Infected Mushroom - Legend Of The Black Shawarma {Perfecto Rec,/Hommega Rec.}
Colin OOOD
OOOD/Voice of Cod
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Posted : Sep 28, 2009 16:48
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Posted : Sep 28, 2009 19:08
this video is so lame !! omg, i am shocked !!
this is pure evil, and disrespectful, i dont care if the guy dont like the music, why so much hate ?
u can focus on reviews of music u do like, and spare us the hate , and the arrogance. we had enough of that !
i thought electronic movement is about getting ppl together and spread good vibes !
we surely dont need assholes like this guy, we have plenty of those in the goverments, police etc.
Remy [POF]
Principles Of Flight
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Posted : Sep 28, 2009 19:47
pure evil... wtf...
get a sense of humor bro...
  On 2011-03-08 23:13, moki wrote:
listening only to free music is like having the free possibility to satisfy yourself with thousends of different free sexual acts. |
Inactive User
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Posted : Sep 28, 2009 21:00
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Posted : Sep 29, 2009 01:03
This one makes my review look like a very positive one. I like it
  Everyone in the world is doing something without me |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Sep 30, 2009 00:23
So's your face! |
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Posted : Sep 30, 2009 06:20
What a joke psyreviews...He found VD interesting and gave that an 8 and this is his new review...The albums are very similar in premise and it just shows the cheap thrills he gets by doing stupid shit like this...and you guys feed his stupid ego..nice going |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Sep 30, 2009 23:03
Yeah! Well done guys!!!
Jesus christ... I mean really! |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Oct 3, 2009 19:39
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Posted : Oct 4, 2009 18:21
IsraTrance Senior Member
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Posted : Oct 4, 2009 18:30
hehehehehhe duvdev funnny man.
btw it was a bet and he lost so he put on shark dress
  ..."Be yourself, let your conscience guide you...
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Posted : Oct 10, 2009 16:39
On 2009-09-11 23:01, Fu Hsi wrote:
Personally I find this Infected Mushroom "slagging trend" pretty uncool, but it's also unavoidable I guess.
Every artist, whenever he or she make their art public, they basically give the public the rights to "lynch" them in case they have disappointed their followers.
I would, however, expect from the crowd to be a little more "grown up" ( am I crazy, it's the same crowd that prefers to drop "E" that lasts for 5 hours anytime, instead of spending the same exactly amount of money and buy their favorite artist album... ).. Yeah and as a "grown up" let your old idols, do what they want or decided to according to their personal interests and wishes... When Infected started making music, they never signed a contract that makes them liable to make just specific genre, and stay there. Where they go from that moment in time, is totally their choice...
And accordingly, if I must go there, then unlike all the bashing here, they fill up big clubs and play all over the planet.. Again, some may slag them again for making cheesy music and all, but the bottom line is simple and I guess this is what really annoying some of the people writing here.
I am not an Infected fan btw, I really admire their talent, unfortunately most of what they do is not my cup of tea ( Smashing The Opponent is killer pop song btw, anyway you turn it, I was personally singing it for couple of days after I heard it on the radio ), I just dislike all this "blind" hatred and slagging just cuz its cool and trendy to go down on someone.
My 2 paisa
at least some fairness here.
Most people I know who are hating infected don't even took the time to listen to their newer albums. Listened to them not at all or once at best and only without wanting to give them a chance and massivly narrow minded and full of prejustice.
Sometimes for me the "anti-IM" front appeals like the Nazis in the video who do not accept any other music than psytrance. For sure a lot of the opponents that try to smash IM don't seem to have an own opinion nor actually try to make their own opinion or give IM a chance, they, (actually same behavioural pattern as in Nazi-germany) just repeat the opinion that is being ment to be the right and cool one. Everybody who sais he like IM is just smashed down as "you like pop you looser".
I wonder if the video with hitler etc. is made by someone who wanted to show exactly that or by someone who didn't realize that the video is actually showing similarities between blind IM hatered and Nazis.
Please note: SIMILARITIES!!!! Similar PATTERNS!! not more! nothing as worse as what really happend in the 1940s
Sure it's all about taste, and of course there are a lot of reasons not to like IM and all. But first one has to give them a chance, take some time and make an OWN opinion.
On 2009-09-12 09:25, Yidam wrote:
On 2009-09-12 06:18, Fu Hsi wrote:
At least those crowds buy the music they like!!
Very sharp point! So much so it stings.
Personally I have listened to the album a couple of times by now and I'd say it gets better. I like the the last couple of songs better than anything in the beginning. Up to track 8 I find (so far) most songs not really working for me. Except "smashing the opp." which Is a good pop song indeed, a bit too shallow for my taste, but I think it's good music.
Maybe others feel the same with the first couple of songs and stop paying attention for the last songs.
"Project 100" is AWSOME. I like it a lot. So much expression in the final. The songs after that seem to be pretty ok too, but I have to listen to it a bit more to be sure.
Generally I have always found 2 to 4 songs on every infected album that I still like. And with this album it is not different.
I'm a bit a synesthesian, that means I see colours and shapes when I listen to music. What I critizise on this album is that it to me has less colours then the older albums. up to vicious delicious I saw a relatively big variety of colours and in this album I see many times the same colours.
One thing I have learned about IM is that when I listen to their albums again and again, give them time, years sometimes, I discover new songs that I simply didn't understand before. They are musicians, not producers, its not trance they ever made that has to work on first sight. what they do sometimes needs time to ripe and I hope this album will reveil more to me later.
Anyways, I want to add to the discussion. It is a difference if you make good music that sells or if you make music to sell.
There are musicians in psytrance that are far less successful than infected and are considered uncommercial an all but actually fit their style so that it appeals to most people possible so that they get more bookings... they sell themselves and most people don't even think of calling them commercial, but in the sense of the word they are.
Infected may have sold themselves with this album more than earlier, I don't know but for sure this is unique, original, personal and totally honest. and that is more than can be said of a lot of psytrance that is sooo underground..
Is it psytrance? possibly no. Is it psychedelic? maybe not, maybe yes because through its style it opens (some) horizons which in the sense of the word "psychedelic - mind expanding" is psychedelic.
Is techno psytrance? is techno psychedelic? its here too, so stop fussing about IM's style.
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IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Oct 12, 2009 01:10
On 2009-10-10 16:39, subconsciousmind wrote:
"Project 100" is AWSOME. I like it a lot. So much expression in the final.
That's the one track that really knocked me for six on the frist listen. I really like those vocals especially!
"Franks" and "Herbert the pervert" are also very amazing tracks. I consider this to be IM's best work to date.
I really can't see how this is selling out as it's IM all over. It's definately their sound.
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Posted : Oct 12, 2009 04:51
On 2009-10-10 16:39, subconsciousmind wrote:
Sometimes for me the "anti-IM" front appeals like the Nazis in the video who do not accept any other music than psytrance. |
I like all sorts of music (ambient, blues, folk, jazz, classical, metal, rock, reggae, etc), but I still think IM sucks. It's just terrible predictable and cheesy, topped off with horribly singing. I think a lot of people here ARE forming their own opinion, it just happens to be the opinion that IM sucks.
I do agree people tend to be very closed-minded when it comes to other genres of music though. I have never understood how people can listen to just one kind of music. I would get so bored doing that. To each his/her own though |
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Posted : Oct 12, 2009 09:47
On 2009-10-12 04:51, travbrad wrote:
On 2009-10-10 16:39, subconsciousmind wrote:
Sometimes for me the "anti-IM" front appeals like the Nazis in the video who do not accept any other music than psytrance. |
I like all sorts of music (ambient, blues, folk, jazz, classical, metal, rock, reggae, etc), but I still think IM sucks. It's just terrible predictable and cheesy, topped off with horribly singing. I think a lot of people here ARE forming their own opinion, it just happens to be the opinion that IM sucks.
I do agree people tend to be very closed-minded when it comes to other genres of music though. I have never understood how people can listen to just one kind of music. I would get so bored doing that. To each his/her own though
Thanks for the link, very interesting indeed. I still feel the comparison is justified especially since I especially pointed out the difficulty of such a comparison and because I'm not pulling it out from nowhere but refer to the video that has been posted within this thread. Furthermore against what the theory says I think that such comparisons even have to be done because otherwise people would maybe forget how little the human flaws are that have once led to such a terrible shame. Not making such a comparison, may people lead to think that we are all sooo much different than the germans where. but it has afterwards with psychological experiments been proved in various countrys that WE are NOT that different. Godwin wants people not to compare everyday deeds to the behaviour of people in NAZI germany, but the fact is that everyday deeds in nazi germany have led to what happened in the end. Think about it.
Of course many people are forming their opinion about IM. So you are too, good! Did I say something different? I just say a lot of people are also NOT forming their opinion. It is obvious and I'm not the only one seing that (see other post for instance from perfect stranger) that there is a IM hatred here. And I'm only refering to this.
The thing with opinions is that everybody always thinks he has an own opinion. Nobody would ever admit (not even to himself) that he has actually not really formed his own opinion, so what I wrote here is not for those who probably fell into blind hatered, but for those who don't dare to say their opinion about IM anymore because they fear how that would look in public.
I've read so many sentences like this in this forum: "you are probably going to smash me for this, but I still think IM is good" And when people start to write their opinion about a subject like this there has something been going on that hasn't been fair.
"cheesy" for me is a term that only applies to unhonest music, ungenouinly expressed emotions. I don't think that applies to IM, but that might be a language problem and might just be my definition if cheesy. maybe it would be interesting to learn if basically honest music can be cheesy?
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