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Karma !

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 26, 2009 05:27
Very wise words Moki! Thanks for sharing your thoughts! But i must insist that i think people that do evil deeds suffer from them, If there is not some sort of brain damage that blocks this mechanism, which might just be the thing with what we call evil people! Hehe, evil brain damaged people! Just ignore them! Sometimes not that easy... But if one practice it will settle in sooner or later!


I was very glad to see you online again! made me happy!
Been thinking about taking a break here too, focus on some creativity instead!
Or more sorting out all the creative creations...

Big Cheers

Allegoric - Psynce
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 26, 2009 09:06
very wise words indeed from moki and ofcourse you freeflow...

i agree with moki that people doing bad who dont realize dont regret their deeds at all. it's their karma...
i think everyone has their own karma cycle decided by them with the thoughts they give birth to and with the power of perceiving things around...

no one can force anyone to not indulge in bad just like the example given by moki of violent guy. until and unless in his mind he decides that it is wrong what he is doing he will keep doing it...
one has to understand good and bad from within...
there is no definition of good and bad
one thing can be good for other and bad at the same time for another. example tiger chasing a deer... saving it's own life is right for deer whereas taking it's life is right for tiger...


On 2009-11-26 00:07, Uedi wrote:
Every tiny action generates a reaction, an effect.
Even thoughts are action creators...

To create good karma, I think we should love, respect life and nature in all it's forms (even small insects and bugs)... Be truth, open hearted...
To live Life with the heart, and not the mind... bla bla bla.
It looks easy but it's not
There's always the Ego and the mind behind all things.

true ^

           Truth will always guard our souls......
Inactive User

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Posted : Nov 26, 2009 09:27
as you sow so shall you reap , this is cosmic law and I believe it , the dynamics of how it actually plays out in life is I think a bit beyond our understanding as our memory gets wiped clean when we are born again but karma lingers beyond a lifetime , we all have many lifetimes of karma that we have carried here .. both good and bad , anyway best reply on here :


On 2009-11-24 21:20, Gunter wrote:
Don`t think too much. Just be good.

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 26, 2009 10:13

On 2009-11-25 09:20, Gunter wrote:

That`s just exactly, what I have to say to this. Why don`t you just respect it. I respect the question, I respect your opinion, so please respect mine too.
My way of life is more based on action, then on thinking. I just try to be good in life. Seen from that point of view, I don`t have to think about karma. Karma for me is nothing that has to be thought about. It´s something that has to be practised.
Since this works for me, I gave this advice.
Please respect other people`s thoughts, if they are not hurting anybody (especially in the spirituality section!). Thank you.

well I might got you wrong gunter – your first statement sounded to me a bit like you wanna close the thread after the first reply - “dont think to much” can easily be missunderstood and you can give this answer to any kind of question – (in a stupid way ofcourse) but with your explanation :

“Karma for me is nothing that has to be thought about. It´s something that has to be practised”

It now makes a lot more sense to me ! Anyway dont get me wrong – I dont have the intention to disrespect anyone here my intention was to show some respect to the author of this thread for his very good question

one thing I was talking about with my sister earlier was the karma mirror and the cause and effect thing.

She gave me a nice point of view I wanna share.

As we said above karma is no direct mirror – it comes with a delay. But if I would give someone a slap in the face – it would not necessarily mean that I will have to get a slap in the face oneday sooner or later (well kind of bad example ).

she said (in her opinion) - karma is like a connection to an action performed on a special place on a special point in time. For example those who where part of the inquisition. Their soul or spiritual body or whatever - is connected to this event in this special time. It does not necessarily mean that they will have to be burned some day sooner or later. But as you have this connection to a bad event which has bad oscillations those oscillations will go on to you even if this connection is from your past past life. And even this wont necessarily mean that bad things will or have to happen to you, but as the matter of resonance - the more bad oscillations you will have – the more you will attract bad things.

And I guess its the same with good karma. The more connections you have to good events in space and time – the more good your oscillations will be- and therefore you will attract good things.

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 26, 2009 10:45
ok then .. sorry, sometimes I use few words only (to save energy I guess)
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 26, 2009 11:02

but this connection does not only affect the ones who are doing bad or good things. this can affect also those to who happen bad or good things i guess..

so those women who where burned also have this connection to this event causing bad oscillations...

this point of view can realy make you think... it would mean that other people can put bad "karma" or oscillations on you aswell... `?

or would this mean – that those women already had so many bad connections in their past – so that they where the choosen ones to get burned by resonance...?

My sister once told my about a book she was reading from stanislav grof, who was experimenting with high doses of lsd and ketamine to achieve transpersonal experiences (like beeing a tree – or having the experience to be the on father back in war – or maybe even to feel all the pain of all women burned in the inquisition (which might be a realy heavy one)

She told me that those connections you have to a special events in time with a special person (for example a rape) can only be dissolved or mastered by experiencing them again. But if one of the participants will break that connection it also will break the otherones connection, too.

One way to experience or dissolve those connections without experiencing them again is to have a transpersonal experience.

(to bad I cant say much more about it – I first should read the book by myself I guess)

but this would mean that other people not only can put bad karma/vibrations on you – they could dissolve or master it for you too. (sure that is not something you should expect in order to not deal with your bad connections by yourself – but it is a interesting point of view)

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 26, 2009 11:11

On 2009-11-26 10:45, Gunter wrote:
ok then .. sorry, sometimes I use few words only (to save energy I guess)

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 26, 2009 22:07
"who was experimenting with high doses of lsd and ketamine to achieve transpersonal experiences"

I have a question how we can trust a lsd experience to be real fact?

How can we with the mind and brains help travel to
another persons experience?
the memory i create now when i live is what i have access to, isnt it? its far out for me to grasp that
some one else can tell me i was for example a fool/clown in some other life... If even i cant remember or access that...

is it suggested that there are some kind of universal memory bank?
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 27, 2009 11:02

On 2009-11-26 22:07, Freeflow wrote:
"who was experimenting with high doses of lsd and ketamine to achieve transpersonal experiences"

the guy who made those experiments (with his patients) is called Stanislav Grof. But after it became illegal to experiment with lsd and ketamine he and his wife invented a technique of breathing to achieve the same state of mind. i guess in english it is called "holotropic breathing".


I have a question how we can trust a lsd experience to be real fact?

well ... I guess it depents. You cant say that every lsd experience is a transpersonal experience and should be trusted as real fact ... to reach this kind of state with lsd it would need laaarge doses and even then it hasnt to be one.

But I think you cann make a difference as well as in your dreams. Normaly every thing that happens in your dream is made up in your mind. But there are other dreams where you meet people who wherent made up by your mind or you access to information you did not have before. (not even in your subconciousness)

For example this one guy who had the experience that he was in 2nd world war. He got hit by a bullet and had a pretty bad experience - and a few days later he was talking to his dad and told him the story of his experiments with Grof . His father was really shoked because that was exactly him when he went to war. Exactly the same situation and the same bullet that hit him. An other example is a women in the book who was an eagle. She afterwords knowed how an eagles eye is working – she realy knewed how it works (sure she could have known it before by studying it – but she said she didnt had a clue about eagles before) the same with the guy who was a tree and felt how his roots where sucking water from the earth and how the tree is in this symbiosis with every lifeform in his area.

Well – most of the examples are no total proof at all. But when you make studies with many patients and you see those kinds of things happen and how those people react when they are (back in 2nd world war for example) after a few experiments you have to think that there hast to be a global storage or something where you can access to.


How can we with the mind and brains help travel to
another persons experience?

well if you can access the global storage (ill explane that later on). But you can also have a peri-natal experience and life your birth once again. (in this case I guess you dont access to the global storage – morelikely you just acces your subconciousness)


the memory i create now when i live is what i have access to, isnt it? its far out for me to grasp that
some one else can tell me i was for example a fool/clown in some other life... If even i cant remember or access that...

well I think you save memories and feelings in many ways. With your brain. With your subconciousness and very likely also in the world storage as a single person or as a collective, too.

Those memories you have stored in your brain are those from this life. But not even all of them. You proabably wont have memories (in your brain) from when you where 2 years old. Thats because at this age your conciousness is not ready and you proabably will have saved those informations in your subconciousness.
As well as your own birth or even feelings and memories from the belly of your mother. You can access those memories with this techniques mentioned above too.

Im pretty sure events like the inquisition are stored in this global storage.
May you call it the pool of energies or the karma mirror. This is where those bad energies still exist and where you can access them. This is the place where your soul have a connection to special events (like mentioned above) maybe even performed in your past past life.


is it suggested that there are some kind of universal memory bank?

that is exactly what I and my sister where thinking about for a long time - there has to be some kind of pool where energies, memories and feelings can be stored!

and then after watching some interviews of Druvaldo Melchizedek it became clear to me

he said there is a way to achieve a strong electromagnetic field of yours in which your memories and feelings are stored (like a external hard drive). If you can achieve to make a very strong field – so strong that it will last a special time even if your body is dead – you can enter this field the next time when you reincarnate. In this case you will remember your past life (not all of them – but the ones since you achieved to make this field )

and then it became obvious for me. what could be a better energetic storage then the magnetic field of the earth? In my opinion this is the pool where all those energies and memories are stored. This is where the bad events still exist even if the people who performed them already are dead (well .. their bodys at least)

This is a explenation for sooo many things. For example the ape theory. If you show monkeys how to clean their food before eating it and they will show it to other monkeys and if you reach a special number of mokeys doing it, other monkeys (maybe even on a seperate island with no land connection) will start to do it as well. Where did they get those informations? How many times people all over the world invented the same tools or ideas more or less at the same time? Even in times where we where not so connected via technology as we are now.... maybe those monkeys received the information in theire dreams - but from where?

Imo this is the place where collective karma is saved. When you have a special state of dreaming in which you can access this field you may can have one of those experiences.

But as those experiments with Grof showed – you cant choose the experience you will have. And as this one women, who experienced all the pain from the whole inquisition this can be quite a horrorfying experience.

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 27, 2009 11:22
- but at this point - the more interesting question iam asking myself is what will happen if the elektromagnetic field of the earth will dissapear for many hours when the pole-swich is performed?

Will all bad karma in this storage be earased?

I heard that the first men in space (which had no artificial magnetic field with them) lost ALL theire memorys ( in their brains) after beeing not under the influence of the earth magnetic field - and they went totaly insane..

since then every space ship has to have a artificial magnetic field to prevent this from happening.

so if the earth magnetic field will dissapear for a short time before the poleswich can be performed - we might loose all our memories (in your brains)

but if we achieve it to make our very own magnetic field (as mentioned above) we might have the chance to prevent this from happening.

But then there is still the question - what will happen to all the karma and energies who are saved in the earth field? does it has a backup- and will it back it up after the field rises up again - or will we have a complete erased global harddrive? 
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 28, 2009 10:07
Deep stuff gizmobaggins!
Interesting indeed....
Who knows how it all works!
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 30, 2009 05:22
yes, for me stanislav grof is a MUST READ too. i recommend all his books, especially those about life and dying. btw some of you might be interested to watch a lecture that i took on a conference with him:

and still, he is more specialised in the pre-birth experience which is more focused on the time in the mother womb and not before that. it is true that he talks also about karma and earlier lifetimes, and even about "taking or inheriting" the karma of your mother or father but still everything he says is from a scientific perspective ( from the perspective of an observer who is describing what his patient say and see). and it differs quite a lot from books about the " secret knowledge written by enlightened masters of light who took their knowledge from shambala and agarta etc. i was reading some books by some of some of those people lately, like for instance "karma" by madam blavatsky....sometimes it even frightens me to read this but i have to, because the more i know, the more sure i become that i know nothing.

i also read a few books by lazarev, diagnostics of karma , lately. it is strange. you just never know what to believe. how much of this is science, how much is secret knowledge and how much is just born in the head of someone who wanted to get attention and created some stories and theories in his head. you can only believe in what your eyes see.

i know an older guy, who is doing regression therapy. he is doing sessions and taking ppl to older reincarnations. but this can be really really dangerous for a mind to know his past lifes. i havent done it yet. but i would like to. just to know what i did wrong. but btw i am highly suspicious that i lived during the world war in germany. i just remember so much about it.

about the example with the witches who might have caused their fate by the law of resonance and attraction of negative energies . hm i am still not likely to accept this. because they had a choice. and chose to die for their vision. they could have chosen conformity and could have accepted the ideas that they did not believe in. but they chose to die. i believe that those who did it out of their strong vision, must have been awarded with a better reincarnation after taht. for instance with special talents, or just having a better life than others. i dont think that they died out of bad karma. because they had a chance to live and chose to die for a vision....

@freeflow - thanks a lot. you also made my very happy by saying this....there is nothing nicer than to make others happy

p.s. and please excuse the older version of the video. it is made long ago as i was still a part of another website that is dead now.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 30, 2009 09:55
Hi, interesting is, that karma can be seen as a indirect concept , which makes you being good.
Don`t get me wrong, I am agnostic, I don`t know if it exists or not. I just know, that there is also a experiencable direct connection. If I am bad (and if I know, that I am bad), I also feel so bad (bad thoughts/actions lead to influences on the body, "negative" valued bodily sensations evolve). You do not even need meditation to experience this. And those bodily sensations get valued again by the subconsicous mind, which has long time infuence on our mind constitution.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 30, 2009 16:55

On 2009-11-30 09:55, Gunter wrote:
Hi, interesting is, that karma can be seen as a indirect concept , which makes you being good.
Don`t get me wrong, I am agnostic, I don`t know if it exists or not. I just know, that there is also a experiencable direct connection. If I am bad (and if I know, that I am bad), I also feel so bad (bad thoughts/actions lead to influences on the body, "negative" valued bodily sensations evolve). You do not even need meditation to experience this. And those bodily sensations get valued again by the subconsicous mind, which has long time infuence on our mind constitution.

This is what i hold true, Karma might or might not exist and i might or might not get influenced by it...

Still i know if i do bad things(harm) even if bad is done to me i feel bad about it, but of course i have my limits and i am also a animal, a predator. Sometimes i get glimpses of my bestiality in terms of being a savage, violent and striking.. Dont you?

We are on going a evolution! our great ancestors were not thinking about karma... they thought about food and survival!
But now we have the power to change a lot!
We have so much knowledge on food that we dont need to kill animals in a excessive way
The funny thing is that we had this knowledge for a very very long time, we have so much knowledge that we drown in it!!
These are my thoughts

maybe if we dont kill our selfs and other animals mother nature will anyway?
But harm we dont need to do! just appreciate and be sad and happy for suffering as its not all evil...

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 30, 2009 20:29
btw i just missed to mention in the last post another recommendation about stanislav grof and the past life ( sorry, this is the last recommendation from me here for now but i really believe that it is a psychedelic book made to open new horizons for anyone here so if you missed to read it - do it:). it just gives answers to all writen questions that i saw in this thread....with lots of stories of past reincarnations and regressions with transpersonal sessions ( on lsd or not)

it is called " when the impossible happens", published in 2005. i havent finished it yet, but it fascinates me completely. it was one of those books that found me itself some days ago and just urged to be read immediately, fully in synchronicity with all other events in my life right now and with this thread.
so i just thought it will be nice to write the recommendation here too. i just truely respect every single word of this psychedelic researcher like no other author. this man is a must for anyone interested in human psychology and transpersonal research.
greets and take care.
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