Israel promotor fuck up nightmare.
IsraTrance Senior Member
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Posted : Sep 13, 2011 10:38
wow, like yuli i also wasn't here for long time, but i cannot read this post without respond:
i feel totelly asemmed for this stories!!
more then this, i know it's true! BUT as you know, the airports security ppl don't give a flying fuck about all we care, i thing someone must force them to treat ppl (and ofcourse artists) with more humanity and respect!
this the best way to do the whorst diplomatic relations ever!
as a long years party producer i feel we have to take those things in care, or else we might suffer from low motivions from artiests abroud cooming to isreal.
and fuxi nadu, i understand as israeli partiot how do you feel, but you should also understand the 2 sides of the coin..
no metter how much we write about reviews like this, we need to get better for ourselfs, and no connetions to politics.
  Never give up on your love ..
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when gazolin is so high, choose the natural way to fly.. LapLand's gooses ruells air.. |
moon feast
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Posted : Sep 13, 2011 20:51
wow, i read this blog n i have 2 say its all true!
first when an israeli say he is a"good guy" dont belive becous he is not.
those ppl did it in perpes 2 u, (what came first the chiken or the ege, well we know that the ege came first!)
in israel ppl dont do a good job becouse there lazy (but telling that they hard worker, they foll only them self),n try 2 put the folt on sombodey else. (im an israeli n go 2 trance partys 4 the last 15 years, so i know..)
i love the sumi finish still trance, but maby we dont desorve 2 here it becouse the israeli laying aditod. i love israel but when some girl in airport, gavement offic bank n so choing a gum in your face n misteaking your fill just make me angry! sory 4 the israely mentalety i hope not all like this, n i seen a lot of good but thos mafia ppl R IDIOTS! |
Colin OOOD
OOOD/Voice of Cod
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Posted : Sep 14, 2011 15:20
Perhaps it's not quite this simple, but I think one thing artists can do to help themselves is to refuse to fly El Al. All the stories I have heard, and my own bad experiences with airport security in the 1990s, happened when the flight was with El Al; when I DJd in Israel this February I insisted on a different airline and had no real problems even though I was picked out of the crowd within seconds of leaving the plane and asked a few questions... Which I answered truthfully If artists make it clear when discussing a booking that they will not step onto an El Al flight then perhaps we might hear fewer of these stories... Maybe.
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IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Sep 16, 2011 18:58
On 2011-07-21 05:22, V3NOM wrote:
When I visited Israel a few years ago with my wife who has a mild form of cerebral palsy & is Chinese the airport security called her "a spastic Asian bitch" and asked me why I'd want to fuck her?
They then proceeded to say they need to check her and then placed a cup hand over her breat and burst out laughing when she started to cry.
We have been to US, India, Nepal, Malaysia & even some of the poorer countries in eastern Europe and none have been close to this.
I'll never ever go to that fucking country again. When we got through security straight away I cancelled the trip & we flew out that night.
I have a lot of respect for Jewish/Israeli people, and many are my friends here in Australia, but the treatment of my then girlfriend now wife was the worst in the world.
Fucking pricks.
What the fuck. Your one experience makes me feel murder should be legal.
  So drunk i can brarely spell. |
Faxi Nadu / Elmooht
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Posted : Sep 18, 2011 12:13
On 2011-09-13 20:51, moon feast wrote:
first when an israeli say he is a"good guy" dont belive becous he is not.
those ppl did it in perpes 2 u, (what came first the chiken or the ege, well we know that the ege came first!)
in israel ppl dont do a good job becouse there lazy (but telling that they hard worker, they foll only them self)
so this is not generalizing, not racist, its all good yes?
i am getting fed up with the hypocrisy in this scene.
there are good people everywhere.
there are shit people everywhere.
i thought psy was all plur and shit no?
The Way Back |
Bar Mitzwa
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Posted : Oct 21, 2011 12:19
israhell |
Bar Mitzwa
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Posted : Oct 21, 2011 12:21
but i think, in everybody sleeps a lil jew!!!
sometimes iam soo hungry on money $_$
and this is the jew in me!
so be good to us! |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Dec 1, 2011 13:01
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Posted : Dec 3, 2011 12:28
I know there should be an equal treatment to everybody and all, but please don't compare Simon Posford to the topic starter.
I am sure every time Simon comes here he gets an AAA treatment (and btw he absolutely deserves it)
  Everyone in the world is doing something without me |
IsraTrance Senior Member
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Posted : Dec 25, 2011 23:44
Sorry Venom and topic starter that this happened to u.I live here for 5 years and never had any problem with the airport but i guess cuz i kinda look regular and stuff.Most of the ppl are nice.But like everyone is saying theres always good people and bad people.Peace.
The Greatest Sophistication is figuring out how not to be sophisticated |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Dec 26, 2011 15:54
Sorry to hear you had a bad time in Israel. Your ‘blog posting does come across as rather passive-aggressive from the outset. I can see Faxi Nadu's point; your beef should be with the promoter if s/he was responsible for your travel, accommodation and transfer arrangements. You booked a hotel that wasn't up to your standards (and was hospitably driven around to find a suitable replacement) and you use that to raise some ugly politics and generalisations.
I have many dj collegues, who are either afraid or have political or religious views making it impossible for them to spread the word of their music in the holy land
Perhaps you could also consider the situation some artists have to face because they included Israel in their arena tour plans; the limitation of Israeli artists' tour destinations; or the limitations arising from those Israel stamps on your passport, before suggesting some sort of Israeli hatred or dictatorial attitude against non-Israelis, non-Jews or whomever you think is being unfairly targeted.
You appear to have several issues in your blog post;
KLM losing your luggage on a previous trip;
the promoter;
the accommodation you booked;
the airport being closed on Shabbat;
the airline security.
KLM (or any airline) losing Your luggage.
Luggage gets lost on all airlines. I help the baggage handlers out by sticking some duct tape or broad masking tape on each face of my luggage and writing my surname, flight code and destination with a black marker pen. It seems to be working so far. I put a packing list and travel itinerary outline in with each piece of luggage and keep a copy on me so if they do have to open luggage to find me they can. A friend of mine from school is a baggage handler at the local airport and said if everyone did this he wouldn't have to fanny about taking luggage out to look for tags and everything would run more smoothly. It's bad enough lifting them all to stow them, let alone picking items out of a cludge to find tags saying where they are supposed to go. Baggage handlers are paid peanuts and are expected to continually handle loads (>25kg) in a ‘lift and turn’ manner which in most other industries there are manual handling regulations to limit the musclo-skeletal harm such manual handling operations can do.
The promoter
I can’t really make any comment on the promoter.
Due diligence
It's incumbent on you to corroborate all travel arrangements, transfers, contact details, itinerary, duration of sets, style of sets, technical rider and welfare rider before travelling. If you are playing internationally a lot, consider employing the services of a corporate travel agent, perhaps even a tour management firm.
I would have thought it was your responsibility to make arrangements to take some cash to cover incidental expenses in case things went Baroness Tonge and you become unable to get to a bank or Bureau de Change to get destination currency.
[Id like at this point to whinge about the exchange rate in Finland and the horrendous price of a freaking beer, and everything else oh and the weather … always the weather]
Security Checking at Airport
I used to be interrogated, searched, have my clothes and electronic items X-rayed on LY flights, which is why I'd only fly El Al to and from Israel. I'm Jewish (not that that has any bearing on my choice of carrier) and at the time of travelling was a Chabadnik and wore suits, a beard, peyos, kippa, tzitzit.. A lot of it has to do with how you book, when you book and whence you have came..
Czech Airlines are cheapest from here [UK] I recall. Make sure you are not a gypsy though as CzA have been known to mark their tickets with a ‘G’.
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Dec 26, 2011 15:55
Back to El-Al I'm glad there are security people to do that and keep me and other passengers safe and that the Protective Security Department shit you up (and shit me up) a bit. I don't mean that personally but because that's their job and it's the most effective way for them to perform and protect passengers, border, airspace and in the case of Elal the national flag carrier as well. The strategy works. Though it doesn't seem like it, they are on the passengers' side. Suck it up!
At least you acknowledge that some lunatic might try to blow up a plane or disco or stab up partygoers under Dinamo's sky.
Please also note that security, customs and immigration checks like this take place in international airports everywhere. There's been a recent fly-on the wall series on UK television about UK Border
Agency and a similar programme about their Australian counterparts, nothing at odds with your experience and from what I understand from my Israeli friends (some now sadly deported) the British border controls have quite a reputation for being heavy handed. Please consider:
1) You had an overnight in Helsinki from Portugal before travel.
2) You flew through Schipol, an airport associated with Amsterdam a city renowned for drug use and renowned as a source and transfer station for drugs even if quantities are 'a little bit of personal'.
3) You are in the music industry due to play a rave.
4) You appear to have had no accommodation booked (plane bombers probably wouldn’t either) That can be perceived like triple+ postage on an international mail package, somewhere just below a one-way.
The former three factors would flag up contraband concerns with most customs and border agencies. If you also booked at short notice that would also count in the algorithm towards being questioned as last-minute booking is a ploy used as an attempt to evade counter-terrorism checks used by all airlines (not just El Al or flights to/from/via Israel)
A quite high profile psy producer was detained in Harmondsworth Detention Centre (which my ex employer runs) and deported from the UK a couple of years ago. He is unable to return to the UK.
It should be incumbent on both the artist and promoter to ensure that the artist has the necessary papers to perform scheduled and ad-hoc gigs. If a promoter suggests an artist chance it by not having a visa the artist should drop them like a hot potato.
Unfortunately I didn't hear about his detention until after, not that I would expect diplomatic assistance for him from the cultural desk at the embassy whom I have historically had contact with. Pretty shit outcome considering they are among my favourite producers.
Talking of cultural desks you should maybe hook up with the cultural desk at your state's embassy in your destinations for advice and possibly support they can sometimes help with PR and know how to work the media.
For those suggesting there is something afoot against non-Jews, non-Israelis that is utter bullshit. You know, AFAIC the El Al security arrangements were water off a ducks back, I’m pretty clearly Jewish, and was checked so those assertions that they are picking on non Jews are utter bulltulip.
The hospitality in Israel was exceptional, people were delighted to see visitors. After being told numerous times how rude Israelis were I found the opposite. Only one incident though travelling through the spectrum of Jewish and Arab worlds in IL and that was from the place I least expected it, the Shenkin crowd; I went to a record shop on Shenkin and was told in no uncertain terms to:
“get out the shop, go on, this shop isn’t for you. Go to another one, there’s one up the road for your sort of music”
I explained I was looking for some local psy and they reluctantly let me in, demoed loads of CD and vinyl warez, on local and international labels which I bought and they pointed me to the right venues and nights. I bought a shed load more at Tower records though.
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Dec 26, 2011 15:55
It's unfortunate there is a lack of quality mid range and lower range accommodation in Israel. As you say “too cheap or too dear”, the market hasn’t developed on the supply side for mid range chains like Premier, travellodges. Most of us can't afford the TLV beach front 5 stars, the mid range if you can find them are expensive for what one gets, and the bed and breakfasts and hostels are like B&Bs and hostels everywhere; varying quality accessibility and price. As an 'industrial gypsy' (I rarely work in my home city), I've stayed in plenty B&Bs and cheap hotels throughout UK and Europe; places with used condoms, forgotten sandwiches down the side of the bed, dirty sheets, places where hoteliers steal *my* towels, many without working hot showers or the hot water is used up after 06:30 hours once the larks have left for their day . Ugh! Places I want to wipe my feet when I leave. Many have been booked though the local authority 'book a bed ahead service'.
One can get that anywhere it's a product of budget and not researching accommodation, not low national standards or perceived treatment of neighbours. Hotels aren’t a state matter anyway; the market determines the number and size and quality of hotels. Bringing in a political comment regarding Israel's image isn't really warranted is it, unless your blog is an excuse for some sort of passive-aggressive political beef. Bear in mind that a promoter or anyone else is unlikely to have experienced the room standards of many, if any hotel and B&B rooms in their own city. You need to work with the promoters on this, whichever country you are visiting.
I don’t think the Ministry of Tourism want to develop clubbing and party tourism (per BBC programme Clubbing the World c.2000). I wouldn't like to see Israel turned into somewhere like Ayia Napa, Benidorm or San Antonio IBZ either but a greater number of mid range rooms for normal budgets would be great (not that they can fill them just now).
Bed bugs (Cimicidae) aren't a problem in only down-at-heel establishments or dirty beds. Their international prevalence is a product of global travel and they’re after warm blood in the small hours of the morning not a tidy environment.
Are you sure the other insects were cockroaches and not Demestid beetles, which are far more common and particularly prevalent in accommodation where guests eat in their rooms?
Future visits
I'm not blaming you for your experiences and not sure how much of an active or passive role you took in determining the outcomes of the visit but perhaps you could:
mistake proof your luggage as suggested above,
accept that you might have to stay in less salubrious surroundings sometimes,
work with promoters and help them help you by searching out hotel reviews for something to an agreed budget and corroborating all the arrangements, keeping backups of itineraries
and as Shahar suggests
negotiate terms including escort to [named] hotel, airport security.
Perhaps get a tour management firm, lawyer or the like to draft up contract T&Cs, rider forms. This helps promoters act professionally too.
I assume there aren't the hire companies around in Israel to satisfy your technical rider so you have to travel with your own kit. Is there any documentation you could provide to assist taking your kit across borders in future?
Faxi Nadu / Elmooht
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Posted : Dec 27, 2011 06:17
IsraTrance Senior Member
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Posted : Dec 27, 2011 18:24