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Israel promotor fuck up nightmare.


Started Topics :  45
Posts :  111
Posted : Jan 23, 2011 07:04:47

Not all of my trips as Haltya to the holy-land have been a disaster, but I had such a nightmare trip to Israel last time that i thought of posting my story here for everybody to read. I tried to make a bad situation sound funny, so here goes..

Unfortunately isratrance wouldnt let me post the whole text on this forum as it was too long, so instead i put it up on my blog :

happy reading
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jan 23, 2011 10:20
hi tommi, i have just spent the past 25 minutes reading your post, and i must say i am completely and utterly shocked of what you describe here.

i had (and still dont have) any idea about the way artists get treated and taken care of here, but its absolutely disgusting and sadly i am not surprised at some of the behavior of the promoters (only taking care of their asses).

i dont know where you have been and what have you seen in all your visits in israel, but i seriously hope that you werrent booked by these kinds of promoters as it would give a very wrong and dark impression of israel, and i can assure you (and im pretty sure others artists that have visited here can vouch for the same) this is not the way israeli people are, nor is its trance scene.

i would like to ask of how you were treated and what impression did you get when playing at the indigo festival here in may 2010, because i honestly would like to know if this is a nationwide phenomena (the promoters of the indigo festival seem to me like a much more serious organization, but then again, you never know...)

Started Topics :  45
Posts :  111
Posted : Jan 23, 2011 13:49
yes, indigo is a quality venue.

There are ofcourse many cool parties in the holy land, many cool people, not all of my trips to israel have been a disaster.

My last trip to israel however was a complete disaster.

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 24, 2011 13:23
hi tommi,

very shockin report, i read the entire blog and couldnt believe it.. seems so surreal that an artist of your caliber (or any artist coming from abroad) will be treated like this.

there are many childish and ignorant people in the israeli scene (part of the reasons i dont go to parties anymore) but there are also very good people who still keep this spirit alive.

hope this wont affect your future trips to il and you will keep bombin us with unreal tunes from outa winland.

Scratch 22

Started Topics :  72
Posts :  548
Posted : Jan 26, 2011 12:29
hi tommi,
very sad to ready all that...
personally i never go to these guys parties and events.
as you said for yourself not all your visits to israel were like that. i hope the rest of your visits will once again show you the better side of israel and israelis.
i heard of stuff like this happening all aournd the world not jus in israel ... shity kid promoters fucking up artists. it`s a shame that`s what the scene has come to.
most israeli`s i know would give you their own bed rather than stick you at a whortel....or at least try and give you a warm israeli hospitality.
trust karma to give these @#$5 what`s coming for them.
as for ben gurion security you`ll have to pay the price of israeli paranoia ... sorry but we just can`t do anyting about it.
hope your next visit will fixe the horrible impresion of this one.
and alway remember to get the $ b4 you even touch one`s a shame it has to be like this but " ce la v".....

p.l.u.r           if u dig deep enough u just might reach the sky...

"dream is destiny"

Started Topics :  144
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Posted : Jan 27, 2011 21:08
sad indeed           Check out my music page - free music , new style and more :)
Faxi Nadu / Elmooht

Started Topics :  282
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Posted : Feb 2, 2011 15:55
the israeli scene is what "made" the suomi artists. yah you had a bad experience, but your blog post is full of generalizations and bad rap about israel and israelis.

The Way Back
Faxi Nadu / Elmooht

Started Topics :  282
Posts :  3394
Posted : Feb 2, 2011 15:56
"Everytime i go to Israel there is a couple of uncertainty factors; i never know if i will enter the country, or if some lunatic blows up the plane, if there is a serious war episode while i am there, or some hypnotized kid trying to blow up the nearest disco. My insurance company doesn't even pay any insurance money to my family in case of death in Israel, because the insurance company marks it as a class 1 war zone.

Fact : Global Peace Index ranks Israel as the worlds 4th most dangerous country. That's how serious the sad sit com is over there. They are in serious need of equilibrium, both sides, and need to stop the violence, but its easier said than done unfortunately. People are in need of disillusionment.

Meanwhile innocent bystanders and tourist like myself are getting sucked into Israels national paranoia."

DUDE, seriously, fuck you and your music. don't like it? don't come!           
The Way Back
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  60
Posts :  1151
Posted : Feb 4, 2011 01:48
i think you have pretty much lost your sense of humor and cynism faxi...

hes was being very sarcastic about the story even tho he went thru a nightmare... you should read this post on the trance section...

Started Topics :  49
Posts :  485
Posted : Feb 25, 2011 17:26
well really sad to read this in fact. Personaly when I came to play to Israël it was really professional and they take care of me at 100% (Cafot Crew) and super nice party and people. So I think maybe it was badluck. I remember when I started to play and I get gig in foreign country, I had also really bad experience with one gig in Berlin. We went with 2 friends of mine to play. Then we arrived, a woman brought us to the place where we were supposed to sleep. Well It was kind of squatt with no shower and not even a bed to sleep correctly. For them was NORMAL!!!!! they don't even pay us a drink or a lunch. And I don't talk about set. Not even a penny. I had to contact Highko and he invited us to his wonderful flat (145 Karlmarxstrasse, I think this place doesn't exist anymore sad )and there we had possibility to take a shower and rest little bit and spend cool moment. I think this is not an isolate case and this can happen.           Nia KOR
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Mar 6, 2011 04:49
I had to take off my clothes off once, fully, in a special room in a special little cabinette for the officials, and lift my balls for them too. After not finding whatever they were looking for, they then apologized for the inconvinience for having to lift my balls for them. It imidiately ofcourse switched the flip in my mind and i was thinking why it was that they were sorry for having seen my reproductive units. i was thinking they should thank me for it, and say something nice to me cause it propably was the luckiest day of their lives. sadly they never paid me for the show.


Timo and Pasi seemed happy with their sex appartment, and it was ok. Where else would Texas Faggot stay, than at a sex motel ironically?

In the middle of it all we also had to check for missing luggage as Timo's bag also went lost. ( ... ) either me or the faggotts would be possible to play the live gigs, cause both of us had vital important equipmet for the live shows in our lost luggages.

I guess it was sort of a good thing in a bad situation that you weren't alone on having missed important gig luggage! It’s nice to not feel alone.

Back at my new motel room 1:30 in the night just after falling into deep sleep with my ear plugs and sleeping mask on (yes, i am a vampire), somebody was knocking at the door. i imediately sprung up and was sure that it was the promotor coming to feed me and bringing me perhaps a friendly falafel as a night snack. Little did i know that when i opened the door there was two religious jewish men in suits, maybe 35-45 of age with kipas on their back head trying to hide their bold spot, dressed as if they where coming from a funeral. i opened the door and asked : "yes? its 1:30 in the morning". "wheres china?", they replied. I was kinda dazed and confused having just being awoke by two religulously fashion oriented jews with the latest kipa models and wasn't sure if it was a trick question or if china was a place or a person. "who's china?" i repied. "china, china, you know.. china!.." ,they insisted. Me: "china?". "china, china.." they continued, as if it was a given no brainer. I said that i don't know what they are talking about and told them it was late and that i was going to close the door and go to sleep again. I turned around, looked at the jacuzzi, the bed, the mirrors the red tapestry, and had a minor aha moment having understood that china was in fact a working girl. Some girl that they were looking for.

omg what a visual in my head from those guys asking for ,,china”

Why would the promotor put me to sleep in a whore house i thought to myself, whats the trick?

Hey, you’re from crazy Finland, the originizer proberly thought you would like it and be happy with the conditions. Like compliment. Crazy Suomi’s ..

i didnt feel good at all, and was very angry looking for the promotor to feed me or at least give me some shekels so that i could get some food.

Excuse me (maybe I’mconfusing here), are promoters supposed to feed you as well, I mean All expensive inclusive? That’s a tad strange, innit? I would think you are responsible to keep yourself alive. When I arranged some Love&Magic parties I had Moonweed (Dragonfly rec.) from London, he slept on my couch, I fed him joints and alcohol and some food, like normal people, he was my guest after all. But for sure he brought some ‘lunch’ money to buy himself some extra food, drinks... I get it that it's no idea coming to another country (flight, place to stay and some extra stash for paid by organizer, of course) and getting paid only to be forced to use so much money that in the end your stuck with a paid trip to another country (which is always nice, unless you’ve been doing it for years and years and the excitement about it is gone ..) but you have used all the money supposedly earned. To end in minus on the bank account isn’t nice at all. I see that one. Just thought it sounded like you demanded All expenses to be paid, like no responsibility for self. But I think I read too much into it (:

"i take pleasure in killing arabs, i eat them with a spoon."

oh my. That ass grabber .. You should have looked at him funny and asked; 'What, you like to spoon arabs? Hehh .. Anyway, wanna sleep on my couch! I promise a good time without violence and post-war syndromes *Norway ja

i asked him all in all maybe 5-7 times to repeat it, thinking that he might actually hear himself saying it out loud at some point and stop it himself

good one as well.

it all happend right at the dj table infront of everybody while texas faggott was playing ironically

ahahah poor guy. Doesn’t he know to watch out for the Finnish knife?

That was one great story, really enjoyed reading your writing and felt for you thought I could see the side of the promoters sometimes since there are always two or more sides to a situation, especially in hectic moments.To bad it for sure wasn't as fun experiencing it as it was for me reading it.Also good thing you didn't end up tripping while and after the post-stress-ass-grabber guy.Thinking about the hotel and beachparty and all.


Btw I liked your Blog page a lot, the background really starts to float after you start reading-)

PS. At the airport-gig, they had like speakers and all for you to plug-into? Kool. Did they dance, move their hips, nod their heads?


DUDE, seriously, fuck you and your music. don't like it? don't come!

WOW! .. dude.
Undertaker/Mr Ponce

Started Topics :  29
Posts :  69
Posted : Mar 13, 2011 05:33
tomi sincerely encourage your music is not my style, but still no one should be treated as you treated, unfortunately I think what happened to you happens in all countries that psytrance like a crazy boy drugged and almost always have a party thinks is very easy and makes a lot of money when they have an idea of what artists and schedule even treat not as a god but as someone who does not know the place you go, anyway hopefully this will not happen ever but no where

Started Topics :  1
Posts :  126
Posted : Mar 26, 2011 15:45
Well, well....
what was the organisation name again ? 

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  30
Posted : May 12, 2011 19:23
I feel embarrassed for ppl like these "organizers" and faxinadu here. They r the true bad example of Israel. But, there's another side, and I hope u'll get to see it someday.
Fu Hsi
Perfect Stranger

Started Topics :  5
Posts :  235
Posted : May 14, 2011 23:37
Haven't visited Isratrance for quite a long time, and I am bored in Curitiba so I said why not to check it... After reading the blog:

1. Tommi sorry that you had to deal with all that. Unfortunately we have ppl like that in Israel, and much more than the minority we would like to think they are.

Now I will quote someone from this thread:

"the israeli scene is what "made" the suomi artists. yah you had a bad experience, but your blog post is full of generalizations and bad rap about israel and israelis. "

2. Faxi, no one "made" no one. You are a disgrace to Israeli ppl with statements like that and the following one with the "fuck you" statement. All you said in your 2 messages shows, how much Tommi's post is correct - I wish you to become a human being one day, I really do!

That was my short visit to the lovely Isratrance

Bye All!! 
Trance Forum » » Forum  Israel - Israel promotor fuck up nightmare.

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