post penta debate
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Nov 17, 2004 00:57
All very strange comments, lets make sure so we all be on the same page before we start making accusations
Very important thing # 1 line up was like this
10:00 - 12:30 Mad orange
12:30 - 02:00 Uriel
02:00 - 05:00 Penta
05:00 - 06:00 Brain terrain
06:00 - 07:30 Babla
# 2 Artist Nikita (Penta) played live + Dj set for us
Live he started with the music that he released, mostly known tracks that he usually would play in his live set! ( my friends heard this guy play all over the world , and I heard him play here in Jan of this year at Jehans party ) then he played a Dj set , which in my opinion was a little darker then live ...
Then Brain terrain played even darker set, as it was planned, to progress the party and Babla finished with a great morning set, to close the party
If someone came to hear Infected mushroom or GMS, or Void.... Guys - Wrong party - this was PENTA party...
About trance scene being better in the rest of the world, like Bombay, well its not news for me , and I hope for you too Trick
Sound issues will be addressed and better sound will be on the next party, although I believe this sound was much better then at Son Kite/Void party.
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Nov 17, 2004 01:29
I can't believe the comments that some people have written on this thread.
PENTA is one of the best and most respected aritists in the scene. Not just dark but powerful blasting morning music (Listen to Lost in Space on Pentafiles one of my fav morning tracks)
And for people who listen to psychedelic music how can you go on complaining about style etc etc. If you like categories go to Virgin Records where they have jazz, rock, pop etc. This is mind expanding psychedelic music. It is experimental by nature and if one doesn't understand that then they don't appreciate the trance. I understand people prefer certain styles over others but i don't understand how lovers of the trance can diss other styles of THEIR music??
  ToO mUcH pReSsUrE oN tHe BrAiN |
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Posted : Nov 17, 2004 05:07
«First of all i would like to thank everyone for participating in the best of 2003 voting poll.After 4 hours calculating everything here are the final results
Best Album :
1)Cosma-Nonstop (Hommega Productions)
2)Penta-Pentafiles (Spectral Concepts)
3)Younger Brother-A Flock Of Bleeps (Twisted Records)
the good thing in this forum is that everyone is free to express their opinions..... |
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Posted : Nov 17, 2004 07:15
See now this is a whole different story. Helpfull criticism not just saying "this sucks bla bla bla bla". I hope the organizers read your words carefully and try to work on the problems you listed. The pushers are definatly a big problem in the trance scene in NY. The first few hours of a party for me are always people looking for/trying to sell drugs, and drugs are far from the most important thing in our culture. If you like tripping at a party, get yourself whatever you like to trip on, and trip. Or roll, or get coked up or whatever it is you like to do, just dont turn the psychedelic experience into a quest for drugs.
  We are all visitors to this time, this place. We are just passing through. Our purpose here is to observe, to learn, to grow, to love... and then we return home. |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Nov 17, 2004 07:35
Dark music takes some getting used to.. You shouldn't expect people to jump from simple xtc psy straight into much more sophisticated trance like Penta, and love it. Penta writes real psychedelic music, and, given time, the trancers will begin to understand it because it takes a little more effort than, say, Skazi or the like.
As long as NYC promoters don't give up on good music and start catering to the lowest common denominator. not that anyone's been doing that or anything...
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Posted : Nov 17, 2004 18:25
-rich- It's irrelevant to me that you call Penta,trance. It's like calling musturbation,making Love.Of course, technically they are the same,Since both involve reaching orgasm,but there is a whole world of difference between the two. masturbation only requires yourself,but no matter what you do,it can never come close to the act of making Love to another person. when the connection is not there, the true feeling can never exist,that connection is what was missing on Satuday.Everyone knows that the masturbation is essentially unsatsfying,because they are aware that there is the possibility of much more. Even a virgin knows that this is True. |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Nov 17, 2004 18:55
Soset WTF R U mumbling about, as a person who wrote in this post that “I dint enjoyed Pentas set ……….”
I can tell U that Penta is trance music, a psy trance and his music is good I enjoyed last time that I heard him play in NY. So please soset and all the other learn to respect others PLL taste, and once and for all understand that in Trance music there are several directions and several sound for ALL to enjoy. And if u want to listen to music that never changes go listen to some MTV POP SHIT
OK now
"Make love and not war! 'Cause we don't need no trouble.
What we need is love (love)" Bob Marley
<^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^> |
IsraTrance Team
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Posted : Nov 17, 2004 19:11
i agree with what DiMiTry said about this music not being as "easy" as other types in our genre called psytrance.. i also back what grguy says fully, to the point man!
soset you have yet to tell us what makes you cum.
  "On the other hand, you have different fingers." |
Inactive User
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Posted : Nov 17, 2004 19:59
what are you guys talking about? am i missing something?? |
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Posted : Nov 17, 2004 23:57
dimitry said it when he described penta's music as being more 'sophisticated' and imo has a style that appeals to both fluffy e-bunnies and trauma trancers alike.
soset and the other guy weren't feelin it and that's fine! penta will for sure not suffer from this as he has many fans all over the world. one of the reasons for this forum is to express lets relax and give people the opportunity to do that without attacking them.
we live in a country with too many assholes and so that's why it's extra important for us to stay unified and connected... |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Nov 18, 2004 00:17
true dat, true dat
Cosmos Mariner
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Posted : Nov 18, 2004 03:54
On 2004-11-17 07:35, DiMiTry wrote:
Dark music takes some getting used to.. You shouldn't expect people to jump from simple xtc psy straight into much more sophisticated trance like Penta, and love it. Penta writes real psychedelic music, and, given time, the trancers will begin to understand it because it takes a little more effort than, say, Skazi or the like.
i disagree, in that i don't see it being any harder to get into dark music. its just GOOD music. GOOD. penta in fact is one of the producers i admire because his music is very... well, musical! he's doing things in his music that only a classically trained musician can, chord progressions, scaling, influences of classical stuff, etc. this is sophisticated trance, its the other large portion of full-on that lacks innovation and inspiration. (tho there is clearly still good full-on being made, no doubt).
  sound is vibration |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Nov 18, 2004 04:44
I think that what soset is getting at is not that he doesn't like Penta's music or that he doesn't classify it as psytrance music, but he is (imo) saying that what he experienced at the party was not a trance experience, as he felt that the producer did not connect to the people (something I find very hard to believe with Nikita, but hey anything can happen and I wasn't at the party). Hell, I might be comletely off target here, but soset you have got to express yourself better and not just throw slogans out there like that isn't trance. Yes, a forum is for expressing opinions, but express them for ****'s sake. (I will stay polite for today)
  Load Universe into Cannon. Aim at Brain. Fire. |
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Posted : Nov 18, 2004 17:26
to soset- How the HELL did you come up with that analogy? Seriously people learn some fucking respect! And stop (re)registering just to make disrespectful posts, that is just so weak.
  We are all visitors to this time, this place. We are just passing through. Our purpose here is to observe, to learn, to grow, to love... and then we return home. |
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Posted : Nov 18, 2004 17:38
And seriously this topic should be closed. If you dont like Penta thats just too bad. It doesn't make you any more/any less of a person if you dont like his music. But nevertheless you should show respect because this is someone who put his time and energy into making the music. Its only human that some people will like it, some people will love it, some people will orgasm from it, and some people will hate it.
  We are all visitors to this time, this place. We are just passing through. Our purpose here is to observe, to learn, to grow, to love... and then we return home. |