In which direction would you like the "psytrance boat" to sail ?
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Nov 20, 2010 20:02
I surely hope what Tina described isn’t going to happen. Well, the whole New-Agey thingy with Feng Shui and astrology – that’s fine with me, could be an interesting experiment, as long as it does not become the theme of every festival. It’s that bit about senates financing the festivals and trance becoming political that makes me puke. I remember when Scorpions and Gorby had a joint press conference. That was the day I stopped listening to both. |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Nov 20, 2010 20:21
i can assure you, it will not become a theme of every trance festival ))) you see ,, it is also a reason why the poor trance boat cannot sail anymore - lots of people want totally diferent things from it and the poor boat can simply not move any more, unless some more people leave the boat and the boat can take a consequent straight direction. ((and may be finally do a great thing for humanity and leave the harbour. heard this is a basic in being psychedelic : leave the sight to the harbour and sail away. ))
it is just a "theme" that arises more and more in the culture of nowadays in countries with bigger standards and high need of innovations and premium services. if trance becomes a part of it - probably not. but the question was, where would you like to see trance sailing. i would fine it nice, but it is certainly not a direction that would interest much of the sailors in the boat:)).
i predict that the trance boat will be sinking at least for five years more till it looks for another boat. of course it may have the BIG LUCK to finally get rid of the sailors who wanted another direction ( like me). and then finally sail away:).
hope you will sleep better this night after being assured that the sexy boat from the last page is more likely to happen. but it must be a low cost package if the festival market goes on like that. )) but low cost package is somehow a part of the image of trance.
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Nov 20, 2010 22:53
Nah, "sexy boat" does not interest me either. I want the psytrance boat to be a swift schooner, not a cruise ship. Trance parties organized by capitalist mega-promoters or festivals financed by senates or converted into Green Party conventions - those are about equally horrible outcomes to me. Not exactly equal: the capitalist way is still not as bad as the institutionalized one, imho.
Psytrance as a modern form of global folk music - a swift sail boat made in a small dock by sailors themselves and carrying no flags - that's what I am hoping for. As for the direction - I am ready for surprises. |
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Posted : Nov 20, 2010 23:29
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Nov 21, 2010 05:49
On 2010-11-20 14:16, Beat Agency wrote:
On 2010-11-20 14:07, Moki.Time.Wave.Zero wrote:
this is like the wisdom with the friends > tell me what you hallucinate and i will tell you who you are. but freud knew this best. there is a boat but it is empty.
some more points that i want to see and i do see coming:
- astrology and feng shui will play much bigger role for festivals. ppl will chose the dates according to the stars, the places according to the earth lines and the music according to the stars.
- the governments will support this rather than trying to kill it. the senats will be proud of it and finance it.
- all festivals will be a green zone and very soon self sustained. they will become more and more political.
- and it will happen with or without the trance boat. but the trance boat has more magicians of sound than any other boat. so i suppuse it will happen with trance.
Yet another reason why this Boat is sinking (I jumped off the boat a while back).. Astology and Feng Shui? geeezzzzz to the rest too!
Number one thing that must leave this scene:
  "The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures." |
IsraTrance Senior Member
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Posted : Nov 21, 2010 07:36
i feel psytrance is not a boat
it is the wind and the other styles are the boats look at it this way..psy has been around for long time and it has gone commercial and then gone underground then again gone commercial then gone it plays hide and the wind you never really know when and where it will come may get a drift of it if you follow it may think its going to be psytech, psyproggressive or whatever but you never suddenly an old styler nitzonooter will come turn the tide and swing the mood..therefore psytrance. is more like the wind..wind that blows in the the sails and the wind that blows from my ass its all wind ...after all music is nothing but wind and if the wind smells good the food must taste good
...and boats must bring fish and lobsters so i can satisfy my gluttony, and lust..followed my dance frenzy...oh and the psytrance boat is Hedonistic Voyeuristic Pleasure Seekers Boat come naked  When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Nov 21, 2010 14:53
On 2010-11-20 22:53, Maine Coon wrote:
. Not exactly equal: the capitalist way is still not as bad as the institutionalized one, imho.
i see what you mean.
i prefer the institutionalized way because:
- the cultural senat has the same interests as i do, and doesnt need any consumers of night life parties who do not enrich the metropolitan cultural variety. if they support financially such projects ( switzerland is one of the countries we could learn a lot from ) , it might be possible that the true psychedelic heads will have more chances to fullfil innovative ideas of projects and events, than the hard capitalists of our scene, who make same festivals since years ynd years, make a bunch of losers happy and buy a house in jamaica with the exchange of capitalist potential.
- it will remove the capitalist access ( the 80 euros (!) entrance to festivals) and turn it to a free culture sponsored and supported by the culture senat and this is what a democratic senat is for - to follow the interests of the citizens who need variety of culture
- i believe, any person , no matter his/her financial status, should have access to culture, art and information. and this is what the taxes of the big capitalists should be used for.
- and we can use any political establishment for our goals. it is easier and wiser to direct our interests onto the interests of the senats rather than to try to make an island out of our culture ( which is not possible anyway, because at the end we will ALL realize that we cannot survive financially without the outside world unless we steal or " become more energy" than we give away. so for examle the goals of the european union are a great thing and should be used for good. i am sure you can find such institutions all over the world. and to work with the big heads of our economies and politics.
- but i must say that berlin is unique too. we have a cool guy who is running the city, a gay who is protecting alternative culture a at least ofr berlin i know it is the right way.
sorry for the long post, it is a great topic and i hope to hear more opinions.
p.s. xolvex a great expression about the wind and the boats of the other styles. i would see it otherwise. we are the boat. they are the wind.
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Nov 22, 2010 02:38
On 2010-11-17 08:59, shahar wrote:
Nice post Fometrius.
nice that you liked it
I'd like people to open their minds. I'd like genres labels and formulas dropped.
Yeah,lets stay open minded and dont try to box everything into maps ,let people be able to be truly orginal and create something not stopped by genre mapping.
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Nov 22, 2010 02:43
On 2010-11-19 09:18, Login wrote:
Man a psy cruiser will be awesome, getting into virgin islands and make parties. Saling to the artic and making parties with big icebergs all around.
The best of all: no law enforcement in international waters.
Somebody here has to become a millonare and do it for the sake of humanity.
Would be great to have really nice parties in the arctic
People,start to play on lottery.
We have to get some poker professionals that wants to buy this boat,sending them a very good cd might be something,hehe. Then we can have a poker room to.There we also can learn some really good stuff from the professionals and when the ship goes to land we can make some big money at casinos and through net poker.Then we upgrade the ship and make it really huge and turn it into a "floating city"
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Nov 22, 2010 02:45
On 2010-11-19 20:15, Mike A wrote:
On 2010-11-19 03:13, Fometrius wrote:
Lots of new nice ladies
wtf is that? female borat?
This is what happens when females watches "Borat" to many times.
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Nov 22, 2010 02:48
On 2010-11-20 08:18, Anyer wrote:
On 2010-11-19 20:15, Mike A wrote:
On 2010-11-19 03:13, Fometrius wrote:
Lots of new nice ladies
me and the Red One on a Jacuzzy...god damn!!! xD!!!...they look aight for me
Sounds nice just make sure you let me have the number two from the left ,hehe
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Nov 22, 2010 02:52
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Posted : Nov 22, 2010 03:09
On 2010-11-17 05:41, mudpeople wrote:
I think i like you too.
| his is a clear, healthy, hopefull and willing person, how could you not?
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Nov 22, 2010 03:12
On 2010-11-22 03:09, fruitopia wrote:
On 2010-11-17 05:41, mudpeople wrote:
I think i like you too.
| his is a clear, healthy, hopefull and willing person, how could you not?
Fruitopia ,i like you,and what you said was some very kind words
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Nov 23, 2010 01:35
Psychedelic trance has got to be one of the only genres of music that right from the offset, the original blueprint wasn't thought good enough by it's followers who molded and manipulated it's basic frame into so many different styles from break trance to dark psy. but in my opinion all you need is that good old bouncy tribal psy sound it is the perfect music for the time and headspace it was meant for. |