post penta debate
IsraTrance Team
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Posted : Nov 16, 2004 19:21
alright, everyone take a deep breath...
now exhale...
everyone is entitled to thier opinions as long as they practice civilized discourse - which is what Trick did. so everyone get off his back.
i noticed there was a positive in his negative tone, it was critisizing but this is what he thought...
let s all relax, party happened already - organizers learned and are learning, somethings they knew werent proper and its a work in progress.
Trick i urge you to visit in NYC again in the future.
  "On the other hand, you have different fingers." |
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Posted : Nov 16, 2004 19:34
Location was very cool, spacious, great deco by severyn and a really good vibe, almost no security, like a big family. Thank you guys for bringing back the trance family feeling.
''' Babla, you played a great set!!, your music brought back all my energy. Hope to hear you soon !!! |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Nov 16, 2004 19:40
  ......I'm not lost, i'm just looking for the ppl who drove me here.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~((3ö))~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
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Posted : Nov 16, 2004 19:55
Penta played a great set with all his older released great tracks. If you have heard his album and enjoyed, I dont know who you didint enjoy his live set. He put his energy and work into it, and IMO it came out great. Respect to the TDC crew for working your asses off to make this happen, cuz everything turned out great! Great deco, better sound(altho theres no such thing as "enough"sound )then last time, more sitting down places then last time, altho a chill area is def lacking, this party really showed the improvement and the continuos hard work and positive vibes the TDC crew is putting into making killer trance parties.
To Trick- Droozi is completly correct about telling you what to expect from Penta, so get your shit together before comming to a messageboard and posting stupid crap. Seriously, you look like an idiot when you say stuff like "ive been to bigger better parties". No body cares where you've been to unless you have something nice to say about it.You gave no helpfull criticism, you just basically said "this sucks, thats lame, and your stupid", so IMO everyone should give you a healthy dose of STFU.
  We are all visitors to this time, this place. We are just passing through. Our purpose here is to observe, to learn, to grow, to love... and then we return home. |
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Posted : Nov 16, 2004 20:19
TDC,please be specific about what kind of trance music going to be. don't tell me Psy trance party and play something else.this appelies to all trance party organizers. i guess, that's why NY's party has been so dissappointing,for me!! |
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Posted : Nov 16, 2004 20:26
I'm sorry if I missed something but do most people(trancers) in NY not know who Penta is? If you dont and at the same time are afraid to listen to new sounds, dont you think you should look into the matter before going to a party clearly being centered around his Live Set?
  We are all visitors to this time, this place. We are just passing through. Our purpose here is to observe, to learn, to grow, to love... and then we return home. |
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Posted : Nov 16, 2004 20:39
it's not about "being afraid to listen to new sound", but more to do with what kind of sound lifts me up!!
i don't have to know who penta is or how world famous...(as some of you have said). the point is Psychedelic trance and Dark trance are total different sounds and Ofcourse,d/t affect too,for me!! |
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Posted : Nov 16, 2004 21:03
different sounds but nevertheless their both psychedelic, and their both trance but lets not go into that discussion again. it doesn't lift you up but it obviously "lifts up" many other people, people who have been in the psychedelic culture for many many years(altho numbers are irrelevant here). Nobody said you "have to" know who penta is, but now that you have found out it would be nice if you show some respect to the rise and fall and rise once again.
  We are all visitors to this time, this place. We are just passing through. Our purpose here is to observe, to learn, to grow, to love... and then we return home. |
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Posted : Nov 16, 2004 21:33
you right! since,i'm still learnning.Could you explain to me what is Trance??may be,we are not talking the same. |
IsraTrance Team
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Posted : Nov 16, 2004 21:35
well soset... you did join the forum yesterday, not saying anything - but mate do we know you by another name?
  "On the other hand, you have different fingers." |
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Posted : Nov 16, 2004 22:01
could you please explain me what we call, "trance"?? |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Nov 16, 2004 22:10
You know we call Penta trance, so tell us what you call trance.
maybe you like trance like Digweed and Oakenfold and were expecting that style?
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Posted : Nov 16, 2004 22:46
all i want is for nyc to have the same high-standard of parties the rest of the world has...
if neone went to the void party that alladin project threw in the same club...they should def agree that was a high-quality party...
maybe these organizers should take a tip from that crew and look into the matter
1) if ur gonna play super dark trance...make sure the sound quality is very clear...or the bass will overshadow the rest of the music and lead to a very harsh and cacophonic sound
2) djing...when djing a party the dj's are supposed to lead thought a journey of ur mind from night into morning...if penta is gonna be playing...start out by playing really dark trance move into penta and then gradually lighten up the mood until the morning...i didnt see that at all
3) get rid of those damn was with the guys at the back of the party asking u if u wanted E every 5 seconds...
i think nyc has alot of potential for trance...just that it needs alot of work
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Posted : Nov 16, 2004 23:12
I don't expect to like all the music played at all the parties, but I do expect to find at least some taste of the energy which I desire. For instance, I didn't particularly like the music at the Halloween party but that didn't really matter since the energy, the vibe, or whatever you want to call it, was definitely present. It is that energy which, for me, defines a good party.
I expect to feel the dynamics between the performer and the audience. When that communication is present then you can't help but be lifted by it. Personal tastes are no barrier to that state. Those feelings of ecstasy are fundamental to who we are, and if any of you can't recognise them, then perhaps you should examine your own perceptions.
It seems to me that some people are incapable of being individuals and instead simply follow the paths that others have laid down for them. Just because you are told that a performer is worth listening to doesn't make it true. You should also remember that no performance is the same as the ones preceeding it, so perhaps this was one evening where the magic was missing. I can only tell you what I felt and also what I observed around me. There was no true energy present in the set that I listened to, and it was so obvious. Some of you were not even at the party, so how would you know? Those of you who were present should ask yourselves, honestly, what you really felt at the time. I don't know, perhaps you have never felt what I have felt, and so are unable to recognise the lack of it.
The music is the transport, it can be used to achieve a state of trance. This state is not something that can be described in any text book, it is a very personal feeling, a very personal way of perceiving. However, despite the very individualistic nature of this feeling, it seems to be more easily reached in a group setting. Perhaps this is because we are essentially empathic, and it explains why empatheogens have always been popular at such events. Perhaps it is more understandable when seen as a sort of resonance, which begins with the performer, travels through the music, into our bodies, finally freeing our minds. Of course, we also feed the event and share the responsibility for its success, but if the awareness of the performer is misdirected, then there is no spark, no possibility of further progression.
And Nik, please don't get me wrong. I very much appreciate the effort that you and others have put into creating this venue. It is certainly much more in line with what psychedelic trance represents, and far better than all those commercial venues. It is a great pleasure to finally find somewhere where I feel comfortable. However, if you organise a party you should really be paying attention to what is happening during that party. You should be feeling the energy and watching the dance floor. If you are unsure of what you are seeing then perhaps you should ask the opinions of those who will give you an honest response. Don't listen to the sycophants. This will help your parties evolve into something truly special. |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Nov 17, 2004 00:53
I think the real issue here is that some people who came to this party really did not realise what they were in for - I came to the party with the impression that the music was going to be hard and dark - and I think I got exactly what I came for. The sound was not amazing but it was like 400 times better than the Void party - so I dont know what you are talking about TRICK. Moreover i thought that the people who were dancing really enjoyed themselves - and some of those who were not dancing did too (namely me). Its a matter of taste in psytrance - if you dont like dark trance - I can see why you would have a shitty time - which is why one should figure out what kind of music the main act is going to play. Its not very hard to find this out - just research this site itself for a previous set by that artist. All in all i thought it was a good party and that the place has alot of potential - which i did not think when I came out of the void party due to the poor sound.
@Trick - I really dont think that mixing a hindi track with a trance track makes india look stupid - please do your self a favour and open your mind cause narrow mindedness surely makes you look stupid. |