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Omni Festival 2005

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 16, 2005 21:28
omni organisation will make after omni on the same place .......more info about artists soon !! 

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Posted : Aug 17, 2005 13:49

On 2005-08-15 12:54, pauloski wrote:
hello ¡¡ the organization in this festival
is very bad. they have not prepared shades
the place is bad for make a international festival in this conditions.......
bad showers, no water in festival area,
some international artist dont play, cancelled ??? ...
also the decoration is very very bad.....
I am sad to pay 80 euros for this shit

Same as Last Year then!!!!!           ---------------------------------------------
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Aug 17, 2005 22:58
got back home yesterday from the Omni! too bad we couldn't stay untill the end... altough maybe the sun was getting to us

as for the comments on the organisation... ok one has to admit that it wasn't flawless, there were soem problems concerning line-up and soundsystem...
but please some respect is due for what these people try to organise for us! you are talking about the harsh conditions, but imagine what it must be like to organise it there then in the middle of nowhere and still they manage to do a good job
it was nice to see a whole crew of British, French, Spanish and more nationalities working together to make the best of it at this amazing location!! there were plenty of places in the area where you could go for a swim and there was plenty of free water!

anyways, I wasn't going to say too much about it...
thanks for the good times all! see you again next year! it can only get better

for the people who would already like to check some pictures, you can visit for it 

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Posted : Aug 18, 2005 04:35

On 2005-08-16 13:41, Krusty wrote:
but then some festivals said the had a lake when they didn't... i'm thinking Italian here...

aren't u tired of bullshitting people all the time?
italian lakes are not the subject here... the subject is more about u facing your own responsibilites, but your prefer throwing your shit on others organisations, typical...
while u miss some artists in the airport, no decoration, u put your festival in the back of a truck with a shitty sound system (i remember reading many posts of yours commenting how omni's sound system is the best in the the end what u had?? maybe 10kwatts,probably enough for a small underground saturday party)
so funny when i remember u teaching to everyone on this forum how good your organisation was, bullshitting others promoters...
as u said, that's a bit of a shame...

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Posted : Aug 18, 2005 14:28
nothing more to say           Opinion is something between knowledge and ignorance.

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Posted : Aug 18, 2005 16:51

On 2005-08-16 13:41, Krusty wrote:
yes no lake...but then some festivals said the had a lake when they didn't... i'm thinking Italian here...

the same festival that booked you as a chillout DJ and you didnt show up?Thats gratitude....

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Posts :  359
Posted : Aug 18, 2005 19:36

On 2005-08-16 13:41, Krusty wrote:
....some festivals said the had a lake when they didn't... i'm thinking Italian here...

No lake??? Oh..... then what the hell was it that me and everyone else went swimming in??
Man i was Sure it was a lake.... It had water, and boats... and fish.... a couple of Islands.......
..Did anyone else see it?.. like 15 min walk from the dance floor... down the road...the same one that you could see behind the stage from the dancefloor......(a long after the Chill out Stage)....I guess you couldn't see it 'Krusty Omni Will' as you wern't at the Sonica Party...But we all sure as hell did... and by god it was great ...           ---------------------------------------------
The Kaa
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Aug 18, 2005 23:54
The Omni festival was a hardcore teknival but with an 80 euros entrance. I'm really ashamed to have participate to this event. No respect at all regarding the crowd and the artists. Just to let the people know:
There were 4 showers for a festival expecting 7000 people.
There were 4 hotel rooms reserved by the crew for the artists.
Thanks anyways for that experience, I just got tougher in my booking conditions.           Out Now >> V.A "1001 Flights" (Air Snare recs)

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Posted : Aug 19, 2005 01:43
From the pictures in the festival looks very poor,not much decoration,the main stage in a truck,i´m glad i didn´t went after all.           Sérgio
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 19, 2005 14:53
when Transit festival got canceled, you dear Krusty starts to blame Sonica...

too BAD, you are blaming yourself !!!           _____________________
Justin Chaos
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Aug 19, 2005 17:39
Deja vu
          My fake plants died, because I did not pretend to water them.

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Posted : Aug 23, 2005 19:44
Did anyone see those flyers that were printed up and circulating at Omni saying that the Freedom Festival had been cancelled?

I've no idea who did it but what a dirty trick to play on people...
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 23, 2005 20:00
a friend of mine who played there heard the rumor....
there are some people who got too much free time... pffff.. as you say it's fuckin dirty and sad           Psychotrop(Neurobiotic Rec)
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Aug 24, 2005 10:41
Yes this was confirmed to me by some friends I went to pick up at the airport yesterday.. They were hoping to keep as many people as possible for their "afterhours"..           .
"Get your dose of BoOgie !"

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Posted : Aug 24, 2005 13:50
Hey Will ¡ ( i have a market in you festival )

i have two artist friends in France that comment that you non pay some international artists . very bad man ¡ pay to people ¡¡¡¡¡

you say to me that 6000 persons going to festival, but this is BIG lie from the first moment.

you have received much money of market...i have 1100 Euros lost . now I understand because in festival are many many market´s.

you say lies , deceive people ¡¡¡

now we know all ¡¡¡

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