilation:
Only after hearing nikita's recorded works would one be able to deduce that the music itself was the issue....many things can transpire during the course of the night, for an event, that can effect the way people hear the music, both technically and in terms of the more supple effects of the overall vibe of the party. |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Nov 19, 2004 03:09
I would love it if DJ's also would distinguish themselves as dark/morning etc., as in an artists case it is easy to tell what he will play but not for a DJ unless you have already heard them before.
Then you could choose to attend a 'dark psy' party at your own risk!
hahaha whhaaaattttt..?? when i go to a partie i always wanna be surprised, wether is dark, progressive, minimal whatever i (been psytrance lover years) have heard. if you go to a party just expecting something (i dont know and really dont care what "subgenre of trance" u are into), but to me it has always been about opening ur mind to new sounds. what´s these "beware of dark psy" like it is the devill hahahahahahhah... give me a f break...
hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha |
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Posted : Nov 19, 2004 03:26
On 2004-11-19 03:09, jhanna wrote:
hahaha whhaaaattttt..?? when i go to a partie i always wanna be surprised, wether is dark, progressive, minimal whatever i (been psytrance lover years) have heard. if you go to a party just expecting something (i dont know and really dont care what "subgenre of trance" u are into), but to me it has always been about opening ur mind to new sounds. what´s these "beware of dark psy" like it is the devill hahahahahahhah... give me a f break...
Hmmm ... I wonder why its so funny. If Im paying $30 to go to a party and hear music which I cant stand for 6 hours then I dont find that funny.
Yes , I would like to 'expect' something when I go to a party because I'm not going to just get fucked up on drugs, and to listen to just 'any' music.
What would you do if you went to a party looking forward to the music and then heard DJ tiesto playing for hours???
Ive been listening to psytrance for 7 years now and have never ever ever liked the darker what would you have me do?
Peace:. |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Nov 19, 2004 03:39
heyy sorry mate .. maybe that wasnt polite at all (having a bad day), but i think maybe u should check out the backround of the music and artists that are playing that evening, before spending money. if it was a penta party, of course there gonna be dark psy.
cheers |
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Posted : Nov 19, 2004 03:56
No worries!
And infact if you read my earlier post - that is EXACTLY what my point was to the people who were complaining about Penta being bad, even though personally I may not like his style (maybe i came across wrong)
I said that you may not like dark psy but that doesnt make the artists music bad!
I just said that its easier to research artists rather than DJ's thats all.
Peace:. |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Nov 19, 2004 17:56
Like I always say I will go to a party, movie, concert, art gallery... I was so glad I did not hear about it, so I did not condition myself to have any expectations to live the experience in the moment. I open my mind as much as possible. Sometime it takes time to sink in, sometimes it is deeply enjoyed and sometimes I dislike it, but I will not feel all -ve and bitchy towards the ppl who work so hard to make it happen. |
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Posted : Nov 19, 2004 18:35
ok as some1 said 28 of 30 ppl likes Penta I put my penny on those who did not enjoy penta set.Way too bored with monotous beat.
Babala at the morining was way better except for the mixes with indian singing (wanna make fool of indian music??). |