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Karma !


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Posted : Dec 1, 2009 00:01
Concerning my beliefs in karma, almost everything’s been said: individual and collective karma, which applies to all living beings. It’s the principle of learning from our mistakes and even if “bad” people aren’t immediately capable of learning from their mistakes, across several lifetimes, they probably would. The main rule should be simple: not doing anything on purpose that could harm other beings (and by this I don’t mean that could hurt their egos, although that decision usually also isn’t ours to take, but their souls and their bodies). And what I also find important for somebody believing in karma is to do compassionate and humble deeds because they feel it’s their way, it’s “the right thing to do” and not just because it would add points to their karma.

Btw, I don’t believe there’s such a thing as bad people. First of all, it’s a dualistic image of the world and human beings and a judgement that nobody should be in the position to give, although I understand its place for the sake of the argument, since it’d be hard to talk about karma without talking about good/bad, right/wrong…although I’d prefer to just call it positive or negative energies for instance. Second, I think people aren’t really bad by nature, but they’re rather conditioned in that way, so we shouldn’t really blame them and finally they get the deserved lesson anyways and eventually become humble. It’s easier not to judge if we think of our own mistakes and that we probably could’ve gone through something similar in another life, before becoming what we now are.

That about the magnetic poles and karmatic storage is really an interesting idea, really got me thinking. I’ll have to look it up!

I also love Stan Grof’s books which I’ve read so far and there’s just another synchronicity. I just started reading “When impossible happens” yesterday and now I came upon this post by Moki, so even if I usually don’t answer on this forum, although I follow what’s written in this section, I felt I had to answer to this topic because of that (and maybe that could get me started on some other topics as well)

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 1, 2009 01:33
just throwing my 2cents in the discussion...

i feel that Karma is simply the result of cause and effect, so yes it applies to all living things which can commit an action.

it mainly depends on the intention of the action. for example, harming someone while trying to help them would result in less backlash from Karma than the action of intentionally trying to harm someone.

the results of the action may not be immediate, but they come in the long run.

just my opinion / belief
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Posted : Dec 1, 2009 23:30
There's no good or bad. Every action does have a reaction but it may or may not be equal. That again boils down to perception. Don't worry about it, just be human
RaDioAcTiVe AcIdHeAd

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Posted : Dec 2, 2009 08:36
Stan Grof is saw him when he came down to my wifes college for a lecture. Very interesting experiments. And yeah i believe during higher psychedelic states one can have transcendental experiences, out of body, experiencing other situations and experiences etc... ofcourse some experiences are from our imagination but there is a lot of other stuff to explore.
And yeah once we say we are all connected, how hard is it to think our memories are connected?. Ofcourse everyones experience n memories are connected, also with a bigger universal memory and knowledge too...
I myself during psychedelic states have experienced automatic synch in of information into my head... like i come to know abt a lot of things just like that... it comes from where i donno but it just flows... Ofcourse for this u need to explore when u r ON, not just have nonsense fun... u need to be in a meditative state also have a genuine desire to know things...
Nice posts gizmo, Freeflow n Moki n others
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 2, 2009 09:35
Yeah, but if you experience things differently then normal, when you are in different states of mind, how do you know, what is hallucination and what not? How can you be sure, that you have found something new /seomething, which adds something to your reality, that you have experiecned before? It can be hallucination, it can just be your thought, but reality?
For me, personally, there is not so much sense, going into different states of mind, to search for some reality in the outside world, better search reality inside of you and be happy. Why to know, how things work outside? Learn how you work, get a clean mind and be happy, that`S just my point, sure everybody has different views ...
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 2, 2009 14:02
I have to correct, that I of cause meant "Why to know how spiritual (!) things happen in the outside world?" ... just a correction
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Dec 2, 2009 15:19
karma does not come in cycles
karma comes only as a follow up to action
its like "CHECKING 123 CHECKING 123 CHECKING 9912032---All Clear---Proceed to the next counter---all agents are busy---wait---thank you for waiting--what is it that you were asking? --Karma?---Yeh its okay but do something bigger--LIVE SET Xolvexs           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 2, 2009 18:23
omg, you are really cool

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Posted : Dec 2, 2009 21:15
It's all related, so by discovering more about yourself and your spiritual nature, you're also likely to discover more about the world. Of course, it's hard to prove what's real or not in the spiritual world, but it's precisely synchronicities or many ppl living similar spiritual experiences that shows us that it's more than just a hallucination. Anyways, i do agree that it's more important to live the experience of it than to try and find out what's real or what's the truth! The thing is, once you've made even one such experience, you're so impressed by it and you see so much potential in it, that you'd like to share it with everybody...
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 2, 2009 23:11
Hey, cool answer.
One thoght came to my mind: okay, so, some people seem to have experienced though spiritual activity or seem to somehow know, that all consiousnesses are connected (I have heard this from different people), but if this really would be the case, we would just have one karma, it would not be possible to separate the karma for different people, because everything is conncected ... how to be sure what`s the consiousnes of the individual then? all get`s mixed up ... ya maybe stupid thoughts, but anyways, it´s late here
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 3, 2009 10:51

On 2009-12-01 00:01, Ajagari wrote:

I also love Stan Grof’s books which I’ve read so far and there’s just another synchronicity. I just started reading “When impossible happens” yesterday and now I came upon this post by Moki, so even if I usually don’t answer on this forum, although I follow what’s written in this section, I felt I had to answer to this topic because of that (and maybe that could get me started on some other topics as well)

hey, first of all, let me welcome you on isratrance, it is great to see you here. have a nice time here and a lot of spiritually rich discussions.
i see the coinscidence just as another sign of divinity in the universe. divinity is mostly dense where synchronicity happens:).
this synchronicity is just another strange attractor on isratrance and i have notices quite a few of them here, although the shadow is big where the light shines strong, so here is full of profane remarks as well. but anyway, great that you come to write here and as a result of the synchronicity i will be following every word you say to look for divine answers:). may be we even knew each other from a past life, fully in harmony with the book of grof. ) we meet always the right person. ). although i believe it is more related to real life and not to cyber places. but coinscidences like that are not without meaning. we need to investigate further. )

did you read it already till the end?:) i am studying the part about karma right now. i just try to find out, if i could use psychedelics in the last days of a person that is dying in front of my eyes, just to help the journey. that is why i am crazy about stan grof right now.

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Posted : Dec 3, 2009 18:00
@ Gunter : but that all is connected doesn't mean all is the means several different beings/events/energies with different karmas contribute to make the collective one . Hard to explain and also hard to clearly draw the limit between the collective and the individual. When given a precise example of a given situation it might be easier. And the question isn't stupid at all, it's a very interesting one.

@Moki : thanks for the welcome and the nice words ! No, i haven't read it till the end at all, i only read the first 3 parts, now i arrived at the part about past lives. Yeah, that's an interesting question. If the person is willing, i think it could really help the dying person on their journey. It'd be interesting to know how it went if you decide for it.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 3, 2009 20:48
Hm, ya, sure, it`s not all the same, if the consciousneses are connected (I agree), but , if there is a conncetion between each and every consiousnes (like some people say), how to be sure, that this connection has no effect on the individual consiousneses? How to be sure, it doesn`t effect the individual consiousneses unwantingly, so maybe the individual karmas are not even under total power of ourselfe. It`s possible seen from this point of view.
But still it`s just a mind game, in the end, what counts is, what I wrote in my first post: "Be good"

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Posted : Dec 4, 2009 02:47
Well I think the point precisely is that it has an effect on the individual consciousness, but the more aware of it you are the more you can change it. However, what seems to be hard is to accept that we don’t have control over everything, so that might be the first step. And of course, I also agree with your first post, that’s the essence ;-)
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 4, 2009 10:17
But, if it deffenitly has influence on our consciousneses the whole karma theory / philsophy / reality (?) loses all its sense, doen`t it? In this case karma is not fair anymore ... only the "choosen ones" (hehe), who know, how to deal with that influence will be able to really work on their karma ...
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