Kali the Dark Goddess
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jan 2, 2009 19:45
man what are you deleting here?:)
i am so alergic with deleting and censorship, you cant even imagine. so if people have a disagreement, then the best thing is to delete? do you think so? i definitely dont. but anyway stay cool , this was the very last thing i will write here, you can stay cool and keep warm positive spirits. no mention about the nazis and atlantis any more. no mention about kali and the dark rituals and no mention about helena blavatska and the secret knowledge. no mention about goa gil being a modern sadhu.actually why mention about spirituality anyway, why dont we fucking talk about the sales figures only. after all, spirituality can be counted in dollars after that. no mention about anything. why dont we close all forums ? too much disagreement here dont you think. why dont we shut up forver, the world would be so nice and fine. thats why i spend most of my time pronouncing no word. no need to. i am dangerous. because i am free to think whatever . i dont give a shit if people agree with me. what if they are all wrong, . what do i do. do i follow them. no . sure no. i better die than follow. and i better die than keeping onto tabus. but anyway we will not talk about atlantis and shambala agartha, although it is quite spiritual but anyway i am sure you will find enough topics to discuss things that you have read in the books. keep on.
to the last guy. there is a question that i already answered but as it is deleted i answer again. no mate, i dont thing that her basis of argument is correct. and what would you do in my place if you are a complete foreigner in india and you meet the highly initiated naga babas that know supposedly more than anyone else, and then they tell you something and after one year you meet 100 indians who tell you something totally else? what would you think mate ? are they correct? who is correct?
is the first one correct only because he or she has been followed by many others. of course no, my mate. i believe the naga babas more. and believe me no naga baba has ever told me that there is no foreign sadhus in india ( because there simply ARE) as her holiness fria of india told me. no no no mate, i dont care what is her basis of argument, i tried to express politely many things, i could start to be agressive since my first post in the goa gil topic where it all started. but i did not get agresive, i was quite patient although FROM MY POINT OF VIEW i believe the naga babas and not any fria from india and her fans. so it is not correct, many things that she wrote here are definitely wrong if you compare them to what the real naga babas said to me about it but anyway. i dont have to be right. dont need it. you keep your precious cycle of selling and releasing music, being stars with attitude, having your own artists and speaking on behalf of them in the forums what is dark and what not. keep on.
but anyway. this is the common society. one says something, the others repeat. it is perfectly okey. i dont give a shit about society, so i guess it doesnt give a shit about me either.
but i can only say, go and ask those who know more. the real babas. this is all. this is what i did. and i hope i will reach india again one day, if not on airplane then per hichhiking. i will. and may be i will even see you there again. i love india. i always will. unfortunately you cant even imagine what is it to be there on the kumbh as a white woman , it is not for everyone this one. it was once in a life experience. i can talk about it for hours.
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Posted : Jan 2, 2009 20:30
spoken like a true higher being moki , good stuff
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Posted : Jan 3, 2009 02:36
light and dark are two sides of the same coin. one cannot exist without the other. the yin and the yang, the horus and the set, the day and the night. the divine duality. one cannot be appreciated without the other. both are part of divine will. stop making a big deal about it. no-one is gonna benefit spiritually by just arguing with one another and trying to win over the other. gaining gnosis is one's own path to take at one's own discretion. moki, if you believe you are right, go ahead and do so. thats all you need to do. fria if you think you're right, do the same. why do we continually have to prove things to other people? both of you believe in watever it is that you believe with the utmost surity. but why is it that you believe it is necessary to prove the other one wrong to emerge right? dont you see that this is exactly what is wrong with the rest of the world ? people fighting and killing over who's belief is right? why do you have to care what other people think of you and your beliefs? live your lives. if you forfeit from this argument, your life is not gonna end. its just a forum for god's sake. you have a real life out there. pay more attention to that. make something out of your real lives rather than trying to make something out of your online avatars.
  24 hours ~ full power ~ no shower |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jan 5, 2009 17:59
i dont know why is it so imposible to grasp such an incredibly simple thing. i am not talking from my online avatar, does this here look like an online avatar for you:
i mean, this is the real life man, and we are not here to live our online avatars, but to connect to other people who are currently 5000 km away from us. it is quite real and necessary to talk about it.
the only thing i want here, is that you FINALLY REALIZE that you are discussing something that you never saw and you are teaching me about it. this is what i think should STOP. i dont say no one saw the kumbha mela in india, of course they did, but if they had ever been on this very particular street from my essay, they would never ever say that there is no foreign sadhus in india. do you understand? to me it is as if someone comes and tells me that there has never been a pope from poland on earth, you know, it is so simple and provable fact. and if fria thinks she is right, then she doesnt have e blast what i am describing in this essay, she has never seen it. this is all. IS IT SO DIFFICULT TO GRASP.
i dont wanna prove her wrong in order to appear right, i dont even have a problem with her telling me that i am so IGNORANT and telling me that the problem with her religion is that people like me come to india and wanna be initiated. no problems with this one. ( except that i lost my connection to psykovsky but actually i should talk to him directly, in russian, and not judge from intermediaries). i am used to such attitude coming from women, i dont know. but please stop saying to me that i dont know anything about india and you are the ones to know it better than anyone else from abroad. it is not right to do so. believe me at least once. you are not right to behave so. ( and check the travelling stories of helena blavatska about india, this is a lady that everyone from this section of the forum should know).
i dont wanna be right. otherwise i could invest much more time in argumenting and being polite. but i dont care if i appear right. it is good if i dont, cause this what i said is not for everyone.
but PLEASE stop pretending to know everything so good and better than anyone else. all of you from india, fria, the namaha guy, silent horror, just stop with that. you dont know everything about india, there is always something that you never saw and heard. and i dont thing that i am talking bullshit about your religion. really not. spend too much time with it, in theory and in praxis, so that i really have a small blast what i am talking about.
now. fine. we should make more of our real live lives. may be. but this forum is also a part of it. we communicate. i need to communicate. this is my real life.
and still kali can be quite a lot of different things in india, in different regions she can be something totally different. so it is not so much about if she is dark or not. but i just say that from all my experience and knowledge i deduce that she is dark. this does not make me ignorant does it? so just let me talk about what i know. you can also talk about my culture anything you want, i will not be angry, i will be happy to hear even. to enrich myself with your views. but you dont. dont be so centered by the way.
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Posted : Jan 5, 2009 21:44
what would you do in my place if you are a complete foreigner in india and you meet the highly initiated naga babas that know supposedly more than anyone else, and then they tell you something and after one year you meet 100 indians who tell you something totally else? what would you think mate ? are they correct? who is correct?
Second-hand knowledge of the self gathered from books or gurus can never emancipate a man until its truth is rightly investigated and applied; only direct realisation will do that. Realise yourself, turning the mind inward. - Tripura Rahasya, 18: 89
Kali is the Kundalini energy that paralyses the attachments produced by the solar and lunar
currents (both demons mentioned above). This attachment causes fear of death. In the ignorant
ones she creates fear, while for others Kali removes the avidya (ignorance) that makes us fear
death, the basic insecurity of the First Chakra , a fear rooted in the brain stem or primitive brain.
source internet  It's THE DARK AGE ... remember |
Demoniac Insomniac
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Posted : Jan 8, 2009 04:10
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Posted : Jan 8, 2009 07:43
On 2009-01-05 17:59, Moki.Time.Wave.Zero wrote:
( except that i lost my connection to psykovsky but actually i should talk to him directly, in russian, and not judge from intermediaries).
Says enough about how warped, distorted and deep rooted your mental troubles may actually be. You have a disagreement here with someone (not even Psykovsky) and lose connection with him. Great.
i am used to such attitude coming from women, i dont know. but please stop saying to me that i dont know anything about india and you are the ones to know it better than anyone else from abroad. it is not right to do so. believe me at least once. you are not right to behave so.
And you recently said this:
On 2008-11-29 04:01, Moki.Time.Wave.Zero wrote:
i really really dont know much about india, expept the naga babas
What you know is nothing more than a SPEC. So the reality is, you don't know jack about India.
but PLEASE stop pretending to know everything so good and better than anyone else. all of you from india, fria, the namaha guy, silent horror, just stop with that. you dont know everything about india, there is always something that you never saw and heard. and i dont thing that i am talking bullshit about your religion. really not. spend too much time with it, in theory and in praxis, so that i really have a small blast what i am talking about.
Nobody is claiming to know everything about India. I don't and nobody does either. But facts remain facts and your line of thought is far from it.
And your final piece of ignorance:
and still kali can be quite a lot of different things in india, in different regions she can be something totally different. so it is not so much about if she is dark or not. but i just say that from all my experience and knowledge i deduce that she is dark. this does not make me ignorant does it? so just let me talk about what i know.
Kali is recognized throughout India, and her significance and relevance symbolically is the same throughout India. Its your clouded Western pseudo hippie nonsense that diverts from the Truth. So yes you ARE ignorant. Remember these words.
you can also talk about my culture anything you want, i will not be angry, i will be happy to hear even.
Uhmm no thanks we will avoid your (un)cultured ways.
Adios |
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Posted: Jan 9, 2009
oh you will do a great job that you will avoid them! thanks for keepin the place pure!!! hope people like you will avoid it for a long time.
i am judging about psykovsky because his label manager told us a few times that she can speak on behalf of him about what is dark and why he does not like dark etc. i think i could ask him directly actually that is why i know russian. dont need any of your half truths. and even if he says the same thing to me, as fria tantrumm did, even then, i will be quite more happy to know it from him. she told us she can speak for him in a topic, this is absolute garbage.
about my knowledge, yes i would remember these words, your main problem is that i am not the sort of a person to have a problem to be igorant. i have learned long time ago that we humans know nothing about the universe. we are stuck in hypothesis.
actually people like you are so much pissing me off, i dont know, it would be so nice if you could dissapear. with the others i can at least have a concersation, change opinions, wahteer, i can learn sth from them. with people like you not. you are pissing me off. hope not to see any of you soon at a festival, but it will not happen soon cause i avoid festivals because of ppl like you. the sheep. adios. dont even wanna argue. you are not worth it.
what is a spec at all?????????????
tell me!
btw i just uploaded some pics from india on myspace, may be you could have a look?
the photos from kumbha mela, from goa, and from allahabad, varanasi, vrindavan, agra, taj mahal. only a few. but i have seen some more things besides kumbha mela anyway. i just said it becuase at the beginning here i was still trying to calm down fria. now i dont. now i know what she is up to. |
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Posted: Jan 9, 2009
On 2009-01-09 12:05, Moki.Time.Wave.Zero wrote:
..she told us she can speak for him in a topic, this is absolute garbage.
dude you are free and even welcome to argue over religion , spirituality , hindu stuff etc endlessly .... and that's all good , different people have diff points of view , that`s only normal , but wtf is this ? .. when his wife says he don't think his music is dark or whatever .. its very likely that its the truth .. don`t you think ?
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jan 14, 2009 16:39
I am glad to read some really interesting writings,I also s noticed that Kali represents different principles for some and diferent for someother,and this is because not all worship Kali for same reason.
Unefortunately there are some people who whorship Kali for dark purposes,because Kali is a godhess who controls the material nature on the physical state,and so She can help some dark worshipers to have success on matterial things,and have power, money, as Shiva who have a dark part,and alot of dark tantrik worhsipers use His energy,to have a powerfull control on material nature,and gain money,fame..they use the energy of Shiva to do occult for dark purposes.
But these things doesnt mean that Kali and Shiva are dark gods,it depends on how humans worship them and what is their purpose,if the purpose is to have power on material nature then its dark,but if the purpose of whorship is to burn the ego,it is a white lightfull purpose by using tantar,depends on how we see and use the ebergy of those gods.
On tantra we whorship the female part of God,in Vedas the male part of God Krishna.
Kali is one of the faces that represent Divine Mother,and as devi Shakty Kundalini the flamable serpent of whisdom is used to destroy ego,the Divine Mother is representable from a lot of different faces and names,Kali together with Dourga are used fro lightfull purposes,but Kali alone ussually is for dark purposes from dark worshipers,but trully she is not dark.,the virgin Mother Maria is also one representation,Isis from egypt,also,Athens from Greece also..and in every different religion/tradition of the world around,we find representations of the Divine Mother.
Tantra wich is used to destroy ego by awakening Kundalini ,is the white part of tantra,and surelly the sexual energy must be controled, and trasmuted to spiritual enerrgy without spilling the shemen,this is the true Shiva lingam with Parvatti,the lightfull part becaiuse the purose of practising tantra is full spiritual,becaus the materrial milky substance of our sexual energy is not fall down to the earth ,or got out on the physical state,but is kept inside the esoteric world of our body and substained to a gold aitherial spirit,and also the energies goes upwards from the spinal column through susumna,the Kundallini needs to go upp till the top of of the head,because if we stop the semen before it goes out of the lingam(orgasm) ,this move forces this energy to go back and up towards the kingdom of the sky,ouranous,,the kingdom of the sun,heaven,..otherwise if this energy is spillad out and fall down to the earth ,the direction goes down to the abyss,to kingdom of the stones,to hell and this is black magic.
On the root chakra where the genital organs are,there is one wheel, the symbol of swastiga ,like hitler symbol but no the same ,Hitlers swastiga is turtning from right to left the opposite direction of the clock,we need to move this swastiga from left to right,yes by the same direction of the clock.
The sexual enegry is powerful and if we save it a little before the spasm of the orgasm then it goes back from it came,and the wheel of swastiga starts to move,from left to right and circulates energy in the body,and light to purify the chakras and the mind,
But if the sexual energy is spoilled =out ,and we fall in orgasm this wheel is not moving,and the enrgy doesnt do the natural circle procces ,moved by the wheel of sWastiga, inside our esoteric world,our channeling sysstem ,we loose it,and it falls down,and our soul also falls down as this energy goes downward,it is a law of nature...
So we need to send the energies up to the top of the head,if we want to liberate...
Now about the sacrifices of animals,the purpose of the ritual before slaying the animals,is to pray for the soul of the animal,to liberate and evolute on a higher spiritual state on the the scale of spiritual evolution and not fall down to abbys,if we pray with love and respect fro the good luck of the animals soul,then our spirit also automaticaly is lifting up and higher togetehr with the animals soul,otherwsie if we dont pray fro the sacrifice of the animal,our soul is falling down togetehr with the soul of the animal,it becomes a sin.
So to sacrfice an animal in front of Kali is not dark because it helps us to evolute our spirit soul higher and closer to the kingdom of God...
soory fro my m,istakes on my writings,I hope that I make it clear:)
After the End,a new Begining startS.. |
psycoactive psybeing
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Mar 7, 2009 10:36
Forget everything, and trying to be a noble human being helps in first place. Pure mind, entertaining pure and noble thoughts towards the well being of others are a basic step towards sprituality.
It is important to realise, what one needs from sprituality, if u think u will become a superpower and be something or you will use those powers to show off and feed ur ego, then forget you will ever be successful.
When one meditates regurarly, the power of will increases and one natrually can fulfill his desire. But when one channelises the power for the upliftment and development of others, then that power functions with great intensity and force. Hence selfless service is adviced at innitial stages for a spritual aspirant, so he clears all the feelings of false ego and attitude and converts his mind into an abode of divinity, purity and selflessness. |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Mar 7, 2009 15:54
now i have been collecting and focusing my energy in the last few months. keeping solibate. i had the insight that i have to do this exercise and that it will be a mind blowing border experience. at the end....
kali is very powerful if she is solibate. it is really so, well at least if she succeed to focus the sexual energy on solibacy. well, whoever kali is....i am talking about the kali i know.
i feel so different now. like i have much more light in my heart than before. but one thing i have lost. i completely lost inspiration for life. it is not because of the sex. it is because of the love interaction. it is a hard thing to be solibate.
but i have taken the goal and i will do it till the end. i wanna see what will be the consequences.
i think i will be gone to india at one point. after this solibacy excersise is completely done. then i leave. there is no place for such thing in the west. not really. one has to go to the mountains. for ever. i think.
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Posted : Mar 7, 2009 22:00
welgome beck
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Mar 8, 2009 18:37
thanks, i cant wait for this moment.
psycoactive psybeing
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Mar 9, 2009 10:04
You dont need to go to mountains to attain spritual advancement, physical and mental celibacy proves to be a major stepping stone on the path of sprituality, coz it conserves and strengthens ones mental n physical energy which is needed to channelise it on right direction.
Without a living Guru or a perfect master who is alive and himself reached the state of self realisation, its difficult to progress. Find a true master first, who will mould ur thoughts in right direction and guide you on the path.
Intense desire n will to detach ones self from the quaqmire of mortal existence is a natrual impulse of the self but again one gets attached to the world n its illusion. |